What Yea Forums characters could survive a black hole?

What Yea Forums characters could survive a black hole?

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I don’t know, but I sure as hell cant survive phoneposters


Probably Daffy Duck

Sentry. /thread

Damn they actually photographed sonys asshole

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A character denser than infinity itself OP

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Imagine the succ

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That's actually really fucking cool. Next milestone I guess will be photographing the surface of an exoplanet.

A reality warper like Uncle Grandpa

Didn't Superman hold a black hole in the palm of his hand or something stupid like that?

do you really need to ask?

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Is that Chad MODOK?

Bruce Campbell MODOK so yeah

Batman with enough prep time

Captain Marvel gets powered up by black holes and can also go FTL under her own power.

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What? No she doesn't?

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Galactus, of course.

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>Absorbs some hawkings radiation
>This means she can fly through a singularity
You what mate? Carol gets flattened by a black hole.

Sit down.
Be humble.
Get dialed.

Superman, J'onn, and Wonder Woman (Woman Woman lassoed J'onn in a black hole and Superman pulled him out).

Kyle waded through a field of singularities that made up a cosmic singularity. Odds are other lanterns of a similar skill level can do the same thing.

Flash escaped a black hole as part of the first round of the race in The Human Race.

Superman held a black hole in his hand.

Kilowag and several B-grade lanterns flew through a black hole and came out of a white hole.

Jeff Smith's Captain Marvel used Power of Zeus plus Strength of Hercules to create a black hole accidentally with a single punch by collapsing light. Odds are other Captain Marvels can do the same.

So most space-level DC characters.


If you honestly don't know, go watch Megas XLR right now and treat yourself

The hulk?

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Problem Sleuth

really makes you think

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Dr. Manhatten, but it would take him decades or years to get out due to time dilation.

Nothing here says she would survive getting pulled into a black hole.

I wonder if spaghettificationation hurts.

She can go faster than the speed of light so she can get out.
She's durable enough that tidal forces wouldn't rip her apart.
The only thing left that could harm her is potential physics-weirdness that we don't know about beyond the horizon.

How faster?

>if you go ftl you can escape a black hole

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The challenge is you start in the singularity. Which means you’re subjected to literally infinite density under classical physics.

You have to push against infinite forces to get out, not go faster than light.

Nepeta doesn't

This guy uses black holes as rape caves.

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Even if you could move faster than light, you still wouldn't be able to leave a black hole since there are no world lines that lead out of the event horizon.

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tfw the epilogue is just gonna be Lord English and White Supremacists Creating the vast honk in real life

She can also absorb energy and control gravity so any way you think of it she'll be fine.

Dude, even Ben 10 has better feats than her


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You’re the one arguing she can escape a black hole by absorbing it

>pulls them away from a heat source and out orbit, killing them in a cataclysmic event the likes of which they never imagined could happen
>saving billions of lives

Pick one, SuperMong.

It's Super-Mathematics!

Attached: SuperMathematics.jpg (455x393, 61K)

This image makes me feel funny

That black hole looks awfully similar to my asshole after I leave the bar.

I think people are just scared of correcting him.

Dazzler, Herald of Galactus.

No shit.

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Heh triggered much tranny?

>He doesn't know that Superboy operates with super precision and super grace allowing him to exert super force with super sensitivity

t. normie without any super powers, probably Lex Luthor (baldness is not a power buddy)

To be fair, Dazzler had to be buffed. But she WAS chosen because her light powers made it easy for her to go through the hole and find Terrax--who also can survive a black hole as he literally used one to hide from Galactus.

I think every herald is black hole level.

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I'm guessing Death.


But what if someone died inside a black hole?Then she wouldn't be able to get out. Because she would have to be there.

Supergirl survived one in Justice League United

Anybody with reality warping magic, or reality warping in general, as well as any amount of toonforce.

>Black Hole
>Is actually orange

Stop spamming this shit everywhere

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Who's this character?

Klan: the physical manifestation of the perfect being


>Tumblr art
Go back

I'm sure Superman would be written as being strong enough to escape a black hole. I wouldn't be surprised if that's happened already. It doesn't make sense, because no matter how strong he is, he's made out of the same matter as any other physical object, but I'm sure he could do it because he's Superman.

The Flash could do it, but that's cuz SpeedForce.

Maybe Captain Atom?

And then any arbitrarily powerful cosmic characters, like Galactus, Anti-Monitor, Beyonder, Mxy, etc.

What if you could generate enough dark energy to expand the area of space within the event horizon and "unfurl" it so that some world lines do lead outside the event horizon?

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