How is this even acceptable in 2019?
How is this even acceptable in 2019?
appealing character designs are problematic
They look like Parapa The Rapper rejects, I'm not a great artist at all and even I can make more appealing designs.
It's called a trend you tard
Following trends is probably the most retarded thing imaginable. Animation is suppose to look unique and expressive. The characters in OP look like something a corporation made to appeal towards mentally handicapped children.
I never said I liked it, I'm just telling you that it's going to either die out or evolve into something else in a few years.
why is everything so fucking ugly?
it's not like the 90s where everything was gross on purpose
this is UGLY and tells itself it's cute wtf
is this from nuPPG?
What's the problem? Use your big boy words.
The fuck is this?