Umbrella Academy

The show fucked so much up, so I ask Yea Forums, what was your least favorite part

Personally, the whole series was a disappointment, but i hated how much they changed the ending because it was my favorite part of Apocalypse Suite

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thank god they didn't let her wear that thing.

I liked how they diversified the cast with poc.
Gerard is a racist with his all white Nazi comic.

Attached: the-umbrella-academy-comics-funeral.jpg (1336x1253, 230K)

It would have been much sexier if she wore that and also wasn't Ellen Paige.

the whole gay vietnam bit was fucking shit i was hoping for them to actually spend some time there in season 2 and they only made klaus bent because spaceboy implies hes gay which he doesnt even answer properly

He was pretty involved in the development of the show, but sure, he's a "victim"

We do get an answer in the form of seeing Klaus fucking a chick in Hotel Oblivion

>while hes possesed by her husband

still counts


I just like to think he's bi and not worry about it

My least favourite parts off the top of my head:
1. Ellen Page CAN be good. She was NOT good in this. She did her best with a badly written, boring, flat, uninspired character who they put in a fucking pantsuit instead of making her actually physically attractive.
2. Rumor's actress. Unlikeable, selfish, spoiled, and in love with her brother? So fucking gross and fucked up and unpleasant in every single scene.
3. Totally predictable plot. I didn't read the comics until after, and I nailed everything that was going to happen from episode 5 on. I'm not even good at predicting plots, either. It was just that telegraphed and unimaginative.
4. Misunderstandings moved the plot forward instead of satisfying resolution of progressive conflicts. Because characters just jumped to random conclusions from innocuous comments, conversations would veer wildly through emotions instead of characters interacting like regular, normal people.
5. Powers and abilities varied wildly. What's the point of Luther being 'the strongest' if he can't toss a briefcase or win a fistfight? If he's not actually that strong, how did he throw the bank robber forty feet through a window as a teenager? No one's powers were actually made interesting, and when they were used things were inconsistent.
6. Pacing? What pacing? Episodes managed to drag on despite going nowhere.
7. NO ONE ARCED. Rather: they arced and then No 5 went back in time and UNDID EVERYTHING. Fuck that was so frustrating and irritating.
I could go on.

Good Qualities:
1. Klaus, No 5, Hazel & Cha-Cha.
2. The first episode dance sequence was really great.
3. It ended.

When Netflix tells you add black women you had better add black women if you want your show coming out.

As one of the few other people who've read this comic I enjoyed it. It certainly wasn't 1 to 1 with the source material but I thought it was enjoyable. I really like Hazel and Cha Cha. Plus I think the music was perfect

Every episode could have been Mary J Blige, and I would have been fine. She didn't even have to be in character.

1. Yeah. Vanya was a total drag in this. I don't see any reason why they went with fucking Leonard instead of the Conductor, other than to have a twist so predictable Stevie Wonder could see it coming
2. I wasn't a big fan of Rumor in the comics in the first few issues. I only ended up warming up to her in the later issues when we get to see the sort of trauma she's been through. I don't get why they decided to make her a movie start instead of a housewife, but it wasn't the right choice.
3. Like I mentioned in #1, real predictable. It's hard to remember because it was years ago, but when i was first reading Apocalypse Suite, I remember something surprising me, namely Vanya surrendering, and then getting shot by five right after.
4. I cannot stand stories where things progress from misunderstandings. It was unbearable, and i debated just skipping episodes because it was so annoying.
5. I didn't like them changing the kids powers, namely Klaus. There wasn't really a reason to change them, besides just wanting to make him and Ben a comedic duo
6. I got into an argument with someone about how the pacing in the show was so bad and his response was "But in the comic there's always stuff happening! There's never any downtime and it just feels rushed! There's not time for the characters to develop" He fully admitted he didn't finish the comics and I just have to wonder how retarded you have to be to think that having a full episode to not matter and mean nothing is better than things moving a bit to fast for your tard brain to handle in a medium where you can spend hours staring at the same few minutes

I really liked Hazel and Cha-Cha in the show, but I also really liked them in the comic is this crazy, blood thirsty, ambiguously gay couple

I mean there is no indication they were gay in the comics (unless I missed another short story). I did like their psycho vibe in the comics, but I think it worked well for the show as we see them humanize and not evolve at all respectively.


