
>Looks like a fucking Paki

Why do Ameretards always do this?

Why do they always confuse us with Fucking Curryniggers?

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they can't even find their own country on the world map

Americans only care about diversity and accurate racial portrayal when it comes to blacks and maybe (but just maybe) East Asians. They can get away with making everyone else into a very general and ignorant stereotype.

t. East European slav
We are either portrayed as gypsy thieves and hookers or as Russian drug lords.

>wants proper media representation
>acts like a racist cunt
Oh, the fuckin' irony.

I have seen Jordanians that look like this. Kys you retarded upset sandnigger.

Prove it.

Deal with it brown man.

Americans think that there are only three countries: America, Europe, and Brownpeopleland.

Oh shut the fuck up

If brown mayans and white spaniards have to share "Hispanic" then you fucking sandniggers and poos can share "Brown bitch"

Ok I know he’s from the Simpsons and is brown, you seem pissed of about nothing so I’m gonna guess Muslim if Arabic decent.

Why do third world countries feel the need to be validated by some shitty American cartoon nobody has cared about for 10+ years

Just let it go man everyone hates America, I stopped giving a shit about the rest of the ten years ago.

Racist much you insecure fag?

Hey, don't forget about animeland.

I mean, they do have most of it down if you count the swarthy swaggering eastern euro/ russian the only thing missing is crippling melancholy but they just call those people French for some reason.

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>We are either portrayed as gypsy thieves

which you are
all of you are chicken thieves

>We are either portrayed as gypsy thieves and hookers or as Russian drug lords.
>implying that's not true

>jordanians are white and should be bright yellow in the simpsons this is the greatest outrage of all time

think you might have to add retarded to your resume

assuming you're a stormfag trying to stir shit you're still retarded

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That's just it "What cartoons are they in"

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>tusken raiders
>whiter than curryfags
ayy lmao

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Peruvian here, no one in my country gives a fuck about representation in murican media.

Honest question what's the phenotypical difference?

at least you didnt have a movie create a stereotype that you should look like an italian/jew instead of a mongorian

>Americans only care about diversity and accurate racial portrayal when it comes to blacks
The fact that you think it's accurate is adorable.

haha epic!
have an upvote my friend!

>Just let it go man everyone hates America
Yet everyone still asks for our money...

It's the Simpsons. It's not like the character design has a lot of leeway for phenotypic variation.

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An Egyptian or Jordanian can look like any one of those.
You fucking Americans are so retarded about race and ethnicity when you equate it with nationality.

Euroscucks care more about skin colour relating to nationality than Americunts do, Americunts tend to just see black and brown rather than shades

Because other Americans will fuck over anyone who dares to ever have anyone that exists west of France with light skin. For some reason white people demand that everyone else outside of a few spaces in westernmost Europe and North America are not white, not light skinned at all, and will destroy your career and life if you ever portray someone light skinned outside of those places.

Funny part is, this sounds like something the really racist southern crowd would have done in the 1940's, but now it's the super accepting liberal tolerance crowd who desperately want to be seen as not racist that are doing it.

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>implying the the low iq subhumans on brownpeopleland are more aware about the world than americans

Come on man, don't serve us up straight lines like that.

>reeee why do americans only care about blacks?!
>pander to us instead!!
how about you go fuck yourself

Whatever happened to Bashir anyways

I work at a casino so there are a ton of you people around working as dealers.
Some of them have straight up red beards you couldn't tell until they start clearing their throat aggressively.
Nice guys, generally