One grew up to be a super cool agent fighting mystical threats

>One grew up to be a super cool agent fighting mystical threats
>The other grew up to be a mentally and financially unstable lesbian

So why does Jackie Chan care more about his niece than his own daughter? What went wrong? Did something like this ever happen to you user?

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When your own kids disappoint you, you ignore them and project your hopes and dreams onto someone else's kids.

That's what happened with me and my father.

China is a very intolerant place.
They are also a nation of psychopaths.

>So why does Jackie Chan care more about his niece than his own daughter?
You are aware that outside his "dont want no trabbu" movie persona Jackie Chan is a complete fucking asshole, right?

Jackie had a hard life. His parents literally sold him to the Chinese Opera where he was treated like a slave.

Fun fact: Medieval literature is full of uncles and nephews but rarely fathers and sons. It's usually King Arthur and his Gary Stu nephew of the week or Charles Magne and his nephew Roland. See also Bilbo and Frodo. I don't know why but this was a popular trope in the old days.

Yeah but he’s a man. I don’t like men

I'm very sorry for your troubles.

Jackie never recognized the lesbo as his daughter. The only offspring he accepted was Jaycee, that guy who was arrested for drugs and would be dead now if it wasn't for Jackie's influences in the Communist Party.

How does that justify not taking responsibility for his kid and even outright lying about doing so?

>. His parents literally sold him to the Chinese Opera

Funny thing is, his parents did that because Chan was literally too dumb for normal school.

In fairness, Arthur's son was a murderous incest baby and Charlemagne's oldest son was a hunchback. Neither lends themselves to closely bonded feats of derring-do.

He didn’t want the kid and made it abundantly clear he was never going to take care of it, the woman he was cheating with thought he was bluffing. He wasn’t.

>he didn't want the kid so that makes it okay for him to not take responsibility

It's so sad how he decided to become the CCP's cumrag.

He doesn't have a choice, dude. Not kowtowing to the CCP would have been the end of his career. He saw the way the wind was blowing, and set his sails accordingly: the ousting of Big Kike from Hollywood and the slow replacement with Big Chink.


Why's that wrong? Women can dust their hands of all responsibility.

Though I don't get OPs point here. She's a lesbian so he has to take care of her? Is that like a threat?

no he isn't. he just doesn't coddle his adult children.
Asian people in general are very simple: succeed or fail, no safety nets. We gave you the tools to succeed and if you can't work with them, too bad.

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>Jackie Chan is a complete fucking asshole, right?
How? Because he doesn't care about his mentally ill daughter? If that was my kid I'd be ashamed too. You obviously don't understand how Asians work.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


What is his actual niece up to now anyways?

Jackie Chan didn’t give his daughter anything.

isn't his daughter like technically not his daughter to begin with.

Happy birthday Jackie

From what i've read it seems like the daughter doesn't even give a fuck about him.

>move from China to Canada
>wonder why life is so different
>beg your father in china to help
>china fucking forbids him to help
>get mad at him for no reason

>china fucking forbids him to help

because back then a lot of dads had sons that were either lazy fucks that would leech off them or they were fucking crazy.

>back then
Sounds like today.

>In April, the couple made a public plea for help on YouTube, claiming they were homeless for a month "due to homophobic parents".

>This was disputed by Ms Ng's mother, who told the Asian news site Coconuts the couple "should go find work" and not rely on Ms Ng's father's fame to get money.

>have a friend that's turning 35 this year
>just got a job a few years ago because his parents finally had the balls to unplug his allowance
>he just wastes the money on WoW and toys at 35
>he can't figure out why no one wanted the company of a 30+ year old man child that's only real income is his parents/trust fund

It's like Darwinism is trying to work but they just won't let it.

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The child didn’t ask to be brought into the world. To condemn and abandon them simply because it inconveniences you is lowly no matter the excuse.

Don’t have sex unless you’re willing to deal with what’s produced.

Isn't he a deadbeat dad?

Didn't Chan also shit talk America a ton and cheerlead China just to have his son get imprisoned for pot the following month in China and had to beg the American government to save him?

I'm confused user, you say he is your friend even though you also mention that no one wants to be his company? Are you just friends out of pity?

He's probably talking about himself. He forgot the ""

I've know him since HS and it is a mix of pity and conveniences. My other friends have moved away or got lives that involve a wife and/or kid, I have my work and a fwb but not much else so I still like card and board games as well as rpgs which he is tolerable enough to keep around just to fill a seat.

you be surprised with what people would put up with if you know them long enough most can't just cut ties with friends they knew in their youth school days unless moving or families interfere

That's like saying "Well, I had to turn over Jews to the SS because it was just the way things were trending."

to be fair if they found out you had info and didn't turn them in you could see yourself and/or your family killed so that might not be the best comparison

If you don't have a friend you feel that way towards you are likely -that- friend

That's exactly what people did back then and a significant portion of the people who didn't were executed because of it. Not certain what point you're making here.

