What's the best MCU movie and why is it Age of Ultron?
What's the best MCU movie and why is it Age of Ultron?
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While I do personally like Age of Ultron more than most people seem to; yeah no, not even close. As it currently stands I'd give best to either Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 or the first Captain America movie.
>vol. 2
Add in Winter Soldier and IM1, you've got a decent list going.
also maybe add Iron Man 3
The Incredible Hulk
AoU is alright as a movie but it's a fucking mess in terms of story.
It's watchable but hardly among the MCU's best.
Last time I was on Yea Forums they were shitting on TWS but it's still my favorite superhero movie.
For me it's either ironman 1 or captain america 2 leaning on captain america.
Infinite war was good too, but I want to wait untill the whole thanos hype that has been brewing this whole time dies down.
For most of the marvel movies I really enjoy them in theathre, but I rarely feel like rewatching them.
Those 3 are the only movies I went out of my way to rewatch.
If they had stuck with something that looked or sounded like this vid, AoU would have been GOAT and the first "dark/serious" MCU movie
Because they make the funny quips OP. Hilarious. Also the central theme really hit home and that scene where Natasha calls herself a monster for not being able to have kids. Superb!
my complete ranking list
Top Tier
>Avengers: Infinity War
>Black Panther
>Thor: Ragnarok
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Good Tier
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>The Avengers
>Doctor Strange
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
>Captain America: Civil War
>Captain America: The First Avenger
Pretty Good Tier
>Iron Man
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
Okay Tier
>Iron Man 3
>Avengers: Age of Ultron
Bad Tier
>Thor: Dark World
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>The Incredible Hulk
>Iron Man 2
Shouldn't pretty good be above good? Or called decent? Either way I can't really disagree with that list beyond Ragnarok being in the top tier and AMATW being in bad.
>Top Tier
>Avengers: Infinity War
>Black Panther
>Thor: Ragnarok
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
It's GOTG2 for character writing
Or Winter Soldier for action scenes
Ultron lacks solid extended development for most of the Avengers (Thor, Widow, Hulk, Quicksilver, Vision) and its action choreography is pretty weak 90% of the time
Pretty good taste.
I mostly agree with this.
I'd put Thor in Okay myself but I understand why someone might like the first one
It's the best wasted potential.
How's it bait? Those movies have issues but they're better than the movies below them
Top to bottom:
Civil War
Captain America 2
Black Panther = Infinity War
Iron Man = GotG1 = Ant-Man = Ragnarok = AM&W
Thor = Homecoming = Captain Carol
Age of Ultron
Hulk = IM2
Thor 2
Strange (I can remember literally nothing about the movie except the bargain)
The Winter Soldier is still the best.
>Black Panther
why do americans do this
In totality? Yeah.
Someone on youtube or something mentioned that it's basically a Metal Gear Solid movie and that made the whole thing that much better for me on repeat viewings.
IT's also got one of the best themes in the MCU, the Winter Soldier movie theme is a really good, more industrial evolution from the nostalgic, glorious First Avenger theme
>Top Tier
>Black Pan-
stopped reading there
Black Panther was pretty solid.
I liked it as much as GOTG1, but it had a more charismatic villain so I push it above a bit personally.
Its only really major weakness is that Tchalla doesnt get enough scenes to fully establish his distinct personality and the action scenes are ass if there's even a little bit of CGI involved
I personally thought Winter Soldier was the best thing they ever did.
>but it had a more charismatic villain
Again, why do americans do this? Killmonger is as bland as they come
not an American, it's still a good movie
Decent but I’d move iron man and ant man and the wasp up and put iron man 3 towards the bottom
>Kilmonger as bland as Malekith?
Kilmonger is easily in the top 5 villains.
How so? He had clear motivations, a backstory that made those motivations believable, and served as an interesting contrast to Tchalla in life experience and philosophy.
