Told We Bare Bears is "comfy"

>told We Bare Bears is "comfy"
>told it was boring
>catch an episode
>assisted suicide scene complete with "DO IT! JUST DO IT!" and screaming
Why is Yea Forums always wrong?

Attached: DO IT.png (785x439, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:!RtxgCK7Y!W8oDnJzyo4QUleSC46__BoFXVu7U58-sFV8Sotk-cDo

90% of the episodes are boring

this show sucks balls, and it if you like it, it just means you have bad taste bro ;)

Usually nothing happens. The episodes are pretty funny nonetheless, but it gets boring after a while.

shitters don't watch cartoons they just parrot the most obnoxious opinion they can find, if your taking cartoon advice from Yea Forums on anything take it with a lemon wedge and a half gallon of vodka, because more than half are probably crossboarders who don't give a fuck about the subject matter or board in general.

Every episode with the "Baby Bears" is utter garbage.

This. There is no point to wayching those

This. If you actually want to discuss anything relating to media, Yea Forums is not for you. Anonymity makes it too easy to pretend to watch something by reading wiki articles and others shitposts, since you don't have the risk of embarrassing yourself when you get a fact wrong.

>watch an episode on an artist's stream
>boring as shit
>humor is criminally unfunny
>animation is at best utilitarian, and at worst completely static and unengaging
I feel like CN ordered more seasons of this just because it needed schedule filler, but the Hot Topic babies fell in love with the flat color boring-cute aesthetic and the post-irony humor, so they're just thinking "well, it's cheap AND it sells wallets and pins"

It's actually massively popular in china korea and japan, on par with the popularity of early spongebob if not even bigger. It's not the hot topic crowd, it's normies in the far east

>post-irony humor
Making pop culture references is not "post-irony". By your logic The Simpsons is post irony