I just saw Shazam. And yeah it’s the best DCEU movie:
Shazam > Wonder Woman > Aquaman > Justice League > Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
(I never saw Man of Steel)
I just saw Shazam. And yeah it’s the best DCEU movie:
Shazam > Wonder Woman > Aquaman > Justice League > Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
(I never saw Man of Steel)
I forgot Suicide Squad. It’s between Justice League and BvS
Imagine if a guy in a superhero costume did the fucking floss dance before punching you in the face hard enough to send you through a window
I'd say not only is it the best DCEU movie, it's one of the best DC movies, or shit, cape movies ever period. The marketing and release date really screwed the movie at the box office.
It did ruin it but it’s been 3 days so far and it already garnished 154 million not counting today of course. I think it is going to profit but not as much as Aquaman did. Maybe 700 mill by the end of its run.
It was okay but I honestly expected more. Maybe DC held back because they didn't want to overshadow the big blue man.
I hated the marketing. Reminded too much of what I hate from MCU films.
I think the complete opposite. Marvel films are formulaic action films with often inappropriate quips. This is a comedy with an inappropriately serious villain.
Well you would probably be dead. I can think of worse ways to die
>This is a comedy with an inappropriately serious villain.
Sounds awesome.
It's the first movie in years I've been to where the audience in the theatre audibly laughed.
Exactly. It's why I wanted to watch it while the MCU bores the crap out of me.
Same tough there was nothing until Levi showed up
>all the parts with Captain Marvel and Billy are light hearted fun 80s style that kids would love
>all the parts with Sivana are fucking nightmarish
Was this a good move in your opinion?
Yeah it was. I don't know why I saw some critics say Sivana's motives made no sense. If you had a wizard offer you magic powers but pull it away from you because you weren't good enough you would be bitter about that for the rest of your life.
Yes, they were juxtaposed well. Sivana was an actual threat, and Billy had to man up fast to have a chance.
I was glad they didn't make the villain a goofy jobber, but also not as big an edgelord as villains in MCU and other DC films. The only complaint I had was that Sivana suddenly had parental controls enabled when it came to the kids. He had MANY chances to fuck with Billy by killing his fellow foster kids, and he didn't seem like a man to shy away from that if need be.
There could have been even a brief moment where he said that didn't kill kids for whatever reason (but would consider making an exception for Billy if he didn't do as he asked).
>Maybe 700 mill by the end of its run.
At best it might get to $300 million
Keep in mind Sivana's whole childhood was his dad and brother telling him he wasn't good enough as well. Finally having a chance to prove them wrong and having it pulled away at the last second while still possessing a glimmer of hope definitely would have kept him fixated on it.
ok sneed
>mfw "Don't stop me now" during the powers montage
The wizard really fucked with him. Took him to his realm to say he was going to be the champion of good, then showing him a sphere that offered him all the power he could ever want, then taking it all away and going "nah changed my mind, you're worthless and will always suck, bye".
And then he got blamed for the car accident on top of that.
Sivana had motive AND was really in the right, when you think about it. What was his endgame? Really hard to tell, maybe he had none apart from revenge and then world domination, as is the standard.
I mean, it's certainly not going to bomb, but it's also certainly a disappointment for WB given we're in a golden age of comicbook movies and off the back of Aquaman cracking a billion and the movies incredibly high positive reception. It won't lose money, but it will probably only make then $50-$80 mil profits.
It won't get close to $700. but $300 is too low as well. It came in above projects in the US so depending on it's legs it's looking likely to make $380 low end to $500 high.
>we're in a golden age of comicbook movies
We're not. Holy fuck, where would you even get that from? The market has been so oversaturated for over a decade that there's a new marvel film out every single year, if not every half-year at this point. It's too fucking much, even die-hard fans have capeshit fatigue now.
>makes way more on its opening than Ant-Man and the wasp
It will get to 400. It's performing almost identical to First Class which did 353mil but which didn't have a Chinese release. Anything beyond that is just dreaming though
There's 3 Marvel films a year. Last year had 13 superhero movies
True, I was expecting Billy to at least have to physically come up to the demon to stop it from devouring Darla, not just shouting "NO". He gets really violently physical with Freddy too when he forces him to lead him to Billy, and his disdain for the family atmosphere in their home had me thinking he was a second away from offing the first one of them to step out of line.
