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Was Batman v Superman too smart for modern audiences?
Bentley Price
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Jaxson Cox
Being Luthor killed that dude career, and he kind deserves it for how bad he was.
Hunter Baker
who goes to the movies to be challenged and forced to think?
Julian Carter
>forced to think?
about what? seventh grade's philosophy?
Aiden Wilson
you'd be surprised to hear that 50% of the population are below average IQ
Tyler Russell
One day I'm going to filter out that sentence.
Isaiah Reyes
You retard, you should have compared it to this MCU scene instead. Which is also a million times better.
Blake Cox
>The shortest distance between two points is a straight path. And I believe the swiftest path to Superman is a pretty little road. Called Lois Lane.
That is an unironically based line. Thank you OP.
Isaac Adams
>you'd be surprised to hear that 50% of the population are below average IQ
That isn’t how statistics work you literal retard.
Christian Ward
Thomas Rodriguez
It was a joke retard
Connor Scott
Nope, everyone with a brain thought this movie was shit. Except your special kind.
Ayden Cooper
>lol dupermann is Besus :DDDD
Seriously who asked for that?
Michael Nelson
Considering it almost made a billion dollars, no.
Jack Sanchez
Justin Bennett
No, it was just smart enough for retards to think it was smart.
Connor Phillips
It made a billion in the same way WW, captain marvel, and nu-starwars is making billions.
It didn't.
They bought their own tickets.
No one is going to theatres to see half of the shit they've been shilling.
Angel Fisher
Also in the same film.
Eli Jackson
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classical moral philosophy most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Kal-El's contemplative outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Ayn Rand literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his schemes, to realise that they're not just heroic- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the profundity in Batman's emphatic statement "MARTHA" which itself is a cryptic reference to the sister of Lazarus. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zack Snyder's genius wit unfolds itself on the silver screen. What fools.. how I pity them.
Josiah Morris
So now people believe that the movie industry lies about profits, throwing their money into a pit for... reasons?
You need to go back to /youtube/ kid.
Parker Adams
This would have carried more weight if they both clearly knew the other's secret identity. There was never that scene (at least that I recall) where Clark is talking about Bruce Wayne, and wondering what it was like for him to lose both his parents as a kid.
Daniel Rivera
The fact that Luther figures out who Superman is before meeting him as either persona shows how little Snyder understands the character
Dylan Murphy
>This is the type of person that hates BvS
It really may be too smart for you.
Sebastian Perry
No it shows that lex, who was confirmed to have connects in the government, had connections in the government.
Perry knew too. It was very fucking obvious.
It shows Snyder doesn't think the idea of a secret identity is possible with satellites and clark flying to smallville all the time in costume. He literally fought at the farm and returned to it multiple times. If you think his identity would be unknown to anyone who cares to find out after MoS you're delusional.
Parker Brooks
> pretentious shit
Isaac Collins
Also, fuck off faggot. You don't understand any of these characters I can promise you that.
Jaxson Garcia
>let me ramble random shit that sounds philosophical but has 0 attachment to any of the themes of the movie
>brainlets thinks watching it makes them smarter
Jack Evans
Snyder always wants to skip to the stuff he considers "cool", even if it means making the story less interesting.
As over the top as they tried to make Lex, the fact that he has so little interaction with Superman makes him come off as fairly flat. He had more going on with the Senator or whatever he gave the piss jar to.
Which was the best part of the movie, btw.
Jayden Gutierrez
I assumed Batman built a spear because he wanted to kill Superman hand to hand.
Not because he wanted to check the fluid buildup in his lungs
Jackson Ward
This scene would have made more sense if Lois came like 30 seconds earlier and she said that line.
Jonathan Nguyen
What the fuck is with people spelling it "Luther" all the fucking time?
Logan Sullivan
no, you're just retarded so you think it was smart
that's exactly how IQ works you literal retard
IQ is a moronic way of measuring population intelligence anyway since it reduces complex data to a single 0-200 score, but since that central point floats based on average intellect anyway it is necessarily always true to say that 50% of the population are below average intelligence and 50% are above average, even if the distinction in each case is a fraction of a percentage (which IQ doesn't measure because it only deals in whole integer scores like the fucking Scientology grade school bullshit it is at heart)
nb even if you use a more nuanced scoring system the statement "50% of the population is below average intelligence" will always be true unless you're expressing it as a modal score in which case, fuck you, your p values are hilariously large and your conclusions are weak
Lucas Garcia
>Lift every single shot from previously created works on other mediums, without caring to properly adapt them to film
Snyder is like a guy who instead of writing a paper he just copy/pastes quotes by smart people thinking he'll pass as smart.
