Assuming you have superpowers, would you consider being either a superhero/villain?

Assuming you have superpowers, would you consider being either a superhero/villain?

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Depends on what type can you elaborate OP?

If I could I stay on the down low and just exploit my powers to help my day to day life while avoiding being public with them.

I'd be a hero, but with full costume that hides my identity so my real self doesn't have to deal with the public.

Depends on the powers, obviously, but I'd probably just go into business contracting out my services.

I want to say I would do what I can to help others. But not sure I can live up to Supermans examples.

I'd be a selfish prick with them but if there's a situation where only I can save the day then I'd be obligated to do so otherwise I'd be tortured with guilt from my own inaction.

Celebrity. I wouldn't do hero and villain shit I would just show off and fuck bitches.

The problem is, it wouldn't really work like that.
Nobody goes
>Oh, I have powers now, TIME TO BE EVIL

People work towards their own perceived self-interests, and its up to others to determine whether those actions are good/evil.

No one in this thread is going to *decide* to be evil. They're going to do what they think the best course of action someone in their position would take, and history is going to determine the nature of their actions upon retrospect.

Most likely a thief.

I want to be like Superman, so probably a hero. Besides taking over the world would be too much work.

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I'll just be a generic good guy with different powers depending on the temperature.

I would have no qualms with killing a villain though if push comes to shove. But only supervillains with an army of robots and supersoldiers or someshit. I don't beat up some punk on the street or something like that, that's not up to me.


Doo da doo...

Well, that settles that.

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I guess I could become a pretty good pro boxer.

Probably. The idea of the fame an alter-ego could amass is intoxicating. Having the power to very tangibly change lives and the world. And there's the freedom to do whatever you want unregulated, being a show of force that can affect people's choices more than the police or any natural consequence of their actions. And even when you fail to live up to the lofty ideals you cannot be judged by those who are your lesser. Who would dare to fault such a superman that could at a whim end their life or make them wish you had done so?

Ok, let's see.

Fuck all that good and evil stuff. It is time to science.

Superhero, encourage people to stop being a dick by leading by being a generally positive influence. I'll make it clear that I want people as a whole to improve the well-being of each other while I do as much as I can within my power to help achieve new heights for civilization.

On the flipside, I'd have no time for people who are involved in some bad shit and are entirely unrepentant about it, heads fly off when you make it clear that you're a genuine cunthole and take no measures to change or you've gone too far for any excuse to be valid.

Lobo or Pinhead, not very good prospects. I guess I'll be a bounty hunter and frag some people on some planets.

I'd be hero if I could make money from doing it.

>Fungal Symbiosis

Haha, okay

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Where's that from?

Villain since I would have 0 tolerance

Oh great, I've become a woman.

Depends on the power, anything street-level and I'd avoid being either/only contracting them out occasionally. Above street-level and I'd probably go hero/anti-hero, villain would take someone going after my family.

What kind of powers? If they're the kind that make you totally self sufficient I'd probably move out into the wilderness and enjoy life away from people without having to worry about food and shelter

Otherwise I'd probably do good deeds for a reasonable price

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If it was on this earth in real life, you would be considered a villain regardless of your actions. To many people with to many opinions.
At the very least you would end up getting sued or banned by the UN

Or you could be the less shitty option

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>The user can alter elemental metals (excluding metalloids such as silicon) into that of any other. This includes metal atoms in a mixture or solution with other atoms, as well as metal atoms bonded into molecules with other atoms (such as the sodium in salt.)
Neither, gonna "discover" a very large vein of Platinum/Rhodium, get rich off it/its sale, and live like an absolute hedonist off of the proceeds.

Same. I'd help people out of a general desire to use my power for the great good... but leave me alone.

What the fuck is this? I guess according to this I'll see if I'm a hero or a villain. I'd like to be a hero but have doubts I could actually control myself. If it's within me I guess I could just max out my discipline to not falter.

No, he's become a woman because a woman's place is in the kitchen.


Is neither an option? I would just start doing a bunch of things to make money and impress people.

Guess I'll play hero

I'd be Bueno Excelente The Second

See, you might look at this and think "wow what a shit power", but this shit would be the absolute best. It's not powerful enough to kick up too much fuss or put yourself in danger, but that shit would absurdly useful to someplace like NASA, where they could save millions, if not billions, in manufacturing and safety checks by acquiring your services.

Quietly using a power to help advance humanity, while making a tidy profit, is the absolute best outcome.

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I Wouldn’t be any more effective than myself now with a gun at vigilante work. So I choose neither, I would just go back to my normal day job and maybe use my powers for party tricks.

No. I'd just live my life, but while also using my powers to help myself when necessary.
Depends on the power though.
Like if I had the power to hit people through the internet, I 'd just use it all the time.

I would probably use my powers to start a cult and live off tribute money while occasionally doing good things for society. unless of course my power is...


Hopefully my second face is on my abdomen, may not be able to do shit with it, but at least it would be kind cool.

Finally my time has come!

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Honestly I could go either way with this but I think I would have to be extremely edgy no matter the side I’d pick

I solved the homeless crisis guys. And I'm giving the place a new look

This. Just try to keep the two lives separate as best I can.

I'm extremely petty. I couldn't be a super hero. I might even consider killing people who've crossed me in the past.

Its as simple as shipping the unwanted into a internment camp.

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I'd do what Zatara and Zatanna do: play in a show in Vegas or some other place with a lot of people and go into show business. Make everyone think my powers aren't real. I'd only be a hero if there's a Justice League or Avengers type thing to join, I'm a natural followers, not a leader, I can get an agent for that in show business, I wouldn't even know who to ask to direct me as a hero if I'm on my own, I'd need a leader type guy to tell me how to be a hero and what to do.

If this was played out like any realistic scenario, it wouldn't matter. Once the world realizes a Transhuman exists I would be hunted down by every State, NGO, corporation, cartel or terrorist that either wants to experiment on me to find out how I tick and emulate my abilities on a global scale, use me as a slave-enforcer, or be executed as a global threat to society. I would just keep a low profile.

Petrifying Gaze
Ho boy, I don't think I can be a hero with this power.

Superhero, I like to help

Anyone need a taxi? I don't think I wanna become Metal Gear and nuke someone


Well, I don't even need to be a hero if I can just open the door for fantasy heroes to take care of the problem.

Honk honk

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Keeping my power a secret due to the very nature of my power. Its mostly a support-type power with no offensive capabilities. And thus no means to defend myself. And as a result, I can be potentially kidnapped and exploited due to my regenerative capabilities. Although I might make an exception to superheroes to help them recover from traumatic injuries. Need to find a martial artists master and have them teach me.

A villain so I can torture in a hundred different ways entitled assholes.

I would try to enact positive change in the world. But that would probably just mean public performances and donating the money to charity.

There's a part of me that would strongly consider enacting broad changes to the world that would mark me as a "supervillain" in the eyes of many, if I had the power.

Well now those camps will be floating in the air with fucking teleporting face doorways. Just think of jails made from teeth or pits of frozen light. I have no idea if I'm good or evil but I'll find a way to solve homelessness, punish criminals, and make a good space jams sequel.

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Both/Neither? I mean I'd pick self-gain. Wouldn't necessarily help people but at the same time I wouldn't harm them. At best I'd be a 'good samaritan'

I have no family to protect

Is it lame I'd still have a secret identity because that's what a hero is "supposed" to do? I'd go all in on the boy scout hero tropes.

No as long as it's something and not "I'm captain man" or something generic.

