Is this going to be another one of those accidental zeitgeist movies?

Is this going to be another one of those accidental zeitgeist movies?
>World is becoming shittier and shittier in ways that can no longer be escaped from
>People end up losing it, not because of a traumatic experience, but because their whole lives have been an unending train of shit with no hope of a future and no solidarity due to the intense atomization
>They increasingly just start shitting the place up and couching it in irony
I know it's probably just capeshit but that trailer in the context of the shit I see on this site is making me feel unsettled.

It looks like it will be great, yeah.

>People end up losing it, not because of a traumatic experience, but because their whole lives have been an unending train of shit with no hope of a future and no solidarity due to the intense atomization
Oh, so they just ripped off pic related, which I guarantee you is a much better film than any capeshit movie will ever be.

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D-Fense's problems weren't based on society, they were based on him being a psycho, did you even watch the movie? He'd been pretending to go to work for a long time and even when he was still with his family he was clearly nuts.

>People end up losing it, not because of a traumatic experience, but because their whole lives have been an unending train of shit with no hope of a future and no solidarity due to the intense atomization
Thing is, neither you nor the movie seem to be capable of grasping the actual truth. Modern people's lives aren't shit, they're mediocre, boring and disappointing. So people make up superficial drama to feel like their lives have meaning, because that's what media teaches them. I wish the movie was more about that and less about "SOCIETY IS EBIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", but it's too subtle for normies.

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They were based on his inability to roll with the punches. His character paralleled that of the cop who was tracking him down. They had each had similarly shitty lives but one was capable of dealing with it and the other was not. It was that whole conflict that made the movie good, the fact that both sides were presented. This movie will only present one side and it's gonna be shit.

I think the honk is funny.

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>This movie will only present one side and it's gonna be shit.
Just curious, which side do you think it's gonna be?

The "it's okay to make up bullshit drama about life because you don't have real problems" side. Try being a starving child in Africa or a woman in the middle-east, then let's see how much drama you'll make up.
>boohoo my mom is crazy and I get beat up every day waa waa waaa everybody should care about my shitty little life because I'm a white man
No, fuck off. The real joke is that this movie is getting made.

>Modern people's lives aren't shit, they're mediocre, boring and disappointing.
That's what makes them shit.

Yeah I suppose that's why suicide rates are going down and wealth inequality is dissipating? Late stage capitalism is in full swing and if you don't see that you're a fucking moron.
Well thanks for confirming you're a low-info retard.

user, if a billionaire's favorite dog dies, they're still going to feel sad, regardless of their wealth. You're not obliged to feel happy because of your social standing. Only commies lack the empathy needed to understand something as simple as that.

>Yeah I suppose that's why suicide rates are going down and wealth inequality is dissipating?
What the fuck does that have to do with people's lives being medicore

>if you are fed pellets and anti-biotics and locked in a cage you must be fine and couldn't possibly be suffering intensely and desperate to die
He's not going to get it.

>suffering intensely and desperate to die
Lol. It's litterally all in your head. Just be yourself and just get over yourself.

This. People just need to be happy in the situation they're in.

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Clean your room, put on a suit, get a job, get laid. For fuck's sake.

Well someone should go call those glum chums over at /lgbt/, they've clearly been doing it wrong.

I've been trying to do that for the last couple of years

It's literally one afternoon's work for a normal person.

t. White male


>people can't afford to live
Yeah I wonder why their lives are shitty?

But that user is saying that their lives are not shitty?
>that's why suicide rates are going down and wealth inequality is dissipating

What qualities does "normal" imply?

>keeps room clean
>owns a car
>has multiple suits for different occasions
>works 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
>is either married or at least dating seriously
>has regular sex
>drinks during the weekend and spends time with the mates
>travels abroad several times a year
>cooks their own meals from scratch
Simple as

I mean, yeah? This advice does apply for normal people. I.e., people who are already skilled, talented, socialized and attractive. Basically, they don't have to drastically change their entire being to achieve any sort of success and their only problem is that they're feeling down :(

What does the Joker movie have to do with this guy?

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>owns a car
>has multiple suits for different occasions
>travels abroad several times a year
So that rules out a fairly huge chunk of people who aren't white collar middle managers.

Do you want to be a BETA MALE all your life? Be my guest. But don't complain if your biology starts producing stress-hormones.