Is this show shit? I just finished Avatar and it was amazing, and now I'm interested in Korra. Is it worth watching, or is it that bad?
The Legend of Korra
It's bad. People have talked ad nauseam about it. Just type "Korra" and "bad" in the desuarchive and you'll be able to see a small fraction of the negative criticism.
Also use the catalog:
But I want a big fraction of criticism. Also that thread is pretty dead and I don't want people just ignoring it.
Not as good as ATLA, not horrible like Yea Forums likes to meme. Second half is far better than the first half.
>is it that bad?
Oh boy, you just don't know. Be lucky you missed the shitstorm when it was still airing. It started out really well in the 1st book but as it went on it got worse and worse.
It's not as good as ATLA but Yea Forums is too hard on it precisely because of that. It's an action show superior to much of what was airing during its time, and even now. It's got its ups and downs but if you're into the Avatar world I'd say it's still a worthy watch.
Apparently Mako is voiced by the guy who played Bud Bundy in Married with Children.
>Season 1 is arguably the strongest season, what with every character actually doing something and having semi-reasonable motivations.
>Obsession with pro bending is a little annoying mind, and they've nerfed fire and water bending.
>Also, Korra straight up kills a dude by encasing his head in ice, and it's never brought up again; assumedly he survived due to cartoon physics.
>Season 2 is awful
>Everywhere Korra being an aggressive jackass could cause a problem, she starts shit
>Anytime a firm hand could smack down the villain before they do anything evil, she suddenly eats her humble pie
>Villain is extremely punchable, and somehow avoids getting the shit kicked out of them due to literal plot armor
>Plot holes with new lore begin appearing; Tenzin's family causing most of them, Korra causing most of the rest
>Best episodes are those which do a soft retcon by exploring a set of events in the past
>I would bitch about that, but the episodes and reasoning behind the change is actually pretty neat
>Everything else is pretty garbage, apart from Varrick and Bolin
>Season 3
>Korra can't be in Republic city because plot, and so has to go on magical journey to recruit spoiler soldiers
>Villains are fun, threatening, and present a completely new and ongoing danger
>Naturally, they're not a threat after this season, despite all evidence to the contrary
>Season is pretty good despite this, not gonna lie
>Korra still has a glass jaw mind
>Season 4
>Best Bolin
>Best Varrick
>Best antagonist, right up until the last couple of episodes
>Villain is revealed to do some warcrime level shit, it gets brushed off while people are pissed at lesser crimes
>Everything else is pretty awful
>Still watch it, just so you can revel in some of the disaster
>A major group gets a uniform change, it looks horrendous
>I don't even usually care about that stuff
>Fire bending does zilch at this point, i.e. that scene on a train where a character throws a fireball
>pretty poor
Its bad. Season 3 > Season 1 > Season 4 > Season 2 in order goodness. The only thing they did right were the villains until fucking 2 of them over with retarded backstories and 1 was just ancient evil.
Don't watch it just fap to the porn.
Season 1 wasn't good, it was dog shit it just seems less shit compared to Season 2.
Season 3 is generally considered the best and it's still mediocre because it suffers from the damage caused by season 2.
People don't like to admit but korras got better villans by far with amon and zaheer and season 1 and 3 are Atlanta's tier. Season 1 does have like 2 bad epsiode though that focuses on there relationships but it's more annoying cause it takes you away from the action for a bit.
Season 4 is good but in my opinion not as good as 3 or 1.
Amon is goat villian by far tho.
>Season 4
>Oh yeah btw lesbians
Stop being a pussy and form your own opinions.
Just skip through stuff you’re not enjoying and watch the cool bending fights for the Avatar style choreography
It’s the Star Wars prequels of avatar. Even though it’s a sequel.
First season is good.
Second season is bad but has a fantastic two parter stuck in the middle and is overall necessary to keep up with the plot
Season 3 is fucking amazing and I can't believe they got away with some of the shit they did. Fucking brutal.
Season 4 feels largely unnecessary but wraps up what loose ends there were.
Its different. They didn't have the same long running story guarantee that Avatar had so each season is very self-contained. But there's a lot of great stuff and it does a lot to show how bending has changed and continues to influence the world.
I really enjoyed it but it's definitely its own thing.
Long story short: it starts with a lot of potential and interesting ideas and throws them away for teen angst drama romance crap, unlikeable characters (korra's personality is pretty bad), and over all bad writing and pacing. That's just season one. Goes down hill from there culminating in an ending made e to appeal to a very small segment of a rabid shipping fanbase while trying to score progressive browny points.
come on man, today *was* a good day.
It not that bad, but it has flaws. Don't jump into it RIGHT after AtLA. Give yourself a week or two, then check it out.
There are some lore changes that can be explained away, but do seem like drastic changes, mostly in season 2. Season 2 is actually the show's weakest, so know if you survive it that season 3 and 4 get better. Some people hate the stuff it says about the Gaang as grown ups, but I think people are just upset that their heroes can still have flaws as they get older (it's not as drastic a development as Luke in TLJ, but how you reacted to that might indicate how you'll react to some of this).
>Korra's part of Four Elements Trainer has begun development
>after months, perhaps years of piecemeal delivery, the final update slowly approaches - the finished product
>MITY decides to crash the patreon with no survivors
I want it. I'm not even into the subject material itself, but the concept of this happening is so fucking funny it arouses to me.
All that edgy slave shit, all that gentle bondage and juvenile body writing. Blown the fuck out irrevocably with one glorious scene.
I think the "love routes" are way better than the slave ones.
They are
well in short its bad. In comparison to Avatar its atrocious.
It's kinda meh.
It's entertaining as a toon set in AtLA's world, and it has some good concepts here and there. But most of those concepts end up half-baked and poorly used.
>Korra struggling to use Air
>non-benders treated like a lower class
>spirits being freely let into the physical world
>the origin of the Avatar
>using merciless conquest and totalitarianism to stabilize a failing country
Korra herself isn't a great character either. She's headstrong to the point of violent, has zero humility, and always insists on having things her way. It seems like a setup to give her an arc about understanding her limits and the importance of harmony, but she never stops acting like a bull in a china shop.
What little good it has does not make it worth watching.
Not as good as ATLA but worth watching. Second book is the low point.
Only read this image if you don't care for spoilers.
The only "OK" thing about TLoK is the first half of season 1, and that's just OK. It does not get better, only worse.
It wasn't good.
It wasn't "Not good not bad" like alot of the apparent comments in here would like to suggest like they're tip toeing around the issue.
It was a sequel to a highly beloved, well performed, and well made origin material, and it was TRASH.
You can watch it and like a cardboard cutouts of characters, I, personally will like almost any goth girl in cartoons because I think goth girls are cute. But lets be clear, you liking 1 or many characters of a show, doesn't mean they were good characters or a good show.
Point is; TLoK is trash. Watch it to hate it better, or learn you have little to no standards for good media and have shit taste.
I'm so fucking sick of this same fucking thread every fucking day
Watch the E;R videos, he deconstructed this shitshow in its entirety.
>using merciless conquest and totalitarianism to stabilize a failing country
Worked for Stalin.
>First half: Screaming dumpster fire
>Second half: Dumpster fire doing a backflip.
I guess you're right, user.
Regardless of how we all feel about the story/ lore Korra introduced, we can all agree that Nick seriously needs to put out an official studio OST for both the full series of AtLA and tLoK right?
It's been 4 years please just let me listen to Kuvira's battle music you fuck.