Hell yeah

The kids are gonna want my action figure

>you want unregulated, being a show of force that can affect people's choices more than the police or any natural consequence of their actions.

That's how you end up with a Civil War scenario

Villain. I would try to use the power for good but I don't have enough impulse control to stop me from randomly fucking someone/something up with said power if I am pissed off.
Not the most heroic sounding, but i’ll still try to help if I can

I guess I'd try being a hero. I'm feeling pretty ballsy.

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>Atomix (Ben 10)
I'm fucking OP

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I'd cause a lot of damage, as much as I could but only to those that deserve it. That or I'd leverage myself into power and destroy it legally.

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So you're going to dress like Johnny test?

I was thinking Bling Bling Boy, he’s got a snazzy outfit

I just want to be a normal person who abuses his powers to obtain fame, money and women like any other person with special talents or money

Assuming my powers don't ruin my ability to live at least somewhat like a normal person, I'd most likely be what is apparently called a "antihero", because apparently killing off thieves and dangerous lunatics is somehow a bad thing. However, I wouldn't go full batman and go around looking for crime to fight.

I kinda have no option, huh?

No matter what you did, half of the world would consider you a villain while the other half considered you a hero

Fuck that. I just want to make work easier and deal with bullshit quicker.

Eh, thieves is a bit shifty,

Like, say Superman's powers?
I'd be a hero in the sense that I would use my powers to propel humanity into space travel and use my resulting near-worship celebrity status to fund charities and relief efforts that I would personally keep free of corruption via implied threat of OP's pic.
I wouldn't do anything as stupid as crime-fighting or play to any one nation's interests. I'd essentially see collective humanity as my people who I would help it conquer the universe.
The God Emperor, essentially, I'd be the God Emperor

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Just be the spirit of justice. People offer criminals to you so you may continue living.

>I'd be the God Emperor
So retarded?

Anti-villain, I'd probably use my powers to just be an ass.

i would consider myself a superhero, but i suspect a lot of people would consider me a super villain.

I absolutely hate thieves, along with anyone else who poses a threat to my property (and property rights), and those who think they are entitled to just take what they want from others. I get the feeling that my attitude on the matter would likely cause me to have quite a few enemies.

Not much a power, so I'd just keep being a dude.

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A car thief does not warrant murder

A deadbeat dad?


>A car thief does not warrant murder
You see, that's why I said I'd probably end up being enemies of at least some "proper" heroes, because not only do I disagree with you, I'd hardly call it murder.

>killing off thieves
That’s pretty murdery, dawg

Angron says hi.
Anti Hero
I'd probably just use this on Customers that piss me off

I guess I'm a hero.

>I'd hardly call it murder.
You're the reason we have courts.

Would depend on the power, but ideally I would use it for my own success while periodically doling justice when I felt like it. So anti-hero.


Then it is decided.



For the greater good.


Makes it easy. Sure.

Dude's named Angron
Some people just never had a chance

Welp, anarchy it is.

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I'd consider being wealthy.

I'd imagine the vast majoirty of us would start as a hero, but then quickly get cyanical - this then makes you a edy anti hero, an anti villain or just full blown villain

How long before we get a super rapist that impregnates strong willed women so they have to raise kids and become house wives?

I might do some selfish things, but I think I'd mostly help folks.
For instance, I think I'll make Catgirls a thing.

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Superhero, the world is bad enough as it is. Might get some benefits out of it too.


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time to be a crazed lunitic reading bible verses and shooting people

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this made me laugh way more than it should

neither. Both would be way too much work and have long term consequences. I'd just be a guy with super powers.
For starters I'd get a job at the UN as a translator and work as a hero in my spare time. I would try not to kill people but I'd have a three strikes system. If I catch you three times then you're going to be killed. I'll even call Death ahead of time and tell them to keep you down there for good.
In my spare time I'd also go and talk to conceptual forces. Like, what does Time do to pass itself, or what do Ra and Apollo think of each other? Honestly I don't think I'd ever get bored.

I’d just live my own life. I don’t need to take over the world or anything. Like if I were psychic I would just read peoples minds to learn stuff like playing piano, or if I could teleport I’d just visit cool places cheap.

I’d fuck off of earth and go make Venus or Mars habitable, and become a king.

>User can create, shape and manipulate all the elements, be them artificial, natural, supernatural, psychical, physical, esoteric, fantasy, cosmic, universal, divine/transcendent, demonic, conceptual, metaphysical, primordial, etc. elements, having practically no limits on the amount or type of element they can absorb, combine, project or manipulate.

Shit I guess I'll be neutral until shit pops up and I can't ignore it anymore

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I’d like to think that I would do the right thing and use my powers for good and help people, but I’m also aware of my own nature and how I’d go corrupt and also do a lot of bad shit if I felt like it.

I'd probably just use them to facilitate my existing lifestyle.

God Invincible became tiresome near the end.

All my own. I would probably be some kind of anti hero

>A car thief does not warrant murder
guy steals your car. you can't make it to work. they fire you. you can't get a new job because you have no way to get there. lose your home. end up on the street. family (if you had one) leaves you so they can go get a government home that they can't get because you live with them. you have lost everything, because one asshole stole your car.
idk, i'd say it warrants murder.
Yeah lol time to go vegan and take back the Earth

Do I get everything if I land on a list or do I need to reroll?


I'd probably be an anti-hero at the end. Noble goals but bad methods.

I guess I get everything regardless.

>Intuitive Replication

Neither, I’d just use them in very limited amounts as a “neat party trick” and have fun.

I feel you, anyone who claims stealing isn’t a big deal has never been robbed.
It’s why I hate most fiction that tries to glamorize thievery, as if the character being a gentleman thief or loveable street rat makes up for the feeling of powerlessness and loss their victims feel when their possessions are stolen.

If I had actual viable powers then I'd just do whatever the fuck I wanted. I like to think I'm a good guy and would help people out on a regular basis, and when it came down to it, I'd be a hero, but most of the time I'd just fuck around and do things for the purpose of building myself up more so I can get my ego off.

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I'd go into deep-hiding, because if I gave into inclination to go vigilante, environmentalist intentions aside, once the ideology driving it became clear the entirety of the establishment would declare me a villain anyhow. That said,

I don't think anyone *could* stop me. Manipulating the elections to slow societal decay to a crawl would be difficult, but I feel it could be done, and hastening human progress by having the best possible solution come to pass might be nothing more than a road-bump on our way to the collapse, but I owe it to millions to try.

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Keep to myself and avoid public trouble as much as possible.
Having power can make normal life easier.
Don't supers level of attention wrecking my good fortune.
Government oversight pprpreventing me from getting a job by cheating and landing that sweet billionaire lifestyle would be a drag.
I'd be annoyed by heroes and villains outing enhanced people through their dumb fights because I'd have to leave my job, change my identity and probably country just to get ahead of the eventual crackdown.


Easiest to make a choice when you no longer have to make a choice.
I'll make everyone else be good people.

superhero but i would try to assert myself as some kind of world leader and a lot of people would probably hate me on principle.

am i too op

What kind of powers are you talking about?

I mean unless I have Superman type powers that make me practically unstoppable, I'd not let anybody know I have powers. I don't mean keeping a secret identity, I mean not letting anybody find out that "guy with superpowers" is even a thing. That way I don't have to worry about people wanting to either kill me for having powers or force me to use my powers on their behalf.


>be me
>make rare minerals and sell them
>become millionaire in early thirties
Looks like I walk the road of a tycoon.

