Realism is the worst thing to ever happen in comics

Realism is the worst thing to ever happen in comics.

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This. Comics should be comfy and light hearted. Tomasi's Superman is the best thing to happen to the medium.

How was that bad? Morrison himself is saying right there that editorial was dumb as hell.

>Comics should be comfy and light hearted.
That's ridiculous. Comics should be everything.
There are comfy and light hearted comics. Read them instead of reading grim comics and complaining about it.

>I only know one type of comics

You're right. Comics should deal with real issues. That's why comics like Animal Man shouldn't have been made. Who wants to read about a comic super hero talking about animal's rights and veganism? All this "real world" boring crap is boring. Give me some pow and wham.

I only like lighthearted comics but I agree. Let the market decide what's allowed.

You're talking to people who think comics = superheroes. And even within the superhero genre, only having one style is boring as fuck.

Preach it

>Read them instead of reading grim comics and complaining about it.
The problem is shared multiverse.

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Based beyond belief.

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Actually, let me rephrase. The problem is bad writers in a shared multiverse given far too much power.

How is that not fucking hilarious?

>comedy makes me sad because I am very sensitive

>Killing someone is funny because of tonal dissonance even though the rest of the writing is shit
Cheap laugh is cheap, you should have better standards for your comedy. And it's still grim regardless. Telling someone to go read something lighthearted when no character is safe from bullshit events is a disingenuous demand.

Doesn't matter how lighthearted something is if it ends with someone getting their neck snapped or blown up or something equally stupid.

Fuck off, Slott.

M8 it’s not real, you can just pretend it didn’t happen because it actually didn’t happen. Why even read capeshit if this makes you mad?

>M8 it’s not real, you can just pretend it didn’t happen because it actually didn’t happen.
That's not how canon works. That's how denial works. If you literally have to live in denial to enjoy something, you aren't fucking enjoying it. Also good luck reading the continuing stories of a dead character or discussing events that you tell yourself happened differently with other people.
>Why even read capeshit if this makes you mad?
>implying I read capeshit
Fuck you, I have self-respect.

Ah, so you are autistic. I understand now.

I'm autistic because I read what I want instead of living in self denial so I can read the tripe you're spoonfed?

Truth. There should be reactions to the heroes actions a-la the Wrath of Khan, not people injecting hamfisted IRL issues in settings where they wouldn't make sense in. "Realistic", isn't even realistic!
Animal Man was kind of corny, but it worked the issues it was tackling as part of the story. It worked because it made sense.
Agreed. Comics should run the full spectrum.
That's just bad writers being given the reigns to the work of good writers. In fact, this false realism dichotomy is largely due to the people tackling "realism" having never left their studios in the past decade, so they have no real reference to work off of.

If you don’t read capeshit, why does your entire point hinge on disliking grim canon interactions. Some predominately in cape but not really in any other form of comic.

>If you don’t read capeshit, why does your entire point hinge on disliking grim canon interactions. Some predominately in cape but not really in any other form of comic.
How much of the English comic book industry would you say capeshit constitutes? Why the fuck can I not complain about a pervasive as fuck problem within the industry?

Here, this one was much more mean spirited and just a fuck you to anyone who liked them

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No it’s because it’s you’re getting legitimately mad over fake people. I couldn’t give less of a shit what you read, but I mourn whatever creativity and sense of scale you’ve lost over the course of your lifetime. It just sounds like a counterintuitive way to go about consuming fiction, especially when there is so much wonderful nonfiction literature in the world.
This is actually how most people go about enjoying long running narratives. where do you think fanfiction comes from?

I’m sorry I assumed you read capeshit, I just figured you wouldn’t go around complaining about something you don’t even pay attention to.

>it's bad to care about fictional stuff
Not that guy but you sound autistic. What's even the point if you don't care?

>No it’s because it’s you’re getting legitimately mad over fake people.
I look at shitty writing like lootboxes. I deliberately avoid both, but having to do so is still a pain in the fucking ass. Not to mention both ruin products ranging from serviceable to great that I could have enjoyed otherwise.

It seems to me like you don't really care about what entertainment you get, and that's fine. For those of us that do, having industries flooded with inferior products is something to be decried.