If the shit show that was auqaman can gross 1bil. Surely this can do 400-500 mil. This looks funny at least. AM was stupid, so fucking stupid.
It's going to do 400 just about. Hopefully WB gives it a sequel
Lack of good villains, and building up to a character I can't stand from the comics as the "big bad" without providing any context to threat level is why I bailed on Marvel movies. It all became quippy white noise.
Budget: $90mil
Marketing: $40mil
Domestic Open: $55mil
Return: -$75mil
Cap Marvel
Budget: $160mil
Marketing: $150mil
Domestic Open: $153mil
Return: -$157mil
marvelfags BTFO
Endgame will be the last one I see. Next year looks particularly awful. A Black Widow movie and one led by Angelina Jolie. No thanks
400? That's pretty good actually.
Not even a remotely plausible scenario.
I don't know, Freddy actually got a couple of chuckles from my audience, like the scene where he flips off the two bullies.
Sivana's endgame was just to get the power, they made it pretty clear the sins were manipulating him, tempting him to set them free. Then once he had the power they were pretty much in control, he was just along for the ride.
>like the scene where he flips off the two bullies.7
I was pretty sheltered back in high school so I might be naive, but do bullies actually behave like that in the present? Like to the point of hitting a disabled kid with a car and kicking him repeatedly in the stomach while onlookers just stand around and nobody gets in trouble?
It absolutely is. Like I said. It's matching first class but that film didn't have china. Even if it makes absolutely no more money there Shazam would be looking at about 380
154 has today in account, and it won't get near 500. Numbers have the budget on around 90 million with about 50 for marketing, so it doesn't need big blockbuster numbers to turn a profit. My guess is that's why they put it on this date.
Marvel has at least diversified their character selections and genres. They need to make their films more different but at least it's better than Superman or Batman for the 1000th time
Yeah, there were a few chuckles here and there but the jokes that got the biggest laughs where the one about the security guard (when Freddy says "that's the other one, this one sucks"), when Billy can't hear Sivana and the biggest of them all was when all the kids yell "Billy!".
I was surprised at how well written the comedy was. It wasn't just one-liner quips as in your regular superhero film but a lot of properly built jokes. I hope whoever wrote this comes back for the sequel, because the writing was really good.
>Marvel has at least diversified their character selections and genres
That's arguable. I'd say they're all action comedies. Just become one is in space and the other is in magic school doesn't make them different genres. Marvel movies did feel different in phase 1 though
>capeshit fatigue
You have got to be kidding me.
6 of the top 10 movies last year were "capeshit", including the top 3 domestically.
Cape films will sell more tickets in 2019 than even last year. What do you see as a sign of fatigue? Your own assburgers flaring up??
>I'd say they're all action comedies
A lot of genres of film have action in them, user.
I guess Johnny English and John Wick 2 are the same genre...
The only distinct Marvel films when it comes to tone are the Russo directed films, and maybe Black Panther. All the rest are basically action comedies.
BASED retard.
If there's a "fatigue" it's coming in 2020 because the crop next year just looks awful in comparison. Wonder Woman 2 is looking to be the top film. Utter shit
>capeshit fatigue
Then how come a movie with middling reception from both critics and audiences like Captain Marvel still made a billion on the box office?
No because I wouldn't call John Wick a comedy
Nah, that "fatigue" will come when Endgame comes along since many people want the Marvel Studios to take the win as the most successful film franchise in history.
Everything after that you will start seeing and hearing "capeshit peaked at Endgame, nothing can compare!" posts.
There you go, it's just safer to kick the "fatigue" down the road a bit further.
I'm sure next year we'll be talking about the oncoming 2021 fatigue, just like I've had to hear this in every year since 2015.
>many people want the Marvel Studios to take the win as the most successful film franchise in history.
Nobody gives two shits about that. You need to get out of the house a little more.
Capeshit peaked with Logan.
Fight me.
After endgame realistically what would Marvel really throw at us?
I think even the 7th movie after endgame would probably be just like those hishe cartoons where they all sit in a cafe talking about how cool they were in saving the universe from Thanos.
The new live-action cape movies would probably be from indie comics, DC (Maybe) and some other publishers like Image/DH if a studio is desperate enough.
