I am Grand Admiral Sloane. I am not some girlish assistant for you to paw or comfort or cajole. Touch me again...

I am Grand Admiral Sloane. I am not some girlish assistant for you to paw or comfort or cajole. Touch me again, and I will have the offending limb removed, and all the nerves of the stump obliterated so that no robotic hand will ever respond to your commands.

Attached: Rae_Sloane-WOTG.jpg (600x800, 364K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Aww, I almost forget that thanks to you the First Order was allowed to rise

How come the First Order doesn't have any black people, actually? I saw an Indian guy in TLJ but that's it.

Nothing is more tiresome than an insecure woman with a chip on her shoulder who tries way too hard to be tough and "intimidating".

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I don't think you were paying very close attention, for one thing Finn, for another several people in the Super Duper Death Star 2.0 control room

Poor Incel

Is anyone else kind of surprised that Disney went out of their way to make the Empire LESS racist than they were in the old EU?

Repeat yourself, Grand Admiral.

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in the old EU they were humans first
they had a black military personal in the Empire

have sex

You made this word up.

Do any of you have the Republic versus Empire global affiliation chart? It was produced by some Star Wars mobile game. It showed each country's factional choice. Please respond.

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Haha. No. Fuck you.

BASED retard

>she and Thrawn probably won’t show up in IX to wreck shit up

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HA, someone doesn't remember the movies very well

>Not my Titan Mommy

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>Where’s the Ep IX trailer? I want an Episode IX trailer!

You’ll get nothing and like it!

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Throwing Thrawn into Episode 9 is probably the only way Disney could get me to see it in the theater. I'm done with Star Wars after TLJ, I'll see it when it comes out on DVD sooner or later.

Are talking about Tarkin telling Vader to release Motti. Because Vader doesn't really take orders from anyone but the Emperor. He exists outside of military or political realms and is effectively the Emperor's commissar

Vader's position seems to change a bit between New Hope and Empire. In ANH, he's a bit of a free agent, but Tarkin still seems to exercise some authority over him. By the start of ESB, he's clearly the second most powerful man in the Empire, and seems to answer to no one but Sidious.

>In ANH, he's a bit of a free agent, but Tarkin still seems to exercise some authority over him.
It’s probably more so that he had some level of respect for Tarkin’s command as one of few semi-competent administrators in the Empire and didn’t see a need to super-cede his authority just to prove a point. Motti was just being a dickhead, not proving dangerous incompetence or treason.

I'm still sad that Battlefront 2's story was such a dumpster fire.

Look, there's nothing wrong with a defection story. It can be done well, I remember when I was younger I had this idea for a Republic Commando sequel where they'd go rogue from the empire, and I still kind of like it.

But Battlefront 2's execution of that plot was awwwful. The plot literally depended on you reading the book in advance so the characters were developed in advance, so what you got was an awkwardly rushed story ridden with cameos that didn't have to be there and a defection that didn't feel believable or meaningful in the slightest.

Empire wasn't racist against humans, just aliens. That hasn't really changed.

>I am Grand Admiral Sloane. I am not some girlish assistant for you to paw or comfort or cajole. Touch me again, and I will have the offending limb removed, and all the nerves of the stump obliterated so that no robotic hand will ever respond to your commands.

Nice speech, but small dogs always bark the loudest.

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A cute black chick presses the button that fires Starkiller Base.

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>be a woman in a male-dominated career
>be a high-ranking officer in a position where you need 100% respect and loyalty from your men to get shit done
>but when someone blatantly disrespects you, you should just take it because putting him in his place would offend autists who think women should be fragile flowers at all times

I find it impossible to take the existence of this affirmative action character seriously. Palpatine's Empire was definitely sexist and as far as the movies go, well, there were no non whites in positions of power. An really, whats so wrong about the BAD guys having BAD points of view? This bitch doesnt have anything on Daala or Isard.

Attached: daala.jpg (221x228, 7K)

A black sassy woman is the leader of a white supremacist organization?

This it?

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1) Daala was fucking shit, 2) it's never hinted at nor implied that the Empire is racist, only specist

Daala passionately fought for the Empire. She might have not been the most strategic, but her fiery devotion and fanaticism made her greatly entertaining to me.

>Touch me again
implying i have touched a women

>Palpatine's Empire was definitely sexist
Citation needed
>and as far as the movies go, well, there were no non whites in positions of power.
We saw a few officers in a meeting, and in some starships. For a galaxy spanning empire that’s not really that representative. Especially considering the first movie was made in the seventies
>really, whats so wrong about the BAD guys having BAD points of view?
Ascribe the antagonists with every trait you view as negative looks comically stupid, not only robs them of them of the ability to have any nuance or be taken seriously as anything other than a cartoonish caricature from the likes of a propaganda poster, but it also comes across as incredibly petty and contentious. This dumbass mind set is exactly the kind of shit that made Sozin a Homophobe in the Korra comics.

Right on Daala's Wookiepedia page - " Daala enlisted in the Imperial Navy on Carida, but was discriminated against due to her gender. However, she achieved success thanks to Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, who discovered her after she defeated many skilled Imperial opponents in simulated battles, using an alias to hide her true identity. Tarkin took her under his wing, and as he rose in the ranks, so did she. She became his lover and was eventually promoted to admiral by him."

We saw the majority of the highest levels of leadership. I'm not saying its impossible women would have existed at some level, but certainly not GRAND Admiral.

The Empire has always been space Nazi's nothing wrong with that, doesnt make them less cool. It's not comically stupid considering actual real world regime's operate under these mentalities. It becomes comical and stupid when its put on stage though like if some character made a huge deal about women not being promoted in the Empire, as opposed to it just being subtly observed.

Can I just say I find the existence of this character hilarious?
People were obsessed about calling the Empire Nazis and fascists and everything bad about society. They were all cis white men compared to the multi-ethnic rebellion. They keep pushing this shit even now. But because writers want to be progressive they introduce Sloane, a POC with incredible power and influence and suddenly everyone kind of flounders because she's everything liberals want but in the Empire. Is she regarded as the exception that proves the rule at this point? Do people still push the Empire as an Old Boys Club?

A true imperial officer would execute the person at first offence not threaten them.

You're strawmaning

So glad I downloaded 100% of the EU content. Pretty much done with anything nu-wars has to offer.

>Right on Daala's Wookiepedia page
And you believe this to be series affecting lore and not a blurb specifically add in her back story because her writer wanted her to be more special why?

>The Empire has always been space Nazi's nothing wrong with that, doesnt make them less cool.
No, but making them act like Hitler in WWII propaganda cartoons certainly would
>It’s not comically stupid considering actual real world regime's operate under these mentalities.
Those regimes also had thousands of years of culturally developed roles, as well as massively different physical limitations and needs due to the time period and level of technology they lived in, that gives reason as to WHY things were the way they were that went beyond just “woman bad hurrr”. This is like asserting that people would fuck like they did in the middle ages when half their kids died before adulthood.

A true imperial Officer would probably also not be competent enough to know how to turn off the safety of his gun.

It's not really strawmanning when Disney has went overt with the nazi symbolism on the first order while also making them racially diverse. It seems confused.

Thrawn in IX would be major pandering. It would work, and there's recent precedent for it after Darth Maul in Solo, but I can't believe you actually want something like this to happen.

This actually is fitting and explains a whole lot.

Well yeah that's what happens when you got your position because the 5 guys above you were executed.

>People were obsessed about calling the Empire Nazis and fascists and everything bad about society
I mean they were literally based on depictions of Nazis in WW2 serials.

I'm not really in the mood to debate.
I think you're wrong, not much else to say about it.

>And you believe this to be series affecting lore and not a blurb specifically add in her back story because her writer wanted her to be more special why?
Look, it's stated itself in the first Jedi Academy book. I dont have the book with me so I cant give you an exact page number, but I assure you it's in there.

>No, but making them act like Hitler in WWII propaganda cartoons certainly would

Again, agreed because that's calling specific attention to it, as opposed to it just being there naturally. Be we see the Rebellion being multicultural, both from a human and alien standpoint while the Empire is visually white and male. That juxtaposition is there, it's just not called on obnoxiously.

Daala is just a hilarious case of writers doing what they want

When first introduced she was basically a femme fatale who wanted revenge for Tarkin but with 3 or 4 Star Destroyers was ineffectual. I think at this point she was implied to have slept her way to the top.

Later on she's working with one of the most popular Imperial leaders and gasses all other leadership to get all powerful control then passes it to Pellaeon, the leader in question because she's a fuckup and she knows it.

A later novel introduced why Daala was never present before she popped out of the Maw if she was supposed to be a genius. When she was on the Death Star, the Rebel Alliance's first attack had her brain damaged. Tarkin wanted to hide this so he had her sent to the Maw on a prestigious command that was never expected to do anything but stay in a hole for the rest of her life.

Then comes Legacy of the Force where suddenly she's a tactical genius and the first ever woman Moff (despite there being women Moffs already) widely celebrated amongst the Imperials for her bravery (she literally led one assault then gassed the leadership) who is basically turned into some untouchable character because the author at this point, Karen Traviss, is utter garbage.

>Grand Admiral Sloane
In what way is the first order not using overt nazi symbolism?

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I mean really, what villainous military isn't based on Nazi's in some way?

>Look, it's stated itself in the first Jedi Academy book
About as meaningful as the book mentioning that IG-88 (one of them, mind you) put his brain into the Death Star II in secret.

When you think about it, if it's so easy to draw parallels between villains and Nazis... Maybe Nazis are actually bad???

Fan defending Daala here. Well, a lot of that crap does sound awful. I just really liked her in the Jedi Academy Trilogy. I've never read any book written past the Unifying Force (chronologically) because I felt all the ideas presented where really dumb. I do own the Swarm War, and will probably read the Darth Caedus stuff eventually. But Legacy of the Force sounds like complete trash.

Nazis will tell you that Hitler had no problems with black people and it was just the Jews he really hated. How interesting that this idea doesn't come into play when it doesn't support your point.

If you only take the movies as the only canon source material please find me on screen all the women and colored folk in the Empire to prove that the Empire was neither racist nor sexist.

