
I can only remove this limiter once in a while, or my organs will become lodged in new, exotic locations throughout my body. My left kidney is still firmly wedged betwixt my shoulder blades.

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Why is the alt text always funnier than the comic?

stop the carbs, limiter removed

Limiter, kaijou. Ronniekaizer... Ikeeeeeeee!

Is this comic Ronnie's full time job, and does it pay enough?

because they add lore

The limiter isnt for him
Its for us..

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it's because it's written as a part of the comic. sometimes the drawings seem bland only to get more flavor from the alt text

It's one of the few comics that knows how to use the text in an effective way

When is he going to do horror again?

Why is Agrias such a cunt?

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Familiarity breeds contempt and all that.

I love the comics where random minor characters re-affirm Ronnie's weird worldview.

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Probably because she lives with Ronnie

>Forgive me master, I must go all out, just this once...

Ronnie is the Haruhi of his own series, I thought this was obvious

He wouldnt be so damn fat if he didnt eat all those fucking bananas.

True friends tell creeps when they creep.

Angrias is like a Kiwi farms user, she is a bitter loser that will die alone that sticks to the life of a even worse Lolcow just to feel better about herself

I feel like there were a handful of strips a few years ago implying Ronnie's real job is working in a warehouse

I hope the user asking how ronnie made his limbs grow for the april's fools strip is happy now

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I thought that was another mishap of people assumed he work there and he was to afraid to stop them

I used to browse KF and that is entirely accurate. No one was normal, including myself. At best you were merely eccentric but not really a bad person, and at worst you were a scummy, unstable grifter like Josh.

>ywn see Ronnie grab his belly IRL
Why even live?

I'm never happy.

H-he's fast!!

Okay what just happened?

>The bald spot is still there

Oh no

He moved the fat off his legs by hiking up his pants from the look of things.