I thought you said you didn’t like capeshit? Why are you fucking angry?
Nobody cares about this but you. Especially in a story that supposedly establishes infinite universes, there’s a universe where this didn’t happen because that’s how the stupid capeshit pseudo science works.
It’s your own fault that you’re a boring sperg with insufficient imagination to enjoy a literal children’s narrative.

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That's not even me so you're both wrong and an idiot.

>I thought you said you didn’t like capeshit? Why are you fucking angry?
Different guy, user. More then two people post here
>Nobody cares about this but you.
Objectively wrong, if only because the entire point was shock value and I remember people being ticked off by it at the time
> there’s a universe where this didn’t happen because that’s how the stupid capeshit pseudo science works.
Except the universe is numbered so we know it was the one full of characters that people liked and not just randos

I haven't read whatever else you two are fighting about but going by this response you sound like a retard


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>Except the universe is numbered so we know it was the one full of characters that people liked and not just randos
Good god this made me realize how fucking nonsense capeshit ‘alternate dimensions’. The concept in general is absolute bullshit, but that’s not even how the untested (in any relevant way) hypothesis is supposed to work.

This reads like Eltingville Club dialogue. All of you people need some perspective, and maybe some medication.

That Duggan/Posehn story was in a Deadpool Annual was even worse. Felt like a shitty Robot Chicken sketch.


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Oww noe? They killed sooperman in anuther dimenshun? This is serious
bizness, I hate the writer, so meaun! When I si Aybe Sapiun die I Caul writer a hak! Creatve endevurs are abut world buildin and consistuncy. I love canun so much. All fictun needs a biblicul canun.

1) is that Hank beyond Scott in the image on the right?
2)The fuck is Logan wearing?
Everything else looks okay I guess, at least design wise. The artist is bad though

We get it, user. You don't like the idea of people getting invested in stuff or caring about things. It's okay.

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Great example. Early Blueberries were pretty light-hearted and only later ones were a bit more "adult"

If you can only appreciate the stories that your corporate overlords call “real” you are appreciating fiction wrong. From the beginning of storytelling it was a collaborative experience, carried via word of mouth and changed with each telling. You are deadass doing it wrong if you aren’t reinventing it and thinking about what you would have done differently, even in works you like.

>I am supposed to know what this is
>I am supposed to take a capeshit death seriously when it can be undone at any moment

Comics should be funny and tell the gag with visuals over copy.

>>I am supposed to take a capeshit death seriously when it can be undone at any moment
I don't think you understand. That's a C-list mutant. He's basically fucked.

>I am supposed to take a capeshit death seriously
So you don't seriously enjoy anything you read, huh? Being you must be suffering. Or are you saying nobody should seriously enjoy capeshit? That I would agree with. That's also my point.

If you don't recognize the scan, you're likely new to comics.

The Devil You Know (Abe's death included) is bad and wrapping shit up for wrap up's sake is shit, specially considering almost everyone thinks the books could have ended at some point during Hellboy in Hell / End of the World, from what I've seen on Yea Forums.
It's just inconsistency and maybe a lack of courage to move beyond from Mignola, if you wanna milk the cow, milk it properly.

Is Logan still hairy as he used to be.

Idk, this is the most recent thing I've seen him in

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I mostly read real books, sorry m8.

>no more super hero. no more star war. get film back to its roots: a train coming at the camera and scaring me so so much

Being insufferable isn't all it takes to be a hipster m8, I hate capes and even I know what this is from as a clear example of why capeshit rots the soul.


>I hate capes and even I know what this is from
That sounds an awful lot more like your problem than my problem.

Oh shit I recognize you, you're the "I just read Carl Barks and now I'm into adult stuff" guy, we keep butting heads.
Sup you fucking autist.

Literally who? I’ve only read Life and Times when it comes to Disney Ducks.

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Not one of the anons you replied to but since the late 80s, there have been *so* many shitty attemts at shock value that people are tired of it. There are more ways to reinvent things than using the same
>Now someone dies
>Everything is depressing
Formula. Silver to Bronze Age Marvel got big with a mix of tones, including camp, then they never recovered from Civil War. There's a good reason old-style writing's still popular, even to a decent amount of zoomers

>taking something seriously is equivalent to enjoying it.
Ok. My point is that I personally don’t like capeshit but you’re a goddamn sperg for hating it as much as you do. It’s filler fic, light fluff, who cares? Imagine if people on Yea Forums got mad about YA.