I mean you can definitely draw parallels, I just find this weird revisionist idea that the Empire being based on Nazis being a modern thing pushed by ideologue and fans strange since they've been literally based upon the Nazis since day one. A New Hope was basically The Great Escape meets The Dam Busters meets The Hidden Fortress with space Qi and laser swords thrown in.

Nazi's will also say the holocaust didn't happen despite the huge amount of documentation and several admitting that it happened, since when should you or I care about what they say Hitler believed?

You're retarded and you're entire story arc is retarded.
At the very least she managed to escape to the unknown regions before the fart porn books became canon.

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That's an odd anecdote that doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I typed user. Unless of course you were implying I myself was a nazi but then that wouldn't really be an argument now would it?

oh god I forgot about that

There’s a lot of space between being a movies purist and taking every dumb piece of sanctioned fanfiction seriously.

Also, point out the part in any of the movies where they explicitly say Darkies and women aren’t allowed in the Empire. Using the few Imperial Character we did see as a gold standard for the whole empire is pretty tenuous at best.

I agree 100% I think, if anything, Disney/ the new fabase is uncomfortable with the idea that so many people enjoy rooting for and wearing thing associated with these space Nazi's so they feel they have to make them more socially acceptable to be enjoyed. Really though no old fan of the Empire is sitting there loving the Empire because Ha yes! this is how the world should be ran! They just love Darth Vader, Palpatine, or Tarkin and its fun to root for the villains and their military aesthetic.

Sounds like it wasn't the worst idea for Disney to toss out the old canon. Not to say that what they've replaced it with was any better, especially considering they keep copying it anyway, but it sounds like they did not even attempt to maintain any form of consistency, especially in the later stuff. There was no reason that Disney needed to make movies that respected the old EU when the old EU frequently didn't even do that.

Granted, it seems that even now, with a storygroup that's supposedly planning these things out, the directors of the movies are a bunch of nerd-haters who will ignore the new EU if they want to do something "cool." Also I can't help but notice that they barely make any books anymore. Most of the new EU is just comics. Well, bright side is that makes Star Wars much easier to discuss on Yea Forums, problem is how many people here even read the new stuff? I'm going to hazard a guess that most of us still only really watch the movies and come in these threads to complain about how much we hate the movies.

Did you also forget that the Y-wing pilot was also a girl and was trained and tutored by Leia's adopted mom and was also besties with Leia and totally became the new Princess of the Alderaan survivors after Endor?
I sure as shit didn't.
People and scream and piss and shit and cum all day about me being an incel or a Nazi or what the fuck ever, but this shit is fucking goofy.
Back in my day, wish fulfillment was just "You but a Jedi" or "You but an X-wing pilot"

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>Nazi's will also say the holocaust didn't happen despite the huge amount of documentation and several admitting that it happened
No, /pol/ will say that trigger people like you and conspiracy theorists will say that because they’re loony
>since when should you or I care about what they say Hitler believed?
Because that’s half the basis for your argument about it being based in real life behavior. You can’t claim something is demonstrated by reality and then not accept anything that doesn’t paint them as everything bad in the world.

EU stuff did add plenty of morally gray Empire characters that people felt more comfortable liking such as Kirtan Loor so I would imagine there's more of that in the Disney stuff as well, presumably including the character in the OP.

>That the Y-wing pilot
I meant the Y-wing pilot that survived the Death Star.

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In reality Hitler considered blacks to be inferior and race mixing to be a contamination of the white race and that the jews were responsible for bringing them into europe. So yes anyone who says Hitler liked the blacks is retarded and I ask again why we should care what they say hitler believed? Because the basis of my argument was that the nazi's were not a fan of non-whites which I think I can back up fairly well.

What space? Literally what space is there? Is this an argument of what books you consider to be canon? I cant argue with your "personal" canon then because I dont know what books you believe deserve to fit the canon. If you say you arent a movie purist but also disregard the EU what else is canon to you? Clone Wars and Rebels? I mean I guess you get me there since we have Pryce. I still see it majority white and male even then. Anyone else is exceptional standouts. Which again supports that they where racist and sexist except for exceptional minds begrudgingly.

All I want to know is when the true enemy of Episode 9 will reveal himself

> Because the basis of my argument was that the nazi's were not a fan of non-whites which I think I can back up fairly well.
You didn’t though. You just said something contradictory and asserted that because you said it it must be the truth.

New Jedi Order was the breaking point for a lot of people while Legacy of the Force and onwards had people angry for various reasons like Jacen turning Sith. You also had the Legacy comics which while good was also a depressing view of the galaxy. The Skywalker family was now truly the Dynasty since descendants were literal Emperors of a new Empire.
Meanwhile in the Rebellion era days, there were so many novels that you were basically running out of days Luke could be performing missions for the Rebellion.
It deserved a clean slate sure, I think most fans will agree with that. They just hate that the gems weren't left alone.

EU also made more sense. The Empire splitting into a bunch of Warlord remnant factions that worked in their own interest is much more understandable than "They have a big battle over a shitty planet and then called it quits."
Space is fucking huge, you're not going to end a Galactic Civil War over the course of 1 years. It wasn't all great, but there was enough good in the EU to warrant it existing.

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The Vader books have been good I read those. I followed a lot of the other character mini's too. They really need to be putting more into the 6-7 space though instead of rewritting the movie eras.

I can give a source if you want? It's not a long read.

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Here's a relevant fanfiction. It's not by me, I just really like it.

>names a book "My Struggle"
>it's very short
What did he mean by this?

Can you cite the page you’re referencing? If it’s not a long read than it shouldn’t be too hard.

I dont think any of the new books have actually been good. The only one I've thought worth reading was Bloodlines, and that was largely inoffensive. Most of the new books really seem to detract from the setting whereas the old EU always felt additive. It would be interesting to see the sales number of EU classics, versus the new shit. Maybe thats why we are seeing popular elements of the EU brought into the canon and nothing in the books really being acknowledge onscreen.

>Sounds like it wasn't the worst idea for Disney to toss out the old canon
Yeah, as much as people look at it with rose-tinted glasses, it had a lot of problems that couldn't be easily fixed. You'd basically need to re-publish books with whole parts edited out or add footnotes going *this part is canon; *this part is no longer canon and at that point why even bother?

It's also worth noting that this wasn't even Disney's decision. Lucas himself was already planning to do this to the EU when he was planning to do the sequel trilogy himself (and the way he planned to move forward, taking bits and pieces of the EU where he saw fit but keeping the larger part of it non-canon fits with the way he approached TCW), and Kennedy and LSG just carried the idea through when he sold to Disney.

I think a lot of people are Disney burned a lot of good Will with TLJ and stories and most hormones just watch the Mcu, kinda hilarious how much money Disney blew on ST but only to fuck it all up thanks to shitty writers

Is Lords of the Sith really not good? The premise sounds badass.

volume 2, chapter XIII don't have the specific page but I have the quote
>Only in France does there exist today more than ever an inner unanimity between the intentions of the Jew-controlled stock exchange and the desire of the chauvinist-minded national statesmen. But in this very identity there lies an immense danger for Germany. For this very reason, France is and remains by far the most terrible enemy. This people, which is basically becoming more and more negrified, constitutes in its tie with the aims of Jewish world domination an enduring danger for the existence of the white race in Europe. For the contamination by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe is just as much in keeping with the perverted sadistic thirst for vengeance of this hereditary enemy of our people as is the ice-cold calculation of the Jew thus to begin bastardizing the European continent at its core and to deprive the white race of the foundations for a sovereign existence through infection with lower humanity.

I've liked a lot of the new books, I don't think they're all winners but there's very few I've regretted.

I think the comics have a bigger problem, there's a few good ones and then a lot of them are mediocre (I honestly struggle to remember what's even happening in the main book), but that was pretty much how it was in the Dark Horse era, too.

It's alright, though some people were annoyed that Cham Syndulla was such a big part of it. The book is basically equal parts Cham and Vader/Sheev rather than being a purely Sith-centered book, but if you go in with that expectation I think you'll like it.

I really liked the Clone Wars era comics. Too bad they were all invalidated.

Who gives a shit, Star Wars is dead

I found this one, biggest image I could find.

Attached: SWcommanderchart.png (800x548, 184K)

BF2 telling a defection story poorly also hurt it because there's a fair amount of other canon defection stories that preceded it while both doing a better job of telling their stories and making their points about the galactic civil war.

Frankly I can't really remember or think of what BF2 contributes to Star Wars, which is probably the most damning thing about it. It doesn't introduce or explore any cool topics, and the storytelling and its elements don't bring anything to the table.

I still look at it with rose-tinted glasses. I still stand by saying the best of canon is on par with the worst of EU. At least EU tried.

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I never gave two shits about the post-ROTJ era so I don't care that the ST is crap, but shit like this is right up my alley

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I'm guessing the reason they do that is the same reason they insist on connecting the sequel trilogy so strongly to the OT. They know the OT era is what most people like so they don't feel too safe going outside of it. Look how Rogue One is the one new movie that even the people who hate the ST seem to like, and it's because it's directly connected to ANH. (It's also the movie that actually does something new for Star Wars, not TLJ. Kinda irritating that all the praise for TLJ was not given to Rogue One instead.)

Doesnt it also focus on some lesbian imperial officer and her secret waifu? Or is a different one.

They're still making new PT books? Well, I was gonna say that's surprising, but I guess they are bringing back Clone Wars.

The current MO for Disney is that the books (written by company hacks like Chuck Wendig) exist solely to smooth over massive plotholes from the films and give all of the backstory shit that replaces the EU backstory of what happened between Jedi and TFA.

They only greenlighted the Thrawn books, because Wendig was a literal human piece of shit (and was ultimately blackballed by Disney due to his asshole ways making it impossible for them to keep him on the payroll) and his books were universally reviled and rejected by Star Wars fans. They had to get Thrawn's creator back to churn out new novels (based on the Disney canon) to boost sales for the books.

The Marvel Comics are mostly filler set duing the original trilogy. The few minis that the Disney SW characters have, are largely character driven stories and don't have any actual impact on lore.

