This movie comes out on Friday and NOBODY CARES

This movie comes out on Friday and NOBODY CARES

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I'm pretty sure everyone involved in making this kind of wrote it off as a loss a long while back.

What's so bad about it?

I mean have you seen it?

Have you?

Sorry, I meant the trailers and stuff

>caring about Mike Shillnola Presents; Shitboy (2019)


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>don’t bring Del Toro and Perlman back
Anyone with a brain knew this was dead from the start.

Mignola stopped caring long time ago. He just wants to cash in those checks and sleep on his giant pile of money.

This is being marketed so poorly that a hot sauce was made for it and no one even knows the hot sauce exists.

>no marketing
>what little marketing there is is fucking dog shit pandering to the MCU crowd
>alienates Del Toro fans for not being Hellboy 3
>alienates comic fans for butchering every single character, and completely ruining the tone
>outrageous budget for how shitty it looks
>released inbetween Shazam and Avengers fucking Endgame

This is just a comedy of errors.

I care...but I also can't be bothered to drag myself to the cinema for it.
I'm happy to wait for other opportunities to watch it.

I'm going to go see it but probably not on friday. I mean I kinda care. I'll go when one or more of my friends can go. I'm a big Hellboy fan and it's probably my favorite comic, but I have low expectations for this movie. Hoping for some fun action. That's about it.

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I still haven't seen Shazam yet so....

Oh yeah, kinda slipped my mind

Forbes even forgot to mention it as competition to Shazam, they skipped right to La Llorona on the next week

That's okay, neither has anyone else.

>Comes out in-between Shazam and Endgame
This thing is gonna flop so fucking hard

I honestly don't give a shit. And i even watched Venom and Ant-Man 2 in theaters.

How many times a week are you going to spam this post?

Just at a glance you can tell they entirely missed the mark. Tonally it's all wrong, the costume sucks because Hellboy looks sinister when he should look tired, and it doesn't help that his supporting cast is fucked.

Is it wrong of me to compare Hellboy to that of The Ghostbusters? I mean think about how the BPRD treats the supernatural; mundane. Hellboy went into a job the same way a plumber goes in to fix a toilet. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

Attached: Hellboy paint.jpg (1920x2561, 242K)

>Forbes even forgot to mention it as competition to Shazam, they skipped right to La Llorona on the next week

True story, when Del Toro was trying to get the original Hellboy movie made. He took meetings with studios to pitch it and they asked him if Hellboy could be a normal guy that turns into a Hellboy.

You know, the Del Toro movies had their problems, but I always felt like they kept a lot of the "vibe" of Hellboy, if that makes any sense. They were creepy and weird and unsettling, and Hellboy was just some average joe who had to deal with all this supernatural bullshit and treated it like it was another day at the office. It felt like the comics even though it made some drastically different storytelling decisions.

Attached: ron-perlman-hellboy-and-doug-jones-abe-sapien-in-hellboyjpg.jpg (1300x650, 79K)

Thats exactly what it is. Or started as, anyway.

Also yeah Hellboy looks too demonic. He should look tired and depressed. The present tone and emotion i felt reading Hellboy was always a form of crushing melancholy.

>You know, the Del Toro movies had their problems, but I always felt like they kept a lot of the "vibe" of Hellboy, if that makes any sense. They were creepy and weird and unsettling, and Hellboy was just some average joe who had to deal with all this supernatural bullshit and treated it like it was another day at the office. It felt like the comics even though it made some drastically different storytelling decisions.
Thats because Del Toro was a fan, and even though he wanted to do his own take on Hellboy, he still understood what Hellboy, fundamentally at its core, is.

See what the makers of this film don't understand is that Hellboy's job isn't fun. There's a hint of sadness to it because Hellboy is essentially being sent to fight monsters because of what they are, instead of what they might have done, which in turn ties back to how people treat him differently. He shoots the shit with a good number of them because at least they have the respect to talk to him like everybody else

True, especially in the second movie when they ditched the love triangle and the 'new guy' character.

HB and Abe broing down and drunk singing is perfect and I will punch anyone who says otherwise.

>Costs more ($85mil) than Shazam! ($80mil).
>Projected to make an opening weekend under half ($20mil) of Shazam!.
So with the comics essentially ending, is this the deathrattle for Hellboy?

>Hellboy could have gone out with a bang (Arcudi finishing BPRD off right, Hellboy 3 finishing the movie storyline with that Conqueror Worm adaptation Del Toro was planning on doing, maybe even that third animated movie, with the Injustice 2 guest fighter as the cherry on top)
>Instead literally everything shits the bed.

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Aside from Alan Moore I don't think any other creator has ever talked shit about any adaptation of his comicsmanga too

What about Akira Toriyama?

Mignola for the past few years has been bitching about the Del Toro stuff.