>nobody gives two shits about that
>RLM calls Infinity War the Empire Strikes Back of this generation
>From word of mouth, some people confessing that they'll stop going at film after film after Endgame since that's the epic conclusion to their childhood.
>the film preceding it (Captain Marvel) made gangbusters despite being just a supplement to Endgame itself.
Logan is two nerd-beloved actors having sad feels about a (mediocre) franchise coming to an end, while an incredibly shitty movie happens all around them.
Fite ME.
I didn't grow up watching the MCU so it doesn't impact me as much as other anons here.
>After endgame realistically what would Marvel really throw at us?
There was never an expectation that the very next films would exceed the culmination of the Avengers Trilogy and everything that built up to it.
People are already treating Endgame like it's namesake. All this shit like watching all 22 movies before this shows that people are gearing up for the end. Marvel's not going to die but it's never going to reach this high again
>Mary just stands there while her disabled foster brother is beaten
That's fucking cold
Not with the massive flop Hellboy is shaping up to be
How does that translate into people invested in making the MCU the most successful franchise ever? Most people go to watch the movies because they wanna watch the movies, and in the case of the MCU, they've been following the characters for years. They don't care if it's the no.1 franchise, or no.2 or whatever. Company wars faggots are a very tiny portion of the audience.
I want Celestials, Beta Ray Bill inheriting Stormbreaker, Fantastic Four adventures in the Quantumverse, Negative Zone and space, X-Men and the Sha'ir and the Starjammers/Imperial Guard, a Super-Skrull, Galactus and a herald, and a lead up to Annihilation with Willem Dafoe as Annihilous.
Even if it means Carol taking Dick Rider's spot in the tale. (sorry, dick riders).
I know it's stupid to say but this is unironically how to do black comedy right in a comic book film.
It DOESN'T subvert the tone at all or pause the scene for a gimmick unlike most MCU films where everything is treated as a fucking joke.
Never saw Logan how was it?
Yeah, probably but who really cares about that after its done?
>Made a ton of cash
>Peaking Marvel
>Actors get better roles
>People remember it fondly and move on
Marvel will never catch that spirit again because it will be TOO good of an end unless they majorly fuck up Endgame.
I truthfully believe Endgame would be the end of Modern cape and I'm all for it, its time to take a break and do some more experimental stuff.
C'mon stan you can't be popping out of the grave to shill again.
Yeah I get that, hth did you mess up HELLBOY?
It should have just been a BPRD movie.
>everything is treated as a fucking joke.
This sort of hyperbole just makes you seem obsessed and stupid. FYI.
It's not so much as a company war faggotry as it is actually the most successful film franchise IN HISTORY.
Well I didn't say all the films did that.
Yeah, I loved how fucking nasty Sivana was. If I would've watched this as a kid, the boardroom scene would've stayed with me for weeks. I always loved when movies showed villains doing actually nasty shit, like when Joker electrocutes the mobster in Burton's Batman.
Do you only watch the Marvel flicks?
I'm not saying it is, I'm saying that's not what people are invested in. Nobody goes to watch the Marvel movies because they want to make Marvel no.1, they go because they want to see the movies and that's what makes Marvel no.1.
DC might be going the Final Crisis route so who knows.
>That bit with Santa
Darla was great.
I just don't like the Johns Shazam Family in either concept or design or execution. And making Mary Marvel a 20-something who turns into a literal 40-yr old does nothing to further sell me the concept.
Having Billy immediately surrounded by sweet, supportive and I daresay "PURE" children and at the same time asserting that the Wizard "just can't find any" seems dumb and poorly written. I don't care for the obvious Benetton Ad diversity, with the included vaguely stereotypical "specialties" of the children.
I just don't.
>its time to take a break and do some more experimental stuff.
only Darla is pure
I watched everything from BP to the Original Hulk movie. I haven't caught up with Homecoming and I skimmed through Infinity War because I didn't bother watching Doctor Strange.
The DCEU is certainly in crisis, but it all seems more to lead towards just ignoring the Snydershit, putting out a Gotham/Harleyverse and some vaguely connected spinoffs.
Logan was pretty good, but the quality suffers in the final act.
Oh? What have they done to Mary besides making her turn into Billy's new Mom?
I didn't really care for Wonder Woman, and didn't see Aquaman, but I really don't see any problems with your ranking order.
