So when will you will become an adult and stop reading books for children?

So when will you will become an adult and stop reading books for children?

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i dont read comics

At the same time you develop actual taste and stop reading pretentious tripe?

There's no such thing as an adult anymore. Any form of rites of passage are gone.

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As long as we're on the topic, what non-comic books are y'all reading these days?

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I am an adult, and never.

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>vs. The Chad Genocides

It won't impress OP but I've been picking up a lot of pulp horror novels at thrift stores. This was the latest. It gets pretty ridiculous, in a good way.

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>if you recognize and value the distinction between children and adults you are a child
[citation needed]

I've been reading some MLP fanfiction lately
Still better than capes

>valuing distinctions of any type

why not both?

So what's the distinction?

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>there is no valuable distinction between a 5 and a 20 year old
>there is no distinction between a cat and a dog
Are you on crack?

Bad blood, I’m really into the Elizabeth Holmes story

If you need to ask, you might be a child.
If you're not, you know the distinction and are merely being facetious for the sake of argument.

I'm going on a pulp fiction binge at the moment. Black Alley by Spillane, and then a collection of Conan stories by R. E. Howard.

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Is this a stealth recommendations thread?
Hey I got one for you.

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reread the quote

I have the perfect material for adult reading already.

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Then enlighten the children fag. What does it mean to be an adult in your eyes?

Not that user, but the way I see it, being a child means having no responsibility and no real freedom. Being an adult gives you freedom to determine what you'll do with yourself, but also the responsbility to keep yourself alive.

Is this a book about trannies