Before someone says it
Yes. Tonight someone dies arguably started in the Silver Age (Bennett Brant), but it was rare and not just shock value

>taking something seriously is equivalent to enjoying it.
>you can enjoy something seriously you don't take seriously
Let me know how that works.

I don’t even know how to respond to this user, you’ve beat me. I don’t understand how ‘taking something seriously’ is a prerequisite for enjoyment, if anything it’s a hindrance even in an academical setting. What do these words mean to you that they don’t mean to me? I’m gonna spend the rest of my life in peace, occasionally thinking back on this post and trying to picture the joyless weirdo behind it. Thank you user, you’ve put me at a loss, you broke me in two sentences.

>I don’t understand how ‘taking something seriously’ is a prerequisite for enjoyment
It's not. It's a prerequisite for quality enjoyment. You could enjoy an afternoon of crossword puzzles, but it probably would not leave any lasting impact on you. It's a cheap, low quality pastime for most people.

Effectively you're satisfied with that sort of enjoyment. You don't seek investment in anything you do. You don't have any hobbies. You've never truly loved any work of art. You're a shallow human being that does shallow things for shallow reasons. You lack passion.

Doesn't help when writers clearly don't know what they're doing with something a lot of times.

Let's not even go into the whole "character is smart enough to revolutionize the world but won't do so ever because then the comic world would be too different from real life and we can't have that so let's just have the character waste their potential by beating up bank robbers forever instead" trend.

What's sick when you think about it is when the people making a show just take the attitude of
>Bad = realistic

You see things that really aren't get accepted by people more over that, too.

But your image isn't realism.

I think OP's agreeing with the subtext of the scene, which was about what striving for "realism" actually lead to


You notice the stupidity even more when they start to show high tech or otherwise advanced cities or areas in the main world while doing that. Love how even near the end of a series, they won't do it to keep things interesting, like they've never even heard of a fantasy setting.

And now Heroes in Crisis is bringing it back

Cringe. But explains a lot. ALL that title had going for it was comfy. Plot beats, developments, ideas, stories, were tangential. He couldn't stick anything but muh feels. There is more to the medium than that dude.

Morrison himself is the prime example balancing it all, whimsy, the strange and fantastic, depth, humor, pathos, etc etc

Realistically speaking capeshit is a massive waste of time. You're reading the same shit over and over done by different writers who kill characters, and another brings them back only to repeat the same conflict over and over for decades without end.

Continuity is worse.

I love how many people don’t see he’s making fun of the 90s and marvel

>especially when there is so much wonderful nonfiction literature in the world
Woah, all those wonderful textbooks, instruction manuals, journal articles and memoirs.
You're on Yea Forums faggot.

>he doesn't read non-fiction comic books
Everybody look at this pleb and laugh.

Alan Moore is ashamed of you, by the way.

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Alan Moore is a dead man.

>implying it was exclusively a criticism of Marvel
Both companies fell into the same traps. Animal Man was part of it in prior arcs.
People read them for fun. A decent amount of writers avoid the worst shit which makes the regression to edge more noticeable. People also read them to see what new writers can bring to the series which is usually more than you'd think.
The difference is that the execution got worse over time. The danger in older eras either led to fun get-outs or moments that actually mattered because they weren't everywhere. Bennett's death was hinted by a vague statement that didn't give away who died. For others, it just happened every now and then, but it wasn't the sole focus of story arcs to have main characters die to get people interested

Grant Morrison is an idiot who is only capable of writing fairy tales.

*Ding* Comics are a medium. It's like saying that novels should be morally improving, or that music should be upbeat. It's inane. There's good and bad.

You would think that the ability for one person to tell any type of story with pictures and words would lead to a variety of works, but I guess normal storytelling conventions in comics is weeb thought.

Not really, he's talking about both companies, Marvel is just worse.

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>People read them for fun.
Have you been reading this thread?

Did Harvey ever interacted with Moore? I doubt he would had liked him, Harvey would had found him pretentious and way too elitist

>a shitty comic where the characters had no chemistry and there was no plot development but just mediocre filler arcs was the best thing to happen to the meidum
It was soulless, soulless writing and soulless art, look at the faces drawn by Gleason.