Luke Lopez
>I don't see how that's a party
What did she mean by this?
David James
Including a grab bag of symbolism, themes, and references does not make you deep. None of it is stitched together in a meaningful fashion, it's all just thrown up on the screen like a Jackson Pollock meme. Snyder can make a film that's visually interesting, and he can tell a fun story. Sucker Punch was fun to look at, his Dawn of the Dead was great. He just gets too up his own ass.
Lucas Baker
>Joaquin Phoenix turned down being Lex Luthor
Why can't we have nice things?
Benjamin Hill
Did OP suck more cocks than he could handle?
Eli Walker
How is that a bad thing? Terrio’s dialogue fucking sucked. No one was going to be able to save BvS unless Snyder and Terrio were fired.
Zachary Hall
>type "cool paintings" into google
>look mom, i'm directing!
Jack James
Also people(apart from critics) loved Batman v Superman when it came out.
Since then disney shills have infested the internet.
Matthew Foster
>None of it is stitched together in a meaningful fashion
That's where you're wrong.
Jace Moore
snyderfags aren't people
John Taylor
BvS is a movie for people who are so smart that they are in reality stupid and can't see it because they are so smart.
Ryan Anderson
this would make far more sense if he was playing the riddler and not lex luthor
Angel Smith
Your commentary makes no sense.
Hudson Turner
Honestly, he comes off as a decent Joker.
Luke Rivera
user, Snyder is the Borderlands of Hollywood. It's just references and references to references.
Mason Taylor
FOR THOSE SAYING THAT BVS IS DUMB what is the movie about. What's the big picture pushed by the movie.
Joshua Long
It really isn't just a bunch of references upon references without any theme tying everything up.
Anthony King
>Everyone says that about "Batman Begins." "Batman's dark." I'm like, "Okay, no, Batman's cool." He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn't, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that's how that would go.
Adam Nelson
>Woah... Circle go round... Triangle straigh line
Jackson Rodriguez
It is, only it references christianity and entry level classical art
Jordan Fisher
See, that's where you're wrong.
Jaxon Sullivan
Holy shit. Tell me he doesn't have a career anymore.
Anthony Lopez
Too lost up its own ass. That's why Shazam is doing so much better. It knows exactly what it is and doesn't try to be what it isn't.
Carter Perez
He's still in movies. Just nothing on the scale of BvS.
Wyatt Thompson
Christian Gonzalez
>Snyderfags unironically think this is deep and smart
They never cease to amaze me.
Aaron Cooper
Dear lord, this is some of the most pretentious garbage I have ever seen.
Isaiah Perez
Yeah, that's snyder fandom.
Aiden Russell
>shit Lex Luthor quoting my favorite book
Logan Hughes
We get it, Snyder probably watched NGE, what's your point?
Xavier Brooks
That a lot of thought was probably put in the movie, and that the idea isn't that Superman is Jesus Christ, but that people sees him that way and that informs them how Superman is, with Superman being often times depicted in that vain. This is a film that is all about projections.
Parker Moore
Today I will remind them
Samuel Ward
Yeah why didn't Lois use her power to inexplicably be wherever the action is sooner?
Lincoln Baker
What about the movie themes and such?
Justin Jenkins
There are no themes, just masturbation on pseudointellectual concepts.
Austin Edwards
Blind references are themes, user.
Michael Bennett
But there ARE themes. You guys can't be that blind or dumb.
Hunter Long
There are no themes that aren't horribly undercut within the narrative.
Isaac Turner
>muh Excalibur references
>muh Christ pose
>muh Christian literature quotations
The above are not themes, user.
David Hughes
Name one (1)
Christian White
Accept that you failed, Snyder
Wyatt Cruz
It's pretty telling that he cares more about referencing someone else's work to elevate his own instead of basic logic, or referencing the actual source material.
Michael Smith
But they aren't? Even the Doomsday dumb fight add to it.
Of course they aren't. You are just mentioning things shown in the pictures. Not the movie's themes.
Why would i? I want to know if you guys paid attention to the fucking movie.
Daniel Cruz
>claims there are themes
>can't name a single one
As expected of snyderfags
Brandon Collins
Just do it, name 10 themes I guess
Angel Turner
What is the CENTRAL theme of the movie, user? Surely you can at least tell me that.
Evan Reyes
How do we know YOU paid attention if you won't name a single theme, moron?
Jonathan Mitchell
Again, why would i? I want to see if you guys, the ones criticizing the movie and director so much for being stupid or whatever, were actually paying attention to the movie and are not just bandwaging.
Here's a help. The movie main theme is based on a Campbell's quote, that follow:
>And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.
This quote was woven into Superman's suit in kryptonian.