>Kinda irritating that all the praise for TLJ was not given to Rogue One instead
I'm a little confused here

She's there, but she's not given that much focus and her being a lesbian is pretty trivial. I think it's brought up like twice and that's it. People on both sides made a much bigger deal about it than it was.

The Jedi Academy Trilogy was fucking garbage though. Anything worth reading in that shitfest is covered much better in I, Jedi.

I hear that Disney's Tabletop game is on point for Star Wars so kudos to them for that.

>For the contamination by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe is just as much in keeping with the perverted sadistic thirst for vengeance of this hereditary enemy of our people as is the ice-cold calculation of the Jew thus to begin bastardizing the European continent at its core and to deprive the white race of the foundations for a sovereign existence through infection with lower humanity
He asserts whites are superior and race mixing is bad, which was already known, not that blacks are any more inferior than any other non-whites who aren’t Jews. If he could, he’d have turned all of Germany blonde haired and Blue-eyed including himself. Doesn’t mean the Nazis still didn’t employ people who didn’t fit his perfect archetype and function normally as long as they didn’t try and deviate.

This isn't saying much considering how shit I, Jedi is.

>They're still making new PT books?
Yeah, they've been slower in putting them out but they've still been there. We're getting a new one focusing on Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in a week or two, and this Dooku one is unique in that it's actually being put out as an audio production first with a full cast, which I don't think they've ever done before outside of the OT radio dramas.

>I am Grand Admiral Sloane. I am-
Let me stop you right there, because everything you are about to say is cringy as fuck and utterly undermines any authority you may have had.

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I remember Yea Forums used to like Sloane, what happened?

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You remember that a bunch of anonymous people who at any given time consists of 200-400 different individuals ALL agreed to like one specific thing?
Is that what you remember, user?

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That's what was so great about it, people picked a side because they knew it was fictional and it didn't effect anyone.
Warhammer 40,000 currently has the same problem where what are essentially hobby gentrificaters or gentrifiers or whatever you want to call them can't comprehend that people like the Imperium of Man even though said new-faces in the fandom deem the IOM "Fascist" and compare them to 1940s Nazis.

There's so much shit I just don't fucking understand about fanbases anymore so I tend to avoid them. Its gotten to the point that you're not even allowed to like certain characters because some fucks you've never met before deem the idea of liking said characters "Problematic".

I'd say "Ignore them and they'd go away." but they'll just end up following you wherever you go.

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Focus? Not really. The Moff in control of Ryloth, which is where the book is set, is melancholy over her (female) lover being killed in I believe a speeder crash. Fundamentally it's just backstory to explain how her oversight has slipped and how one of her Imperial underlings is able to fall in with and be coerced into helping Cham.

I realize it's an unpopular opinion, but it's my favorite EU trilogy all the same. It brought us the introduction of the best ancient Sith, Exar Kun, and I've enjoyed following Kyp Durron, he was kinda the OG Kylo Ren.

I never thought we'd get a Dooku novel at all but it seems lately they've started to realize that Dooku is more popular than they thought

>"Ignore them and they'd go away".
Yeah, that's what they told us to do over and over again, so they could continue to infect every franchise and fanbase like a cancer without being stopped, and look where it got us.

It was good plot wasn’t much besides Vader and Sheev kick ass, and rebels try and obviously fail to kill them

There certainly weren't a bunch of people throwing a shitfit about her

He's my favorite character in the entire franchise, closely followed by Ventress. And she wouldn't be the same character without Dooku.

>but shit like this is right up my alley

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That’d the same with a lot of things, highly Disney underestimated how much people liked stuff from the prequels and even a lot of OT stuff

*At that particular day at that particular hour.
Move along.

I've been waiting for an excuse to post this.

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I notice more and more of these fuckers all the time as well, user. They're fucking baffling. They want to consume fiction, but they seem incapable of understanding the difference between fantasy and reality. If someone writes a fictional character who does an evil thing they treat it as though the writer actually did it, or condones it.

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For some reason I cant stop laughing at the Central African Republic being 80% Empire while surrounded by a continent of rebel scum.

If she's introducing herself for the first time what exactly would be the problem with it?

What are people with those opinions even doing in a Games Workshop? Has GW really changed that much since 2007 (last time I played in a GW heavily) Granted I mostly just played the LotR game, but I got a few of the 40K things to paint and and enjoyed the lore in White Dwarfs and some books. I did get a Small Space Wolves army that I very slowly work on.

Reminds me of the time Father Ted and Dougal picketed The Last Jedi.

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>all the nerves of the stump obliterated so that no robotic hand will ever respond to your commands
Can't you just, I don't know, cut off the stump and attach to nerves higher up on the arm? What kind of retarded threat is this supposed to be?

People who haven't actually paid much attention and just see "black imperial commander" and get triggered

Basically, Even if she took the whole arm, SW cybernetics are clearly advanced enough that she'd have to make the brain incapable on conceptualizing arm movement.

There are people who genuinely believe that our society should be based on the Imperium. I read some research into it. You can't blame people for thinking that other people think this way when they've seen actual fascists loving the Warhammer fascists.

She's embarrassing herself.
It makes the character look petty and powerless, making laughable, brutish threats in an impotent attempt at looking tough.

Honestly I don't really see too much of the "if you like the Empire you must be evil!" stuff unless it's followed by someone genuinely trying to argue that the Empire did nothing wrong. I don't mean people just saying it for fun, I mean people who will actually sit there and argue individual points and write whole autistic paragraphs about how each atrocity was completely justified.

I thought Lost Stars was the one with lesbians, what's that one about then?

>There are people who genuinely believe that our society should be based on the Imperium
And can you make a single case for why it wouldn't be better to be under Empire control, which doesn't boil down to "muh feelings"?

And please note, that is EMPIRE control. Not SITH control. The Sith may control the empire, but the two are not synonymous when it comes down to how the control is exerted and the planets governed.

Except you stopped her after she said "I am Grand Admiral Sloane" before she'd made any threats so how would you know what she's about to say?

That force illusions Yoda saw made me wonder what Dooku could’ve been if he didn’t fall into the dark side

I'm hoping this means Hasbro finally gets their head out of their ass and gives us a Black Series Dooku.

>Has GW really changed that much since 2007
They are making kid friendly short stories and books now.

Attached: warhammer 40k for kids!.jpg (1200x800, 260K)

Plus the lore has show the empire could’ve been something good the galaxy was in a perpetual state of decay and corruption for thousands of years, rooting for the empire isn’t bad because the galaxy is actually a shit hole

Lost Stars is basically Romeo and Juliet, but with the Empire and Rebels. It's actually a pretty good book in spite of how awful the premise sounds. I put off reading it for like two years because it sounded stupid but ended up being pleasantly surprised.

Age of Sigmar is vastly different from Fantasy. Fans hated it at first but it basically brought it back from the dead.

40K's newest edition has drastically changed lore with the reintroduction of a Primarch and the addition of truescale minis for Space Marines that are now Space Marines but Better. This has worried fans that they will be phasing out all old Marines. The art direction has changed a bit too. Now instead of fantasy in space, it looks a bit more like science fiction.

I, Jedi did space stuff with starfighters correct but as far as I'm concerned everything else was bad. I mean, there's a point where Corran Horn runs around being Space Batman complete with his own Alfred. It was ridiculous. Stackpole couldn't handle not giving his personal favorite character everything.

>Warhammer 40,000 currently has the same problem where what are essentially hobby gentrificaters or gentrifiers or whatever you want to call them can't comprehend that people like the Imperium of Man even though said new-faces in the fandom deem the IOM "Fascist" and compare them to 1940s Nazis.
Honestly i hadn’t even noticed them. The Rampant Chaosfags and SMfags in Games Workshop and Black Library turning the setting into their pissing match at the cost of any nuance with their factions is far more of an actual problem.

I'm talking about WH40K. Hang on, let me pull up the research.

>On the site TradYouth, a site about being traditionalists in the modern era, I found an article that, at first, I thought was entirely satirical. The article talks about how the imperium of mankind is a great model to look for in our modern lives.

>“The Imperium does not negotiate and does not compromise its religious or its social values to those who wish to destroy it. In the age of outright heresy being found in most mainstream churches, it is no wonder why many young people see the expression Imperial Cult as being a desirable vision for how the religious body of the Christian Faith should act.”

>I found this quote to be deeply disturbing on just about every level. Not only do they find the message of fanaticism and xenophobia that are supposed to be satire, but those values are openly embraced here. It is no small wonder that people who supported trump see these ideals in the Warhammer 40k universe. With trump shouting messages of building a wall to keep out the aliens, or not letting Muslims into our country, we see how these messages are getting spread, and people are picking up on all of the ideas that the game was originally trying to parody. Now I am not trying to say that these ideas came from this game, however I do find it rather disturbing how often images from this game I love are used in serious association with the ideals. I just hope that in the future the games goes to put more emphasis on how terrible everything about it is, and maybe show people that this really is not what we want our government to turn into.


>And can you make a single case for why it wouldn't be better to be under Empire control
And here we go

Simply leave it at that, then let actions speak louder than words.
Tarkin didn't make empty threats.

>What are people with those opinions doing in a Games Workshop.
About a year or two ago, a group consisting of about 60-70% men called Feminist 40k made a huge stink about representation in Warhammer because they didn't understand that you're supposed to paint your models yourself and you can pick the skin color of humans/ humanoids whatever color you wanted.
They also don't know about other factions in the Imperium of Man, like the Tallarn Desert Raiders, Maccabian Janissaries, Rainbow Warriors, Xenonian Amazons, House Escher, Lt. Mira, Princeps of the Storm Herald, Magos Tawren, The living Saints, Sisters of Battle, Sisters of Silence, the Archamandrite of the battle of the Webway, basically every second techpriest in the Mechanicum and the Mechanicus, I could go on for a bit.

They showed up for a bit, made a big stink, but lost steam when GW realized they weren't actually buying models.

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He threatened to destroy Yavin IV and didn't end up doing that.