You realize movies spend more than one weekend in theaters, right?
>marketing budget
Fun made up numbers!
Not a big fan of the MCU in general so I never really got the hype.
I'm looking at it from an outside lens that stopped watching after the first Avengers film.
How I would have played it, is having Billy constantly fucking up his powers and alternating between the highs of enjoying superpowers with the lows of stressing about not being able to handle the responsibility. That would make him dividing up his power among the family more meaningful.
His Shazam marketing is from Mark Hughes at Forbes so I would say it's accurate. A lot more accurate than the chuckle fucks here saying 100mil+ that's for sure
+Thor Ragnarok
I didn't care about it because I hate Thor Movies.
People have done pre-movie marathons for literally - and I mean literally - every Avengers movie. Theaters have been hosting them since the beginning of the MCU.
I'm not an MCU fan at all either, I've only seen one of them in the theater. I'm just saying that the only ones looking at the box office and doing company wars faggotry are online. Actual people watch the movies 'cause they like them. The sense of brand loyalty is born from them kinda knowing what they're gonna get, and people tend to like that.
>ignoring Snydershit
I wouldn't like that at all.
Man of Steel is still my favourite comic book film.
Top things I hate about Logan:
1. scenes constantly opening with a character regaining consciousness. Almost every scene.
2. It tries to copy Shane way too fucking hard, and then beats you over the head congratulating itself on being a Shane "remake". The television actually showing Shane so it can be quoted later is ridiculous.
3. The whole farm arc. I know they have to have something like this to be JUST LIKE SHANE, WOW IS THIS CLEVER MOVIE-MAKING, but it's a fucking waste in a movie that already plods.
4. The villains are complete shit. Even by the worst standards of comic book movies. They have a muddled motive "We need to kill the kids, no capture them, no kill them, wait no capture them." Watching those armed security guys try to hand-capture dangerous mutants and get nastily killed was completely fucking stupid.
5. Final Boss: Evil Wolverine. Goddamn it. Just, Goddamn.
40 was probably us only. Worldwide it would've probably been double that, or a bit more. Still makes the production + marketing under 200, which is at least about 100 million less than your typical superhero film.
>Man of Steel is still my favourite comic book film.
Yes, and you are the niche they are catering to with the J.P. We Live in a Society movie.
But they can't continue on like that with movies with an actual budget.
>My Name is Darla and I've been really good!
>Justice League over BvS
JL is the worst DC movie nigga
>A fucking caterpillar is going to be the single biggest threat in the DCEU
I love this
It seems to me that the spell actually looks for people who have been downtrodden and are beaten down and wants to make a change but also looking for the potential of a good heart.
Black Adam was also a slave, yadda yadda.
It doesn't look for people who are well-off and happy.
God, I wish there were more people like you here.
Reasonable people are hard to come by when you are stuck in between an online dick measuring contest with someone you barely know and never even seen.
Yes, who would want to bestow Godlike powers on a happily well-adjusted person?
>His Shazam marketing is from Mark Hughes at Forbes
Got a link? $40 mil for marketing would be incredibly low.
Because a happily well-adjusted person wouldn't be an advocate of major change and sacrifice their happy well-adjusted lives to be the champion to safeguard the Rock of Eternity.
To be fair, Black Adam isn't always a bad guy. When he was around his family, he seems fairly well adjusted but when they are hurt it's when he goes berserk.
Does anyone see a Doctor Doom comparison here?
The Company Wars faggotry started when Man of Steel failed to be successful on the heels of the cornball TDKRises, and we had 6,000 successive threads extolling the virtues, nay the transcendent film-making of the Snyder films, alongside the endless shit-posting in MCU threads about their quippiness and inferiority.
Like the banner says, if you come here to shit-post, we respond with Laughing Chris Evans gifs.
Yeah, I bet the Joker movie will also have an overlong climax, oversaturated with CGI and destruction porn.
>an online dick measuring contest with someone you barely know and never even seen.
Well, that's the internet in a nutshell. You just need to learn to ignore that shit and hang out with real people more often.
no, suicide squad is the worst
That number seems as much bullshit as those saying movies spend twice their budget in marketing. Giving him the benefit of the doubt and not thinking he pulled that number out of his ass, I'd say the 40 million marketing might be on the US alone.
