Is she spider Gwen or spider woman?
Is she spider Gwen or spider woman?
Ghost spider
Spider-Gwen was always a Meta nickname. In universe she's referred to as Spider-woman or Ghost Spider more recently.
Venom. She has literally no fucking spider powers right now. She's just a symbiote host. She shouldn't even still be a totem.
She might be losing them soon
Losing what soon?
can we just get another mayday book already? I want to know how shes dealing with her father being back to life
She's Spider-Gwen in the comics, too. The comics that are called "Ghost Spider". The Ghost Spider comics that spun out of Spider-Geddon, in which someone calls her Ghost Spider and she says "Golly, that's a really great idea for a name for me! I should start going by that!" and then Into the Spider-Verse came out and they exclusively market her as Spider-Gwen and never once call her that in the comics ever again.
And then, of course, there was that moment in the most recent issue where some guy calls her "Spider-Gwen" and she says "Geez, I need a new nickname." and it's never brought up again WHY THE FUCK. DID THEY CALL THE SERIES GHOST SPIDER. IF THEY WEREN'T GOING TO COMMIT TO CALLING HER GHOST. SPIDER.
Fucking this. I legitimately felt my heart skip a beat when she first unmasked in Spider-Girls
Miles's wife
Miles has invisibility and electrical discharge, but what does Gwen have?
Didn't they call her that in cartoon synergy? Secret Warriors or whatever the multiple Spider-People cartoon was?
I hope they don't default Gwen to the Into the Spider-Verse movie look, as much as I love the movie.
She has miles
A symbiote, a cop dad, and drummer skills.
They fucked themselves day one because the entire gimmick/variant cover was a Gwen Stacy what if. Spider-Gwen is what they unfortunately started with, and there are too many Spider-Women to differentiate
she can make her own web fluid like pete I guess
>make her own web fluid like pete
like she designed it and made it herself like pete did. Its something completely glanced over but its the only way she would have web shooters in her universe
But she is also futa with Miles
As much as I'd like that, I think Marvel are done with Mayday apart from possible crossovers and hopefully reprinting the rest of her original series.
That was just Slott fishing for praise after pissing people off by killing him off in the first place.
But she is everything they want, a solid female hero not defined by a love interest who grows into her role wonderfully. Marvel spent so much of her run trying to cancel her what is with their hate boner?
I think it's because they keep wanting to push another character instead. It was Anya back then, and it's Gwen now.
i just ordered all the spider-gwen books available after finding some ghost spider issues at my LCS, should i be excited or nah?
anya hasn't had a book hit 6 issues and I fucking hate spider-gwen, why do they hate everything that's good?
Considering that's like, three books max, I'd say you're in for an enjoyable, if brief, time.
Shit name, fitting for her shitty ass series i suppose
stop supporting bad ideas please, her entire schtick is shes from a different universe thats it
Sure why not. Have fun reading your comics.
No, Spider Gwen is what you call a one hit wonder, her first appearance and design was decent but it is all down hill from there
Provided you ordered those books through your LCS so they could get the money, yes! You should be very excited!
oh i'm sorry, i thought this would be a fun ride
Why does Mile even have invisibility and electric power? What fucking spider does that? His electric isnt even electric, it is some sorta living bio telekinesis energy or some shit since he can cling to stuff and swing with it
It is like the kinda shit some nigger on deviantart cooked up
Numerous spiders have camoflague.
Numerous spiders secrete venom.
Fuck you, his isnt fucking venom. It is straight ass magic laser that can one hit whoever the fuck he touched.
>Black man
>Get electric based power
I need those blue soles on my face
If you enjoyed the ones you've read, you'll probably enjoy the rest.
Do you ever get tired of needlessly bitching about every single thing?
honestly, i haven't read ghost spider past issue 1 because i was like "oh, THAT happened to gwen? i guess i'll buy the issues i missed and try to catch up"
it seems fun so far though