>goes mad due to living in a society
>sees the clown world for what it is
Is the new Joker /ourguy/?
>goes mad due to living in a society
>sees the clown world for what it is
Is the new Joker /ourguy/?
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Black Lanterns?
They should have just made jason alexander the joker.
This is gonna be the next fight club.
>mfw i see a society
See, this is implying he wasn't always /ourguy/?
Well, a broken clock has the correct time.
Unfortunately he's seeing the time in a mirror.
So what are the chances of a shooter showing up while this is in theaters?
I get paranoid going to theaters these days.
Bring a gun with you.
>man who has cause so many "bad days" concerned that now people have had their one bad day and there's no hero to save him.
society will pay!
>trailers been out for a while now
>gamers have YET to rise up
What are we doing here, people?
Don't act like I didn't see you post this same damn thread on Yea Forums.
Just sit near the doors, or alternative don't live in the third world
Provided this movie is as good as it looks, is Phoenix going to replace Ledger as the definitive Joker?
Elon recommends a minimum 80-hour work week to excel at your career.
Ah yes, Stephen Colbert, known life ruiner and abuser.
Sure, if you can afford the pills needed to stay awake.
I used to think my life was a tragedy...
A Colbert clock is right two scoops a day.
>meanwhile CLOWN WORLD memes and pepe all over the place made by depressed, demoralized, and/or black pilled people.
The happenstance or "coincidence" is astonishing, it's as if it was pre-planned or something.
But that sort of thing would only happen in Ame-
Oh, I see
I don't get it
On the one hand, I'm glad I'm in Europe and don't have to worry about mass shooters appearing every week. Judt every year.
On the other hand, I'm in goddamn, tyrrany-loving, state-funded-security-blanket-yearning, dominance-over-freedom-for-all-yearning, we-deserve-free-shit-because-we-have-a-pulse Europe.
Trump is Joker and nobody has been able to rape him yet.
I’m just gonna download it
I already sense some edgy loners saving up their allowances to build small arsenals for the premiere
Arise Gamers
What do the bullied freaks in your country do when pushed over the edge?
They join the left-wing parties and go study something useless like philosophy or linguistics. Mind you, the bullies are just as insufferably stupid by joining right-wing parties and wanting nothing but the domination of their group over every other.
Doesn't seem stupid, seems based to me. What else is there to want in a world where everything is already given?
You're missing out on the wider context, but that's okay since you don't live where I do.
Imagine a band of raiders, who decided that swords and guns were less effective at getting them other people's money than state-enforced law. That's what the right-wingers are in my country. Left-wingers are that too, but their hearts bleed. That's the only difference.
It should say "society" under current joker
Batman doesn't have time for two-bit thugs like him! His cock needs to remain pure and ready for the main event!
President? Do you have any idea how much power id have to give up to rape the preaident?
>le we live in a society rise up le gamers!! xD
t. libtard/Veronica
Yeah yeah, go back to writing your mainfesto on how sex should redistributed
How do you distribute sex? Prostitution?
Its an incel thing, where the government gives them women for sex, becaus reasons I guess
I'm sure that's a real thing that happens.
...Doesnt seem like its working BillyWitchDoctor.com
Pretty sure he goes mad when his insane mom get sent and overmedicated in Arkham.
Can someone please explain to me how a fucking Movies starring the Joker has already become so politically charged on media website and on Twitter? It’s the fucking joker not a political movie
Metropolis is utopian image of America.
Gotham is grotesque image of it. Everything related to Batman is deeply political.
Realistically, Gotham is a Democrat run city with how shit it is. So funny enough, if they get into politics, they'll see that crime infested societies breed Jokers with ease.
>have sex incel
Can someone please explain to me how a fucking Movies starring the Joker has already become so politically charged on media website and on Twitter? It’s the fucking joker not a political movie
Twitter hates it already.
This can’t be real.
Probably just people wanting the Twitter equivalent of (you)s.
Elon probably never worked more than 30 hours a week
because we LITERALLY live in a society
First time reading Twitter?
I mean, they are not 100% wrong... we live in a society after all and we must rise up
If only you knew how bad things were.
This says a lot about our society.
Did someone in this thread already figured out that
We Live in a Society/Gamers Rise Up! is my favourite meme.
Elon is a notorious workaholic. Known for being out of his kind on ambien. A sleep drug.
I'll rape him.
holy bottom text batman
Post times you were literally the Joker:
>Take a shit in the public bathroom
>Use up all the toilet paper
>clogs the toilet
Based Lock-Up
>go to the shops
>use self-checkout
>leave receipt behind
Maybe in China in the near future but not the west.
Literally a lie he says to keep his wage slaves working hard enough to meet his weekly Tesla quotas
If you aren't a dumb fuck and have a career worth pursuing, there's no way you're working 80 hours a week
Having twitter account should be punishable by impaling.
>abandoned house with "do not enter sign"
>actually enter it
>look around and then exit
Sometimes I wonder how I can coexist with other people.
>go to walmart to get some food
>cashier asks me paper or plastic when I check out
>I say BOTH
>Trump is Joker
Why? is it cause he has a hot woman like Harley?
I'm gonna watch that film
oh my how horrible
Why is this even a Joker movie. A completely unrelated King of Comedy remake would be fine.
Every time a movie has a black person can I complain how it’s trying to make us sympotheize with nigger violence?