Brandon Rodriguez
Snyder sucks ass, and his pseudo intellectual crap was thrown out for good reason
Joseph Perry
>Again, why would i?
To make it plausible that the movie has any themes whatsoever.
Again, random quotations are not themes. Just name the central theme.
Asher Thomas
who was in the wrong?
Hudson Scott
The quote is not the theme, but its a hint. I'm not going to spell the obvious so you guys can later say that it was all very obvious and in-your-face like you always do whenever topics about this movie surface. Do yourself the work if you're all so smart.
Hudson Barnes
>movie analyzed to death
>any marvel movies is hurr durr look at the colors
i think there's at least some merit to bats vs supes the movie
Isaac Hernandez
If you can't name any themes then we're right and there are none.
Colton Moore
I can, though. I watched the movie. It's not even a complex movie, just very dense and somewhat overwrote. Still for people that have been acting so high and mighty throughout the thread to not be able to put into words what the movie main theme is about is pretty pathetic.
Either just you the movie sucks and you hate it, like normal people, or actually discuss the movie seriously if you truly want to discuss its merits.
Adrian Taylor
God I just love when people are confidently wrong like this. So decisive, I like it
Leo Turner
Beautiful shots
Sebastian Sanchez
How can you claim to have seen the movie if you can't even name it's main theme
James Gomez
What the fuck is this supposed to prove
Xavier Myers
That's the point if Clark knew what it was like to be Batman under the mask he would've thought differently of the masked vigilante. If Bruce knew Superman isn't god and is human he wouldn't try to kill him
Ethan Reed
There are themes, but illustrated and explored in a pretty haphazard way.
It' clear Zack wants to use Superman as a stand in for various forms of power: Religious (beating you in the face with the Superman is Jesus symbolism), Post-religion (Nietzsche's "The" Superman reference), and political (Superman as a stand in for America going into foreign countries for his own interests (saving Lois Lane, but not Jimmy Olsen because fuck that nobody LOL. Oh also tons of indigenous people)).
But he never really has anything to say about them other than "hey, you can make this comparison". He keeps referencing other art, but it's mostly one direction: using them to improve his own work instead of developing his own original stuff.
For example: instead of actually asking whether Superman could have done more to protect Metropolis, they invent a brand new massacre where they get to decide ahead of time he was completely innocent and it was Lex the whole time. They skip the actually grey area. And the pretty bad implications that Lex was able to dupe Superman into invading a foreign country and killing a guy is largely ignored.
Isaiah Sullivan
Both Bernie's and Hillary's mothers are named dorothy....
there are many references to the Wizard of Oz in the movie...
Oliver Barnes
Ok, you're either a pretentious idiot who thinks he's smart, which is a lost cause, or baiting, which is also a lost cause.
Nobody names themes because THERE WEREN'T ANY. Snyder made a mess with lots of backhand christian symbolism but nothing to glue it together into a coherent structure. Want to prove them wrong? Name one theme. You going "nuk nuk, I'm smarter but I won't tell" is something a preschooler does when he doesn't know shit, but wants to sound important.
Jonathan Brooks
BvS had enjoyable moments. wasn't wow'd by batfleck very much, I cant exactly voice why but it seems like hes missing something. but mostly I didn't like eisenberg's portrayal of lex. even the unnecessary dissection of Frankensteinification of the death of superman wasn't as bad as his attempt at 'mad genius'. its like watching Michael Cerra attempting to be threatening. he just doesn't have it in his face or voice to be menacing.
Levi Foster
Fine. This whole pointless discussion is dumb anyway. The main theme of the movie is that you've to deal with your own demons instead of ignoring them, projecting them outward, and demonizing others. That's what Superman is going through, Batman is going through, Wonder Woman is going through, Lex Luthor is going through, and so on. It's about projection. That's why people try to make Superman into a thing and demonize him for it. That's why Superman is shown either as a guardian angel and Jesus Christ, or Batman as a demonic figure. Because that's how people see them. That's fucking WHY ZOD IS DOOMSDAY. A physical representation of Superman's demons that he had been ignoring the whole movie. As well as a dark reflection of Superman himself. That's why that whole dumb fight.
It's not complex. The movie outright says it at times. Like when Lex spouted shit about his meta-human thesis and how they might have always lived among us as gods and heroes of our past myths. Or like when he compared Superman to several deities.
Camden Allen
James Edwards
But they don’t deal with their demons, at least not actually in the narrative. There is no point where Superman realizes “Gee I’ve been externalizing everything and I should really just process my trauma,” ditto for Batman. Wonder Woman isn’t going through fuckin anything, she’s just there to find a picture.
