David Harbour's Hellboy looks better than Ron Perlman's Hellboy

David Harbour's Hellboy looks better than Ron Perlman's Hellboy.

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I disagree.

No, it doesn't. This looks like some edgy 90s crap. Hellboy looks tired, not intimidating

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Is this Hellboy supposed to be biologically an elder?

It really is unfair how he just encapsulate the look of Hellboy. His bone structure just fits it like a glove

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this movie will ruin any chance of making hellboy sexy and cool to the public


Then why is it going to bomb horribly?

It's weird how they gave his this gigantic bulging forehead to fit the horns into when the horns fit just fine on Perlman's head. Maybe it's because of the different hairlines?

Why sexy?
I don't mean how it'll ruin him being sexy, but why do you want Hellboy sexy?

I didn't know it was, Nostradamus. Mind if I borrow your crystal ball for a sec?

It's comes out in two days in my country and at my closest theater it's only getting four showings a day. Keep in mind my theater is relatively large anyone wanna guess how many tickets have been sold so far across all four showings?

He doesn't. I don't know what they were thinking with this new movie.

guillermo del toro gave Hellboy a classic samurai hair cut, which was really the right call with two horns on his forehead.

The reboot just has long hair

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Because Thor and Aquaman movies made hundreds of millions more due to girls wanting to bang the main actors.

This Hellboy is just not pleasant to look at all, he's not cool so teenager boys will hate and not hot so young women will hate, the violence means a no to little kids and their parents and the silliness you turn off anyone wanting a semi serious movie.

What is left? Comic fans? This shit is clearly little like the source.

Going by tracking it's set to do less than the first two films. Should have just made Hellboy 3

Now we have scary stories to tell in the dark

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What is this tryhard spooky skeleton bullshit?

It's your movie, bro. That will be $13

I'll take twenty

>guillermo del toro gave Hellboy a classic samurai hair cut,
I think you mean mike mignola

Which movie did he give his blessings to again?

Harbour Hellboy looks like Perlman Hellboy's evil brother.

the guy did audio commentaries for the del toro hellboy dvds

he couldn't have hsted them that much

What! Some bitch, this whole time I've had my DVD sitting there. I look through the special features before but I usually skip the commentary

There's a small but vocal number of women who want David Harbour's dick, but I think it's more of a daddy issues thing than thinking he looks hot.

On one of the hellboy commentaries, Ron Perlman mentions some women coming up to him expecting to see hellboy and getting disappointed that he looks like a big jewish ape.
Said girls were attracted to Hellboy.

>women who want David Harbour's dick
Even if there is none of them will want to bang him looking like that, he looks like 2004 Hellboy senile uncle

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it's just more grit. i like both hellboy versions for different reasons.

Why he look like a metal cover album?

Do you work there? Because it seems weird that you'd know how many tickets it sold if you don't.

I looked online at the showings. It took less than two minutes

Grass is blue.
Fire is cold.
Bears never shit in a forest.

David Harbour's Hellboy looks like Darkness in his young and rebellous period of life.

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Yeah I'm a Hellboy fan and my partner said she isn't interested in seeing it because the trailers make it look bad and Harbour's Hellboy isn't at least sexy like Perlman's. Oh and she said that Del Toros Hellboy interested her with his cat obsession in the trailers, showing that he at least had some character. This one looks like he's just a dumb superhero who makes bad jokes. I honestly don't even really want to see it myself and it's not like I need to support a franchise that just finished the comics.

Jesus, the prosthetics are practically falling off his face


Yeah, I've got nothing against the new guy, its just that Perlman was perfect. Its like trying to play the Genie after Robin Williams, some roles are just gonna be tied to an actor.

UMM... you do know Del Toro did not invent Hellboy right??

And Mignola LITERALLY said this new Hellboy is how he always envisioned the character

He'll say what he needs to to sell the movie, wake up to yourself this new stuff is objectively shit.

Holy shit he looks like the brazillian president

DAMN those seams are showing

I think David Harbour is perfect casting, is the thing. The only thing I've watched of him was S1 of Stranger Things, but going off of that alone I figured he could totally nail the tired, gruff not-this-shit-again shtick Hellboy is so great for.

no he looks fucking downs

But its not April fools anymore.


Could David Harbour play the role of The Thing if a fantastic 4 movie is ever made