I bet it's another film about a depressed loner who can't fit into society, surrounded by hostile and distrustful "civies" in a world too jaded and paranoid to accept heroes.
I remember that differently at all.
People were already talking shit due to the wake of the director's hate for the Watchmen while simultaneously pointing out plotholes on the film.
Don't pretend that Yea Forums and most of all Yea Forums was in the majority of "extolling its virtues" that was in the minority.
You sound like you revisioned it to your liking.
Billy's mom being super young gets rid of the potential of Mary being Billy's actual sister.
Don't know why you posted the truck but your point is not limited to comic book films at all.
So Man of Steel = Taxi Driver?
She got dem nice dick sucking lips
Like yourself, I cannot do a headcount of the board. But I well remember 4 straight years of Man of Steel threads.
Watchmen has always been divisive. It divides me: it is visually incredibly faithful to the film (when it isn't being wire-fu) while capsizing the basic murder-mystery plot because the creatives got cold feet about audience accpetance of a clone-monster. In a movie where a 300' naked blue man vaporizes gooks.
I know, I just hate it when a guy who knows nobody cares about a thread gave (you)'s for no reason (Saying "LOOL this thread sucks").
Some of the comments here are all fishy too, the banter is almost orchestrated.
Hey Yea Forums!
No, Joker isn't going to be on par with Taxi Driver.
Scorsese is just producing, just like Cameron hovered around that badly conceived Alita movie.
>Never saw Logan how was it?
Not that user, im not a comic book person but, my god. The film was so fucking good. Legit kino. Pacing, story, acting, directing and that ending to Huge Actman's character, just perfect.
desu if ever need to point out the best comic book based movie should probably be this one.
Was Billy even Pure, the only reason he didn't fail the test was because the Sivana took the eye that was used to temp the people, had the sins said something "get this, we will have your Mom" he probably would had fail. He hasn't proven anything, he still has a ways to go, specially since it seems like this is going to be taking a lot from the new DC52, he can still grow and become the champion
Who said Joker was going to be as good as Taxi Driver? I'm just going by how your description of Man of Steel can be applied to movies that are actually good.
Yes and I remember to this day, countless threads and posts in relation to "the snap that broke Yea Forums" and the endless debates as to why Superman should/shouldn't have killed Zod.
Man of Steel is even more divisive than Watchmen and possesses many flaws but I still hold it to be my favourite cape film in this modern age.
That snap didn't break Yea Forums, it broke Man of Steel's second-weekend box office and momentum at theaters. Amazing that it took 2 more movies before WB realized that success didn't lie in catering to the niche that you represent.
Did you guy's see The Rock's latest instagram post? He calls Shazam "our movie".
I saw it in theatres with my cousins and it was surreal.
I never felt any hate or like or anything.
The movie was a rollercoaster of feelings for me because I genuinely can't describe it.
The best way I could put it is that I felt absolutely confused and not even in a good way or a bad way... I have literally nothing to say about it other than it was JUST a DC movie.
>snap didn't break Yea Forums
I was exaggerating but the threads were there.
>catering to the niche you represent
Did you honestly believe that with the decision for Zack Snyder to kickstart the universe after Martin Campbell's Green Lantern that he will be directing all the other films?
Fuck no, I wouldn't want the other films to be like Goyer/Nolan/Snyder's take on Superman because it was explicitly stated that they wanted to re-envision him because Superman Returns left a salty reception on the character for the public and many other reasons.
He's listed as a Producer on it, isn't he?
Superman Returns was an ill-considered continuation of Richard Lester's patched effort on Superman II.
Man of Steel basically strikes the same tone as Superman Returns, only twice as pretentious.
Billy isn't pure, arguably no one ever was going to be considering how long and how stringently the Wizard was testing people. Even when Billy was handed the Wizard's powers it was essentially a roll of the dice since he was still in a rough spot and looking for what he'd never have - his mom and her love. But unlike Sivana when he realizes he can never obtain it, he decides to hold onto and protect what he does have, which is his new foster family.
He still has a ways to go but he shows potential to grow in the right direction.
Nice and Wholesome
Is he? I saw the movie during the early preview screenings and missed the opening credits.
Yes, he's one of 5 "executive producers" of it.
>only twice as pretentious.
Agree to disagree on that part.
It isn't anything smart but isn't anything dumb either, it's just themes.