Parker Brown
Just because the movie lacks exposition that doesn't mean there aren't shit going on. The movie show, and rarely tell things. That's probably why so many people have a problem understanding some of it. But it's there. Like take Batman. Admittedly, Ben Affleck is a shitty actor, but it's clear that he's bullshitting both Alfred and himself the entire movie. That everything he spout are lies and justifications. But if you don't pay attention to the shitty actin and the context of the scenes, you might buy all his bullshit justifications as being what the character is about.
Justin Nelson
But they do? Watch the movie again, or not since you didn't liked it and there's not point to put yourself through that.
But anyway, Superman is clearly disturbed by everything the media has been saying about him. How his involvement and actions are making everything worse for everyone. He tells to Lois he doesn't care about what they might say about him, but he's always shown glued to the TV wherever he is. That's the movie telling your through non-verbal scenes the conflict the character is going on. Hell, even his over-reliance on Lois to escape his problems is addressed VERBALLY by Lois. Eventually it all ends up being too much and he start to question if there should even be Superman. Then there's that Ghost Pa Kent scenes that once again tells you VERBALLY though in a rondabout way what the character is going through. Then Superman comes back and hey, here's Doomsday. A kryptonian monster, a reminder of Metropolis tragedy, a creation of Luthor, Zod. All of these things reminders of things Superman let build up because he didn't properly dealt with it.
Wonder Woman is the easiest to understand,since she doesn't have much scenes to herself. She fought in the WWI and gave up on humanity after WWII for thinking that humanity is incapable of working together. That's the character not dealing with her own demons and projecting them onto the whole of humanity. It's the humanity that failed her, not her that failed them. Then the movie shows Superman and Batman working together to slay a monster, two guys that hated each other, and now Wonder Woman can't keep on running anymore. She has to face her own demons. Humanity was never the problem, she was. She got hurt, felt delusioned, and gave up. But instead of owning up to it, blamed humanity. That's when she comes back as Wonder Woman to help in the battle. Cue riff solo.
Jack Bennett
Is this real?
Evan Clark
David King
It's astonishing that he doesn't know what's happening there but referencing it anyways
Austin Thompson
You have to realize how awkwardly blatant the movie's imagery was. Left pic here is official concept art
Matthew Reed
She literally arrived on the scene 30 seconds after Supes said that out of character line.
You're really saying it's a stretch to make it so she came a minute earlier?
Jose Collins
My fave quote
Dominic Williams
yes its from his vero account
Evan Gonzalez
Christopher Barnes
The point is that Superman IS NOT Jesus Christ. He is just sometimes seen as one.
Jordan Anderson
Oh, so i guess he only metaphorically sacrificed himself for the good of humanity. And and surely must be part of a complex multi-layered scheme to make YOU think the movie is painting Clark as Jesus
Isaac Gray
But Superman doesn’t actually DEAL with his demons, he just punches a representation of that. It’s like if I was afraid of clowns and then I beat the shit out of a clown; it wouldn’t be addressing the underlying problems.
>Then the movie shows Superman and Batman working together to slay a monster, two guys that hated each other, and now Wonder Woman can't keep on running anymore.
But Batman and Superman stop killing each other because their moms had the same name, not because of any great understanding between men. Also, how does she know Batman and Superman hated each other?
David Myers
It wasn't too smart. It just wasn't any fun and the characters weren't relateable. Wonder Woman and Shazam were both much better.
Evan Moore
in his defense, the fact that IQ depends on the total average makes it fucking useless and meaningless
Hudson Gutierrez
The characters weren't relatable because they weren't characters at all. They were set pieces who do things out of character so they can insert the symbolism and forward the plot even if their decisions don't make sense. This is the biggest problem of the movie. The symbolism and themes and layers or whatever don't matter when the surface level itself is nonsense.
Xavier Young
high five
Julian Wilson
>Thinking Zack Zombie Rape Snyder is deep
Isaiah Hughes
Superman accepted that there will always be some unforeseen and unintended consequences to both his existence and involvement in things, and that despite not being fair to anyone whatever happens will still be his fault and that he has to accept the blame for it, but that he shouldn't give up on helping whenever the need arise. He can always count on Lois as a source of strength when things get too tough. So no, Superman faces everything.
Batman didn't stop because of their moms' names, but because he started to see Superman not as some alien or a reflection of himself, but rather simple as a good man much like his own father. They even replayed the scene of Thomas dying to hit you over the head that Superman = Thomas Wayne.
Wonder Woman is admittedly not a very developed character in the movie, both in BvS and JL. She just knows stuffs and can do anything.
Kevin Barnes
If that was the case then he would have made something portable and not something he had to leave in a place far away from the fight that they just inconceivably happened to end the fight in.