Tarkin also didn't simply punish people without first letting them know why

Yeah, Lost Stars is pretty solid. The manga adaptation makes everyone adorable too.

The Empire is administratively incompetent, and their military academies purposefully teaches and rewards their cadets for being a bunch of self-serving, backstabbing, blame-shifting, Arnold Rimmer-tier smegheads

She killed billions.

>some litterallywho who thinks thing is bad because a few autists in the arse-end of the web like to larp as commissars
This is "Pepe is a white supremacist symbol" levels of retarded.

>I found this quote to be deeply disturbing on just about every level
That's what a complete pussy bitch would think, yes.
The world has gotten so bad that Christian totalitarianism is preferable to SJW-driven outrage culture propping up Islamic colonization of the west.
You would have to be a total and complete moron not to understand why even something like the 40K Imperium of Man looks like a better alternative to many people.

Orwell's 1984 was also supposed to be satire, and the powers that be made it reality. So don't come bitching that people find inspiration in sources that they can identify with even a little bit.

That's neither my problem, nor my concern. If you're biggest concern is people thinking the faction of space fanatics with the cool robots and space knights is cool just because some crazy on the internet wants to live that lifestyle, then you need to rethink your life choices.
Get a fucking grip.

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Basically Romeo and Juliet in space that mostly follows the OT story. A boy and girl from the same planet grow up and join the Empire, boy defects after Alderaan's destruction, and the girl soldiers on feeling increasingly conflicted and empty about their commitment to the Empire.

It wears it's YA attributes on it's sleeves but it's a comfy read that does a lot of things well.

>They showed up for a bit, made a big stink, but lost steam when GW realized they weren't actually buying models.
This does happen a lot. Not with everything, mind you. Captain Marvel and Apex Legends were major hits, after all. But for something obscure for a tabletop game, they eventually realize that they can just ignore the criticism and not lose any sales because those people weren't buying stuff in the first place.

So they're actually not lying when they call Claudia Grey one of the best new sci-fi writers? Huh.

>This is "Pepe is a white supremacist symbol" levels of retarded.
A white supremacist quite literally explained on camera that his Pepe pin was a white supremacist symbol right before he got punched. Who is actually denying this at this point?

I've only read her Star Wars stuff but it's been pretty good.

>The Emperor is an archetypical executive, who rose to his position through a very specialized set of skills and assumes himself capable of making judgements and demands on all other things despite not knowing shit about them, and who thinks everything he says can be done because he surrounds himself with yes-men why are two chicken shit to explain why what he’s asking is logistically impossible or tactically unsound.
I love how much sense this makes.

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

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Don't know about her nonSW stuff, but it's all been good. She even did some work with Holdo that was surprisingly not shit.

>be a woman in a career where I only got in due to meme quotas
>wonder why I don't get respect

If you fall for a meme, you’re a retard. If you take someone falling for a meme and decide it must not be a meme because of it, you are just as much of a retard.

So your position on both this and 40k appears to be that if a Nazi or a white supremacist says something, you just take their word for it, but if I inform you they're insane, deluded and talking bullshit, you don't believe me? Fair enough user, is that way.

>white supremacists literally claim pepe as a symbol
>"w-well you fell for a meme! and it happened because the people who said it also fell for a meme! it's memes all the way down!"

>shitty countries are rebels
makes you think

It's a bit like the okay symbol being co-opted by white supremacists as a joke, they wanted to fool people into thinking it was a white supremacist symbol to trigger the left

...then they just kept on using it

White supremacists should just claim Star Wars as a symbol if its that easy, you fucking joke.

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The regressive left thinks everything is an alt-right symbol, because they are fucking stupid. From an OK sign to a cartoon frog, they live to be upset and create their own enemies.

Shit like Pepe was popular for years before Clinton began screaming about it, but when she did THAT was when Neo- Nazis began using it. Just wait, the left will create something new to be offended about as soon as they are physically able.

Why did the emperor run the empire so fucking badly, he’s all about how much of a corrupt shit hole the galaxy is but create a new system that barely better

>start a thread with a black woman
>/pol/ comes running

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>Believing they “claimed” it as a symbol when they only reason why even knew of it’s existence is because people memed it into relevance and decided it would be funny
Your perceptions and misconceptions don’t change the truth. People took a frog reaction image and said he was a white supremacy icon so they could see if they could get people to actually believe them for their kicks. Falling for a dumb, albeit elaborate, joke is far from “claiming” it.

>it was just a prank, bro!

It is. Do you have any actual reasoning as to how it isn’t?

Like other anons I can't comment on her non-SW work, but I've enjoyed all of her Stars Wars material and think that she's great at handling characters (Both original and established) and covering relevant themes.

Palpatine didn't really care about it. Even when he became Emperor he ended up just letting people like Mas Amedda do the actual running so he could focus his time on doing Sith stuff. The whole thing was a means to an end and as long as it fulfilled his purposes he didn't care if it was inefficient or not. He also didn't want to let anyone directly inherit it, not even Vader, so once he died the Empire would basically cannibalize itself and the strongest elements of it would start a new faction.

So when’s ep 9 coming out anyways it seems like Disney is actually trying to appeal to fans here

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She spent her entire life bitching that sexism was holding her down while simultaneously fucking her way to the top. She's not devoted or a fanatic, she's a perfect example of a shitbag officer who got where they are by connections rather than skill.

>Jar Jar Abrams again
>trying to appeal to fans

>so once he died the Empire would basically cannibalize itself and the strongest elements of it would start a new faction
I think people forget about this when they complain that the Empire died too quickly in nucanon. It wasn't just different commanders vying for control and splitting the Empire, it was Sheev literally setting a self-destruct contingency in motion. It fell within a year because Sheev had it burned down from the inside out.

That’s literally all he’s good at it’s why Tifa was shit he played it safe for mass appeal

For me, it's Admiral Screed.

Attached: Admiral_Screed_MoM.png (700x400, 268K)

We all know what Yea Forums thinks of the ST but what about the anthology movies?

They should have made the anthologies along with the Mandalorian into a single TV show (each season is a standalone story set in the SW universe) to develop the characters more

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The best of the new SW films by far. I loved Rogue One and I was dreading Solo, but in the end I thought it was great. It nailed the OT tone of drama and fun adventure just right. Shame it probably won't get a sequel.

Liked them but after reading Death Star I’m pretty disappointed that we never got to see a imperial POV from inside the Death Star, though solo was bland as shit and ridiculously dark but besides the name thing pretty inoffensive still it’s a little sad Disney failure means the anthologies are dead, they should e pushed for a Kenobi or Windu movie instead of solo

I liked Rogue one, but still haven't seen Solo.
I just had no hype at all for it after TLJ, which is so fucking depressing. If you had told a younger me how one day we'd get a movie about young Han Solo's adventures I'd have been excited as shit, but then Disney has driven the franchise so far into the ground.

>good goyim, defend your jew masters

Attached: jew mickey.jpg (512x355, 33K)

Except I didn't like TFA or TLJ. Sorry Mickey.

>Shit like Pepe was popular for years before Clinton began screaming about it, but when she did THAT was when Neo- Nazis began using it.
You've got it backwards. Neo-Nazis started using Pepe
With the aid of a Time Machine, I assume, being that I saw Pepe's sporting Swastikas and gassing brown Wojacks as far back as 2015.

Do you think she fucks white guys?

>When you spend all your time trying to get power but have no idea what to actually do with any of it besides tear your own shit down because it’s the only thing left
Genius Sith Philosophy at work

Pepe’s harassing Wojacks was the couch gag of /r9k/. That’s not surprising.

Are you retarded I said solo was ok at best I fucked hated TLJ too

>if I cant enjoy it, then no one will
Its perfectly in character for Sheev to do it.

Attached: Sheev.gif (600x255, 3.67M)

You're either trolling yourself, or you're a colossal autist who's incapable of understanding trolling and black humor. Do you think the Anons who got "Hitler did nothing wrong" into that Mountain Dew naming contest were all committed Nazis too?

Sith philosophy is shit anyways and is just an excuse for them to act like power hungry psychopaths half the time

If I said that I enjoyed TLJ (not great, just okay) and thought Luke's arc was appropriate to his development. Would Yea Forums call me a shill?

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No, but I'd call your taste poor, because his "development" in TLJ is completely at odds with his development through Empire and RoTJ.

I will disagree about how his arc went about, the whole trying to kill his nephew for sensing darkness in him and running away from the galaxy is just out of character for him, but goddamn was his death scene absolute kino.
The double suns coming out of the clouds, the music, his fading away, it was all well done.

What's funny is the even after Maul accepts that he's no longer a Sith and doesn't even want to be one anymore, the Sith philosophy is so ingrained in him that he can't do anything without being a self-destructive asshole. He can't have a normal relationship with his brother and has to view it as a master/apprentice scenario. Later on he does the same thing with Ezra, and even though he's desperate for some kind of companionship and even friendship from him, he still has to be abusive about it. He can't just be friends with the kid, he has to destroy everything Ezra loves and try to force him into the power-craving position of a Sith apprentice even though this doesn't benefit Maul in any way. It's such a cancerous philosophy that even when you're not a part of it anymore it still destroys you.

It's literally impossible to enjoy that tranny fuckfest. You are and always will be a Disney bitch.

>The double suns coming out of the clouds, the music, his fading away, it was all well done.
Wrong, mouse shill.

Yeah sith ideology is trash and destructive but it’s funny how Maul was always just a tool and never a real Sith he was trained poorly as a joke and never learned any real Sity power that could’ve made him more than a killing machine that’s all he was

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>claim breathing as a white supremacist action

heh....... too bad kiddo.....

>the whole trying to kill his nephew for sensing darkness in him and running away from the galaxy is just out of character for him
I don't have a problem with what happened with Ben, I don't see it as Luke actually trying to kill him but just having a fearful response that happened at the worst possible time. I do agree that him fucking off to go be a hermit is out of character, though. Even if he's full of guilt over what happened and emotionally broken over losing not just his nephew but his entire order, I think Luke would still try to find a way to fix what he'd accidentally unleashed instead of feeling sorry for himself and abandoning everything and everyone.