He wasn't the best villain ever put to film or anything but he was better than most of the MCU villains from Phase 2 or Phase 1
Peak MCU: Avengers 1
Bright Spot: Winter Soldier
Finally doing a proper comic book film (kinda): Infinity War
The rest are all in the same pool of average/middling/barely rewatchable
He was more charismatic and better developed than
>Caecilius (whoever was the villain in Dr Strange)
>Hela (despite the potential her character had)
>Red Skull
>Frost Giants
>Thor 2 dark elf guy
>Alexander Pierce
My favourite is Ragnarok
But I rewatched age of ultron recently and it was much better than I remembered
Again, I'd say GOTG2 was pretty good all around. Good character moments, good script, good execution on its themes and ideas, solid action set pieces
Iron man 3 is unironically my favourite Iron man
First Avenger is good up until the montage at which I kinda just lost investment.
Ultron has a couple of bright spots but its very weirdly paced and meanders a ton.
The farm house bit was really good even if Black Widow and Hulk's scenes should be cut out altogether
Honestly, they should have come up with some bullshit for why Black Widow and Hulk weren't theer and given their screen time to everyone else
swap Black panther and winter soldier and this would be my list
First Avenger should have spent more time showing Steve develop his tactical approach, as well as show how he wont sacrifice what's right for what's tactically advantageous
No, what often makes or breaks an MCU movie is how interesting the villain is, and generic rogue robot is as uninteresting as you can get.
Coulda been the best marvel movie if they had a couple more drafts, IMO
I hear this a lot but none of the humor hit for me. Groot was cute at the end of gotg1, boring in 2. Rocket wasn't funny.
Amazing costumes and sets tho, I'll give em that
I actually prefer dramatic rocket to comedy rocket.
his best moment was his conversation with yondu
is good
The biggest issue is that it's the one that leans into the formula the most despite being a big Ensemble movie.
Of the three (four if you count Civil War) Ensemble Avengers movies, Age of Ultron is the one that still feels structured like an Origin film in how it keeps the same Joss Whedon shit from the first film but doesn't really progress more.
I agree it could have been the best MCU movie with some more drafts but the issue is that someone who looks at the script and thinks its not good enough would be the one to determine if it needs more drafts and I doubt Joss Whedon thinks there's anything wrong with his writing style.
I compare it to GOTG2 which did a really good job imo with expanding each character, each relationship and the overall themes from the first one without retreading old ground in pacing or themes.
Age of Ultron honestly suffered from the fact that it tried to do Avengers again by playing the same song.
if endgame really does kill of most of these guys, marvel should make a series of shorts like this which happened 'between the movies'
age of Ultron could have been great if Joss Whedon didn't write it and it lost the meta-bullshit lines like Quicksilver's "I bet you didn't see that coming."
Joss Whedon was a mistake, as was turning Ultron in to a quippy clown.
Oh, I agree.
A lot of the humor wasn't there but I'm fine with the film becoming more serious and character centric with a little fun marbled in (rather than the inverse which is what GOTG1 felt like: a funny film with serious character moments sprinkled in).
Honestly, It may be a personal bias because I thought every character's arc in GOTG2 was really good and shown really well.
>Rocket's last line, projecting his hopes for acceptance onto Yondu's funeral
>Yondu's funeral with some pretty good acting from STallone
>That bit with Mantis and Drax where she feels his feelings abd breaksdown while Drax holds it together silently
>The flashback before Quill learns to use his powers
>Nebula and Gamora having a shouting match about their personal issues with each other
Yes we get it he's black his goals were a SJWs wet dream that's why you hate him
Whedon got micormanaged by Disney, it's pretty obvious.. He hit Avengers 1 out of the park, it made an assload of money and that's usually a signal for the suits to start putting their fingers into everything
I thought it expanded on the characters, well enough. They were mostly catty towards each other in A1 so seeing them as an actual team (i.e. ) was really nice. We learn more about most of the cast thanks to Scarlet Witch's visions, with Cap's being by far my favourite. I liked how the movies conflict hinged on Tony's continued paranoia towards the inevitable alien invasion, which was exacerbated thanks to Scarlet Witch. I don't think I would even care about Hawkeye if AOU never happened. Liked how they fit Fury in the film for what might have been his last interaction with Tony. Tony and Cap drama felt natural, set the stage for Civil War. They did a great job with the characterization of ALL the new characters for me especially Vision, by far his best film appearance.