Andrew Lee
They acted pretty in character and their decisions made sense in the context of the plot. Honestly, you guys are just THAT dumb. Just accept it.
Owen Howard
it's like a /pol/ thing,
>See look at the BRs! REEEEEEE
Nathaniel Sanders
>but rather simple as a good man much like his own father.
That's not a resolution because the movie was very clear that good men can lose their way and don't STAY good.
David Walker
You're that knife, guy, aren't you?
William Kelly
Trollface and All Your Base are Belong To Us are relevant memes compared to this shit.
Thomas Williams
The movie literally ends with Bruce Wayne saying that men wrong and lose their way, but they can change and be good. That they can rebuild. That they have to.
Logan Barnes
And they can lose their way again after that.
(And let's not forget, that was the original plan. Brainwashed evil Superman as Darkseid's minion for the first half a JL duology)
Can Earth afford an evil Superman even once?
Joshua Wood
By the way, here's a fun thing about the movie. Kinda dumb, but that the even dumber audience couldn't get. The dirt in Superman's coffin raising wasn't a signal that Superman was resurrecting, but rather that Superman was bringing enlightenment to the whole world. Just like the scene with the bats lifting little Bruce Wayne out of the cave hole.
Hudson Foster
>"Brazilians are subhuman"
>"Whites are the one superior race"
Pic related, it's the guy who posted that
Austin Richardson
>Also, how does she know Batman and Superman hated each other?
Kinda off-topic but I'm still upset at the absurdity of the "i thought she was with you" line. It should've been one of those quirky shots that only exists in trailers to sell you on an idea (in this case the fucking JL trinity interacting for the first time), but nope, it's actually in the movie and thus in a context that makes no freaking sense. Batman spent the whole movie irrationally planning Clark's murder, blinded by rage and paranoia and whatnot, yet according to the joke scene in question he trusted Diana despite thinking she might've had something to do with Superman? He hates the guy but plays flirty with the mystery woman that he thought might've been an enemy, helping her out with her problems and all, sharing secrets he found on Luthor with fucking emails?
I got an user once "explaining" that i was an idiot for not figuring out Bruce never actually trusted Diana, him sending the WWI photo was supposed to be a threat meaning "I'm coming for you after I'm done with Superman, bitch" - it's fucking hilarious how these fanboys always have an outlandish explanation for every potential inconsistency in the writing
Daniel Ross
Liam Richardson
Are you going to elaborate on that or are you too busy eating your own shit?
Cooper Gutierrez
>Batman spent the whole movie irrationally planning Clark's murder, blinded by rage and paranoia and whatnot, yet according to the joke scene in question he trusted Diana despite thinking she might've had something to do with Superman?
Jesus F Christ... you can't be for real. That scene was pretty dumb, but come on. Batman thought Diana might be a kryptonian IN HINDSIGHT after learning more about her.
And yes, that e-mail scene was Batman confused and enraged as fuck pretty much threatening her. Why do you think she booked a fly out of the country?
Carter Allen
It's stupid as fuck, i know, but that's the honest truth. That scene was to symbolize that Superman's death was "elevating" the whole world.
Alexander Roberts
>Batman spent the whole movie irrationally planning Clark's murder, blinded by rage and paranoia and whatnot, yet according to the joke scene in question he trusted Diana despite thinking she might've had something to do with Superman? He hates the guy but plays flirty with the mystery woman that he thought might've been an enemy, helping her out with her problems and all, sharing secrets he found on Luthor with fucking emails?
Well, you have to remember that this is the same Batman that was irrationally planning Superman's murder, blinded by rage and paranoia and whatnot, and yet NEVER considered putting a tracer on the guy or figuring out where he disappears to half the time in what is such a poorly kept secret that Luthor and Lois both figured it out in no time at all.
Nolan Brown
I don't think I have ever met a fan of BvS who also was a fan of other more obscure films and foreign cinema
Kevin Taylor
I’ve been on the sideline for all this shit-flinging and enjoying it thoroughly, but I’ve gotta tell ya, not a single post elicited a reaction from me until You forced me to stifle my laughter at the idiocy you just now volunteered. Congrats.
Chase Gomez
Do i need to? The whole movie is about how people will see you whoever they want. Specially in a way that's familiar and convenient to them. Superman is often seen as a an angel, as a god, as a deity, and so on, despite being none of these things. Because that's the only way people can contextualize him. But it isn't just Christianity. Lex himself compares Superman to a bunch of mythological beings. Sun gods.
Adam Mitchell
You joke about it, but that was confirmed by the production team itself. I find that scene goofy as fuck as well, specially in that context. But it is what it is.