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Let's see.

Completely beyond good and evil. Solid roll, hope I get it IRL.

>Depends on the powers
This. If I had like Super Speed or the ability to Freeze Time it would corrupt me instantly. If I was bullet proof/indestructible or super human(ie Cap or Deathstroke) I'd probably become a Merc or Assassin or something, but I'd like to think I'd have standards on what contracts I'd take.


What the fuck do I even do?
Also Gargoyles are apparently my bros now for some reason.

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I'd only use my powers for my own selfish gains while remaining out of the spotlight, trying to eek out a comfortable living for myself without attracting the eye of the public, the media or the law and without going full Yoshikage Kira. So I guess I'd be neither a hero or a villain, just myself but with super powers.

Invest in pacemaker tech I guess. I mean, you don't decay. Even if you died from an injury, your body would be in prime condition forever to get patched back up without needing cryonics, so you could just get good life insurance and have them try fixing you up whenever the medical science is there. They could literally leave your perma-fresh corpse in a storage unit with their baseball cards until they needed you again.

I'd just get a job at doing roadworks for the government and probably end up being killed by the asphalt mafia.

I guess, I just hope they don't forget that I can actually be revived or something.
>mfw my corpse gets used as a Halloween decoration
>mfw they use my corpse as a crash test dummy
>mfw they use my corpse as mannequin

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>user becomes a superhero and joins a superhero team
>they forget he exists because he's dead but looks alive
>they think he's still sleeping
>user wakes up, swears revenge
>becomes super villain
>gets killed
>super heroes forget that he's still not dead

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>Assuming you have superpowers, would you consider being either a superhero/villain?
Federal employee. SRSLY, superpowers would be a golden ticket for a nice job with pension, healthcare and dental plan. Maybe they'll even pay for a college. Masked heroes and villains are dumb children who waste their talents.

I'd be fine working for the government as long as there was a clause in my contract that allows me to freely volunteer my time and presence in places I feel I am needed but am not allowed to go when on the clock. It'd kill me on the inside if I couldn't do what needs to be done and save people after some terrible natural disaster, just because of legal red tape.

Fuck the capeshit stuff, I'm getting filthy rich and we all are getting into space.

I have paradox manipulation so I'd get fed up with government work extremely quickly.
Since when being a uber-convincing trap is a fucking superpower?

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I would decide to be evil

In a world where there are no supervillains? I'd probably be an e-celeb. Just playing games on twitch all day.

Then people would start bitching at me for not using my gifts for humanity. This would be the turning point of my career. I either become Hancock and just become an asshole to everyone, or I go injustice Superman, starting in my shithole of a country.

Lets be honest though, except for the times when revolutionaries where trying to start shit, everything seemed fine and dandy under "superdictator man".

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Well, I'd feel "super" villain is a bit much. Maybe to corny, or something. But yeah. If I had any manner of superpower I'd try to use it for profit. And depending on how strong the power is I'd most likely change for the worse.

"The user can generate death-force/death essence.

Age Acceleration
Concussion Beams
Death Field Projection
Death-Force Aura
Death Inducement
Flight/High-Speed Flight/Levitation
Necrosis Inducement
Rot Inducement

Government and capitalist lap dogs can bugger off.
Super heroes and super villains can bugger off.
I'm a free human being and I'm gonna live an exciting life of selfless heroic adventure in my free time and part-timer doing that 9 to 5 grind in a dumb job for my never ending studies at fancy universities or whatever.

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Seriously when I get my powers, I'll fucking crush each and every one of you like insects. I'll make you watch your Mom lick my nutsack.

>Not wanting to be free of gender bs

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Well, if it's good enough for this Madara fellow, I guess it's good enough for me.

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Playing with balls all day long.

Villain, i hate most people so i dont care about saving anyone, now i can get loot and get revenge on people i hate
I guess I'd work in a factory or something. or create lock picks
^ 2:10

remember that season in yugioh with noah?

Guess that I now have a lucrative career ahead of me in CIA.

Oh, fuck off.

If my powers allowed me to make easy money, you best believe I'd do it.

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Super vision, that's so fucking lame
this is probally op as hell, but I'm too stupid to figure out how to use it. like maybe if i was battling someone like supes make everything incomprehensible?

If this didn't fuck my mind due to being literally everywhere all the time, then I would try to better humanity I suppose. Be it seeking out alien tech, airing out criminals and such. I guess I'd also be able to catch every show and the like from now on at the same time.!
I guess I'm the gamechanger if WW3 ever breaks out, but on my own this power is useless.

Ain't gonna stop telepathy, bossman

Stalin would love people like you.

Depends on how OP I am and how many other superhumans are out there, but ideally I'd like to be a "freelance" hero.
I won't leave anyone hanging while they are mugged or raped but goodness of my heart in not the only thing that motivates me.

What splendid goddamn bullshit.

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I solve the power crisis by creating infinite uranium.

'Everything seemed fine and dandy'
SEEMED, yes. They weren't though. It's all a fake peace, with people wondering when they'll fuck up enough for Superman to waste them before they can even realize he's there.


I might consider helping society out.

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What in the world am I supposed to do with this?

Welp...looks like I am a God of Destruction now.

Probably a villain. Not because I want to be one, it would just happen out of my control


Grant humanity psionics and become a living god?

Assuming i have powers that can kill people i wouldn't i would just turn myself in to the news or whatever and hope i don't get put in a test tube


Not so exciting, but I would be the best thief.

I've always fantasized about having the power to stop / start time and move freely about without aging. Stopping bad guys from crimes-in-progress, learning all sorts of things to better myself and all that jazz. Can't say I wouldn't indulge in some evil shit though. With an ability like that I'd be well past the point of caring about money. With just a slight amount of effort and time I could pretty much take whatever I wanted.

I'd probably just lose my moral compass after a while and just start raping. It's a terrible thing, but the urge would be too great for anyone to bare. Wouldn't stop me from moving people out of a burning building or taking the gun out of the gunman's hand, but I would definitely rape as some sort of sick compensation for my efforts.

>Here lady, I stopped time and moved you from getting hit by a bus
>But in exchange I'm just going to use a week's worth of relative time violating you

The outlash would be massive. Hell, maybe someone gets really clever and figures out who I really am from all the evidence I'd be leaving behind. It wouldn't matter since I can stop time at will. If they even thought about coming for me I'd fuck everyone they loved for years, maybe even decades, just so they know that I'm untouchable.

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considering modern technology I'd give you no more than a year before you get found out, much sooner if you operate in the open

You can do that with money or talent.

Neither, why the hell would you go so far to put yourself at risk?
I would just use my powers to make my life better and leave it at that. No grandiose heroism or villainy, only stupid people do that.

I would become a healer for money. Would make fortunes curing people with cancer and other incurable or severe health problems and would overall be considered a good guy or even some kind of saint despite basically doing it all for my own self interest/to earn a massive fortune.

Not a bad power honestly.

I feel like I don't really have much choice in this one, I am literally the embodiment of evil and the only way to not be evil with this power would be to refuse to ever use them.
So evil it is I guess.

If I were Superman level I'd unearth deep world government secrets, cause chaos in some controversial country, and take out whoever I deem evil. Beat up whoever I please.
I dont want to level cities or anything, just enough to shake the world up.
It'd be fun
Never would harm an innocent directly though.

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It'd be too easy to fuck up and have the whole world against you.

I'll probably become an activist/environmentalism, no costume but I'll be buried under 5 layers of clothe cause' I'm sensitive to cold.