>this thread
This thread's people complaining about the shit ones, and reasonably so. The enjoyable ones aren't gonna be brought up much

Nah, I liked it. It was chill and cute. It's okay if you didn't enjoy it though

Alan Moore fucking DREW for American Splendor.

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>me exist, so me deserve
ok, got you

fear not, dear nerd

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>Nobody deserves good products therefore nobody should ask for good products
>fuck demanding quality products you would be willing to pay for, where the fuck do you get off having any sort of expectations for any sort of industry?
>eat your shit and put on a smile while you do it
We get it. You're a bitch.

>reeeee people have to take my fake people seriously
Have you tried getting a real hobby? Maybe writing prose or breeding snakes? You are overinvested in the irrelevant.

Hmm, more like
>no one "deserves" anything, but one does desire things. it's just that (your) desires are shit and so are you
>if you think you deserve a better quality product, go find it and stop bitching like a bitch, bitch
>how about not eating shit at all, how's that sound huh?
Are you seriously this retarded?

You're an idiot.

>Nah, I liked it.
That's alright, doesn't change that it was soulless though.

>using a what if issue with art by giannis milogiannis one of the artists for the incredibly critically acclaimed prophet reboot

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dont fucking call me a casual I've read more than 30 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man you fucking aspie
protip: dont FUCK with someone who rapidly jerks off to nightcrawler or I'll suck your DICK

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Soul and soulless is a meme

>reads 30 issues of an alternate universe comic made for casuals
Ok bud

Learn to read, pal, I said MORE THAN 30.


The fact that you've only read 31 comics isn't something to be proud of user

what a based man, can't wait till you save Yea Forums

No, it's used as a meme by some but a work can have or lack soul. It's a very old expression actually.

Because your fucking complaint is mainly only a problem in a genre of medium that you are apparently above?

What are you fucking complaining about even? The complaint is originally silly and fun canon and characters being turned hard and bitter. What fucking long standing canon is being turned bitter for you that isn’t fucking cape?

alright bro, you made me look it up
I've read 86 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man
63 issues of Ultimate X-Men
32 issues of Ultimate Fantastic Four
All four parts of Ultimate Galactus
87 issues of ASM (250-315, and the latest 22)
The entire reboots of Bloodshot, Harbinger, and X-O Manowar from ~2012
And I am currently up to date on Whomp!

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Agree with this. The issue isn't that the medium was ruined, or other genres, but that fun cape comics got turned into poorly written edge by writers afraid that their comics would be soon as too kiddy. But instead of having wider appeal, they put dumb shit into certain books that didn't need it to seem mature

I find it ironic that Morrison is saying this with his self-insert when he's known to write the most edgy and out-there stuffs possible.

There are a couple of types of "realism."

If you thought Liefeld was trying to make "deep" and "serious" "realistic" comics than you are a moron.
Muscles and guns and tits and violence are just silly fun.
Doesn't mean the occasional serious story can't be told with these characters.
But seriously "Overtkill?"

Then there's abstract art versus realistic art.
I feel like terms "abstract art" or "realistic art" miss the point.
What I really want is "representative art" that tries to communicate specific meaning.
Because people are humans sketching a realistic depictions simply works better.
Departures from reality should only be for a specific point such as depicting neotenous cute characters or gerontomorphic heroic characters (that stand a full 8 heads tall and so on.)

Then there's a grounded plotline versus a more fantastic one.
And really less grounded ones are just inherently hard to follow.
There not necessarily bad but you just have to work harder on them.

Anyway I think "realism" is far too generic a word.

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I think the thing that pisses me off the most is how in the original amazing spider-man run, peter slowly progressed from twink, to mildly buff, to decently swole as he aged. But now they made him a twink again

>in the original amazing spider-man run, peter slowly progressed from twink
user you can't call a 15 year old boy a twink
especially because back in the 60s kids weren't pubescent by 12

I suppose so but I was just noting on how there was a natural progression on his build as he aged, but suddenly now he looks like a starter at the local gym. I remember all the panels where other heroes Spiderman's potential, and how he would become a force to be reckoned with if he was already that frighteningly strong as young man/ teen (I still don't know how they knew is rough age estimate), but now he's seen as a joke...