Originally south african in the old comics

>Originally south african in the old comics
>The old animated series retcons him as scottish to avoid talking politics
>The new animated series retcons him back into a south african, who PRETENDS to be scottish

I don't want this to be a ducktales thread, but I want this to be a thread about situations where a new adaptation of a series combines two conflicting previous stories, or turns a meta-narrative into an actual narrative. I really dig storytelling devices like that.

Attached: 180px-Flintheart_Glomgold_-_DuckTales.jpg (180x257, 12K)

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>I don't want this to be a ducktales thread, but I want this to be a thread about situations where a new adaptation of a series combines two conflicting previous stories, or turns a meta-narrative into an actual narrative.
Well then you probably should have made that the thread title, because the first thing people are going to see is you talking about Glomgold.

Your parameters seem particularly narrow. Closest I could come up with is in the iterations of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where Splinter is born a rat or mutated from Hamato Yoshi.

Don't fall for his bait, he's just saying that to make a ducktales thread but deny it

>Trolling to make a Ducktales thread
>On a board that he can literally just make a thread asking to talk about Ducktales
I mean user

A meta thread about a ducktales meta-narrative, makes everyone think alot

It's reverse psychology

God, I remember that MCU did this in at least one case, but I'm drawing a fucking blank now

Closest thing that comes to mind is Lola Bunny in Wabbit. They cast the first actress who voiced her to do an impression of the second actress who voiced her and it sounds weird/bad.

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