This is why I blame the failure of Luke's arc more on Abrams than Johnson. Johnson's additions aren't great, but he has to work with what Abrams built, and TFA already established that Luke just ran off after Kylo massacred his students. The fact that there needed to be a quest to find him in the first place is a bigger issue than the specifics of what ruined his relationship with Ben.

In the EU, yeah. In canon (as in starting with TCW) he was meant to be a proper Sith.

This isn't really a justification for Johnson's fumble when even Mark Hamill came up with something better - he thought Luke would be in exile on that world not out of guilt, but looking for something he believed would grant him the wisdom he needed.

I disagree, I think Luke explained pretty well that his hubris and ego got to him and that led to Kylo despising him (Luke was the only relative that Kylo had no hesitation to kill), the fact that he unleashed another Vader upon the galaxy and inadvertently caused lots of massacres brought him so much shame that couldn't face his friends again. Also Luke isn't immune to the dark side, the same thing nearly happened with his fight against Vader
If I was a shill, then why hasn't Disney paid my $1000 yet?

>but looking for something he believed would grant him the wisdom he needed.
Why would he need to cut himself off from everyone to do that, though?

Honestly, I don't know. But I remain confident there was a better answer than what Johnson picked. Hell, I just had this thought: Ben has that absurdly retarded ability to Force Skype with Rey, and Snoke could do it to. Maybe Luke isn't hiding from his friends, but making sure the First Order can't find what's on that world?

That's the problem. Once you establish that he ran away after his failure and hasn't talked to anyone, even his sister, and nobody can find him then you're not left with a lot of choices for why he did that. I don't think Johnson is clever enough to come up with a scenario where he would do all of that for a constructive purpose, and Abrams definitely isn't since he never actually put any thought into it.

The kind where she starts obliterating nerves in other places because someone is being a cheeky little shit.

Underestimate? No, they just have priorities. They had a trilogy and a new era to sell. Now that the ST has been established they're free to double-dip in the other eras as much as they want.

>Ben has that absurdly retarded ability to Force Skype with Rey, and Snoke could do it to. Maybe Luke isn't hiding from his friends, but making sure the First Order can't find what's on that world?
I like the idea, but then what's the endgame there? Does Luke just exile himself until either Kylo or Snoke is dead? Does he use whatever is there himself, and if so just what could it be? It would need to be something absolutely vital and gamechanging to justify having Luke take himself completely out of the fight to safeguard it, and at that point you probably need to come up with some kind of absurd and possibly downright retarded Force power or artifact to justify Luke doing that.

Dogfighting is literally the only thing Michael Stackpole knows how to do well though.

Solo is a good film that is hampered by being a prequel. There is no tension in a lot of scenes since Han, Chewie, and Lando are in them and the other cast members don't get enough focus for us to really care about their well-being. If anything, between the motivation for its plot and its set pieces, it should have been a side story to the ST.

>its a /dg/ crossposts on Yea Forums episode

t-the WHAT

what the fuck is that

fact: luke's death would have been much better if he flipped his lightsaber off mid-duel and let ben strike him down like obi-wan and vader in ANH

>I just had no hype at all for it after TLJ

There IS no hype. It gives absolutely no insight into Han's character because nothing that happens in the movie actually changes him from here he was in the beginning, which remains bafflingly different from his ANH appearance

So his big origin movie doesn't even show us how he got where he is emotionally by the main movies

>abiding thots in the Imperial ranks

>being surprised that it turned into that retarded First Order

Females were a mistake

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It sort of does, but not enough. It feels like they wanted to take the story further and left the story too open at the end, but it's basically a reversal of Han's arc in ANH. Han started Solo off being rough around the edges but still having a heart and caring about something other than himself. By the end of the movie, he's gotten a taste of the scoundrel life and realized that he's in a world where trust is hard to come by, and he's been abandoned by the one person who had gone through all that trouble for.

I think that last point could've been stronger. Han and Qi'ra don't really part on bad terms, they're fine and then Qi'ra just kind of leaves. We know she's protecting Han, but from Han's perspective it doesn't even look like she betrayed him, it looks like she just kind of ran off. There isn't any real sting to it, and Han seems more puzzled by it than anything else. It should've ended with Qi'ra turning on him, even if she was only pretending to do it in order to save him. The ending needed to really sting for Han to complete his arc and show why he's unwilling to stick his neck out for anybody.

>Qi'ra just kind of leaves. We know she's protecting Han, but from Han's perspective it doesn't even look like she betrayed him, it looks like she just kind of ran off. There isn't any real sting to it, and Han seems more puzzled by it than anything else

Yeah that's what I mean. Like he's still mostly smiling and optimistic by the end, just as he's been the entire movie. It needed a moment for him to REALLY get a streak of bitterness to set up his self-serving personality later down the road

It was originally planned to have a sequel following IX. I'd say a bigger issue is that Han is a gregarious idiot throughout the film, which doesn't really jive well with his supposed background. If we had gotten hints throughout the film that he's mostly putting on a friendly face to manipulate/as a defense mechanism it would have worked better; as would an ending scene where Han catches on to Qi'ra abandoning him immediately and him ultimately dropping all pretenses.

R1 was mostly boring, bordering on dumb further into the movie. What I absolutely hated about it was how invincible the rebels were and how buffoonish and ineffectual the Empire was.

>What I absolutely hated about it was how invincible the rebels were and how buffoonish and ineffectual the Empire was.
How so?

Yeah, I know it sounds silly, considering they all die at the end, but because the movie wants to kill them off at the most dramatic moment, it's painfully obvious that they're not in any danger in any of the battle scenes. They just keep mowing down stormtroopers throughout the movie without any effort. There are so many scenes where a group of stormtroopers runs in through some door and get killed instantly by one of the characters.

>how invincible the rebels were
>Rebel Alliance is shown to be disunited and squabbling, with at least one faction ready to throw themselves to the ground and start licking boot
>two Star Destroyers and a few dozen TIEs are shown to be a challenge to an entire Rebel fleet
>said fleet gets its shit pushed in when ambushed by a single Star Destroyer
>everyone fucking dies

Always funny when you guys desperately say "the regressive left" because you are so worried about optics that you hope you can convince people that your side is the "progressive" side.

Thing is, it's always the right that's openly endorsed by the KKK, Nazis, white supremacists, and so on. You're never going to fool anyone. So don't get too comfortable. We're keeping track.

>Rebel Alliance is shown to be disunited and squabbling
Nothing to do with anything
>two Star Destroyers and a few dozen TIEs are shown to be a challenge to an entire Rebel fleet
Bullshit, they're kicking ass until Vader shows up. Don't even get me started about that retarded ramming scene.
>huuur, but thay all die retard!!!!
Two dozen Rebels land on an Imperial fortress, keep getting shot by everyone on an open beach for half the movie and only die after a Death Star gets them. It's what I said about everyone dying only when it's most dramatic for the scriptwriter.

>What I absolutely hated about it was how invincible the rebels were and how buffoonish and ineffectual the Empire was.
Welcome to Star Wars

This is how I know that you didn't actually watch the movie because the only ones that weren't dead by the time the Death Star blew up the planet were Jyn and Cassian. I'm guessing you read the Wikipedia summary and that's it.

bitch please

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Yeah, I get that the heroes are invincible in a New Hope as well, but R1 claimed to be a gritty war movie, and yet Stormtroopers were more of a threat to Luke, Han and Leia than to some rando nobodies who are meant to die anyway.

It's not that hard. Just don't make them aimbot dozens of troopers at a time and have a couple of them die along the way. You're already copying the style of Saving Private Ryan, take some notes while you're at it.

>Bullshit, they're kicking ass until Vader shows up
Were they? They weren't doing too well and they don't really get a break until Raddus punches a hole in the planetary shield. Until then they're all flying around getting shot at, and the dudes on the surface are getting picked off.

>and have a couple of them die along the way
But this is literally what happens. Are you seriously arguing that nobody dies until the Death Star nukes the surface?

>on an Imperial fortress
It's a data bank.

Imagine how excited fat nerds were when Zsinj was made. "Finally, someone I can cosplay as!"

For me it's Gilad Pellaeon.

Attached: Pellaeon.jpg (1026x1609, 123K)

>R1 claimed to be a gritty war movie
No it didn't.

>stormtroopers were a bigger threat to people they didn't kill than they were to the people they actually killed!

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Nobody that matters dies, even if some NPCs get killed in the background it doesn't matter to the stakes of the story, because the heroes will get their death telegraphed from a mile away.
It was effectively a fortress because of its importance.
Yes it fucking did, even if Disney came in and changed it afterwards, it's still a dark and gritty movie that was originally intended as a war movie by Gareth.
Luke, Han and Leia were always on the run. Even if they picked some off, they acted like the troopers were a big threat, which is what matters to the story.

I still like her but that could be my fetish for blacks girls talking.

user's perfect version of R1 sees Cassian killed at the start of the film, Jyn spend the rest of her life in prison, and everyone else dying when Jedha is destroyed.

>nobody dies!
>okay some people die but they were nobodies!

I wholeheartedly believe that Lupita Nyong'o should have played Hux, if for no other reason than seeing her in a tailored FO uniform.

>Even if they picked some off, they acted like the troopers were a big threat, which is what matters to the story.
But this happens in RO too, and the troopers actually end up killing not only redshirts but named characters. You also claim that nobody dies until the Death Star shoots them, but by the time this happens everyone who landed on Scarif is dead except Jyn and Cassian.

You have a really weird idea of what counts as "invincible."

>>nobody dies!
>>okay some people die but they were nobodies!
These lines don't exactly contradict each other.

>hire her for your movie
>turn her into a mocap toad granny
What a waste

Thrawn was the best thing about Rebels desu

Then how come a great dane has a louder bark then any small dog?

Yeah, it's really a shame.

Great Danes have megaphones installed in their larynxes at birth thanks to an obscure law dating back to 1793. All attempts to repeal the law have failed for a variety of reasons.

She was probably busy, she's a fairly prolific actress and this didn't interfere with her schedule much.