Jonathan Thomas
Why would anyone discuss obscure films in a BvS shit-flinging thread?
Cooper Gonzalez
And the brilliant reason Superman didn’t talk at all?
Juan Wilson
>Superman chooses to let his father die
>Tackles Zod from a farmhouse to a crowded place
>Stops Batman from chasing criminals but lets the criminals WITH ROCKET LAUNCHERS go
>Chooses to go to Batman when his mother was taken hostage even though Batman was being played by Lex all along and should have no way of helping him
>Chooses to fight instead of explaining to Batman, this while he only had 1 hour to save his mother
>In the middle of the fight when he had the upper hand, chooses to attack Batman AGAIN instead of explaining his situation even though he's now wasted a lot of time not saving his mother
>Batman choosing to build a spear and leaving it somewhere far where the fight only ended up being because of plot
Yes I am and that decision still does not make sense outside of Jesus reference
Anthony Hall
It would establish the delusion that BvS is on par with underappreciated arthouse films
Zachary Baker
It's all so tiresome. I'm going to shitpost in more entertaining threads and leave you guys alone to nitpick the movie to your hears content.
Jason Green
It's not nitpicking if it's that many terribly baffling decisions that don't make sense. But thanks for admitting to shitposting.
Ryan Lee
I'm not saying that the spear wasn't meant analogous to the Spear of Longinus by Snyder.
I'm saying it's stupid to be.
Charles Edwards
Oh yes definitely. 100% agree with you.
Hudson Cox
Dubs confirm
Mason White
So? I like BvS and shit like El Topo also
Kayden Miller
I wouldn't put fucking Infinity War with The House that Jack built and First Reformed, are you fucking nuts?
It's the flickiest flick that has ever existed, in fact it is the ultimate culmination of one.
Dominic Rodriguez
>The movie main theme is based on a Campbell's quote, that follow:
Look, I'm a big fan of wanking off to Campbellian nonsense. But if you can't describe the central theme to the film without relying on an overly poetic quote, you don't have a thesis. You don't have anything.
Matthew Brooks
it is when its normally distributed, which IQ is
Robert Wilson
>Posts jew
Charles Edwards
Spelling his name right is also a big part of his character :^)
Leo Morris
There's a lot of great wordplay in the movie, like when lex is talking to bruce in the cell at the end "Civilization on the wain/wayne, manners/manor's out the window"
Asher Lewis
These threads are just false flags, aren't they?
Blake Adams
Just because he did it in the animated series doesn't mean it should work. In green Arrow: Quiver, by kevin smith, it was revealed that even with his powers stifled by the sun being blocked out, Superman could still feel something as insignificant as Spectre teleporting a single drop of ollie's blood left over from the plane explosion off of his suit to clone green arrow. Batman's tracers are like the size of your thumb, superman would feel it
Liam Rivera
John Walker
Talk about shit taste
Blake Walker
>tfw no more Batfleck
Do you believe there's a way to convince him to retake the role? My autism can't handle the death of the DCEU, which pretty much is decided if they have to recast Batman.
Henry Williams
Not him but like, for all Snyder backpats himself for Batman being a "realistic" hero who kills people, a knife would have been far more effective than a spear
Jason Rodriguez
It's dead jim. It's simply not making enough money to warrant staying through the bad press and bad reviews
Colton Sanders
I understand how people might like certain isolated elements from BvS, but Luthor was fucking dogshit, in performance, dialogue and execution.
Sebastian Long
To what end? It feels like such a shallow analogy hammered in to such an extreme extent.
Superman is like Jesus. Okay. So what?
Landon Russell
He was in Now You See Me 2, which I saw in theaters. It was worse than the original though.
Colton Thomas
>Just because he did it in the animated series doesn't mean it should work
He could've done whatever Lex did then.
Christopher Hall
>>They bought their own tickets
First it was the moon landing
Next it was vaccines
Then it was flat Earth
And now we sink to the deep end of the stupid pool saying that Disney is *buying* tickets to make it look like their movies are being profitable.
Milton Friedman is rolling over in his grave right now
Julian Peterson
The problem with these explanations is that, if true, then the movie completely failed to sell them to me and i have an hard time taking them seriously. If Bruce's point was to threaten her why spill those secrets in e-mail form and with only vague "who are you" questions?
>Why do you think she booked a fly out of the country?
Her mission was done, she learned what Lex knew and if anything she might've been in danger because of him keeping a tab on all superhumans, not because Bruce threatened her
I know, i know, it's just that it feels out of character for him to make light of the situation like that. Not that Batman can't make jokes, "I'm a friend of your son's" was a fittingly cute line in comparison
Luke Bennett
>Superman is like Jesus. Okay. So what?
