Why it flopped Yea Forums?

Why it flopped Yea Forums?

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Dumbo's a stupid story plus Tim Burton is creepy and hasn't made a good movie since the 90s.

Uncanny Valley Elephant
People don't give a shit about Burton anymore
Though it has a strong legacy, Dumbo isn't as much of a big normie draw as some of the other ones they've adapted.

Disney spent all its shekels and energies on protecting Captain Marvel. There wasn't anything left for poor Dumbo

It's not from the 90s and it's not about a Princess(TM).

Took away all of Dumbo's friends and gave him damn humans.

That and no elephant tits.

We can retweet from Instagram to Yea Forums now wow thanks Hiro

Like we've been daying for MONTHS nothing between Captain Marvel or Endgame is going to do well

>It's not from the 90s and it's not about a Princess(TM).
Neither was the Jungle Book and it made almost a billion and people were gushing over it(even though it was mediocre)

>Why it flopped Yea Forums?
In the best case scenario (i.e. in fuck-you January with nothing against it) it would have performed poorly.
1. Not a princess movie which Disney staked itself to in the 90s
2. Movie entirely depended on its supporting funny animal cast
3. Eva Green fully clothed

That 170 million dollar production cost, before P&A is even added to the equation, sure as ever didn't help Dumbo.

>$170 Million Budget

>take movie mostly about animals and their perspective
>remake it with a human focus

Because it am dumb.

>take a cartoon movie
>make it live action
>put human characters in focus at the expense of the actual main character

Why do movie makers keep doing this shit? I don't go to see movies like this to find out about Steve Guy's dream of one day opening a cattle ranch.

No Casey Jr.

Off the top of my head:
>Someone gets killed in the movie; even if it was a jerkass animal trainer, this feels out of place and would by rights lead to Mrs. Jumbo getting put down but she just gets sold off until the third act I guess? That feels really contrived. What the fuck was Vandevere gonna do with a "mad elephant?"

>You could tell right away from the trailers that Dumbo displays his flying powers to the public part way through the film and the story focuses on the aftermath as it's second and third act whereas the fame, fortune and *reuniting a baby elephant with his loving mother* was the fucking Happy Ending (that Dumbo EARNED) in the original version.

>Timothy, the Crows and other talking animals are replaced by human characters which means that they get their own focus/subplots rather than keeping the focus on an already sympathetic underdog who the audience would normally root for without question. Danny DeVito as the original ringmaster was the only brilliant/great casting done here.

>Speaking of-- there's so much tired stereotypical human drama in the movie as presented. Replace the mouse with a couple kids and pay lip service to a statement against animal cruelty and freeing Dumbo and his mom back into the wild all feels very half-assed. They wrote themselves into this corner too by having focused aimed on the humans, which feels less like true subplot aspects and more like combining two plots together.

Does the girl ever go barefoot?

He doesn't emote but he is in there and Danny Devito sings the song apparently.

No one asked for it.

It's just like Solo, no body wanted this. No one asked for it. There's other, more beloved, movies that could have been remade IF you were going to remake a movie.

>Nobody has gone to a circus in decades
>No crows saying hilariously racist stuff
>Tim Burton making everything as edgy as he can

Stop thinking movies only have three acts.

Why didn't Disney manipulate the numbers like they allegedly did with Captain Marvel?

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you have to let some laundering schemes bomb or else people will have suspicion beyond reasonable doubt

Whitewashing. Dumbo was black

No one wanted it. No one likes circus anymore.

Even worse.

People haven't actually liked the circus since the Roman times.
People just went there because there was literally nothing else to do.

They probably thought this wouldn't need it, because everyone loves animals or something.

Dumbo is one of those movies you know about but probably never actually watched yourself, honestly. "Oh yeah, the elephant with the huge ears!" It wasn't as popular as people think it was, and even then, it definitely wasn't holding onto that popularity through the rennaisance like people who decided to remake this film might have expected. It was one of the highest grossing WWII-era Disney films, but virtually nobody who saw this movie upon release is alive with good enough vision to enjoy the LA adaptation they were never hoping for 78 years later.

On top of that, take a movie people are only vaguely aware of, make it live action to butcher half of what made it any interesting (the animation aesthetic), double the runtime, completely change the narrative perspective to some literal who OC's (the producers said they couldn't make a 2 hour film from Dumbo's perspective be interesting, which really indicates their own inability more than anything), and remove primary characters key to the original film because das raycis (even though I've never met a black person that considered the crows offensive).

It flopped because Disney said "we need a remake" and didn't know how to do one but didn't want to just NOT do one. Hopefully it gets them to realize that not every remake is a money printer because their name is on it.

>>Timothy, the Crows and other talking animals are replaced by human characters
Holy shit what retard thought this up.

Yes, actually.

Because some companies benefit when a movie flops so they can help write them off as tax credit.

Lets face it, the crows MADE dumbo

Remove them and nobody gives a fuck about the film.

The train wasn't sapient.

Dumbo was only really a popular property in the early 40s when the film came out. Ever since, it's just been kind of one of those "well, it exists" Disney films. No one was clamouring for a live action remake, much less one that replaces the unapologetically cartoony tone of the original (literally the best part of Dumbo) with as much realism as a film about a flying elephant can have.

The "pink elephants on parade" scene was at least as remarkable.