>Pacing? What pacing?
This is most Netflix shows and a reason why I don't understand the hype surrounding what they do.
The shitty pacing and how they downgrade everything from the comic is the reason why I couldn't watch more than 2 episodes.


Pacing! Hardly the first mystery box series to have slow pacing but it frustrates me that so many shows have it.

They did the Wes Anderson thing for one episode... Then abandoned it.

They whole "quirky pop song to fighting scenes" was so irritating. No attempt to fit or sync to the action and it was overused as hell.

Vanya was terrible, not sure it's just down to the writing, she was unlikeable and a lot of the story relied on caring for her. I've never seen so little chemistry in a couple, it was just painful to watch.

Powers were barely used and inconsistent. Number 1 was supposed to be super strong, he was basically strongman level at best. How was Klaus ever useful to the team?


Just the right amount of weirdness without being memey.

Everything involving Hazel and Chacha

Number 5 was incredibly acted, especially for a kid.

The setting and general feel of the series.

Toploader and I think we're alone now were well done scenes and the soundtrack was great (despite the above).

>They whole "quirky pop song to fighting scenes" was so irritating. No attempt to fit or sync to the action and it was overused as hell.
Agreed. It's so overdone.

I found Vanya pretty petty throughout the whole show, which sucks, cause she's like... ACTUALLY got motives for ending the world in the comic, and it just makes her seem melodramatic in the show

I think they should have done a high quality animation instead of another shitty live action adaptation of a good graphic novel. You'd think they'd learn from I slay Giants not everything has to be made live action.

>I've never seen so little chemistry in a couple
Probably because they cast one of the most widely known lesbians (Aside from the other Ellen) into a role with a terribly written script to begin with

OH MY GOD! An animated series would have been a million times better! Even if it wasn't in the style of the comic. But Animation is for kids i guess

I think making it in the style of the comic would make it really stand out.

The script, sure, but her sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Gable and Leigh are one f the most famous movie couple with Gone withe wind and ha was gay.

>have slow pacing
It's not slow, it's pointless. Netflix is playing for time. Why do we spend 5-10 minutes in a clinic with first number 5 and then him and Klaus just to learn that eye wasn't manufactured yet?

Never read the comic so the show is awesome for me

Vanya was boring at first...because she was medicated.

I thought she was badass off of the meds

I liked the show better than the comics. The characters had more depth in my opinion .

>Netflix is the only network in existence
Based retard

some joke about f-holes

The show was way better than the comics not that that's saying much I actually felt bad for Vanya in the show and she wasn't intentionally trying to destroy the world.

>I didn't like them changing the kids powers, namely Klaus.
Klaus in the comics was pretty over powered, all the ghost stuff, strong telekinetic, flight, could he go intangible I can't really remember.
Limiting him to just the base ghost sight and possession till the end groups him closer to the other characters power levels.

Look I’m gonna say it, the comic is far from a masterpiece especially the first volume it is rushed as hell. That’s not saying the show is perfect either it has some flaws and it does drag.

People saying it was predictable, I think that was the point in at way. Everything was protracted pretty hard, but the whole thing was about trying to change it and failing on the first try.

Yeah Vanya swinging wildly from under emoting sad pants to crazy fucker was what made the shift more dramatic and the choice that Luther made more ambiguous than people like to act.

Plus it was strongly implied he was even more powerful.

>Number 1 was supposed to be super strong, he was basically strongman level at best.
Being in space fucks you up.

> How was Klaus ever useful to the team?
Same way he was in the comics as a kid. He talked to ghosts to get insight into the situation.

On one hand I don't want then to all revert to kids for a whole season. I don't think they will because Ben's actor was made a regular. But I would want more flashbacks into their weird ass missions as kids.