This is part of the reason why I liked A2 more than A1.
The best bits in AoU where every ensemble scene witht he Avengers just hanging out
IT felt like something out of those fanfics where all the Avengers are flatmates at the tower and they just do bullshit all day between missions
It was cute
Civil War
GotG vol 2
Winter Soldier
Iron Man 3 fuck you all it was the best out of the Iron Man trilogy, first Cap movie was also pretty good
Not really
the issue, again, is that AOU is the same as Avengers 1. That might partially be because of Disney but it's also an innate issue in Whedon's writing given that he seems to only be able to write a couple of character archetypes in general.
It expanded on some characters but not really enough of them or in good ways
Thor didn't get much
Nat and Bruce get what I would called detrimental development.
I liked Cap's bit where he's reminded how out of time he is but it only comes up the one time when he gets brainwashed by Wanda and then not really a second time (though you could say it affects his attachment to Bucky in Civil War).
Tony gets solid development too, as do the Twins. Hawkeye is given the all star treatment in AoU though I wish his action scenes were a little mroe creative.
Ultron is the big issue for me since he's given way more focus compared to other villains in these movies but he's also written more poorly since his motivations and personal desires aren't really clear. Which would be fine if that felt intentional but it doesn't really.
Again, I like AoU but I'd say it's probably my least favorite among the Avengers/Ensemble films. It does have my favorite intro to an MCU film though where you see Stark's paranoia get the best of him (partially due to his Scarlet Vision) and the shot of him using his Iron Man Gauntlet to take the scepter is a really great shot of his faulty belief that he can control these powers so long as he has his technology. I kind of hope they parallel that shot in Endgame if Tony makes his own Infinity Gauntlet or whatever
Post best music from MCU
>Iron Man 3
Absolutely based
Top Tier
>Avengers: Infinity War
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
>Guardians of the Galaxy
Good Tier
>Iron Man
>The Avengers
>Thor: Ragnarok
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
>Captain America: Civil War
Pretty Good Tier
>Iron Man 3
>Doctor Strange
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
>Captain America: The First Avenger
Okay Tier
>Iron Man 2
>Avengers: Age of Ultron
>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel
Bad Tier
>Thor: Dark World
>The Incredible Hulk
>Black Panther
Swap Doctor Strange and Iron Man and this is a good list. I'd also bump up Thor: Dark World into okay, and Ant-Man and the Wasp into Pretty Good Tier.
This. I should hate GotG vol. 2 for being "quippier," than the first movie, but the movie was vastly more original in plot than the first movie, had way better characterization, several genuinely emotional moments, and a chillingly evil villain with a unique motive, who at once, also managed to be incredibly relatable.
AoU is crap
>since his motivations and personal desires aren't really clear
they literally state it throughout the film
>peace in our time
he thought it was only obtainable if humanity was no longer the dominate species on the planet. And the movie heavily implied that he was partially created from Tony's mind, likely mind stone shenanigans, which was PTSD-ridden and paranoid.
and I really appreciated scenes like
where you can see how much yearned for companionship, against his better judgment. interesting duality with his character.
i m o Ultron was one of the better MCU villains.
>I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed.
There's something there to discuss with his character. It's a shame his character design sucked.
