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Damn is Gir cute

It was a simpler, happier time. Being butthurt about it now won’t bring it back.

I don't know, is he?

This. It was a product of its time, when LOLZRANDUM humor was common and acceptable. Making fun of it now is pointless. In fact I kinda miss that time.

Yes, yes he is

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I've never quite understood people hating Gir for this

Gir isn't strictly random, or even stupid. He's been shown on multiple occasions fitting right in with human society, which in Zim world is often depicted as gluttonous, lazy, and self indulgent. He's never really shown eating anything healthy, and because he's a robot gets to eat whatever he wants. So the fact that food is front of mind for him seems pretty in line with his character.

He's neither stupid, nor random. He's a malfunctioning, distracted robot that's adopted the worst parts of humanity. There are only a small handful of episodes that really feature him, and he's often just used as a set up for ridiculous visual gags.

Do you guys just not like him because of the Hot Topic shirts or something?

Shit, now that's a good argument.

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