He isn't you dumb brainlet.
Superman is another SUN GOD myth for the AUDIENCES.
He is being projected as a SAVIOR by people IN UNIVERSE.
And he is JUST a good guy trying to do some good IN UNIVERSE.
If you see this and all what you can get from the story is "snyder thinks superman is jesus" you are a moron, the movie goes from realistic to ONIRIC in the SUPERMAN capeshit parts, reality changes just for the existence of superman, he is a walking myth.
The lance is pretty important, especially with the flowers escene, in the flowers escene we see Bruce watching an image of Micheal, micheal looks like Superman but in the creep Bruce only sees a batmonster, the lance in the hands of superman becomes a weapon to vanish evil, in the hands of bruce it's just a weapon to kill a god. Snyder is a excalivurfag, his "symbolism" doesn't work on surface level, and that's the problem, it's not deep Symbolism, it's DENSE, and that's retarded for an action movie, you end up with "symbolism" that just doesn't help the movie, you don't have the time to make it expand the characters or to even be understood. The irony is that Snyder once directed watchmen and got rid of the elements that only work reading and re-reading over a 12 issues (and over a year) publication story, and then made a movie that would work better as a comic. Lex thinking of himself as prometheus was important and it got barely any time to breath
Carson Hill
>, and yet NEVER considered putting a tracer on the guy or figuring out where he disappears to half the time in what is such a poorly kept secret that Luthor and Lois both figured it out in no time at all.
He just didn't care, he was a raged cunt that didn't want to accept the humanity of his future victim, it's normal, you don't want to know the name of your enemy, it's harder to press the trigger if you know the names of their kids and that they love their dogs
Gavin Lewis
>bunch of BRs love Snyder
>some retarded ESL defending Snyder
Really makes you think
David Perry
Marvel movies are made for kids and that's why they're written for the lowest common denominator
Imagine if the Avengers had to take on DC villains
>Zod: you will kneel before Zod
>Tony: at least take me out to dinner first
>Tony looks at the camera and waits for laugh track
>Tony: Tell me his name again.
>Banner: Steppenwolf.
>Tony: we have one advantage. He doesn't know I was born to be wild.
>tony stares into camera after lowering his shades
Aaron Martin
You're absolutely right. They should be written like DC.
>Winter Soldier gets caught and imprisoned
>Ross addresses the crowds
>Ross: according to our traditions, we will release one prisoner. Will it be Bucky, or will it be Barabas!
>Crowd: release Barabas!
>Ross washes his hands and says he isn't responsible for Bucky and his punishment should be decided by the Roma- I mean the American government.
Truly deep and moving.
Gabriel Rodriguez
That's the joke you retarded Yea Forums poster.
Joseph Collins
dcshits jump through all the hoops to justify their shitty movies
Oliver Sanders
He was in Justice League?
Carter Perry
It was a cameo appearance, according to Wikipedia.
Carter Turner
I only seen the movie twice. I don't recall. I'm not gonna watch it again to see if I missed it.
Asher Johnson
I don't want to know the name of the deer I'm hunting but I sure as fuck want to know where it sleeps.
Gabriel Wright
I'll never understand the Snyder cult and I don't want to, but I don't get how he got that cult in the first place. Not even Cameron or Spielberg have that kind of "everything they make is gold and can never be criticized" kind of cultism
Sebastian King
>They didn't call it, "...Now You Don't"
I'll always be angry.
Logan Bennett
>Sucker Punch was fun
Sucker punch was a complete and total waste of creative energy. What about it did you enjoy?
The fight sequences that looked like they were ripped out of a 12 year old boy's dream journal?
The 2deep4u "Our hero won't be saved after all" ending where she gets lobotomized, and some other character with no development ends up getting saved?
Or the fact that literally none of what the girls accomplished would have been possible in the world they actually lived in, instead of the fantasy whorehouse Snyder used to hide every plot hole?
Blake Parker
>f "everything they make is gold and can never be criticized"
Neither does Snyder, the thing is you GO to snyder threads.
Robert Kelly
>being too stupid to understand the dumbest rape movie ever
stick to capeshit.
Parker Lewis
I suspect Snyderfags started out as the sort of Company Wars guys who wanted the movies to be good purely because they are DC adaptations. They wanted this so bad that they convinced themselves the films are good, and Snyder is by association. The rest of us DC fans wanted ACTUALLY good movies, and are happier with the direction WB is going in now of just focusing on making good movies.
When Snyder was canned, the dyed-in-the-wool DC fans that supported him invested so much into defending him that now they are forced to shit on DC, the very properties that motivated them to like Snyder in the first place, now that WB has fired Snyder and is going on without him.
