You know the rules, are you working on your art?

You know the rules, are you working on your art?

Attached: quit it.jpg (476x700, 32K)

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might as well contribute, i mean i like these threads but they always die anyway.

Attached: unknown.png (599x593, 333K)

is Yea Forums your first choice for art dumping?

Must be hard being a land shark. Always looking up.

well i got social media now, but i used to post a shit to of my art on /i/.

I will eventually finish about 10 pieces (self doubt and real life can stop you from creating every day). In the meanwhile, have a bump.

shit, i'm on my 24th consecutive day of drawing, i feel like i get worse everyday.

I posted this yesterday, but the thread died after that, so I want to share it with you again.

Hello, first time posting in these threads. The drawing on the left was one of my first attempts at a serious drawing, the one on the right is some concept art of the two main characters for a future comic.

I know I haven't improved that much, especially seeing how at some points I stopped drawing altogether because I didn't feel comfortable with how the drawings were coming out, people telling me I wouldn't be able to draw correctly and overall other reasons. But I've been fairly consistent this past year (maybe not as consistent as some people say I should) but I wish to draw more often and improve for the next couple of months and years.

I know my art is mediocre, especially compared to what I've seen around, but I hope it helps someone who wants to start drawing, to be confident about themselves, and that the road can look painful and impossible at times, but it's still there and it can be walked through.

Anyways, I'm always trying to improve, so if you guys see any mistakes or wonky things on the drawing of the right, I'll be happy to listen to you.

Attached: Comparison.png (1276x1089, 1.54M)


Attached: o.jpg (400x564, 73K)

This is the last thing I've scanned. Probably not finishing it but it was fun to sketch.

Attached: sk.png (3504x2404, 1.11M)


Attached: yep this one goes to my retard compilation.jpg (900x900, 87K)

You're doing SOMETHING wrong. Fix that.

Like what?

just released a webcomic!

Attached: prev.jpg (547x1352, 564K)

Oh, I really like your art.

Attached: unt.jpg (2160x1872, 1.31M)

thanks a lot!

They look fun.

I doodled some donuts. That's about it.

Attached: Feys.jpg (1800x1200, 204K)


Those are some nice digits, but that won't be enough to save this thread.

Thanks, since nu-SU absolutely hates the idea of combat or conflict I wanted to design more Homeworld units, or some that would attempt to attack trespassers. A Cinnabar demolition soldier and some knights that are feldspar minerals of Orthoclase variety, including Moonstone and Sanidine.

I understand the feel. I'd say you improved more in 5 years than I have in the past 8 years.

It's hard to get motivated to draw or finish so I rarely detail or shade anything these days, but it also just happens to be exactly what people want to see, and drawing without an audience is only good for so long. It hurts.

Just keep working on your drawings. Remember, you can only go forward if you never stop.

Doodling lewds last couple days. Wasn't happy with most of them. I think I'm going through creative burnout after spending a long time on pic related (yes I know the background is shit lmao)

Attached: yuki_at_the_beach_colour.png (3000x2100, 2.3M)

Attached: 3D5B5A47-0DF7-4FF9-A275-81911B381B64.jpg (1536x2048, 383K)

Kinda in the same pose...

Attached: 05A76BFE-352F-40D1-AD45-6D1A81456A58.jpg (1536x2048, 425K)