Excuse me Yea Forums I have a brief announcement to make

Excuse me Yea Forums I have a brief announcement to make.

Ed Edd n Eddy is trash,
Jenny is a shitty waifu,
And the Walt Disney Corporation is lying to you about Captain Marvel's ticket sales.

Thank you for your time and good night.

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>Jenny is a shitty waifu

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The third one is probably accurate, but I'm too mad about your heresy to care.

1. Nah
2. Who
3. Si

>And the Walt Disney Corporation is lying to you about Captain Marvel's ticket sales.
And I'm sure those AquaBro numbers are super legitimate.

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yer right it actually made 2bil but they're hiding it out of respect to flopzam

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Dems fiting words.

Mouseshills to the rescue!


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>78% on rt
Pathetic Mousecuck

>Everyone thought our movie was shit, but they all paid to see it, therefore our movie is actually good.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon and its $1.1 billion box office gross would like a word with you, Captain Marvel

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>Captain Marvel got a high score
wow you sure showed 'em

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>And the Walt Disney Corporation is lying to you about Captain Marvel's ticket sales.

Post proof.

I like how Rotten Tomatoes suddenly matters now. Before, the TLJ and BvS scores made you Yea Forums shitters write off the site completely.

Yeah, disney pumping money into their own products, your point rat worshiper?

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except you can't prove it

meanwhile Warner owns RT which gave SHazam a high score.

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Post proof

Warner hasn't owned RT for years. Don't be just as retarded as the faggots you're calling out.

>muh proof
Yes, because it isnt obvious to anyone thst isnt a retarded samefag that captain feminazi cant stand on its own and needs to be artifically inflated to “””succeed””” .

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Movies on RT fit into five categories:

Low Critic, Low Audience - Crappy films
High Critic, Low Audience - Crappy films with giant marketing budgets
Low Critic, High Audience - Okay films
Average Critic, Average Audience - Good films
High Critic, High Audience - Great films

>a DCEU movie got a high score

it only took 13 years, billions lost, Zod's neck, Batfleck, Teenage Mutant Ninja Doomsday, Jared Leto's "acting", CGI lips, complete and utter humiliation and Zack Snyder's daughter
butt hey, slow and steady!

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Post proof.

Yeah, most of the DC movies have been absolute shit, what's your point? DC movies being shit doesn't make Captain Marvel any less shit.

>13 Years


point is DC still DSucks

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I did, its not my fault you mouse tards dont want to use simple logic, also there is images online of people buying up whole theater showings for captain sjw
>inb4 muh proof
Not an argument
Christ how is it possible to have that many forehead wrinkles at her age?

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Aww, he says the cutest things for attention

Yeah, Jenny is shit and only beloved by robosexuals, while of course Didney would lie about Captain #Queensla-THEFUCKDIDYOUSAYABOUTEDEDDNEDDYYOUFUCKINGBITCHASSFAGGOTISWEARONYOURMOMIWILLRAPEYOURSOULBEFOREI

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>being such a low test fag that he cant spank it to robots
I pity you

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Of course a Jennidiot would jump in when I say that she's only liked by robosexuals and that she sucks.
Not the fact I said Captain Marvel did probably lie about her sales in tickets
Not even the fact OP really fucking wants so (you)s, or that he said EEnE sucks.
It's Jenny.

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At least she isn't that obese black Jenny.

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Get fucked faggot

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the fuck?

Objectively speaking

Huey Freeman probably would think Ed Edd and Eddy was trash since it romanticizes adolescent life in a cul de sac neighborhood not too much unlike the one he loathes in his new home, Woodcrest.

Likewise, he probably dislikes how Nickelodeon white-washed Jenny's design between her pilot appearance and her premiere and considers it pandering to white supremacist standards of beauty.

As for Disney, well, I'm pretty sure Huey has a firing range in the backyard with Bob Iger and Ike Perlmutter's faces on the targets nevermind the whole Captain Marvel hullabaloo.

Huey has pointedly critical thoughts regarding Black Panther as well and his opinion of the movie is shockingly low as well.
Spider-Verse, however, he enjoyed as Huey Freeman is a massive weeb that probably waifus Peni.

ur mom

In a sea of garbage this is a good post

Huey would be a Killmonger fanboy

Thanks black kid who doesn't have a series anymore.

She’s so-so.

Yea Forums is kissing up to fucking Death Battle of all places in their desperation to get some kind of win in their slapfight, shows how ridiculous they are.

Have sex.

Very accurate.
Huey having a low opinion of Black Panther isn’t surprising at all, though. I could see the show poking fun at people thinking Wakanda is a real place.

Jenny is overrated and overexposed as shit and I agree with the last one.

But take back what you said about EEnE.

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>Huey would be a Killmonger fanboy
Huey would take issue with the portrayal of Killmonger as a tool of the CIA agenda and has probably written several spin-off stories where Killmonger was not only right but successful in uniting the pan-African diaspora under one banner and asserting a new age of black renaissance across the globe--
posted to fanfiction dot net under a nom de plume.

Now Riley, he's a huge (closeted) Killmonger fanboy... although he think superhero movies is for nerds and he'd never be caught dead stanning for no nigga in spandex but Grandpa made him go see it cuz it's BLACK HISTORY.

>b-but the mouse buys RT scores which explains all their other movies
conspiracycucks btfo

>mfw everyone got baited

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