Jace Reyes
Not at all. It started with people who HATES capeshit movies.
Ian Brown
This desu. They spent so much time defending him they're now entrenched in this position so they just convince themselves that it really is good. You can tell when they go out reaching and misinterpreting a lot of things so it fits their narrative.
Aiden Moore
Problem is that Snyder is shit at showing a message in a logic way
Adrian Sanders
Time to start my monthly Batman v Superman rewatch
I think Batman's the worst part though. Lex Luthor is great
Christopher Barnes
I'm not sure if he appeared during it, but he was in the post-credits, talking to Deathstroke about forming their own villain group.
Bentley Flores
I like Snyder but being branded being into a cult for liking some of his work is as braindead as believing that his films are infallible and flawless.
Get over yourself.
Brody Powell
But again Cameron and Spielberg have their ups and downs too. Nolan is considered one of the auteurs of our generation but people call out if they didn't like something. Even Inception didn't get the kind of deep dive into "SYMBOLISM" like Snyder's DC movies do and that was freaking Inception.
Evan Morris
There's a strong difference between "liking some of his works" and "posting a bunch of pictures alluding to other works and saying that Snyder is a misunderstood genius"
I'll put it this way, if you're one of those people who has ever asked about the so-called Snyder cut, you're in the cult.
Logan Rodriguez
Inception was largely about the futile attempts to structure the surreal.
That and the abundant use of water is symbolism.
Adrian Harris
>if you're one of those people who has ever asked about the so-called Snyder cut, you're in the cult.
You mean a Director's Cut/Extended edition?
I've asked that for countless other films as well, from LotR's extended edition to Kingdom of Heaven (whether they improve is really in question) I don't rally behind it but you're a fool to believe me wanting to see a Director's Cut of a film for more content is me being in a cult.
Jaxson Wright
No, like, we got it first time, it was pretty heavy handed even for Snyder. But it was silly still.
Parker Torres
>You mean a Director's Cut/Extended edition?
No I'm talking about the "Snyder cut" the one that is supposed to be the "True vision" of Snyder before WB and Whedon got their hands on it.
Lincoln White
How the fuck is that any different than any other director's cut?
Zachary Hall
not him but it doesn't exist
Isaac Peterson
I did like his cut (and to an extent the Ultimate Edition) on the Watchmen, it improves it slightly but you can immediately tell why it had to be edited down for a theatrical release.
Parker Smith
Because a directors cut is something that actually tends to actually exist and expand on the material but the so-called Snyder cut is some magical version of JL that was made before he got fired and is apparently a totally different movie that will magically improve it.
Aaron Allen
The Snyder cut is not the same as his true vision, his true vision needed Lois to die in BvS and the first JL movie was all about the knightmare timeline and going back in time to save lois.
The Snyder cut was pic related
A director cut is a cut that the director is allowed to make and at least show one time, it's a contractual obligation. The Snyder Cut is the movie that Zack filmed and developed and that several people saw, but it's not the original Zack Saga centered around lois and clark.
Leo Walker
His true vision is still going to be shit
Luke Sullivan
Pretty sure he took a break since his daughter an hero'd but even then the hate he got didn't slow down even for a minute.
Aiden Thompson
He was in one of the post credits scenes. Less than 5 minutes of screen time.
Brandon Ramirez
>lots of words good
>few words bad
Brevity is the soul of wit
Most Snyder DC flicks outside of watchmen have some unfathomably pretentious and unnecessarily verbose scripts
Camden Campbell
You joke but Snyder DC philosophy is only smart for the bottom 10 percentile of the IQ curve
Matthew Martinez
He did, but they were fucking him hard, they wanted to fire him (people that is not even at WB anymore), Snyder just couldn't do it anymore, working with the death of his kid and against WB was too much
Irrelevant, the fact is: the Snyder cut exist according to: Snyder himself, the crew, production teams, actors and even people like Kevin Smith. Buyt the Snyder cut doesn't exist according to: WB, and people who hates snyder.
His original vision was never filmed anyway, i don't get why the snyder cut triggers people so much.
>bottom 10 percentile of the IQ curve
Fucking brainlet, think about what you just said and why is wrong.
Camden Howard
>Brevity is the soul of wit
That isn't the ultimate case despite that statement being uttered to be ironic in the play by fucking Polonius.
That phrase is one of the most used quotes that is out of context it's almost a joke in of itself.
Andrew Lee
Found the cultist
Christopher Wright
Yes user, thinking someone that is in a shitty time of his life doesn't want to work with people that want to fire him is being part of a cult, pointing out the snyder cut, that has been confirmed to exist for over one year exist is being part of a cult.
Jose Ortiz
Glad we're in agreement
Isaiah Parker