Now that shazam has a movie, is there a chance that Miracleman can get a movie?

now that shazam has a movie, is there a chance that Miracleman can get a movie?

Attached: miracleman.png (200x311, 143K)

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Hope not, didnt care for Miracleman. Plus Moore’s already been hit with the Watchmen and V For Vendetta adaptations, no more for the old guy

Is his run actually good or just edgy stuff?

Possibly, but after the Snyder and Hellboy flops I don't think movie studios want to go for the dark and gritty superhero movie for a few years.

the big question is if they can do a miracleman movie that audiences won't immediately dismiss as a shazam ripoff (i mean he is but moore's run made him different enough to be considered more than a ripoff)

I like how they included a little reference to Miracleman in Shazam.

It's good edgy stuff

He didn't really care about the Watchmen & V movies. His bad experience came from LOEG because he was accused by Larry Cohen sued WB saying that Alan Moore was working on their behalf as part of a conspiracy to steal a concept he had been trying to sell them a few years before. WB gave in and payed him off, and Alan Moore felt they were throwing him under the bus by implying that he had ripped off LOEG from Cohen.

Miracleman should be an animated television series. Adapting Totleben's style would be a bit of a challenge but it would look amazing.

how many fucking times are we going to have this thread
did Yea Forumsedditors just find out miracleman exists

Yup. TV Tropes.

what do you mean friend

No, because NO ONE wants to work with Alan Moore. No one has even given him the chance to hang up on their phone calls for the DCU series.

Dude explain.

Would work better as a series, more time to explain the character

He says a word and transforms into a superhero, just like miracleman

It already happened, it's called Man of Steel

based DC

Who has the rights for Miracle Man anyway? Moore only? I heard that character has a lot of legal issues.


Marvel does.
I don't think Moore ever owned the rights

Recent interview with Gaiman talking about the character's history, you can really see the love he has for this book.
Hope those new stories will be released soon.

Damn, he got old

A security guard has “Moran” on his name tag. Miracleman’s real name is Michael Moran.

Marvel has the rights?
Why don’t they push him as one of their premier edgy shazam?

Moore held the rights as author in his own works. However, he agreed to let Marvel republish his work when it was revealed that Mick Anglo had been the rightsholder to Marvelman when Moore started working on it, and those Marvelman/Miracleman stories shouldn't by rights have happened because the publisher didn't have the right to commission them, so Marvel agreed to buy up the various collected rights and republish as a single collection as a way of righting what had been done wrong. My recollection is that Moore also waived any reprint payments he was due so that Mick Anglo would get the money instead.

Marvel has them now, but they've bought the various story rights from the various authors who worked on it after Anglo, as well I think as the old L. Miller & Son Ltd stories. The original copyright I believe still rests with Anglo's estate (his wife died a few years after he did) as is usually the case, but it's possible Marvel bought that too. Probably for a decent price since Gaiman was the one who arranged it.

The character had a lot of legal issues, but they're mostly if not entirely resolved.

Push him to who?

>There are 95,846 people in the U.S. with the last name Moran.
>Statistically the 362nd most popular last name.

Moran's a very common Irish-derived surname, and as such is fairly often found in the US (where Shazam! is set) and the UK (where Marvelman is set).

Idk Disney? Fox?
Seems like a cool character to compete with Billy (Power wise) hope they don’t butcher him though.

Yeah but they make a specific joke about it (Shazam mispronounces it “moron”) so it’s not like it’s some random dude in the background. It could just be a joke though.

nice nod if intentional

so later this year like marvel said? He doesn't say a date but it looks like he is really eager to finish the story.

Yes, that's what me need right now. Edgy Shazam. Good job, idiot.

What’s happening in the comics its been a couple of years now and no new material when is Marvel going to integrate Marvel Man into the MU?

they had some legal issues but they announced they were going to continue the publication this year.

A bit off topic but who do you guys think is better, Shazam or Miracleman?

Miracleman is literally a legally sanctioned English rip-off of Captain Marvel, he would not exist without Captain Marvel. By the same token, the dramatic core of Moore's Miracleman run (what if Captain Marvel grew up and forgot his magic word? among many other things) would have not had the same impact had it been an original concept, not one built on decades of light-hearted superhero stories for children.