Jesus Christ, I saw this boring fucking movie however many years ago when it came out, forgive me if I don't remember the particular fates of John Fistpunch and Blind Chinaman. I'm talking broad strokes about what I took away from the movie. They're "invincible" in the sense that they're not in any danger until it's dramatically pertinent, their deaths being ridiculously overblown and silly in the context of what I was watching, which was framed as a gritty war movie.

I don't know how to best explain what I'm trying to say, I just couldn't give a fuck about the characters and I'm trying to put into words why I think that is. It's the Avengers, but shot like Saving Private Ryan.

>wants to argue about something he doesn't even remember
I mean yeah this is Yea Forums but get your facts straight before picking fights you idiot

Here's an argument more your style: Rouge One sucks, and your mom is fat. FACT.


>I just couldn't give a fuck about the characters
Well that's a completely separate point. You could've just said that instead of doing all these weird mental gymnastics to justify why you thought the rebels were "invincible" and then throwing a hissy fit when people correct you on what actually happened in the movie.

>Look buddy, I can't be expected to do things like "remember what I'm arguing about," "provide examples to back up my claims," or "not backpedal"
Also only two named characters in Saving Private Ryan die before the final battle, Rogue One kills 3.

This is all you have? Weak. No wonder you lost the war.

Looks like you lost your marbles.

They tried but they forgot to leave out the violated women being used as alien birth machines.
Old habits die hard I suppose

Looks like you lost your war.

GWs top selling Vidya (Vermintide, Total Warhammer) are still based on fantasy battle.

The general thought is that GW is more willing to farm out the WHF license for video games since they don't have to worry about issues with canon or adaptational popularity. They were apparently pretty pissed about the Blood Raven's popularity since it meant diverting resources from their existing model lines. Plus AoS would more than likely fail to distinguish itself from other high-magic, high-fantasy properties and invite a lot of comparisons with D&D and WoW. Ironically WHF's "generic fantasy except early Renaissance" makes it stand out massively.

Legion/X-Wing/Amanda is always on point

Yeah, I know I'm being retarded, sorry. I shouldn't be arguing about a movie I barely remember, I just wrote what I remember feeling about the movie after seeing it, didn't mean to argue about being objectively right or anything.

Disney has done an amazing job, Star Wars is now amazing and politically correct, unlike the disgusting white male dominated filth of the pre-Disney era! George Lucas's conservative principles are no longer relevant and our YAS QUEEN Kathleen Kennedy has turned Star Wars into a glorious utopia where women and Person of Color can finally take control and subjugate the disgusting white male! All glory to Kathleen! All glory to Disney!

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The REPXIT vote was fucked up!

What are you even trying to accomplish here

>Hasbro as SDCC said they're making a TCW wave and Ventress+Cad Bane are already confirmed

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Disney really did Pellaeon dirty.

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Nazis would be wrong. The Reich treated black people horribly, just not “get in the gas chamber” horribly. I’d speculate that had the Reich found itself in a position where it could colonize mainly black countries their rhetoric would have evolved toward mass murder of black people as well. Gotta have that lebensraum.

He'll be back. Many Star Wars characters have canonically survived worse.

Dont worry, Filoni said Pellaeon is alive, as he cant waste a character like that

>this Dooku one is unique in that it's actually being put out as an audio production first with a full cast, which I don't think they've ever done before outside of the OT radio dramas.
That actually sounds really cool. Gonna be a pain in the ass to find it though, I don't think my usual IRC channel offers audiobooks.

It’s Star Wars media. It’ll be hosted all over the place.

>New Ventress/Dooku Audiobook
>Doesnt have any of TCW voice cast

Do you think someone will post it on Yea Forums?

It's cool. Too bad you don't like it as much as I (and others here) do,but that's just life

Vader's authority derives from the Emperor. If Sheev said the Death Star was Tarkin's project and to let him take point, that's what Vader will do.

I did like the way he didn't make him a regular Jedi, but gave him a deficiency (no telekinesis) that keys into everything the Jedi are and makes him need to do things differently.

Stackpole is I think far better with the comics than the novels, in general. He's okay with novels, but his best talents simply lie elsewhere.

The sole way to redeem the squeakquel trilogy will be to have Gilad and OG Remnant forces come and kick everyone's asses in IX

If they had cast some distinguished old white guy for IX in a mystery role I'm sure we would have heard about it by now.

Wait, Stackpole does comics? What should I check out?

You remember the mouse drones of /swco/ liking Sloane.

You fucking know it

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R1 was boring and lame for 80% of the movie the only interesting part anybody gave a fuck about was the last part and the vader wank off scene Maybe it's a problem with Team movies a lot of characters aren't gonna get a spot light and you just not gonna care for them in the end

They were in a J.J. Abrams film, user. It was a mercy killing.

And I disagree with your disagreement because 1. The end of RotJ if anything revolved around Luke defeating those with such hubris and confronting the dark tendencies within himself in a far higher stress situation than having a bad feeling about a helpless kid and 2. A few brief cutscenes does not, in my opinion, make for a compelling conflict to explain Luke's situation in TLJ

I don't even like Star Wars. I just feel annoyed that "character isn't immune to temptation BUT overcomes it with love for his family and also the Force or whatever" leading into "character with greater experience of his space knight traditions reflexively draws a lethal weapon on a sleeping child because of a bad feeling the likes of which he had confronted far worse of in a higher stress situation"-

-is sometimes touted as good character progression by TLJ apologists.

because all the blacks are disposable troops

>Melanin version of Daala
And here I thought it couldn't get worse

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>greatly entertaining to me.
That was probably the only reason Tarkin promoted her.

Oh they fucking knew about the OT and tried to wrangle in the Prequel fans with Rebels. Why do you think the ST apes the original movies so hard? Disney wants you to like the new shit and tried to ensure it in the laziest manner possible.

>Kirtan Loor
>Morally gray
user, you might have a problem

Probably the foreign mercenaries and business operators. I doubt locals can afford money for such things

He probably means the whole "subverting your expectations" thing

No, but I would question your clarity of mind.

>The Marvel Comics are mostly filler set duing the original trilogy.
You can see how unpopular is the new setting by the meagre amount of comic books about that era pushed out by Marvel

Imperial officers don't typically go on mindless rants, they leave that for the sith. An imperial officer that gets disrespected would just kill the offender on the spot or have them dragged to the nearest cargo bay and jettisoned alive. The "I'm a tough grrrl who won't take no shit" speech is grandiose.

Snoke would have tracked him down and Luke figured he needed to come down off his Jedi perch and start thinking like a human normal human again. There, done
Wasn't hard.

>implying Running off on your own and cutting ties with everyone is not only thinking like a normal human, but coming off the Jedi perch
You don’t know much about humans or Jedi do you?



>Karen Traviss
Of course

The answer is all around you.

Solo was underrated, and double or nothing the person who disagrees with this post has garbage waifus!

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TFA was a mass disappointment, because it was a high-budget fan-remake of ANH.
And no one wanted that.
Then the TLJ came, which still borrowed almost every plot from old movies, but also added massive "fuck you, fans" as a main theme.

Based stealth sneedposter

When he left the FO was assumed to be a tiny little force compared to the Republic and thus no immediate threat. He'd just lost everything and would be looking for a fresh perspective. The whole reason he won against the Emperor was by focusing on his down to earth human love for his father, not his Jedi training or connection to the Force. Meanwhile as a Jedi both he and his Prequel counterparts had the Order collapse out from under them. Hence the need to spend some time disconnected from the Force to see if that offered a sort of clarity. The whole cutoff thing was supposed to be temporary and happened to be very ill-timed. Bam.

I have issues with the plot, but TLJ had good cinematography

I bet you own Che Guevara t-shirt and think it is completely cool thing to do.


Return please PLEASE

Screed's Feed and Seed

Fucking B A S E D

Yeah, while I liked the film the ending was probably the weakest part, made weaker by the fact it's not likely to get a sequel. Han helping out the not!rebels didn't feel like something he would do at that point. His whole epiphany about helping others should be the point where he goes back to help Luke in ANH, not before.

It would have been better if they'd tricked him somehow and just made off with the loot leaving him a bit pissed off but more impressed at their ability to pull the wool over his eyes. Kinda like the end of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, but with Han and Lando as Michael Caine and Steve Martin.

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Almost all X-wing comics were done by him, you know.


While we are at it, the movie also kinda fails to explain how (and why) Ben demolished the whole Jedi temple and killed all his friends and colleagues.

I guess the way I see it is that he realized that if he stole from Enfys Nest he would be killed or lose a way off the planet, so he went for his next best option.

You guys bring up a good point about Qi’ra and him being a bit of an idiot though

I guess seeing his uncle trying to kill him was the last straw that completely turned him?

Also, weren’t there like 10 other Jedi padawans at the time?

>killed all his friends and colleagues
We don't know that he did. That might be where the Knights of Ren came from.

When Luke crawls from the rubble the temple is burning, and all other Jedi and padawans are dead.
I blame it on bad writing, because otherwise it means Ben was a murderous psycho from the very beginning.


Did they specify that? I assumed a couple of his buddies ran off with him. Otherwise I guess maybe the First Order could have picked up force sensitives in the Unknown Regions

Considering the movie she was in. I say it was mercy. Spare them of being part of Disney Wars.

I miss the days when we just wanted to fuck everything.

I'm hopeful Solo still gets a quasi-sequel in the form of a Lando movie or the rumoured TV series. Would prefer a movie, I'm not sure how well SW is going to translate to TV.

New TCW soon, fellow stalker.

I think the implication in TFA was that Ben turning to the dark side was a separate event from him destroying the Jedi Temple, the visions Rey received indicating that he did so with help of the Knights of Ren.

Wait, is this ONLY coming out as an audio book? I can't find a print version.

Everyone knows the A C Crispin story for Han is 10x better than Solo right?

I would say you have incredible shit taste and you should kys. But not a shill.

Cast her. Also, does anyone have a realistic image of Grand Admiral Sloane? Maybe a really good cosplay?

