How is this even acceptable in 2019?

How is this even acceptable in 2019?

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appealing character designs are problematic

They look like Parapa The Rapper rejects, I'm not a great artist at all and even I can make more appealing designs.

It's called a trend you tard

Following trends is probably the most retarded thing imaginable. Animation is suppose to look unique and expressive. The characters in OP look like something a corporation made to appeal towards mentally handicapped children.

I never said I liked it, I'm just telling you that it's going to either die out or evolve into something else in a few years.

why is everything so fucking ugly?
it's not like the 90s where everything was gross on purpose
this is UGLY and tells itself it's cute wtf

Attached: 1553806635945.jpg (700x401, 55K)

is this from nuPPG?

What's the problem? Use your big boy words.

The fuck is this?