How low will they sink

will dc ever sink so low as to touch this Yea Forums?

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There's already a Sandman movie in pre-production, senpai.

David S. Goyer is writing and directing.

fucking christ

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They already did and you know they did.

Last I heard the last attached writer (not Goyer) gave up because he couldn't figure out how to turn it into a movie and said it needed to be a show instead.

well, at least there is a glimmer of hope

hopefully they at least cover his chapter well

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Too much story for a movie. Too much cgi for a show

Why not just make it a cartoon?

they already did more than once.

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>too much cgi for a show
As long as the show is properly budgeted why not

Didn't Niel Gaiman himself write a low budget Sandman Movie?

no but the guy was called neil also who made it

Haven't they already?

>Remember thinking these were some amazingly fucked up comics when I read them
>Only just the other day actually notice Gaimen is of the tribe

Isn't Gaiman a Scientologist? No real surprise then that he's an eccentric loony.

Ethnic Jewish. His old man was a PR official for the CoS, and he kept that religion.

It really wasn't that good anyways.

t. capeshitter

Don't hate me if I think that is a cute Death funko desu.

I feel like you're shitposting but in hindsight it really isn't as good as I remember it. Maybe it's just the shift in the world since then. Shit has always been fucked, but there's no escaping it now, so it just loses all its shock, but underneath there's barely any substance. Everything being Subjectivity and all that doesn't go very far when everything around you is on such watery grounds. It's at the point where I just want something Ernest.

MFW to be honest I would have blasted you and called you a faggot a year ago, but now all I can say is go for it.

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thank u

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Someone edit a shadman meme into >the sandman

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>David S. Goyer is writing and directing.

How to ruin any decent project in one sentence.

>here's already a Sandman movie in pre-production, senpai.
yes, since 1991

do you not read recent events

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