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wait what

wasn't the temple already wrecked when Luke came to? Or do you propose that the vision was non-contiguous and actually jumped ahead in events while it was going?

The vision is comprised of a series of jump cuts, yes.

The problem is TLJ completely flipped the narration about Luke/Kylo spat we got from TFA

>And no one wanted that.
That's not true, and that's the problem. TFA got a ton of praise when it came out, and it turned out people who bitched about the prequels really DID just want to see TIE Fighters and X-Wings again. A lot of people saw it for the derivative crap it was, but it wasn't until TLJ that the mainstream audience finally snapped out of it and realized that TFA had set up a really terrible foundation for the trilogy.

Mostly, anyway. There's still a lot of people that love TFA and think TLJ was some kind of huge betrayal of everything Abrams did, despite the fact that a lot of the things they hate about TLJ had their origins (or were even already present outright) in TFA.

Is this real? I've never read Aftermath.

Yeah, at least for now. They're probably going to have a print version at some point later but for now it's audiobook only.

I would delete the character entirely. We don't need any more "diversity" in Star Wars.

>mainstream audience
The problem is how quickly people forget things if they are not really into something.
TFA gave them this fuzzy, secure feeling of "oh, I think I saw that somewhere, cool".

>I've never read Aftermath.
Lucky you.
Believe me, childish description of starfighter flight is the least problem of that book.

Yeah, I really don't like the new books. I'm reading Thrawn to see what they do with the character, but since TLJ I'm not even interested in the movies any more.

They turn Thrawn into a SJW tool. There. I saved you several hours.

Does he return after the end of Rebels or is this his canon ending?

I haven't read it but I THINK it's set before Rebels or at least partially concurrent

To save trillions.

I know the first and second book are set before the ending of Rebels. I'm just hoping being dragged away by space whales isn't his new canon ending.

The first lesbian character in Disney-era canon was a fat Imperial Moff with Twi'lek slaves and a spice addiction. Everyone was going crazy over the reveal of the first bit of information, until the book came out and revealed the rest. Then she was completely forgotten and replaced by the gay guy in Wendig's book as the "first" lgbt representation because he abandons the Empire and has a boyfriend on-page.

The first Thrawn novel is before Rebels. So far we don't know what happens to him after Rebels.

There is also the bisexual alien bounty hunter that doubles as "proud woman of color" in her interactions with mentioned gay imperial defector.
And rebel single mom.

Thrawn is functionally a Rebels character now.

His canon debut is through the show.
After his debut season, the first book comes out which takes place after ROTS all thr way up to the start of his Rebels season.
Book 2 in the trilogy happens after the Atollon battle finale, whichever Rebels season that was.
Book 3 that comes out this summer takes place in the gap Thrawn leaves Lothal in the final season.
Then the series ends with Thrawn being thrown into hyperspace and that's as far as his character goes currently in the timeline.

>Book 3 that comes out this summer takes place in the gap Thrawn leaves Lothal in the final season.
>Then the series ends with Thrawn being thrown into hyperspace and that's as far as his character goes currently in the timeline.

How... philistine.

S2 of Resistance will open with the Colossus and crew dropping out of hyperspace to find themselves surrounded by Star-Destroyer-sized armed and armored Purrgil.

Reminder they *tried* to make Ahsoka gay

>Other Female character who is gay: "im so relieved I could kiss you!"
>Ahsoka: "K"

I want her to be gay. In the current political climate that's our best chance of seeing her get laid on-screen.

>implying she didnt get RAILED by Lux Bonteri

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That's not trying to make her gay, that's introducing a character who's gay for Ahsoka and Ahsoka not really showing any interest in her

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No true king ever says "I am king". They don't need to. The more elaborate your threat the less seriously you get taken.

>Turns out the reason nobody found Thrawn or Ezra is because they merged along with the purrgils and the star destroyer
>"Thrawn? Bridger? Yes, I was known by those names once, wasn't I? But no more. Now, I am... THRAZRAGIL! No longer am I a buttslut to anyone. Now all will be buttsluts to ME!"

>Now all will be buttsluts to ME
The true enemy of Episode 9 is revealed, and now we're all gonna to get laid!

The only black guy in Star Wars is Lando.

literally died like a chump

Star Wars is dead, let it stay buried

Disney did? As opposed to the EU that literally killed him off in the shittiest way possible because they were obsessed with shitty ass Daala?

Most of the people complaining never read EU.

I like the other one better.

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funny how the last three sentences were proved to be wrong after that post was made

He should still have called her and Maul a good friend.

Wasn't there a Maul one too?

Hell, most of the people complaining have barely watched Star Wars

How so? We saw her survive in the episode itself, and Maul was there on Malachor.

>Obi-Wan tells Luke Ahsoka died on Malachor V
>Later retconned (literally) to have survived
>Tells Luke Darth Maul was not a good friend
>Dies in Obi-Wan's arms as the two share a quiet moment of understanding, each the closest thing to a friend the other has left as their worlds have been ripped apart by the Sith.

Ma'am this is Arby's.

Ahsoka surviving wasn't a retcon, though. We see in the episode itself that she survived. The only thing that came later was an explanation for how it happened.

user do you understand how fucking autistic you are being about a post which contains the line
>orange butt cheeks so firm you could balance a holocron on them

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>hey what was incorrect about that
>well this was retconned
>but that wasn't an actual retcon
>w-wow you're so autistic!

user, Ezra literally REACHED BACK IN TIME to when Ahsoka died - because she FUCKING DIED - and altered it so that she doesn't die. That is as literal of a retcon as you can get. You're autistic. Commit suicide.

You're forgetting black guy running with helmet and Black X Wing pilot dying after damaging a Star Destroyer.

I've only watched a couple of episodes, but this sounds so stupid.

Which happened AFTER the episode in question, where she's clearly seen limping into the Sith Temple alive.

Take your ad hominem elsewhere. Or are you gonna continue this pathetic debate and get the thread purged out of spite.

Yea, that would be the general consensus.

I mean, if you can reach back through time, why not correct this?


Or this.

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>we don't know the full story
>when we find out the full story it's a retcon
Learn how to use words, user.

It's a stable time loop, though. Time wasn't actually altered, Ahsoka already survived and it happened because Ezra would eventually pull time trickery to do it. This basically also means Ezra's decision not to save Kanan didn't actually matter because he already died- time already accounted for Ezra having already decided not to save him, so it was basically pre-destined that he wouldn't intervene.

Basically whenever you bring time travel into things, everything gets really weird and making sense of it leads to headaches. But the point is, we knew Ahsoka survived long before we knew how it happened. The explanation is dumb but it doesn't change the fact that in the very same episode where she fights Vader we already see her having survived. She was never shown to have died.

Not to step foot in this autistic mire, but you're kind of being a retard here, because we were never explicitly told Ahsoka was alive. We see her in that sweeping shot at the end of the episode, but this is the same franchise where ghosts are exceedingly common.

>We see her in that sweeping shot at the end of the episode, but this is the same franchise where ghosts are exceedingly common
True, but we also weren't shown any definite proof that she'd been killed. Given we know what Force ghosts usually look like, if we see her walking in what looks like regular flesh and blood the simplest explanation is that she survived.

>We have no confirmation she has survived, only a (somewhat flawed) logical assumption she survived
>The showrunners give no official word on her survival, Filoni only made a teasing remark on in once, and confirmed that she was not the White Wolf.
>We never see her again until the episode where Ezra peers back in time
>Confirms she was, in fact, dead, and at no point between the finale and that episode was she ever alive.
>Undoes her death.
user. I need you to listen to me. You are arguing semantics in the dumbest way possible. The original user was correct, she WAS dead. There was never a point up until Ezra himself made it happen where she "wasn't really" deceased. Whatever meta reasons you have to assume the death would be undone, that does not mean the death was undone yet.

You are wrong on this. I am trying to be polite, but the level to which you are being stubborn over this is frankly retarded.

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And suddenly, we Schrodinger's Jedi.

>character is assumed dead
>turns out they're not dead
That's not a retcon. That's a reveal. You think Filoni didn't have that planned from the beginning?


Cool. Good thing you never used the word retcon in any other posts.

>LITERALLY arguing semantics now
I take back what I said The other user is 100% right and there's no reason to be polite, you're a stupid fucking nigger.

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>getting this mad over someone arguing semantics on the internet

I think the time travel asspull hurts WAY more as it undoes a fitting end and awkwardly places her in the franchise

She SHOULD have died to Vader, it would have been a perfect end, given the relationship between the 2 characters

Now what is she doing? Oh shes dressed like gandalf looking for ezra for some fucking reason

Plus its an asspull using the WORST plot device ever, fucking Time Travel

Imagine if we got a Star's End or Hutt Gambit adaptation by Miller & Lord.

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I didn't even know X-Wing had comics. Are they adaptations of the books or do they do their own thing?

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More terse retorts that add nothing to the conversation. /pol/tards really are incapable of having a real discussion. No wonder they're losing.

Wouldn't they always need a new "enemy" when the old enemy had been completely exterminated?

Oh, shut up, you little crybaby.

Hello, I'm Janina Gavankar and I play commander Iden Versio, leader of the Inferno Squad in Star Wars Battlefront 2.

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>I call her Snips because she's snippy!

People seriously defend the prequels?

And she did a good job at it
Plus shes hot as well

>she got to keep the full Iden suit
>YWN have Janina dress up as Iden, call you Rebel Scum and chain you to the bed for "ISB interrogation"

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Every day when Star Wars general was a thing.

Does Battlefront 2 have a single player mode? I want to play it but I do not want to give EA a single cent.

Not much of one, but yeah. Also an arcade mode where you can go against bots. Still doesn't change the fact that the bulk of everything is online multiplayer.

It's the council's fault for not going ape shit after Qui gon's death to find and kill the other sith lord.

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Well, as long as it doesn't require me to be online, maybe I can just pirate it to check that out. I may not be getting much but at least it will be free.

The Council hated Qui-Gon anyway so it's not all that surprising.