>Man of Steel has the same tone as Superman Returns
Kinda, I guess?
But Man of Steel also heavily leans on being a sci-fi film than a run-of-the-mill comic book film which I actually do like for that decision alone.
Man of Steel is space opera with dragons and space ships and robots.
It's not really any more "sci-fi" than any Superman film. It is however one of the most poorly-paced of them.
Shazam was always going to be a light, less serious sort of Superman movie. I'm just saying that it shouldn't stand so starkly in contrast to it.
I really have no ambition of talking you out of being a fan of it. I see it as an incredibly wasted opportunity, when WB could have really rode along with the Marvel Studios momentum and made some great stuff. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Will pedophilic Chinese fujoshi be the heroes we need and save Shazam's box office in China?
Those sure are some nice didgeridigits you got there
Not likely, it didn't even open #1 in China.
I'm not really saying it's a space opera either.
>It's not any more "sci-fi" than any Superman film
I wholeheartedly disagree on that part.
>Shazam! was always going to be a light, less serious sort of Superman movie.
Shazam is my all-time favourite superhero but since the film is based of Johns' N52 run I don't really see how it's a "Superman" film.
It definitely should be light-hearted and comfy to which I strongly agree.
lol okay incel. logan is trash.
this. it's garbage.
I haven't seen it yet, but I need to know this, what's the biggest thing he or any other character managed to lift in the movie?
>" Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows... compassion "
Off the top of my head, a ferris wheel comes to mind. I think it's the biggest but the power displays weren't the draw for me here.
I know but I need to know for whenever someone mentions dragonball.
The boardroom scene was brutal and stood out compared to the rest of the movie.
Like, shit man.
Maybe in a shitty neighborhood.
Yeah, I loved it how he didn't want his father approval but just revenge.
So Philadelphia?
I fucking loved how they did his voice so much holy shit
The right mix of goofy and creepy
Yeah, I'd be so disappointed if they scrap a sequel or do the Black Adam shit instead of Sivana + Mr Mind.
Well Black Adam is getting his own movie. If they're going to make a Shazam sequel they would have to start filming early next year so the kids don't get to old
Anyone else find Billy’s Birth Mom weirdly attractive?
Is there a sheet for the Seven Deadly Sins? Like I mean which one was which.
As corny as it is, it reminded me of 80s kids movies, where you'd get scenes like Large Marge out of fucking nowhere that'd give kids nightmares for like no reason.
One of the producers pretty said that when asked about, they want to get it greenlit ASAP
>That entire security guard scene
I was unironically laughing, and goofy shtick in these kinds of movies usually only gets a chuckle at best. This movie just had a good vibe about it.
No, but I really liked the foster mom.
That's exactly what 80s movies did all the time, so it's consistent with the obvious attempt of actually trying to do a movie in that vein instead of going for the shallow nostalgia crap of using neon lights and 80s pop songs.
>t. brainlet who proudly admits he only observed Logan on the surface level without even attempting to look at the subtext behind it all
I love that peek into the wildlands with the crocodile men playing poker, I really hope this gets a sequel
If they do, I hope they use Sobek as an Apokolips tie-in.
Poor Osiris
Djimon Hounsou was really good as the wizard, I love his booming voice when he names the six immortal elders that grant Billy his powers.
Yeah hopefully they can keep figuring out excuses to have him appear, like flashbacks or something
He had a fearlessness to say some goofy comicbook ass shit that I wish more actors did
I dig that he's been in so many comic book films lately. The dude deserves it.
They definitely could have the wizard show up as a ghost give Billy some guidance, it happened in the Jeff Smith comic.
But MCU movies have literally the same action/comedy tone
>Everything is a joke in mcu
Right, get bent.
Unlikely, Chinese fujos loved Black Panther while Chinese normies hated it for being too black. Their tastes don't align with the general Chinese public. Not to mention fujos are illegal in China.
Not really. Shazam's humor is more situational and not one liners.
I think he meant that most of the MCU films have the same tone, not that they have the same tone as Shazam.
Other than the Russo directed films and Black Panther, it's pretty much true.
>Black Panther
When is Wonder Woman going to meet Shazam?
My only complain about the movie was how much time Billy spent running away from Sivana near the end.
What made it worse was how often Billy's family kept getting caught by the sins and still lived. Or the parts where the sins would stop fighting to cause havoc while the family didn't do shit while they had their powers.