A basic example would be to become Sin Batman by empowering yourself with Wrath and enhancing the amount of Sloth in any criminals you capture. You could use Greed to steal weapons from your enemies, Pride to make your enemies more arrogant and make more mistakes, and just chuck a big old blast of lust at them while you stealth around to mess with their minds.

>Wow, a truck full of free weapons just stopped in front of my house when the attendants had sudden heart attacks, what a miracle
>By some miracle I managed to not even come off with a scratch after jumping off this skyscraper
>I really picked up on all this knowledge of what my enemies are planning against me at the right time, talk about a miracle
>And by a freak miracle the sniper bullet meant for my head was off and didn't even mess up my hair
I'd be the most infuriating villain ever.

>Nobody goes
>Oh, I have powers now, TIME TO BE EVIL

Fuck you, I'd be a super villain in a heart beat. Not even to be contrarian to you, I've just always admired villains more than heroes.



Or a sex reassignment surgeon

>random ass series of events causes to want to kill a guy
How’s it going, Joker?

welp, time to become a very ironic witch hunter i guess.
Fuck yeah, hope I get a cool spirit.

You get moot. He won't ever tell you how he died (or why he is somehow around even though he's still alive), but you gain the ability to be an admin if you call upon his powers.

maybe he would have had one if emps wasnt such a massive egotist about hits kids.
>"oh they're all my children that measns they'll all grow up being 100% right like me, im sure i dont actually need to make up for lost time."
The fact is Emps always hatted Angron because he represented a failure, proof that in the right circumstances even he could have been reduced to little more than a mad dog. Angron was a living embodiment of the emperors falibility, and so became an agent of his destruction.

Guess I become the villain that deleted Yea Forums.

Well it's fucking useless.


>Well it's fucking useless.

>The user can take on an ordinary human appearance to blend in with modern society
You can finally leave the basement, user.

I'm 27 yo wagecuck, i leave my basement every fucking day.
Suck it, Leman.

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Depends on how powerful I am and what exactly my powers entail. I live in a pretty sparsely populated region so unless I have superspeed and some way to know crime/accidents have happened I'd be pretty useless. If Superman, Flash or Dr Manhattan tier I'd definitely become a superhero. Otherwise I'd try to help in some other way, maybe offering my powers for research to better the world.

This, uuh. I'm not entirely sure. Probably not a public superehero but I'd try to change events for the better if given the chance.

I’d never do anything malicious, but being a hero? That depends on the power.

Guess I’m a furry. I’m not sure if this means I’ll be able to transform from human to furry like the Zoan fruit users from One Piece, or if I’m permanently a humanoid cat.

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Well, I hope whoever I'm fighting uses magic, or this will be utterly useless.


We would make a great team.

Depends on what do you consider evil. Injustice Superman would be my goal.
Neat, time to become a real life Ace Combat protagonist.

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That’s pretty evil, man

Not only a tryhard, but also way too edgy.

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Anti-hero/anti-villain. I'm a good person at heart, I want to do good. But I'm no paragon. No boy scout. What i'd do in my pursuit of what I deem to be the greater good would Not be seen as good.
I believe in necessary evils. And I'd be willing to become the enemy of all humanity in my pursuits.
And I don't want to be confused with some nutjob that thinks " Is the source of all evil!" or something like that. Justice to those who deserve it, and the culling of the bad stock. Genetic cleansing would be my ultimate goal. Not Aryan race kinda bullshit, just kill off the people with severe genetic diseases, disorders, and what not. If humanity can defeat me, bring it, I did everything I could, even if nobody will appreciate it.

Wow, you are evil. I mean that’s some coldblooded shit right there

I'd like to eradicate illness and bring Big Pharma down but that would probably be unfeasible considering the amount of people I'd have to touch. I guess I'd just sell my services to rich people, hazardous workplaces etc. Or pretend to be Jesus.


Eh, I'll just fuck off nearby (all valley around my town) and found my own commune with nuhippies and ravers where (few) people can live in a peaceful semiprimitivist anarchy, and kick off my land whoever comes to disturb while being whorshipped as a demi-god

Kinda neutral unless the State sends me military or police

Gotta elaborate OP. What type of powers would I have? Or is it up to my decision?


I'd probably only just go around killing people that go on /pol/ Yea Forums /r9k/, maybe some shitposters on Yea Forums. Humanity can solve it's own crime problem

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I can't tell if this is evil or just retarded. Also what of the mods?

>Seemed fine and dandy

Yeah you know other then forced curfews, Superman's policeforce being abusive as fuck and let's not forget the time Superman was about to level a city out of spite because people got fed up with his shit

/pol/ on both Chan's more or less spawned a mass shooter that /pol/ and Yea Forums now Revere as a hero

/r9k/ also spawned a mass shooter and it's better that those type of people don't live

Yea Forums needs a mass purging anyways and it's basically /pol/ 2.0

The blood is on the Mods hands and if they didn't learn from the first purging then they'll be part of the second one

Probably villain. Power corrupts so yeah. I’m a girl tho so if my rival is a male he will probably go easy on me. Maybe fuck me a few times but that’s okay.

If my rival is a woman then it got hell a lot more interesting.

Retarded Isekai Superhero

Neither I'd be the one living it up because of my powers while hiding the fact I have them.

Not sure if this works in my favor or not as far as heroic deeds go. I could probably be pretty good at infiltration and sabotage though if I'm willing.

Probably go around killing or netrualizing other people's powers if only the people on this thread got them, we don't need incel mass rapings

Huh, so I'd be Batman with umbrakinesis or Jackie from the darkness
I'll act like a hero at first, but when I reach a high enough level I'll destroy the Earth for XP.

Come at me hero cucks

I don't even know what I could really do with this.

You could be a villain and shut off power to entire cities permanently unless they give you a ton of money.

My ideal set of powers would be having superman like abilities coupled with immortality, regeneration and complete control(manipulation,creation and understanding) of matter energy and space/time. I know it sounds a bit overpowered, but think of versatility. I wouldn't be a villain, besides being one when you have super powers would be pointless, as you'd be easily able to earn cash by using them. I would watch humanity and intevene whenever there is a need to stop a natural disaster, help relief/charity or science organisation. I would aslo encourage tech progress and try to stop conflicts, but at the same time I'd not make humans rely on me to do all of the job they can do hemselves (making cures for deadly diseases would be an exception).

You could negate the electricity in people's muscles to make them collapse, negate the electricity in their brains to effectively kill them, or just straight up negate the electricity in their hearts.
I am going to run every shipping and storage company ouf of business, would that make me a villain?

How perculiar, I'd do the same thing, but with... somewhat different assortment of targets, superpowered or bot.
I won't point any fingers, but:
1)75% or so of them I'd find on Twitter.
2)If we would be in the same universe, our first meeting would be REALLY akward.


Would that work though? Don't neuroreceptors work more off chemical reaction than electricity?

Eh, that would draw a lot of attention desu

That would be kinda cool I suppose, but I don't know if it works that way


>sers are the pinnacle of physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and sexual health, far superior than most other beings of their universe; also being completely immune to disorders, diseases, disabilities, etc; and, possessing an absolute metabolic rate.

>Beings with Absolute Health are either immune to most forms of damage (usually from "lesser beings") or so highly resistant that only an equal or superior force is able to cause harm. Overall, the user's health is so close to being invulnerable that it may be indistinguishable from that separate ability.


