Webcomics: An Oral History

So who was left out? Who didn't deserve to be mentioned?


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So... Im the only one seeing that "Monkey" nostrils as his eyes and the glasses just on top of his head?

West tree academy of heroes

Oh I hadn't even noticed the "glasses"

I guess you skipped Clay and uncle Ghastly and the furries and the sprite comics and I dunno argon zark? He never really went anywhere but it was the very first webcomic I ever saw, back in the mosaic browser days.

Tatsuya Ishida would've been a curious one, if you could've got him to talk

yes because you never read Goats.

>who was left out
I was going to say Penny Arcade until they wound up being the villains of the piece. Which, I get, but long before TopatoCon or the Web Comics Slap Happy Dick Grab there was PAX.

>So who was left out?

oh shit.

hey also now that I think about it, Chris Hastings/the other inkers from Dr. McNinja. And the guys that did Action Philosophers.

The part about Gamergate is awful.
>muh rape jokes

>Which, I get
I don't.

>Hey so we’re painting you as the bad guys care to comment?

There’s no way they didn’t catch word about this piece and how one of the underlying questions was about the dickwolves strip

They probably should’ve mentioned Kevin & Kell if only because it’s the oldest webcomic still running. Maybe Jack or Fetus-X too since I kept seeing them mention in like Newsweek and shit back in the early 00s whenever they had to talk about webcomics.

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The dickwolves was really their last gasp as edgy young cartoonists. It's all been a gentle slide into dad jokes from there, hasn't it?

At least they went down kicking.

Also now I think about there’s not a single furfag in that whole article except maybe Gran since apparently she made a furry comic one time? Honesty they should have gotten some more representation since furshit was like 80% of all webcomics back in the day.

>Didn't metnion Andrew Hussie
>Mentioned Jeph Jacques

Gran made a furry comic?
I only knew her from Octopus Pie, so everything before that is a blank for me.

Howard Tayler has been around since 2000 and is more well-known then some of those guys, at least.

Well that's neat. I lived in Georgia, so I always just figured it was another syndicated strip published in the AJC.

>ctrl f
>No mention of the word sprite
>None of the weeb shit either like RPG world or Megatokyo
Oh, this is a list of libtard approved webcomics
>"In 2010, Penny Arcade ran a comic where the punchline was about being “raped to sleep by the dickwolves.” It bothered people."
>"They could have apologized, or just said, “I’m not going to apologize, see you tomorrow with a new joke.” Instead, they doubled down and produced shirts that said “DICKWOLVES,” to defy the people who were trying to censor them."
>"I always got a proto-GamerGate feeling from their audience. Their fans seemed like a very hostile, resentful group of people."
I'd say most are making jokes and a lot of people are humorless cunts who can't find anything funny about a wolf with dicks for limbs.

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That's a very smug Lain.

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There's no mention of ALILBTDII, Anthony Clark, or KC Green, and they're some of my favorites.

I’d read it, simply to see if it influenced Octopus Pie in any way

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wow a network of friends cant relate

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Rich Burlew (Order of the Stick) missing stands out to me. And I just now realized there was no mention of Nuklear Power. VGcats and White Ninja are a couple other old ones I can think of. White ninja I believe is gone now though. And everything by Ryan Armand (Minus fame)

Jim Francis from outsider would be an interesting link, he was the first to have professional level art that is becoming common nowadays. Unfortunately he never cracked professional level output...

>no Sabrina Online

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>The Verge
I ain't giving them any revenue. Put that shit on archive.org or something.

Jesus, I know it's a retro thread, but seriously the days when just looking at a website gave them money are long fucking gone.

I don't want to give them a click, but is Sexy Losers mentioned? It was extremely influential and created an entire new word "fap".
