All y'all faggots sperging out over Peridot being a few inches shorter from episode to episode but when the size of SpongeBob and Patrick compared to the width of the toilet changes from shot to shot I don't hear a fucking word.
All y'all faggots sperging out over Peridot being a few inches shorter from episode to episode but when the size of...
Spongebob is actually professionally drawn, compared to SU's Tumblr fanart doodles.
because it's a comedy show dumbass
you're really making that comparison, huh?
it's all so tiresome.
Yes, Steven Universe isn’t really a comedy show, it actually has a plot with some comedic moments. Its more like a bit of slice of life mixed in an adventure story.
Its not really fair to compare them when they are in two completely different genres. Also spongebob has weird genetics, the guy can rip his own arms and grow another set in seconds.
This. OP may have a point that the size difference isn't consistent like in SU, but the character models are much more complex and better drawn. SU has no excuse since the characters look like shitty doodles all the time.
This actually bothered me as a kid.
I came up with the logic that since all this was a dream, it made sense that they weren't the correct size. Now I realize it was probably just an animation flub.
All y'all faggots sperging out over SpongeBob and Patrick being a few inches wider from shot to shot but when the size of Endive compared to the size of the everyone changes from episode to episode I don't hear a fucking word
Also, we're talking about one brief joke for comedic effect versus series-wide, random fluctuations in models, even in serious, dramatic moments.
They're smaller in the last shot to convey that they have less power. It's like when they draw a character bigger to indicate them as a threat.
The size of the toilet changes based on how funny it would look in each shot.
The size of Peridot changes because whoever drawing her is a bad artist.
Because it's funny
It changes to make it look funny also spongebob is actually a shape changer. Like the time he become really small in the toilet during the Bully episode. Btw your filename is really bad
I want to skin alive every damn bastard who uses this retarded word.
1) It's a comedy. People are willing to accept characters magically growing and shrinking and morphing from scene to scene when it's funny
2) Spongebob was way better drawn than SU. The boarders were all professional artists who were very skilled at what they did, and the Spogebob characters in general were way better designed than the primitive stickfigures of SU
Pic related. Spongebob has some damn good storyboards
stop sperging
>much more complex character models
You are delusional. How is Patrick or even Spongebob any more complex than literally any Steven Universe character?
Just admit that no one gives a fuck about how consistently sized characters are unless they dislike the show.
There's more to complexity than just having a lot of details. The spongebob cast isn't paticularly detailed, but the details they DO have are very specific
Here's an example: spongebob isn't a perfect square. His body is much more of a rectangle, being taller than it is wide. Said rectangle is also bent in a subtle arc, and wider at the tob than the bottom. He's also covered in a specific number of holes in a specific pattern specified on the model sheet, and a bumpy texture with a certain number of curves
If spongebob were an SU character, he'd just be a perfectly geometric square with a face
SpongeBob is/was actually well written and is well drawn in general, so I can look past it, unlike shit like SU or OK KO
An isolated sequence in a single episode is not equivalent to an ongoing problem across multiple episodes and seasons.
>>If spongebob were an SU character, he'd just be a lumpy misshapen square with rounded corners.
SU doesn't have lumps