I wished they'd improved the crows instead of removing them like cowards. If they're "racist stereotypes" then use that to explore racism. Even if it triggers /pol/ and created a twitter backlash, it would've at least been something - the crows are constantly picked on by the circus animals/owners for being and dirty black birds that steal (but only because society forces them to do sumpin'), and because of this they're the outsiders that eventually find sympathy for Dumbo, the other outsider. Make the subtext of the original explicit and you could've kept them in and their musical number as well. youtube.com/watch?v=_v2exWrsGOc

I didn’t flop. Shazam did.

Fun fact is that "Dumbo" was made as a cheap, safe cash-grab to recover some footing after "Fantasia" and "Pinnochio" flopped. It's remarkable that it's as good as it is considering.

>I've seen a horse fly
>I've seen a dragon fly
>I've seen a house fly

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Go keep those off script notions to your smoking lesbians who learn to recycle movies!

Because it takes a lot of money and sacrifices to put up that big of a snow job.

Why do you think unicorn store was made?

maybe because of captain marvel

my moms favorite movie/story was Dumbo growing up. Nothing from this Tim Burton movie appealed to her. If they can't get my mom in the theaters for her favorite related thing, then it just wasn't good.

-Past his peak Burton
-Wooden acting especially from the kids
-Dumbo is not necessarily a beloved property
-Story in general was kinda dumb

i should say Disney.

Just saw this last week. The first half of the movie was terribly slow and hard to get into

>Lets remake a forgettable boring classic!
>What went wrong?!

My mom and grandma saw it and they liked it. I’ll see it eventually but desu people should see Shazam instead.

Everyone I know has reacted badly to the poster and look of "real life" Dumbo. He's uncanny and scary to look at.

Righto. So could someone please explain to an user who has never even seen a black person irl until he was in his mid teens what's supposed to be so racist about the crows? They were the best characters in the movie and that song is GOAT.

Because Captain Marvel numbers wasn't manipulated you dumb fucks

Sure user, we know...

What existed in reality at the point of time Dumbo was made is considered unacceptable nowadays, even if the Crows were pointedly based on existing black entertainers of the era. The majority of them are all voiced by black actors, aside from the lead crow.

Pretty much the only genuinely racist thing about them is the tongue in cheek joke that the lead crow is named 'Jim Crow' in reference to the similarly named segregation laws. But it wasn't like that was an endorsement of Jim Crow laws or anything, more just a cheeky pun.

Gotcha, thanks for the answer. Can't say I really understand the issue, but alright, I lack the perspective to judge. Still if anything, purposely introducing a slew of human characters to get around having to acknowledge them feels several orders of magnitude more offensive to me.

>uncanny valley elephant
This. Dumbo’s head and eyes reminded me of some eldritch fetus monster.

It might as well been a different movie based on the trailers.

The only interest I ever had in this movie is watching the Pink Elephants on Parade sequence on YouTube in a few months. Please tell me that is at least in the movie, it's the only reason I could think of for bringing Burton into this project.
Also fuck Bob Iger.

This is making me picture a scenario where--if you're going to insist on populating the damn movie with people instead of talking animals-- is to make the "Crows" be black clad or at least drab clad circus workers. They aren't performers per se but work behind the scenes/are largely outcasts and unappreciated. A couple of black guys, white guys, the one armed guy- they all clearly don't belong in society but aren't freak shows. Just forgotten types. Make Timothy some short punk among them who wants to get a 'real' job in the circus.

This gives the latter impetus to try to figure out acts with Dumbo whom he honestly sympathies with- maybe he tries to just do hat and card tricks with Dumbo as a playful assistant (these attempts all fail,) but keeps trying to up the ante. Involve a feather trick or two that gets Dumbo hovering only nobody realizes what's going on.

Gradually the "Crows" warm up to the kid and his elephant sidekick cause damn if they ain't trying so hard. They all end up adopting/caring for Dumbo who has become an outcast among the animal attractions. Reveal that the Crows can can sing worth a holy fuck-- I want to see a tear jerker moment where they all sing to him and his mom who's still in a cage and have the third act be this crew of washups and wannabes pull some serious shit to steal the spotlight/entire show leaving Dumbo's first public flight to be part of the climax. And have the crows sing a huge number as part of an actual act in the conclusion.

Burton did Big Fish for crying out loud, he could have gone with something like this and made it a visual spectacle AND be uplifting.

Unfortunately, it has not actually flopped.

>wanting la pequena goblina feet

let's see
>tim burton, who instantly turns anything remotely heartwarming and comfy into absolutely creepy
>flying elephant in real life vs cartoon
>creepy cgi
>creepy looking cast. as in he made the cast look creepy when they're generally pretty normal
>no singing jim crows teaching dumbo how to fly
i think the biggest issue was making it real life though. you can get away with a lot of shit in a cartoon or animation that simply just looks wrong when in real life.

there was a new dumbo movie???

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Whatever helps you sleep at night user.

Let's get ready for Dumbooooooooo

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I saw it last week. It's a weird movie since the original is so short they just sort of scooped up what they could use and make Dumbo a side character since Disney live action movies have very limited imagination while trying to be somewhat realistic even when it comes at the expense of storytelling. The human characters are flat, the story a storm of cliches, and Tim Burton was clearly doing it for a paycheck, as the stuff he's known for was really, really, toned down.

That said, it's more watchable than Beauty and the Beast or Jungle Book in my opinion because while it's a mediocre remake, it's not exactly soulless. There is SOME originality involved and Devito and Keaton were fun to watch at least. Dumbo's not really creepy. The previews didn't do him justice, he's adorable even if his movie really isn't about him

Because Dumbo is like a D-List Disney title from the Golden Age?