That's literally retarded. I'm sure Lucas' vision of the character would have wanted to be avenged brutally not blow everything he worked so hard for up. Why leak the plans of an unfinished death star that can still be blown up, it's his own fault really, just fucking wait for the defenses to be finished so it won't blow up even if there's giant ass holes in the superstructure.

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*or have Vader or someone else succeed him so the Sith can live on.

I thought Palpatine canonically created the Empire to fight the Yuuzhan-Vong.

I want to fuck her!
Do lewds even exist?

If only Qui-gon were here.

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The use of negro in this section seems strange to me, as I assume the term was only prevalent in Spanish and English colonies do to the actual use of African slaves. Late edition liberties?

>No Charles Dance as Pelleon and Julian Glover as Veers coming back with a squadron of Boomer imperials drinking Rancor and kicking ass and taking names.

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>Karen Traviss

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No, that was an EU explanation.

The idea of Sheev not wanting Vader to inherit the Empire is pretty in-line with Lucas's thinking on the Sith, though. Basically the idea is that Sith don't just get things handed to them, they have to work for everything even things they usurp from their masters. Vader doesn't just get the Empire on a silver plate once Sheev dies, if he wants it then he has to prove he can keep it together and salvage it himself.

It's yet another example of the fucked up relationship Sith have with one another.

Sheev's master and the master before him didn't set up any major implosions to explicitly fuck with their apprentice that succeeded them. Vader would have had the sentinels destroyed and anyone foolish enough to continue Sheevs vision would be soundly defeated. Vader may be an autist who kills people who disappoint him but he would have no trouble with this shitty necro decree plot line.

>drinking Rancor

Now that I look at it, they really wanted to drive home the KKK imagery with those Snowtrooper helmets, didn't they?

We don't know what Plagueis and his master had set up or whether they also set up any self-destruct contingencies.

I thought it was eastern front. That one level of black ops made the germans look a lot more like Snow troopers.

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>Spend a 1000 years plotting and passing down your goals for ultimate victory
>Nah my apprentice is a cocky faggot lets end this shit now

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>Had the Blackest man in the galaxy, Darth Vader, as second in command of the Empire

Vader's an uncle tom.

And even then they still had Thrawn as early as 1991 because no matter how racist your side is there's always going to be people who convince themselves that your side is not so bad despite being one of the people your side is racist towards.

nah, thrawn actually had plans to use the empire to eventually help the chiss.

*it seems like something the old sith would do before the rule of two.

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>name is Zahn
>creates a character named Thrawn

Could he have at least attempted to hide that he was just putting himself into the Star Wars universe?

Also that Mara is a personification of his Luke-lust.

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According to postwar plans like Mittelafrika there would have been something of a ultra-apartheid set into place for the newly acquired African colonies.


I'm surprised los weones lean so heavily towards the rebels, considering their country has some of the most annoying amounts bureaucracy ever.

The rebels want to restore the republic.

If you disrespect Bellona, Goddess of War, she doesn't make for you the strong wymyn speech, you just get simultaneously sliced, diced and decapitated. Like "stibbity-stabb" and you're gone.

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White supremacy and all that.

daala woulda been one of abeloth's bodies when she came back

actually dooku was already firing Sith lighting when qui gon was 14 .

Do you think she got off on it? Knowing that with but a press of a button, she was snuffing out billions upon billions of lives, like blowing out candles? She probably creamed herself as she pressed the button.

Yeah but he was allowed to read the restricted holocrons. He was a pretty big deal he had a statue in the library. He needs lightning to play his holo guitar without power.

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thats true thou it scared Qui gon

>Be adherent of a philosophy all about the pursuit of power
>fail to acknowledge the power of strength in numbers,
>or that found in the order brought by a stable and resilient governmental structure rather than constant discord and squabbling where the chain of command doesn’t exist because all officers have the right of summary execution,
>or that brought about by making the humble and mindful who seek to earn their status your subordinates and administrators, over the ambitious and self-serving who seek it take it by force and back stabbing
>or that brought about by proper supply and management of resources so your subordinates can actually do their jobs instead of wasting it on dumb show projects
Sith Ideology is a complete joke, consisting of the kind of shit even ancient philosophers like Confucius could recognize as absolutely terrible ideas.

if he would have paid more attention in Dooku's dueling class he wouldn't have gotten gutted by a faggot in makeup.

It was also to kill off all of those pesky jedi.

reminder that grand admiral sloane is the only woman to have ever taken 2 (two)[dos] BBCs from the greatest men in the empire

Big Burnt Cock
Big Blue Cock

>Disorganized third world fuck up nations prefer the rebels
>Actual global powers prefer the empire
Really makes you think

>Actual global powers
Franz, I am afraid a lot has happened since you went into a coma in 1913.

Yep, Qui-Gonn was the crutch Anakin needed but he got Maul’d too early and Obi-Wan got stuck with a Padawan he couldn’t handle

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If Qui-Gon never died Ben wouldn’t have ended up as a depressed hermit

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Seriously the fuck the force its more of a curse than anything

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If there ever an Obi Wan movie they need at least half an hour of broken and depressed Kenobi

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That's like saying air is a curse because arsonists exist

Fuck off, Kreia

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Well at the very least the force isn’t your friend

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Kenobi never recovered and spent the next couple of decades getting depressed that all of his friends and family are dead and the closest thing he had to a brother wants him dead

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>nations with an history of guerrillas and revulationaries go rebel
>nations with an history of authoritarianism go empire
>literally all latam rebel
shit we can't be that predicatable

Sounds like Obi-Wan just needed a good friend

Who would palpatine have turned if Dooku and him never found each other?

*oh was part of a different comment, im pretty drunk

it literally was. it's called trolling. The fact that the community that did it supports white supremacism is unrelated.

8/10. Not 9/10 because the Maul reintroduction was overacted

Post sexy imperial officers.

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I think Maul still believed the dark side had strength. He just hated the sith in particular.

The Chiss ideologically agreed with the Empire in every facet.

I'd post Jude from Lost Stars, but she wasn't an officer. Plus, she's dead.

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individual power, not power itself.

>I'm sure Lucas' vision
I miss /swco/

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We're back baby.

I missed you, my nerra

While I find it odd that you have a collection of depressed Obi-Wan screencaps readily available it does show what a great actor McGregor is that he can display such depth of emotion with a mere facial expression. He is definitely one of the best things about the prequels.

Always watching. Always waiting.

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So they're kind of like the Japanese in WW2?

>no story of mechanic/parts shop owner and his imperial officer GF and their day to day.
I think it'd be a nice angle to see, a guy with no real stake in the civil war and just happen to meet an officer that took a liking to him.

Why did we stop having /swco/? It's not like there stopped being Star Wars stuff to discuss.

rebels finished up and there was nothing to talk about.

we dont talk about the resistance in these parts

Is it really that bad? I haven't watched it but I tend to like stuff animated by Polygon. They know how to make CGI look good.

okay, are big space milkers a requirement for promotion? do male officers need massive dongs?

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Who's the gal with the "Let me speak to your manager" haircut?

governor pryce, and its a "bend me over your desk admiral" haircut

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>The plot literally depended on you reading the book in advance so the characters were developed in advance
Disneywars in a nutshell

>Doesn’t mean the Nazis still didn’t employ people who didn’t fit his perfect archetype and function normally as long as they didn’t try and deviate.
The nazis literally had campaigns about degenerates raising the taxes of good white Germans. If you wanted an example of them using another race, look at the Japanese - they didn't view them as equals, they viewed them as tools.

What a strange world we live in today where nobody seems to know what the fuck the deal with the nazis was all about.

If that were true there would be a book that has developed Snoke by now and yet there isn't.

Listen, I get that Palpatine wasn't developed in the OT either, but you don't get to create a successor to him 8 movies in and give us absolutely no hint of where he came from.

I was going off Phasma, where every fan tells me OH BUT SHE'S SO GREAT IN HER BOOK

Why the fuck would I want to read a book about Phasma?

From what I understand she's not even all that great in her book, but it's true that they have done nothing with the movies to compel anyone to be interested in Phasma. Straight up five hours worth of film so far and all she's done is have a cool suit of armor and get her ass kicked by Finn twice. I'm more interested in Holdo than I am Phasma.

But seriously though, it bothers me more that they do these things where "you're supposed to read the books" and yet we're coming up on the last movie and there's no books about Snoke or the Knights of Ren. The two things people actually care about. They are too dedicated to keeping things mysterious like the OT that they don't seem to realize they are not in a position to do that.

The boat sailed on Snoke. What the fuck would be interesting about that dropped storyline? If the writers can't be assed to plan shit out for their trilogy why am I expected to get invested and interested in the "mystery"? It always ends up just being "lol we haven't written it yet :3"

i will never forgive kathleen for wasting the potential of mommy gwen

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That's my point. They should have fucking done something by now. I have no idea why they haven't. Most of the important information is in databooks because I guess they don't want to actually commit to anything or something.

>Never actually deal with Finn leaving behind people in the First Order he DID care about, who could have cared about him as well, and his deeds leading to the deaths of immense numbers of his former comrades

>instead all we get is two people screaming TRAITOR at him

>finn gets "woke" to the rebelsistance because a friend died
>proceeds to gleefully kill even more of his friends

Is it canon that the character who died is actually a friend?

Dunno, but his initial reaction was pretty decent. He just wanted to run away from it all. But then >MUH REY kicked in and he got stuck to the resistance and never thought about it after that

Well I was just thinking of it like, maybe the guy who died was his only actual friend and nobody else liked him, and that's why he didn't feel any guilt about killing the rest of them.

what is this, Lord of the Ring?
what the fuck is a 'true king'?

>parroting something from fucking Game of Thrones

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Thats really one thing I found odd about the SW universe. All stories are usually from perspectives of people who have a stake or are involved in a war (soldier, officer, spy), Jedi/Sith or criminal underworld. We don't get alot of stories about people who just want to live regular lives and not be involved in these things.

Have you checked this out? Might have something up your alley.

Im gonna miss this thread

Anyone up for a second one?

I was considering making one myself, but feel free to be the one to create it if you want, I'll participate. Just link it here so we don't have to go searching for it.


Oh, this is not going to end well.