Why do people say their scripts aren't that good...

Why do people say their scripts aren't that good? Their writing reminds me of simple adventure stories from the 80's/90's like We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story and Brave Little Toaster and I love those movies.

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Who is this strawman that you've concocted, so that we may correct him on his wrong opinions?

congrats on being a literal retard, stuck with the mentality of a 6 year old while even teenagers seek for more than those shitty fetch quest """"""stories""""""

Apparently here

They don't resonate with their audiences like Pixar films do. That's because their scripts ARE weak and don't leave room for development. Flair takes priority ovet substance. Don't misconstrue the two together.

In fact, let's do a little exercise: Tell me who is the main protagonist of The Boxtrolls, and why?

Coraline is a masterpiece, shame they where never able to come close to it again

Eggs/The Trabjor Baby.
Because he was abandoned when his father was captured by a man who really wanted to eat some cheese with rich people.

Coraline was the only Laika film with a good script and that's because it was written by Neil Gaiman.

Yes, no movie has as much substance as cars two

Isn't Eggs the main character of Boxtrolls? He's our introduction to the Boxtroll world, he's the one searching for them, he's the one motivating the Boxtrolls to be less afraid and goes into Snatcher's lair, and he gets the final moment to try and redeem the villain before they die.

I never doubted Eggs was the main character, I personally think he's just very boring. In terms of an "outcast trying to fit in", I thought Norman was way better.

The problem comes down to them being all the exact same script.

I haven't seen it yet

Is it worth a watch overall?

Worked for Disney throughout most of the 90's.

It has everything
>a likable and relatable protagonist
>an antagonist who is a legit threat and can be really scary
>amazing soundtrack
>perfect tone, setting, pacing, supporting characters, style. There isn't a single scene that's too long or that could have been left out
I dare you find a more perfect movie

It’s okay. Only really worth a watch if you’re a huge stop-motion enthusiast.

>a likable and relatable protagonist
Boy, I must be alone in this because I often see people say Coraline is their best movie but I think Coraline herself is a whiny brat and kind of annoying to watch. And you might say "That's the point", but that doesn't make me like her.

Of course it did, it was a different time. Before mass communication. You could get away with it.

Except her parents where actually cunts unlike the usual they are just being good parents and you don't appreciate it moral most movies would have.
If you can't like her you can at least relate to her based on that

Her parents didn't seem like cunts, she just kept annoying the fuck out of them until they told her to go away. The worst thing her mom did without being provoked to do so is cook a bad dinner.

paranorman is baffling to me, one part of it is this cheesy anti-bullying message and the other is this dark as fuck plot about a little girl who got hanged for being a witch and cursed her killers

>the other is this dark as fuck plot about a little girl who got hanged for being a witch and cursed her killers
I mean, that's basically an extreme form of bullying.

They look like a better team when she's wearing the two coat and Eggs stands tall in his Boxes. A game Neverhood Style on this could garner $20 episodes every 8 months. But it have to be a team crossover title for all four of them. And I guess Link too now, huh.

seriously nigger

I'm pretty sure that's the idea the movie is pushing. Anyone who is different is picked on with the highest consequence being "executed" instead of picked on.

If you move into a new house on a different town with your young kid the very least you could do is spend a little time with her until she gets used to it not immediately tell her to fuck off because you are busy
Plus they acted like she was nothing but a burden all the time, guess what children are supposed to be a burden and you should celebrate them and make them feel loved

It's chicken little with a coat of paint

nigga what

Something about it doesn't work for me.

pixar's movies almost all have the same plot. here is [father figure protagonist] you should relate to because you are a [parent] who took their child to see this pixar film

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Show me one person who had a problem with Kubo or Coraline. SHOW THEM TO ME. ARE YOU THERE?!?! REVEAL YOURSELF

Oh wait, this was a contrived troll post to garner attention.

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Because retarded people think that every animated movie needs a complex argument and deep character development. Not all animated movie need a complicated writing, folks.

It's the plot of chicken little
They are the same movie

you should read the original book then. she has literally no character there, which is i guess the point of the alice in wonderland book, but the film's coraline is infinitely more charismatic for her flaws

watch literally any other movie you troglodyte

I think it was retarded how the ghost of his dad looked nothing like his dad did for the entire movie
I was confused as fuck during that scene

Aw. You gotta feel a little bad for that autistic little freak. Apparently he's picked on mercilessly and going through puberty is doing him no favors.

Coraline had the only satisfying narrative, it is also not more complex than the others so it has nothing to do with simplicity

>while playing their ribs like a xylophone he hit the same bone twice, and produced two DISTINCTLY different notes. I hope someone lost their job over that blunder.

Not the same thing, but you clearly suffer from brain damage so I'll be nice and leave it at that


I;m not brain damaged, I'm just drunk!

Make it so Number 1.

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Can you name a single non-superficial similarity between Coraline and Boxtrolls?

I related way more to Norman.

>I have to overcome this fear
>I have to do these challenges

Literally 90% of all fiction and 40% of history. Try again.

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The outsider stuff I guess?

Except that 90% of fiction and 40% of history isn't the same 3 archetypes on repeat. Which is what these movies are. They literally all have the same theme.

When i was 13 i jacked off so hard to coraline after seeing the movie in theaters

Coraline's theme is accepting your lot in life and appreciating what you have. Kubo's theme is about how memories make you who you are. The only movies with similar themes are Paranorman and Boxtrolls (don't judge others for being different) and even then those films are so disparate tonally and structurally you'd have to be on crazy pills to call it recycling.

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They're not very good at the 3 act structure, which if you fuck up gets it hard for folks get invested

Parnorman's opening drags, Kubo's ending feeling rushed, and the Boxtrolls itself is meandering for the most part. In the end Coraline has the best pacing, but that's because it's based on a book

Very jealous, I saw it last week and only now have gotten to enjoy jerking off to her

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Beats me, I like 'em.

More like "what if X was sentient and had feelings"