The body uses chemical reaction for slower things and electrical signals for the vast majority of important functions, like pain, movement, regulating your heart beat (how do you think a pacemaker works?), 90% of brain function, and more. Seriously, if you could negate electricity then you'd be able to fuck with people in so many ways.

Sounds like you could also charge someone up as well if you negate pain
>"officer, you got this."
>he runs out into a hail of bullets feeling nothing and drop kicks the robbers

If I had a superpower I'd probably be like Vlad form Danny Phantom, but without the revenge on old best friend thing.

>rolled failure manipulation
so probably just make professional sport teams lose in upsets and I'll cash out big at the betting tables

I got this:
I don't really get it, I feel like it's super dependent on the laws of the universe on whether this is worthless or absolutely godlike. Can I revive someone and just go "well it's different to before, he was dead"? Can I, similarly, kill literally everyone with this ? Can I make myself into a God ?

>criminals and the disabled both deserve death
dam user thats kind of harsh

>charge someone up
Wouldn't that just give them a seizure?

you could do anything. A mansion made of solid gold appearing in front of you would be "different" to what was supposed to happen, thus you could make it happen.

I wouldn't even bother with labels if I could do this.

No, if anything it would just make it to where you don't notice pain, despite how grievous an injury you get. You'd still die all the same.

I meant in the metaphoric sense. Like after a good night sleep you feel charged and ready.

>Automatic Function Manipulator
I want a mulligan, this shit’s lame.

Anything like super strength or invulnerability would be mostly useless in a peaceful world, and would necessarily require supervillians or WWIII going on to see any utility. In fact most powers would be useless in day to day living, so I'd most likely go on with my life unless there was an urgent need for them.

I would be a villain and make it my purpose in life to make sure every single sentient beings in the universe knows the secret identity of this user

well I guess it's good that people like you won't ever reproduce

fuck off back to facebook faggot

Hero, but half my work would be just for perfecting every piece of tech I get my hands onto to take humanity to the stars and fuck the aliens


Not a bad roll honestly. I'd probably be a hero since I wouldn't even need a costume, just send out my magna-minions to do good in my stead
with this i'll never go broke

so UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hero I suppose? I don't really know now what would I do with such fucking power, but I'd either explore the universe (all the possible ones) or be a hero.

I'd probably go work for the government and pull a pension desu.
I'd be both more effective and have better discretionary ability when compared to the current drone strike based warfare.

>/pol/ fag mad because people want him dead
I'd be a hero in my own eyes as I would change the world as I see fit. I'd look at a terrorist attack on TV and say it never happened and it would be as if it never happened. I'd also create a pocket dimension I can mess around in.

I probably wouldn't run around in tights and all that, but I would try to be a good person. I can imagine helping people move or change car tires using super strength or whatnot.
I like helping people out for completely selfish reasons. It makes me feel warm inside.

id love to pretend id stay the good guy but
>pic related

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What’s this from

What kind of powers would you want to have? How would you use those powers against your enemies?

I call myself Roc and become a super hedonist.

>Supernatural Intelligence
>Also Called
>Immense Intelligence/Intellect/IQ
>Super-Genius Level Intelligence/Intellect/IQ
>Super Intelligence/Intellect/IQ
>Superhuman Intelligence/Intellect/IQ
>Supernatural Intellect/IQ

Gotta be a villain, baby.

This but I’ll use the powers to kill mudslimes and faggots that diddle children.
>sources my ass
Mass shooter writes a fucking manifesto stating why he did the things he did and you’re too much of a lazy faggot to even read it. The first one I’d use the superpower on is you.

>some of the posts ITT
I get the feeling that a lot of the anons claiming they'd be entirely villainous are larping, but holy shit, if some of the antihero/antivillain posts are of any indication, it's a good thing that superpowers aren't real yet.


Huh, guess I'll just play sports or something


How in the hell am I supposed to be anything but a villain with this kind of power

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Phase Cutting...hmmm...I'd say villian.
Fuck Good and Evil, I want to be rich!


This one could really go either way, I could use it to bind up criminals or law enforcement

That seems like a lot of work and I'm to lazy for that, I would just do what I'm already doing but use the power make an easier time of things, and I might help people if I'm already there, but I'm bit going to go looking for trouble.

This is very interesting. I'd suck at first but once I got the ball rolling I'd be OP as fuck.


Might be difficult to be a hero.

pop caps will be your friend. If you can control your power well (and shape the explosions) you can use them to do things like rocket jump (attach to bottom of your shoes, shape the explosion to downward only and with loads of strength), knock people away (attach to melee weapon or brass knuckles and use enough explosive force to push them away but not kill them), break down walls/destroy robots (same as before but stronger), or even destroy the engine block of any criminal stupid enough to not be using an electric car.

>The power to have everything you say automatically become untrue.
>tfw you get the power to be so wrong at literally everything that reality bends to you just to make sure you are perpetually wrong

I honestly couldn't come up with a power more fitting for me if I tried.
I'm not even sure how to feel about it.

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Wait, so could I replicate myself indefinitely? What happens if a replicated self get injured? I imagine this as a situation in which my alternative selves are like vestigial appendages. I control them, but their death is meaningless besides the pain.

Seems like a bad guy power but I would try and use it for good. Problem with superheroes is you need villains to have a purpose. Meddling in human affairs will only yield net negative outcomes

Guess I'm God now and can sit back and watch everything going on.

i'd be a superabsolutely nothing

SuperHero but try to make some cash on the side with sponsorships so basically like BoosterGold.

You are essentially a reality warper, just say the opposite of want you want to happen to become the god of this world.

Breddy good, but I'll have to be a villain. Good.

I hate being wrong more than anything else though.
I don't think I'd be able to abuse this power constantly

Not bad.

Wow. What fucking luck

yeah but I'd probably steal shit all the time like firemen do.
>wow, thanks user-man. how could we ever repay you?
>I'll take that guys' shoes, that sports car and the TVs over there. just say the other guy threw me into them, insurance should cover it.

>Finally satiates his bestiality urges...legally.

Can someone post the Yea Forums and Yea Forums power chart?
Also: money>power at least IRL

This. I'll take the Mob Psycho 100 route, if possible. And if it came to it, I think I'd be a anti-hero. Only outcome, reasonably.
I would end up becoming a villain in a heart beat lol

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Hero or anti-hero. People are just so full of shit. Like everywhere all the time. There needs to be an urge toward counter-balancing the torrential outpoor or selfishness/laziness/ignorance/etc.

Someone's gotta take all the shit of the world and turn it into gold else we're all just drowning in it. Why not me?
I would be too OP to be either so I would probably just live a normal life

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When I was younger, I thought I'd do my best to be a Superman like paragon that just tries to set an example.
I had a moment yesterday no less where I thought to myself that I'd probably be a Black Adam-like antihero who probably got some blood on my hands, and was painted a villain or tyrant by the world, even if I did the things I did with the legitimate intent of making it a better place for the masses.

There are too many public cameras now, I wouldn't be able to use my powers without becoming some instant social media trending thing. So I can't become either a hero or a villain.

However I have no doubt that, the more I am capable of using my powers without being detected, the more daring/vile things I'd do with them. I probably would not balk at killing, since I know some people who deserve it.

Mystery Man was the best cape movie ever made.

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I would start a dictatorship right away.
but it would be a nice directorship.

>t. Doctor Doom

i would be a supervillain. Not intentionally but I know that I do not handle any type of responsibility well and the smallest of pushback would lead to me just going all out.


Oh yeah. definitely.