The movie really fell apart when Sivana found out who Billy was.
>Thor3 has the same tone as cap2 and ironman1 whilst looking like AoU and having the familiar plot of AntMan and sound of CapMarvel...
Formulaic is not a real critique and anyone who uses immediately discredits themselves.
The key word is "most". They mostly share a tone: self aware humor, rather light hearted, etc. As I said in another post, the Russo directed films are the most obvious exceptions, and you get a couple more but most of them do share that tone. That's also why they're so popular, people already know what they're getting and people tend to favor familiarity.
Other than Infinity, Endgame, Captain America1, 2 and 3, IronMan 1and 2, Thor1, Thor2, Spider-man homecoming, Black Panther, GOTG 2 and Captain Marvel.
Wow that is everything, I guess following conventional storytelling structures makes everything a joke.
During the Trinity movie also featuring Aquaman. It's honestly less contrived to get those three together than WW, Batman and Supes because you can just make it about the Greek gods
He's right
While watching Black Panther there was a moment I stopped and realized they had not cracked a joke for an hour, and it impressed me.
That fucking Rocky joke killed me. It was so quick and dumb that it caught me off guard
>Justice League > Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
opinion discounted
the lightning hands?
>IronMan 1and 2, Thor1, Thor2, Spider-man homecoming, GOTG 2, Captain Marvel.
All those movies are basically the same type of movie with the same tone, don't be daft. I'm not even saying that's good or bad. It is what it is.
The scene where the villain monologues and billy can’t hear him and mocks him is one of the best super hero scenes ever
The way his mouth moved under that moustache reminded me of the 90's ninja turtle costumes.
Billy and Freddy are sitting on top of the stairs and Billy says "This is a great view. I can see why Rocky trained so hard to get up here." Like I said it's really dumb, but I love it
I don't remember the joke exactly but it was something like "I finally get why Rocky was so happy to make it up the steps" or something like that
I'm slow and just now got it and I'm giggling
>it’s the best DCEU movie
that ain't saying much.
it was a reference shitfest, they tried to take in the nostalgia for both the 80s and the 90s.
>it was a reference shitfest
Wrong Captain Marvel
What a fucking retarded thing to say, specially after the 90s gimmick of Captain Marvel that so heavily relied on references through pop culture, and gimmicks like GOTG soundtrack. And if you're talking about the reference to other DC heroes, how was it any different than Homecoming, where they even had to shoehorn Iron Man into Spider-Man's origin?
Or are you just talking shit without actually watching the film?
>unlike most MCU films where everything is treated as a fucking joke
>Everything is a joke in MCU
>doesn't into comprehension
The guy who plays Shazam just looks so sleazy. Like Andrew Dice Clayberg.
Nice digits
How many of you were expecting Sivana to phase through the prison walls with the magic writing he was doing in the post credits scene?
Billy may have not started pure, but he does passes the Wizard's test at the end, he hold the Eye of Sin in his hand and laughed it off it's temptations flawlessly. He may have not started as his best possible person, but he grows into the person he needed to be at the end.
In the sequel, hopefully.
Why didn't he use the magic formula to go to the Rock though.
Guess he needed the Sins calling him for that
I thought that Asher Angel was kinda trash and that Mark Strong was boring as Sivana. I wish they had just cast Grazer as Billy and someone like James Urbaniak for Sivana. It's not my favorite DCEU movie but I still enjoyed it a lot. Levi was great and I want to see his Shazam in all sorts of stories.
>Formulaic is not a real critique
you wot m8
Mr Mind was fucking perfect, they really nailed him. Huge fan of the character, and I was concerned he would just be left with the jar bit in the beginning. I loved his arrogance in his lines like "Primitive simples..." and then calling Sivanna a monkey. That's exactly what I wanted.
Just watched it, it was ayt, not really feeling it cause I just don't like John's rendition on Billy and the Marvel Family, biggest gripe is Mary and Freddy being completely different.
>mike and jay loved the movie
>called it one of the best capeshit films since Raimi Spider-man
God, the foster mom's tits were fucking great
heartwarming get
Why are they drawn so gay. Like they're gonna double team freddy and re cripple him
I call them sneakers
Shazam versus the Monster Society of Evil. Make it happen!