I had honestly forgotten about him, though his "answer" to the movie ended up being subpar

Ron Perlman is true Hellboy.

His answer to the movie ended up completely giving new life to the franchise. It's possibly the most financially successful revitalization to an anime, maybe even all of TV, I've ever seen.

It fucking hurts bros

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Because it's going to suck.

"Comics will break your heart"

As a guy that got into the comics after watching the Del Toro films, it genuinely pains me that we'll never get 3.
What the fuck were they thinking?

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Hellboy and Abe getting embarrassingly shitfaced at BPRD headquarters because Abe has a crush
>Hellboy having the personality and mentality of a 12 year old
>True to the tome of the comics
You're right about the shitty love triangle, but all of Del Toro's juvenile attempts at humor (a lousy trademark of his) are so out of line from what the tone of the comics are.

I would honestly so rather see a movie about Hellboy's destiny as Anung un Rama than Del Taco's idea of Hellboy and Liz raising twins. I can see the stinky diaper and clueless dad jokes already.
The movie isn't out yet and I'm reserving judgement until I've seen it for real. The marketing has been all over the place, but the actual clips they've shown (baba yaga, Hellboy and Bruttenholm chatting) are promising.

I'll be honest, I cared more about Fant4stic.
At least I knew that was going to be a fun shitshow.

>>Hellboy having the personality and mentality of a 12 year old

Early 20's.

Will do better than Flopzam.

Petulant teenager at best

Shazam is doing fine

>not only is Bruttenholm way to young to have found Hellboy in WW2, his character is completely different

>hellboy went from being a cool, sarcastic guy who cares about people to looking like a 30 year junky whose just an asshole
>no liz, no abe. just some were-cat
>professor broom went from being the tired old papa to being the snarky asshole
need i continue?

this. and i think that was something i liked about golden army.
Hellboy doesn't like having to kill all this shit just because it exists. he'll kill them when they're causing problems and be okay with it, but in that movie and the comics he has issues with slaughtering stuff just because it isn't human.

Agreed. Del Toro took a huge dump on a great franchise. This reboot doesnt look any better, but at least they tried to move away from that shitshow with it.

I had high hopes for this one but from what Im reading here, I'm no lomger expecting much.

The others mentioned it doesn't feel like Hellboy and all, but honestly, even putting that aside the marketing material can really only be described as poor. It looks cheap, interviews talk about how it's a dark movie but then all trailers and posters try be "epic" and funny, except it also doesn't look funny at all, Hellboy's mask/make-up just doesn't fucking work, and the latest trailer went for this really weird and embarrassing tactic of trying to sell the movie as "DUUUDE IT'S R-RATED, QUIPS AND GORE"

It spells disaster and mediocrity from simply every visible angle

>Del Toro took a huge dump on a great franchise

Imagine thinking this.

>This reboot doesnt look any better, but at least they tried to move away from that shitshow with it.
Yeah by going in literally too far in the complete opposite direction

No Perlman, don't care.

Del Toro’s movies helped grab some limelight for hellboy. I know I was still young and I had HEARD of hellboy, but I certainly hadn’t read a single comic. I think Perlman brought that worn out bedraggled feel to Hellboy which is so much of what a Hellboy story needs. If Hellboy isn’t the straight man to all the lunacy, then the story just doesn’t feel like Hellboy.

Okay, retards.

Yeah.....says a lot about what its opening weekend is gonna be like huh?

>dude quips LMAO XD
Couldn't care less.

I might be retarded, but at least I don't share your shit taste in film.

True, but the move does signal a measure of awareness about what went wrong in the previous attempt. Not enough to make it work, but it's there.

>at least the comics are rock solid, right?

>>True, but the move does signal a measure of awareness about what went wrong in the previous attempt.
By making basically the same mistakes but worse?

>reinforcing your own stupidity as an opening to make a shit tier insult

It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off

People complain that everything is being turned into Deadpool, but this genuinely looks like they tried to turn Hellboy into Deadpool


I'm always amused by the "REEEEE quips!" response since that's all you weird mutants on here every try to do -- quip your way to relevancy.

> usually interested R-Rated movies get 7 pm showings at my local theater.
> Pet Semetary was showing five times on opening night.
> this has only two showing on opening night.
> two
> first is 7:45 pm

I've got a bad feeling about this.

>It's another "My formative years are the only good everything else is shit" thread.
Never change Yea Forums

>It's another "This product will be good because it's new" shillpost
never change, shill

Or maybe it's more like "This movie looks awful and nobody cares about it" thread

It pisses me off that they're pulling so much shit from different runs that could all be movies themselves. None of it is going to have enough time and space to properly breathe. It's like they know there's not going to be a sequel so they decided to do a Hellboy's Biggest Hits movie.

first time this type of post is actually accurate.

>Thadeus "Bruttenholm" Ross
promising me a heart attack if I pay to watch this crap.