ITT Yea Forums media that takes place where you live/are from

ITT Yea Forums media that takes place where you live/are from

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Attached: 2017-07-30_19-57-15-784.png (1366x768, 1.34M)

Is there any Yea Forums about Philly?

Literally no one wants to make a show about Cleveland and it hurts

Fellow philly bro

The end of Logan takes place in North Dakota. Don't know where they shot the scenes but that landscape isn't anywhere in ND.

Seth Macfarlane did

Don't they live in some unspecified point in Mexico?

Nope, its Puebla actually

Attached: tenor.png (600x338, 155K)

Attached: 0f448c23a3e03219e9ed492f69182b2a.jpg (1000x600, 73K)