If I had the powers I want, I'd be considered a villain for the most part. Besides that it depends on the super power. If it's easier for me to get what I want by doing something others like, then hero it is. For example, if I had the ability to control global weather or repair the ozone or something, and it didn't screw me over or keep me constantly busy forever, I'd make bank saving the world. Because it'd be the path of least resistance with that ability. But a hero for hire isn't a true hero in my book, just a mercenary.

This really just comes down to asking a person, "Do you consider yourself a selfish, self centered person?" In my case, yes. So it would be dangerous to give me great power, and that's pretty much the story for all villains no?

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Depends on how much power I'm getting here. If it's Superman tier, I'd probably try to do some sort of contract work for the government killing literally every terrorist in the Middle East or something for a few hundred million dollars. After that, I'd try to do what super hero work I could. If it's Spider-Man tier I'd just skip straight to the heroing. Any less like Stain Master and there's no point to using them at all.

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I'm selfish, so I'd probably just be some kind of amoral neutral party who just uses their powers to make his own and his friends/family's lives easier.

If I had the superpowers I want, I worry about possibly getting into trouble, because I'd probably end up using them early and often, from situations as minor as getting trying to act as an antenna for better reception for my phone and laptop, to problems as severe as a life or death situation; especially with the fact that I could easily see myself using my powers on people who annoy me (unless they're my boss or an authority figure, etc.).

Being a supervillain in just inconvenient. If you pull a big scale heist, you are still breaking the law just like everybody else. Unless you are incredibly powerful, cops will be after you. Even if you get away, you now have to live as a fugitive. The only safe way to do it is to commit such petty crimes that police won't bother with the manpower needed to take you in.
Being a superhero is also stupid. You won't be able to do any good because every crime you stop is an act of vigilantism. The police (and media probably) will demonize you since not only is a random, dangerous citizen taking the law into their own hands, but it's also making the police look bad. You can try joining the police force yourself, but the higher ups will quickly get jealous and stick you on traffic duty until retirement.
The only winning move is using your powers to live more conveniently since nobody could have a problem with your recharging batteries with your electric powers or whatever.

I see a whole lot of "well it depends on"
That is probably not a good sign of your morale integrity.

>Even if you get away, you now have to live as a fugitive.
That's why you have a secret identity. Destructo the villain's wanted, but John Smith the shitposter is still a nobody.

You are Captain marvel!

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Fuck you guys! I'm a hero!
If anyone commits a crime I'll eat the fucking universe!

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Forensics is too good for that. Just sneezing or losing a loose hair at the crime scene will leave DNA evidence. Not to mention there's work being done on facial recognition to see what people look like behind masks. You can't realistically hide your identity these days.

I've never heard of the firemen stealing thing pls explain. Though now you mention it, running a super powered insurance fraud scheme could be real fun.

I’d go fuck up warlords and terrorists for a while, but honestly I think I’d just live my life normally without as much fear or stress. Depending on what powers I got I might exploit them a little, but I’m not going to rob banks or anything.
Ho-holy fuck. Screw being a villain or a hero. I'm gonna be a fucking god.

You didn't specify powers so I'm assuming Superman powers.

I imagine that I would try my best to be a true hero, but the real world would bring me down and I'd give up.

Eventually I'd start toppling governments and shit, forcing change and whatnot, Greater good being more important than the petty differences and opinions of men.

So I guess villain? from a certain point of view.

i would be a super hero
just like the punisher

>pls explain
>firemen show up to a building and put out the fire
>firemen walk around assessing the damage
>other people aren't allowed in at this time
>firemen can now take anything they want and claim it was burnt to ashes in the fire
Destablizing governments is never a good idea unless you know what you're doing. You'd probably make the whole middle east conflict 10x worse.

Isn’t that a Simpsons ep

Oh yeah this would be good for personal uses



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The power I'd want would be the ability to freely manipulate good/bad fortune for myself and others, bless or curse various objects, etc. From the mundane all the way up to massive scale. Taken to the furthest extreme it's essentially passive Godhood. Basically the Luckforce. So my influence would be subtle, powerful, and nigh impossible to trace with any certainty.

Some user posts something that really irks me: Maybe their machine breaks; maybe they lose their career; maybe they get Final Destination'd by a bus. Maybe it's my ability or maybe it's just random chance. Who can say? But I'm very positive so most of the time it'd be posts like or randomly finding a couple hundred bucks or something similarly pleasant.

Wait, shit no, this is good.
If I can focus it on a persons fat cells then I can sell myself as a weight loss guru.

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So I'm like a shitty version of Chamber?

God fucking dammit, I hate ghosts and zombies.
I'm Catholic too.

Luck manipulation sounds pretty groovy. You're basically Mad Sweeney before he lost his coin

Honestly and frankly, I would use them for furthering my own political agenda, which would make me a hero to some and a villain to others.

This would take more time or less time depending on what powers I have, and it'd be harder with some powers than others, but the general plan would be to amass funds doing mercenary work, then use those funds to build a secret prison on some faraway island for all the oligarchs and dictators of the world. I know in concept that taking away one rich bastard or dictator just means the wealth or the company is just passed down to another, but I like to think that once my spy network and prison is in place, and once I've abducted ~50-100 of them, the elite of the world that don't use their resources for the good of others will realize there will be consequences.

What do you say, Yea Forums? Would you fight me, or join me?

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So you're like a global version of not-quite-Lenin? I'm down

I have reality warping powers, so if you threaten me or my way of life, I'm gonna take your powers away.

Eh, pretty villanous, so sorry bro, kinda gotta fight you

Welcome, comrade!

I won't mess with you unless you spend a fuckton of money on political lobbying or slave labor.

You think you can stop me? Fool - my army of mind controlled Illuminati elites shall destroy you!

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I easily stop them with my team of Cyborg Ducks

Rather be a selfish Anti-Hero.

>the elite of the world that don't use their resources for the good of others will realize there will be consequences.
>goal is to forcibly take resources from others
>wants to implement communism
Fight, without a doubt, btw, I'm the user who posted , ,
and . Also, if I chose my powers, they'd be electrokinesis with technopathy.

You’re also a lunatic, arguably a bigger one, he’s not killing car thieves

I'll make an alternate dimension and put you there.

Chaotic neutral as FUCK.

So, if I got into a fight with someone like , are you saying that you'd take his side against me? Or would you not intervene at all?

Help you, but probably get you a therapist afterwards

Well, this could work

Advice, or "mandatory"?

Advice, pending their recommendation

I would probably just lay low and use them to subtly improve my own life. I'd be too afraid of getting blackmailed or dissected to ever go public.

this sounds hilarious

I'd offer up my talents to my preferred political entities and I'd support myself off of looting my target's corpse/robbing my target.

Which would be decidedly harder than I thought it would be -

Likely, I would start as a hero, but quickly go full villain.

pretty neat

>I can become an eighty foot tall indestructible ghost skeleton

I think I'd move to Africa and spend my days patrolling around the desserts, bleaching my bones, dancing, righting small wrongs in the disparate village communities and just generally being spooky. Maybe if I do enough good, I'll become a freaky folk god to some small tribes.

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The problem with actively choosing to BE EEEEVIL is the fact that repercussions are going to come from *some* where.

All actions, good or evil, have consequences, and on a long enough time frame, it becomes less about what is good and what is evil, and more about identifying and mitigating the inevitable blowback. Which means being EEEEVIL is being shortsighted. It's why almost all mass shootings end in suicide.