Based Ultron
i tried a couple times now and since the first time i watched age of ultron i have never sit through all of it again
whedon didn't give a fuck about this movie and we shouldn't either
> Winter Soldier
> Iron man
> Guardians of the Galaxy
> Civil War
> Infinity War
> Dark World
> Black Panther
> Antman 1-2
> Age of Ultron
> Hulk
Did not watch:
> Captain Marvel
Top Tier
>Iron Man
Good Tier
>Thor: Ragnarok
>Infinity War
>Iron Man 3
>Winter Soldier
Okay tier
>everything in between
Shit tier
>Dark World
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Captain Marvel
>Age of Ultron
Either the first Ironman, The Winter Soldier, Infinity War or Antman
>Top tier
I really feel like the Phase 1 movies tried harder to have good soundtracks than most of the later movies.
Like that Iron Man theme for example. Could you fucking imagine if that shit played in other places than IM1? Imagine if a version of that played during his entrance in Germany against Loki in Avengers 1.
Same with Cap's theme, although admittedly, it doesn't fit the tone that TWS and CW had.
Iron Man had a bit of a motif (probably his best one) after IM3 that carried over into AoU.
At ~0:12: youtube.com
>Well no shit, Sherlock.
Top Tier
>Winter Soldier
>Infinity War
>Iron Man
>GOTG Vol. 1
Mid Tier
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
>GOTG Vol. 2
>Civil War
Decent Tier
>The Rest
>Thor: Dark World
Shit Tier
>Captian Marvel
1. Blade
2. Punisher War Zone
3. Iron Man
4. Spider-Man '02
5. The Winter Soldier
>best MCU movie Age of Ultron
Not at all.
> Infinity War
Strongly great...
>> Winter Soldier = Civil War
Wide range of great...
>>> Guardians 1 = Guardians 2 = Ultron
> Doctor Strange
> Iron man 3
> Avengers
> Iron man
> Black Panther
Very good...
> Ant Man
> Cap1
> Incredible Hulk (it would be equal with the first iron man if it's final battle was better)
> Thor
> Hulk (03)
> Thor 2
> Iron man 2
> Punisher (04)
> Punisher War Zone
> Daredevil
> Punisher (89)
So mixed it's impossible to rate...
> Thor Ragnarok (has better stuff then anything in the good or very good sections but also a lot of stuff much much worse)
The only things wrong with V2 are too much bathroom humor & beating like 3 jokes into the ground.
It has the best 3rd acts & emotional work of the Mcu after Infinity War. A fantastic score.
It's fantastic.
More like age of SHITron, Infinty War was the first good Avengers
i know you're trolling but honestly aou is my favorite of the mcu films.
i love spaeders performance, love that the witch and speedyboy were simply introduced as 'enhanced' (although i liked it better when i still believed that the mind gem is really the reality gem), loved all the little character arcs (or rather, i would have loved all the character arcs we would have gotten if all of the deleted scenes were restored... epix extended editions plz?!), i even liked the quipping as it reflected the sort of silly banter you would hear from hardened warriors in order to keep themselves alert and unnerve the enemy (except for that one deleted scene where black widow was quipping about the scarlet witch stealing her jacket and cap chiding her while standing around with a stick in his ass ... now that scene deserves to sit at the bottom of a trash heap)
i really wish we would have gotten whedon's full version of this film, as most of the deleted scenes MASSIVELY improve upon it, especially the fight scene with vision. with those scenes intact, it actually becomes a complete film, with every character getting a mini arc. with those scenes deleted, the film becomes a lot more disjointed, but it is still the least flawed mcu film and feels the most like an early 90s marvel comic -the good 90s, before they went full edgelord.
i haven't watched anything past ant man / gotg except gotg2. i might watch the other films before going to see endgame. if i don't see anything approaching the level of maturity in this film, i think endgame is going to be it for me, unless they somehow knock it out of the park with f4 and the x men.
>Top Tier
>Avengers: Infinity War
>Black Panther
>Thor: Ragnarok
For me it's a toss up between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Iron Man is up there too.
ed norton hulk, watching it now, its a masturpiece
The winter soilder
Because the Russo brothers stole the plot from the Metal Gear franchise
Where would we rank Blade?
Joss Whedon's Ultron was more like Death's Head than Ultron.