It's a Patti episode

>it's a Patti episode

Attached: Disney's Doug Patti's Dad Dilemma.webm_snapshot_18.54_[2019.02.16_21.11.54].png (352x272, 162K)

>weeping in front of a grave marked "mayonnaise"
who though this was drama?


>it's an episode that gets memed ten years later.

Disney really tried to push Patti as a deuteragonist.

>ten years

The episode is 20 years old on the 24th.

Flatti Patti

vs Thicc Connie?

I had to look that word up you son of a bitch!

Doug has such boring taste. Why did he go for Patti?

She was obviously a dike

Doug actually didn't know anything about her. Just watched her from afar and imagined what it would be like to date her. If I remember correctly the last season they hung out a lot, with little actually in common.


Attached: 45.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)


Patty was a horrible person who multiple times used Doug as a scapegoat to project her own insecurities


woah! it's almost as if she was a girl

She couldn't ketchup to her before she jumped off the ledge

She couldn't mustard up the courage to go on.

At least she can still relish all the good times they had.


I don't think I can condiment this kind of behavior.

They had a few interactions before that, but yea, for the most part Doug would just imagine shit about her and barely interact with her as much as he did in his drugged out fantasies.

The missed message behind his crush on Patti was that he was in love with the -idea- of her, not actually her. If you compare to how she acts in his fantasies to how she actually acts, it's night and day. Doug has no actual clue who Patti Mayonnaise is.

jesus, did her dad die too? did doug throw a rock at him?

Worse, Doug tossed his salad!

Wait, her name was actually Mayonnaise ?
I thought that was some goofy shit in the french dub.

Literally everyone in the show had a pun name of sorts.

I haven't watched anything Doug related since the 90's. I wonder if it holds up today because even if I watched this a lot as kid, I can't recall any plot of any episode.


I recall it being relatively harmless, but at the same time not really all that memorable. It's artstyle was certainly interesting, at least in some cases, even if the "weirdly colored" people wasn't all that unique given Simpsons predated it by like 5 years. Doug himself didn't really stand out as a character, and it didn't seem like he was meant to be "just like any regular kid" given his fantasies were almost as surreal as the things Calvin would imagine (albeit more self-indulging rather than "highly imaginative child"), and most of the supporting cast didn't really have much memorable traits aside from Skeeter's weird honking and Mr. Dink's highly memematic catchphrase.
As for plots, only a few ever really stood out to me. The one with the horror movie I'll give was kind of memorable, but I'd say that a lot of kids in the 90s could relate to the idea of being scared by a movie and then having nightmares of it until they rewatched it to realize it might not have been as bad as they imagined.

Attached: Dougtrio.png (579x535, 236K)

Oh cod damn it!

Connie was best girl. Before she lost weight.

I think it's actually fairly underrated, at least in terms of how successful it actually was all while being one of the first three Nicktoons. come to think of it all three of the original Nicktoons were amazingly good, all very distinct in terms of what they were about and art styles, Nickelodeon really knocked it out of the park.

I just never really watched it after disney picked it up. I'm actually curious to watch some of those episodes now.

gee patti you sure got some big beefaronies

It wasn't all that much different, aside from slight timeskip and changes made to Doug's worldview. The movie was certainly an odd case, given how they basically bring up the urban legend from like the very first episode or whatever.

Attached: Doug's 1st sexual offence.jpg (502x600, 84K)

>Doug writes in his journal progressively more lewd and creepy stories about seeing Patti in her gym clothes and just sounding more desperate for her by the day
>He begins jerking it while scribbling away
>The noise prompts Mr. Dink to buy soundproof walling (very expensive)

I was just thinking about the horror movie episode today. I'm sure I watched every episode back in the day, and that's one of the only ones I still remember clearly. It was a great message delivered well, Doug realizing the scary alien in the movie is just a guy in a cheap costume with a zipper down the back, and that often in life the things you're afraid of are worse in your imagination.

Also nailed the feeling of being in class and everyone has seen a movie that you haven't and they're all engaged and discussing it and you can't.

Attached: 61LDoVutijL.jpg (500x500, 69K)

Attached: silt5.png (1000x1600, 861K)

True, though that was just because he went to see a shoddy horror film and not something with high quality effects. Had he seen something like the equivalent of American Werewolf or The Thing, that boy's nightmares might have never ended.


There's no need to act like a nutmeg, user.

>The missed message behind his crush on Patti was that he was in love with the -idea- of her, not actually her.

Wasn't that basically the idea behind Arnold's first crush in Hey Arnold?

Pretty much, which is probably why that show is remembered more since its messages were more clear and memorable. Like the one user said, Patti was like a missed opportunity for Doug. She seems perfect to him, but really isn't, and could have met a new girl who was more suitable for him, or maybe realized he had more in common with one of the other girls from his circle of friends.