That's just reinforcing the point

Yeah makes sense now, although I feel that people who have that kind of mentality for life eventually drag you into their problems that come with it. I feel like they become needy and leech off of others or even yourself if it comes down to that. People that I knew who showed signs of that I immediately cut off.

>Bilbo and Frodo
Did Bilbo even have a son? I thought this was more, lonely childless hobbit takes orphaned relative under his wing. I think the whole medieval literature thing can be explained by Kings and wealthy noblemen not having a direct hand in the parenting of their children, so they take on their older nephews who are almost like little brothers or younger cousin type relationships

But that's exactly what happened

Also in Disney, it's always nephews and nieces, but I think that's more because Mickey and Donald would be less relatable to kids if they were fathers. Also it would make it explicit they must have had sex, which is probably something else they don't really want to imply.

>It's a user is a sanctimonious prick throwing stones at a glass house episode

Donald is more like a bully to his nephews and Mickey is a big playmate. They don't act like parents they're closer to big brothers. Burgers wouldn't dare to question the paternal authority until The Simpsons.

>arrested for drugs
He was arrest for possession of pot, don’t try and make him sound like he was gangster.

>Donald is more like a bully to his nephews
Why do you insist on talking about shit you clearly don’t actually know about? It just makes you look like a mouthy idiot.

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Just like his daughter!

Speaking as an asian american who actually has a pretty good relationship with my parents, our parenting culture tends to make everyone look like fucking sociopaths.

I think there's good parts of the eastern parenting philosophy, and given the right circumstances can produce some pretty strong men and women who don't fall into either radical side of the stereotypical asian spectrum, but generally it's actually very cuckish and reminds me of Ant Bully for some reason. This is especially true when you try to apply communal family dynamics (which already have a significant chance of producing a pathetic individual in their homeland countries) and then release your child into a deeply individualistic society.

>sacrifice yourself for kikes who also ruined your country


>comparing 2D to 3D
of course one is going to be more disappointing than the other...

maybe you shouldnt have been such a whiny fag

>mentally and financially unstable lesbian
So, a lesbian.

user there are women that are for abortion laws saying that green text is justified.


I want to complain about the support so many in Hollywood in general have for the morally defunct nation that is China.
I however want to say his daughter would have turned out better if she grew up in China, but the fact of the matter is she probably would have been aborted.


Aborting a child is a far cry from bearing and then abandoning it.

>Did Bilbo even have a son?
He and Frodo were both lifelong bachelors.
Meanwhile, Samwise Gamgee, the real hero of the story, married a redhead and had 13 kids.

>ruined your country
germany ruined their own country and then blamed da jews so they could ruin it again along with the majority of europe.

> jackie is going to die in your lifetime

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>mentally and financially unstable lesbian

Not if I can help it!

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The child didn't want to be brought into the world, but was brought into it on the whim of the mother. She has to take responsibility for bringing the child. The man holds no responsibility unless he wants to.

> kung fu do what you do to me
> i havent been the same since my teenage lobotomy

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>but was brought into it on the whim of the mother.
Did the seed sow itself? The father had just as much a hand in creating the child as the mother. Wheter or not he has legal obligation is one thing but to claim he is excempt of moral obligation is undeniably false.

It doesn't justify it at all but it helps to understand how Jackie developed such a fucked up life perspective. A lesser man would be a junkie living under a bridge now

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>Because he doesn't care about his mentally ill daughter?
Sounds like an asshole thing to do.

Jackie never wanted children in general. Both kids were accidents and he only recognized the first one because he was dating that chick at the time and his agent insisted him to marry her because having a bastard could harm his career but he was still having affairs after getting married. Jackie doesn't even want to pass his vast fortune to his children, he's planning to leave it all to charity. Jackie's childhood left him traumatized His greatest act of paternal love was to save his son from execution by embarassing himself in front of the Communist Party

>He didn’t want the kid and made it abundantly clear he was never going to take care of it
Shoulda thought of that before he stuck his unwrapped penis into crazy.

I don't think its possible to understate that.

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im afraid of the chinese
what if they do it in the end

I see nothing wrong with him leaving his fortune to charity over his family. I remember hearing some other old man celebrity say he didn’t want to leave his money to his kids either, as it promotes them to be lazy and just coast off his wealth instead of going out and making a living for themselves.

I think it says more about you failing to instill in your children discipline and a work ethic.

it's not always the parents that can make that happen, you assume children are always programmable in such an easy algorithmic way

based and redpilled , fuck those lesbians she's also homeless and should die under a bridge and be turned into chinese food in the next months

No no your thinking of the word redundant. Oxymoron is a contradiction

i feel like this but with my older brother. he's a goddamned moron and i can't fucking handle it anymore.