*Bodies every hero in the Marvel Universe

>*Bodies every hero in the Marvel Universe

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>Luthor basically cumming in his pants looking at part of the Miracle Machine's design.
>Sivana gives zero fucks.

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DC characters are usually beyond busted compared to Marvel characters.

Need I say more?

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It was also nice the only thing that motivated him in the Final Crisis was Libra and company messing with his family.

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>*Bodies Justice League

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dumping my sivana folder

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damn I love Final Crisis

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Bitch can't even handle Hulk.

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Sorry, Sivana fights the real Captain Marvel

Slightly disappointed, I was almost hoping I would see that at the end of the movie. I guess Mr. Mind is okay too.

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Do one but with the DCEU versions of those characters.

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Do you have that where he gets sick of his own convoluted plans, and decides to just grab a knife and go to Billy's house and cut his throat?

Sivanna's name is Thaddeus? Fuck I JUST got how Rusty Venture (Thaddeus S. Venture) is a Sivanna reference, that's probably what the S means.

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Who's this guy?

A Saturday morning cartoon villain in a children's movie. Still better than other DC villains, though still devoid of all cleverness.

Captain Mar-vel, some guy Marvel comics invented to have a mascot with the name Marvel in it. he was never popular but they kept showing up in comics so the company could keep the rights to the name.

To be honest, can't they just give up already and change the name to Captain Marvelous or other thing like that? It's not like many people remember the original fawcett's Captain Marvel now so relaunching comics that don't sell just to keep the trade mark can't be that profitable. It's like they just doing it to spite DC.

>defies a centuries old wizard and the gods themselves
>bare hands perfect for slitting throats and shooting cops
>totally cool with the genocide of all of humanity
>created world peace

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DC had their own pastiche of the Shazam line before the acquisition was finalized: Captain Thunder. I'm perplexed why couldn't they rename Billy into Captain Thunder after the buy out was complete?

Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana
He may be evil, but the PhD is legit.

As soon as I saw him in the cell I was expecting this.

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I miss the science squad

It was a thing of beauty.

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Who's the tiger armed woman and is there any porn of her?

Literally Satan

Satanna. She was getting Sivana's help to defeat Power Girl in exchange for sex. After they fucked Sivana reneged on the deal and had his robot toss her out.

Why didn't she ask Sivana to use his dick to defeat Power Girl?

>scratches everywhere
>says she didnt like it

yeah sure lady keep lying to yourself.

simple plan, best plan

him literally saying some stupid complex equation and walking through a wall would of been so great

They're saving it for the sequel.

He hit Batman first because he is the biggest threat

>unleashing the BODOG on an unsuspecting heroine
Because that’s the sex version of nuclear warfare, once Sivana has his mind on sex it’s only a matter of time until he finds the equation that lets him claim all of the virginity that ever was

Batman is the biggest threat if martian manhunter is in the team. Fuck Johns, MM and Batman in the same team was extremely OP, without MM the league is as shitty as a team as Avengers

>decibels are a logarithmic scale. so we're talking on the order of 10^100,000 watts of power
>1,100 decibels would create a black hole the size of a galaxy
>Sivana creates a shockwave so powerful it destroys everything it touches instantly and expands out until it consumes everything in the known universe and likely ends all possibility of life everywhere forever
>the last thing anyone in the universe hears is "SIVANA IS THE MAN FOR EARTH" followed by being blown away by a massive universe shattering shockwave

Technically its Mr. Mind's monster society of Evil, but the rest of this is true

Sivana doesn't need any equation, he's a natural-born ladykiller

What is artifical time?

>Sound carries through space
>b-but it's really loud!

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DCEU Sivana is a water distilled version of the original and yet it still better than Lex Luthot

>kinetic energy can break the multiverse
>b-but Superboi punched it really hard!


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hehehehehehhehehehehehahahahahahaha. I love this cartoony stuff.

I just got home from Shazam and I think Sivana is still Sivana. They toned him down a bit because the movie would've been under a hour if he straight up killed those orphan kids.

They tried giving Sivana generic backstory, but it just didn't work in a good way. They gave him an abusive Dad and Older brother, he toss his older brother off the building and sick the Greed Demon on his father.

Sivana is the only mad scientist who turned into a /fit/ chat upon being translated to screen.


>Has sex with Power Girl
>Gets super kids with his intellect and Kryptonian powerset
>Sivanna Galactic Empire is born.

>Created multiversal council comprised solely of himself
Kingdom Hearts confirmed for Shazam! ripoff

>even in the DCEU Luthor is a virgin and Sivana is a chad

Rusty's design already looks like it's based on Sivana

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damn that's harsh thing to call your own kids

That looks nothing as Sivana.

Yeah, their mom's kinda a bitch.

True, but they are ugly even for an average person, now compare them to his two other kids who are literally called, Magnificus and Beautia.

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John's sivana falls a little short but the scene where he walks into the house and says "how quaint, actually it's a shithole." Felt very sivana to me. I love his golden age I'm an evil dick just because I'm an evil dick and enjoy it.

>Rewriting the laws of physics? Been there, done that.


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>Death Battle is going to have Billy job to her this week
God the shitposting will be intolerable.

>Decides to just go shoot a cop for lols
The man gives no fucks.

How is one man so based?

Is that a virgin vs Chad meme in there?

If the open the sequel with this I'm so down.

>As he disintegrates, Sivana's last thought is simply "Worth it."

Cold as ice

>he recites math's equations to affect reality
mother of based

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Absolutely based.

Based and Sivannapilled

buh-buh BASED

How long is his penis?

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The earth will be completely obliterated, and its particles, carrying the energy from Sivana's shockwave, will scatter in every direction.

>Signing over inheritance of an extremely profitable legal entity and then explicitly telling people with a gun trained on you that you need to be dead for it to take effect
My head canon for this is he was secretly suicidal.

But his wife super hot too

didn't you read what he said? BLACKHOLE the size of a galaxy. Sound don't need to travel you autistic fuck

>Sound don't need to travel you autistic fuck
Sound, by definition as a wave, travels, you retarded inbreed.

>When you're so evil there's literally only one good version of you in the entire multiverse

I am saying if it has created a blackhole. The energy is probably no longer bound to that of a sound wave and the real threat is PROBABLY the fucking blackhole. The sound at that point is infact irrelevant. It's like saying a nuclear missile wouldn't destroy a city because the missile can only hit a building when the destructive element is the explosion.

Dr Sivana is hardcore Gangsta!

>greatest and most evil scientist in the world
>also willing to go out and pop some cops or slit a kid's throat

Who can top him?

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I love this tick.

I really hate the modern interpretation of Sivana's non-awesome kids.

Beautia actually cared about her other siblings in the Fawcett comics, even though she was a bubble head.

I really wish there was a series about Beautia and Georgia.

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>created world peace

Only a genius like Sivana could make peace evil.

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This is a violation of free will!

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That second panel is ripe for memes.

He's probably the evilest. Luthor (since the last few reboots) at least imagines he's doing good. Like Doom; he's smarter than everyone else, so he ought to rule the world and fix what us stupids have gotten wrong..
In addition, he sees Kryptonians as genuine menaces to Humanity.

Since Sivana was driven over the edge when his altruism caused him to be scorned, he's just rotten to the core. When he was revived after decades in suspended animation, his only regret was he'd had no time to perfect his death ray. Maybe 0.00001% of the populace would survive.
There was even a story (in the 40s) where he and King Kull trashed each other in an argument over who was eviler.