Remember when Ikefags kept insisting that Marvel Entertainment was canon?

Remember when Ikefags kept insisting that Marvel Entertainment was canon?

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No. I remember everybody laughing at everything about the Inhumans show.

who? who even likes the dude?

I feel bad for those people
Imagine having to work with those production values

This is canon though.

Remember when X-fags were complaining about Marvel killing off the X-Men and replacing them with inhumans while at the same time X-Men had more ongoing than any other franchise, including Avengers?

How do you fuck up THIS hard? Surely someone with clout saw the coming shitstorm. Why did they go through with it?

I watch almost every Marvel show, but I couldn't put myself through this.

Remember when that shit failed and everyone started backtracking when the Fox deal talks happened?

I assume it's Ike himself posting when he's got free time from screwing over vets.

>Remember when Ikefags kept insisting that Marvel Entertainment was canon?
It is.

t. Marvel Entertainment shill
"We care about the X-Men guys, we're making more ongoings than all the other franchise and treating them like shit! That totally shows we care!"

No, I was too focused on all the fucking X-Men comics that were being produced in the middle of the Fox vs Disney era. Like seriously, twice as many ongoing comics at one time than ever other comic at the time. Pretty crazy

Thank God this flopped so Mount could be Pike.

I agree, it would have been best if they just stopped making X-Men related books for a few years, then at least X-fags would actually have a reason to bitch like F4 Fags had.

>completely blew the chance at a good Inhuman film
That annoyed me so much. Black Bolt and Maximus have so much potential

Yeah, cause they FUCKING SOLD. Imagine Ike's state of mind: he wants to bury shit Fox has the movie rights to because he's a petty child, but X-Men MAKE MONEY. FF could be thrown aside, they rarely made the big bucks these days, but it would be absurd not to keep putting out X-Men books. The obvious plan was to make the Inhumans into the X-Men and have them take over eventually, but no one wanted that. Hell, I think more people hate the Inhumans now than knew about them before all this.

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I remember when Quicksilver and Wanda were goong to be rewrote as inhumans, cyclops was literally hitler, the mutants getting massacred left and right and ike pushing this as the new xmen, only for it to go from movie to basic cable tv show.

>I remember when Quicksilver and Wanda were goong to be rewrote as inhumans
What even is their status now? I know they said Magneto wasn't their father at some point, right?

There are Ikefags?

Netflix Iron Fist pissed me off much more. What an absolute waste of the character and lore.