Nobody's saying you have to be Jesus, but being good is, in the long term, going to lead to a higher quality of life, and the more evil you start, the more you come to realize this


Fuck good and evil, I'm just gonna ruin almost everyone's day by just existing. As though that's not normal already.

honestly if I had superpowers I'd probably pull a yoshikage kira and murder everyone who found out about my powers to keep my life simple and be able to rest easy at night.

probably neither, id try to stay under the radar so i dont get a fuckload of super powered assholes trying to kill me or arrest me.

Probably a little bit of both. I really, really, really like helping people and seeing people safe and happy, but there's also just shit I want to do and if I can circumvent the things blocking me from doing the things I want, then I will. Especially if it's fun to do so.

>Bronze Generation
>The power to generate bronze. Sub-power of Bronze Manipulation. Variation of Metal Generation.

If I could make anything out of Bronze, or generate Bronze from anything, I'm pretty sure I could be a Super Hero/Anti-Hero.



If your powerset is strong enough there's no downside to being a multiversal evil force.

In comics, sure. Superman will stop you. But... we don't have a superman.

If I was the flash tomorrow I'd rape every hot chick on the planet.

I'd be right there raping chicks with ya, pal.

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Damn, no rape for me...

Any powers? I'd likely be somewhere in the grey. Like a light grey area.


That's an exceptionally shitty one, and not something you'd want to get into a fight with. I guess if I can actually project it onto someone as a curse, I'd go around targeting the biggest bastards who exploit people, whether in business or in political systems in the world, but who legally can't be punished for this, and make them just a little bit less satisfied with what they've built for themselves on the backs of others. Then just go back to my normal life.


In a world where superpowers are real, why wouldn't other people with superpowers or cosmic horrors exist? The one that publicize and showcase their superpowers are more likely to be violated by a cosmic horror or some autist asshole.

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Depends if you’re the only one to get powers or not
Sounds quite badass and OP
I might stay neutral with this kind of power

Are you sure about that?

You could create a religion of monstergirls that I'd follow
Made me chuckle
Welp I can't be good or evil

You can become the perfect spy

I mean, I could change something at subatomical level or even change what's behind a door that I never opened.
Hell, I could even change other dimensions or anything in this universe that I don't have knowledge. All I could know is that it's there and that I can change it
I kinda could be like the keymaker from Matrix

Well you're more like this guy.

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I was trying to make a joke about uncertainty .-.

I dunno about that

>maybe they get Final Destination'd by a bus.
I really wish all the other movies had the first film's menace instead of becoming absurd comedies.

The thing with evil is that everyone thinks he can get away with it. In the real world people wouldn't leave you unchecked, even if you are good. A near godly guy doing things without asking the leaders of the world? Big no-no. While Superman is one of the most unrealistic superheroes his general classic portrayal is the most realistic. Does what the president of the most powerful nation tells him to do and there is a convenient thing which can off him if he goes nuclear.

Fuck yeah Imma be evil as fuck

Probably neither. I don't have the motivation to be a super hero or the disposition to be a super villain. I could spend weekends at the soup kitchen if I wanted to help people, but I don't. I could keep a wallet if I find it on the street instead of returning it, but I wouldn't. I'd probably use my powers--whatever they were--as quietly and non-destructively as possible to make my life easier and help the people around me, and generally just try to avoid notice.

I know that's the most boring answer but what do you want.

OP asked if I got super powers. Currently that makes me the only one.

But if I was Flash no one could stop me from raping the planet, they could only try to catch me after the fact
I will be a modern day robin hood, stealing only from the corrupt and giving to those in need, and maybe keep some of money for myself, I gotta eat too.

Huh. Guess I can get rich proving that human beings have souls

Would I still be considered a villain if I used my powers to exploit criminals purely for my personal gain? Like attacking foreign drug lords and flying off with loads of their money.

so you're jumper

Jumper (the novel not the movie) is exactly what I'd be. He used his powers to rob a bank vault but used the money to live a comfy life and had a cool secret headquarters he built in the desert.
I'd be a vigilante

Fuck around on the earth doing whatever the fuck I want.
Become a multitrilionaire by finding lost treasure and doing things that others can't do.
Have my own private island.
Make myself immortal.
When some nation gets froggy and wants to take me down I'll take over the nation in a night and then become the ruler of the earth in reality.
Will let everyone do what the fuck they want but occasionally step in and tell them to stop doing stupid bullshit because I want humanity on the moon and healthy as fuck within 1-2 generations.

Oh and I'll leave a string of bastards across the earth but only after making sure that my powers aren't heritable.

Will then walk into random dyke bars and fuck the shit out of ever cunt there twice.

My super power would be to turn into alexandria ocasio-cortez's panties.

I'm a hero obviously btw.

If my powers suddenly just appeared one day, I would be too terrified of them just as suddenly vanishing.
Imagine you're flying and then it just stops working over the pacific ocean.
I also wouldn't be a villain. Not because I'm a good person and want to help people, but because I'm not egotistical enough to think I'd be the only one with powers so I'd rather not set myself up as a target.
In real life, cape villains would be killed the first time they're defeated. So no thanks to that.

I guess it all comes down to how it comes about. If I knew for an absolute fact beyond a shadow of a doubt that my powers would never fail me, then I would probably try to do some heinous shit to make my life better at the expense of others simply because I don't care as long as they aren't my friends or family.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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I guess I'm a super cosmetic surgeon now.

But to answer op.
It depends on my power level.
Going off my rolled power, I would turn myself into superman, change my face and do whatever the fuck I felt like.
It would probably end in the destruction of a huge chunk of stuff, but as long as nobody tries to fuck with me i'd probably be content with robbing a few banks and living off the money.

A hero. Helping out the little guy. Every flying brick can blow up starships and nukes and punch evil guys. But this little girl needs her cat rescued from the tree. And this guy had a bad day at school and need a kind word. I would use my powers to make people happy. Because why not.


I'd hijack a shitload of cash and then I'd go down the list of assholes to kill and try not to be found out.

Alright scratch that. I'm starting a death cult to take on the Cartels. And those assholes from Japan that put that girl in that concrete barrel.

It depends. If I become an unstoppable Force that not even the combined force of all the world's nation's could stop then I'd probably force world peace. Anybody who tries to go against my will gets erased and if anyone touched my family I erase their entire bloodline.

with this power I couldn't be anything other than a hero. id draw way too much attention to myself. at least id be fabulous.

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I can dig becoming that guy from Limitless without the side effects.

Well being a hero does seem cool

User with this ability either is or can transform into an Orang Minyak (Malay for "Oily Man"), a male spirit with pitch-black skin whose nocturnal attacks comprise typically of sexual assault, which is directed most commonly toward virgin women (though, any women are potentially vulnerable).

>Turned into a nigger

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This so much. While I probably can't ignore if someone is in trouble or the chance to validate my self-worth, I don't want the attention that comes with it. I'm not an animal or a desperate celebrity.


Looks like I'm your bane bitch

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>supernatural immunity
I guess I’m a demon hunter now or some sort of supernatural cases detective. Makes more sense for a hero.

Hero. But I don't want publicity, so I'd have to operate in the shadows or with as much identity concealment as possible.

What Would Superman Do would be my mantra. So hero.

I'd murder drug dealers, terrorists and trafficers. I'd be a hero and I'd work in secret.

A healthy mix of vigilantism, political violence and super powered contracting. Head down to wartorn shit holes, pick a side and start busting heads.

N word pass fo lyfe

Alright! Let's see what I get!


... Huh... Apparently you and I shall be enemies!

Pretty easy power to use as a villain.

Sorry, didn't quite catch that. Couldn't hear you over all my (You)s.

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Is it evil to reset all of time and space and recreate it to be perfect?

I'll just absorb what you create!! haha!

>Razor Attacks
I would probably start off doing some street level anti-hero shit for quick/easy cash. Finding pimps, drug dealers, and other low lives, slicing them into clean chunks like it's 2005 CGI, and looting the bodies. Probably retire after I get a good bit of cash piled up, and only use my powers for self defence or when I'm too lazy to wash a kitchen knife.

...i dont know man, i guess i could be a stripper or dancer?

Don't knock the butt, Bro.

I am exactly the kind of idiot that hack writers love to kill off in crossover events to show how edgy they are.

So becoming a superhero or supervillain would pretty much be suicide for me.

Guess I'll forever be the white mage in life

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What kind of question is this? Of course we would do good. We are neets and rejects, but not the dregs of society.

The main problem with being a superhero that isn't addressed often enough is actually finding situations you can help with.

WTF are you going to do with super strength of you can't find a crime or dissatisfied on time?

Help build houses?

I'm not a supervillain but I use this power for profit when I can get away with it.

>WTF are you going to do with super strength
Construction. You could have the ability to move anything, such as rebar and other heavy equipment, with the precision of a regular human building with legos.
Supernatural Strength
Type I: Being able to lift up from cars to trucks, buses, and other vehicles of great size.
Type II: Being able to lift structures from battleships to massive air-crafts.
Type III: Being able to lift skyscraper size structures and moving mountains at top strength.
Type IV: Being able to lift continents, planets and even objects of nearly infinite mass and weight, at top strength.

You would make millions of dollars doing anything in the construction field. There would be bidding wars between several contractors for what you're able to do, once you control yourself properly.

>mind control
You're a villain by default, your only redemption is be eliminating other telepaths and users of mind control.

I would honestly be scared to use my powers knowing that as soon as word of it got out the government would be right on me to empower an army of super soldiers to take over the world.

I didn't choose the kaiju life... the kaiju life chose me

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>The main problem with being a superhero that isn't addressed often enough is actually finding situations you can help with.
Head to Mexico. The Middle East.

Fuck North Korea.

I'd be a brutal street-level vigilante that hunts down rapists, pedophiles and gangbangers and cripples them for life. Shattering their hips and legs, knocking out all their teeth, gouging out their eyes. Making an example out of society's dregs.
I'd also take the liberty of brutally killing a few corrupt rich fucks just to strike fear into all of them. If it gets some other supers sent after me, I'll fucking kill them too, just try me.

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Wait am I God?

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Careful with that edge, you could poke your eye out

Ha ha! Time to conquer Earth!

I'd just float in orbit lasering people committing crimes. I might be merciful and just blast their hands off, but it would depend on the crime.

No, but chris chan would like a word with you.

If it's a full-time thing, I'd like for it to pay the bills. It doesn't even have to be that much, just enough for me to get by comfortably and raise a family.

This thread reminds me of this.

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But I merge with the universe, not merge multiple together. What does that even mean?

Crippling them just makes them a burden that needs help. May as well just kill them at that point.
Wow, jackpot. Probably try to live a comfy life as a "human", set up a secret base and take on a disguise so I can go out. Set up some mining/terraforming operations on the nearby planets and secretly position an stealth orbital death-ray around the planet for when something needs blowing up. Anyone gives me shit/see's something they shouldn't, I erase their memories and drop them off somewhere safe until they get their senses back. I honestly don't know beyond that, the galaxy is sort of my playground now and I'm not extremely ambitious. Might play hero occasionally to keep myself from getting bored, charity/disaster relief work seems like the only thing that might still be fun considering I have access to pretty much anything else I could want.

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I guess I'll be kept and predict murders.
>I'm basically a motherfucking Black Shuck
I'd probably say fuck fighting for good and evil for good and evil's sake and make a name for myself as a bodyguard/henchman for hire. Having a giant ghost dog that can pop up anywhere and maul your enemies probably sounds like a pretty good investment.

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My life probably wouldn't change at all. It's not a good enough power for me to really be a criminal or a hero.

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>Literally adult Franklin Richards


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Finally. I can fix everything...

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So I'm the thing from The Thing, nice.

Make giant fans that blow hurricane force winds? There don't seem to be any limitations to the size of the fan you make, doesn't say they need to have a power source either for that matter.

I means you could probably alter the universe in a way that validates Chris' bullshit ideas

>Being a Hero is bullshit
>Snap the neck of a Hood rat who probably have dangerous super powers
Then stop doing heroic stuff then

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Villain, no question

Be careful not to "discover" too much or you'll tank the market.

Pretty sure that I'd try to be a hero, but end up a villain in the process.

hmm... lets see here
>The user can induce love in absolutely anyone, regardless of how powerful they are
fuck, that's powerful. And I'm gonna get away with it, unless one of you has some sort of Empathic Shield. I hope you all enjoy my harem world harem world. Well, you'll enjoy it whether you want to or not I suppose.

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I don't really see what villainy or heroic stuff I could do with Richard Reed's power to be honest, stealling from vending machines and parkmeters one day, rescuing cat of a little girl the other, shape my face to look like someone very important to bet all his money at a casino one day, catch him when he's about to throw himself off a roof the other.

I'd probably end up being that guy the police isn't equiped to stop, but isn't really worth the effort to build the proper equipement neither.

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Shit, if I went either hero or villain I'd be playing a VERY difficult game.

Sure, being a selectively-invisible kung-fu fighter is a great setup power for heroic or villainous deeds, but I'm still mortal as fuck, not even peak-human. If my greatest power is my martial combat ability paired with invisibility, then it's only a matter of time before an opponent catches me, and once they do, I'm dead. I don't think I could even fuck with an opponent with super strength. Once they throw a car/wall/lamppost in my general direction at 90km/h, I don't think my normal human reflexes could get me out of the way in time. I'm not a ninja or the fucking flash.

I would have to be stealthy about everything, and again, that's still incredibly risky and walking an incredibly fine line between life and death. Shit, no doubt my "invsibility" would be easily countered with heat-detecting cameras anyways.

I couldn't do it - neither hero nor villain. I would have to just be stealth about the fact that I even have any powers, and only use them for small-time gains that would hopefully go unnoticed.

so im an edgy fuck either way

Depends. Does anyone else have powers? If I'm the only one with powers I'm ruling this bitch with an iron fist, unless I'm vulnerable to bullets or something lame like that. If I'm not powerful enough to just shrug off anything short of a nuke then being either one is too dangerous and hard to bother with.

If I wanted to be a "hero" or a "villain" I'd just become a cop or buy a gun and start robbing people. Anything short of godhood is just too high risk.

>he doesn't want to lead an army of super powered beings
>he doesn't want to make a meta human Outer Heaven
>he doesn't want to wage a meta human war

If I am the only one who has a superpower, I would just keep it to myself.
Maybe use it stealthy to make life a bit easier.
If there were supervillains running around I would feel obligated to use it to fight them, since I would probable be the only one who would stop them.

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Neither, become a star athlete by watching the Olympics. Make money and retire while watching Bruce Lee flicks.

I honestly don't know how to use this as a hero or villain all i know its op and would break a bunch of time shit. When i think about this is some shit that would be pulled when a comic is doing a reboot or a universe changing event so either way i would be some plot device.

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Probably go about my regular life but with more convenience because of the powers.