*Makes incels angry*

*Makes incels angry*


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Other urls found in this thread:



But she is asian, not white

>"I'm the biggest victim"
>"You're a bigger victim than Sarah Lynn?"
Why are people upset with Diane in S5?

Have sex

But none of the guys she's cruel towards are incels.

Everyone in this show besides Bojack himself makes me angry at this point.
Everyone else is step by step devolving as people and becoming worse individuals. Bojack is at the very least confronting his problems. And then Todd is just an unfunny joke.

Todd moved out from BoJack's house, got a job, and is using a dating app to find other asexuals. You may not like or enjoy his character, but he's becoming a better person.

Also what did Princess Carolyn or Ralph do to piss you off?

I'm more mad as her and Peanut Butter for deliberately deciding to hurt Pickles for no goddamn reason.

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With Mr Peanut Butter it's an inevitability. He's incapable of relating to anybody but himself and can't process that other people feel differently about things than he does. It was only a matter of time anyways. Diane should know better but Mr Peanutbutter would've found some other way to fuck it up in the future if he hadn't done it then and there


diana is a spoiled bitch and worse than bojack

Get help.

t. worthless cunt

I mean that's just simply untrue but sure.

Calling you an incel isn't threatening to not have sex with you. That was never on the table to begin with. Calling you an incel is saying that your desperate, bitter and lonely arguments are emblematic of a man who has never had sex before, who has alienated everyone around him, and who blames the world for this failure.

I thought that was kind of the point though. Bojack is starting to turn himself around in spite of the awful things he did. The people he's around who you originally think of as better people than him start to have their flaws more openly showcased.

That's an awful lot of projection

>n-n-n-n-no u
What a pathetic comeback from a pathetic man.

Nah, it's just judgement based on human nature. Guys who get laid aren't so desperately angry at women all the time.

Why am I laughing at this? I feel it's accurate about me.

Says the guy calling anyone who disagrees with him a hole kek.

>Calling you an incel is saying that your desperate, bitter and lonely arguments are emblematic of a man who has never had sex before
>1. ..."You will will never get a girlfriend", "You're a virgin / beta / foreveralone"

Attached: NPC.png (636x773, 14K)

If she's so BASED why she doesn't give us dabs or the smug, like our beloved meme character Pepe the frog? Smug or go reddit, cuck.

How do you block the Yea Forums ad for the other Yea Forums boards? Right where it says "Janitor Acceptance emails will be sent out" you get this annoying ad for Yea Forums and not even using NoScript hides it away.

just ignore with your mind bojack

but she's voiced by a (((white))) girl

She turned Bojack's confession into part of a t.v script. Which hurts Penny more than it does Bojack. It's part of the charm of the show. Diane is a shitty person too. But, at the same time, she got her friend the help he needed.

Have you heard about acting poltard?

One of these days incels will be treated just like how muslims are treated now. Hated by everyone but aren't allowed to make fun of them no matter what.

Why? Because society laughs at anyone being polite but cowers in fear over those who use violence and force. Hell, the IRA got what they wanted.

Yeah, you are. What are you gonna do about it, virgin?

Kek, the brainlet keep proving it's mindless NPC!

>not hard

ranked by quality of writing
Bojack > Diane > Princess Carolyn > Mr Peanutbutter > (power gap) > Todd

And you keep proving you're an incel.

And the virgin continues to prove it can't even form a coherent sentence without falling back on memes and buzzwords.

>One of these days incels will be treated just like how muslims are treated now. Hated by everyone but aren't allowed to make fun of them no matter what.
>Muslims defend by libtards
>"Incels" hated by libtards

Attached: comeonnow.jpg (500x500, 47K)

>I have nothing to argue but repeating my stupid buzzword like a robot

Says the guy saying "NPC! NPC!"

"Incels" aren't inherently right wing or male. Have you seen the transexuals who want to attack "TERFS"? Heck, a lot of SJWs are just female incels.

I just don't understand how she can see her hooking up with PB behind pickles' back is not her problem.

>keep repeating the same shit over and over
>hurr derr you're the NPC!
Nice try

So you can't read either lol.

>Heck, a lot of SJWs are just female incels.
Of course, but they only attack the males. It's not like libtards being hypocrites is a new thing.

Is using buzzwords good or bad? Make up your mind.

Are you sure her agency isn't owned by longnosetribe? It is weird hippie like Dianne never talks about Palestine and also works for the global hotel familly's clickbait media company. And Also they are >mouse familly
>celebrating escaption from cat's speice-specific oppression against mouse
>hates PC for being cat
>want their son marry a mouse girl

>said after replying with the exact same debunked argument to counter it

Attached: Pathetic.jpg (800x450, 36K)

My point is, it doesn't matter how much "libtards" hate them. Violence is the only language people like them understand, and they generally stay far away from those who are willing to resort to that. There's a reason they go full on force against the ones whose only crime is having a bad opinion.

It depends, simple minded brainlet.

Saying "You're an NPC!" doesn't debunk anything.

But incels are still being laughed at after Roger Elliot, your point is stupid.

>Using buzwords is only OK when I do it to call people an NPC when I've got no other arguments!

For now. Everyone was more open to hating Muslims back in the day too. They laughed at the IRA too.

hey guys can we talk about bojack horseman now

I explained why you're NPC you dumb worthless cunt.

>inb4 I explained why your incel though my argument was incel is stupid term

You have no clue what you're talking about since you were not even alive at the time.

Still waiting on Wanda

See this brainlet Again, because libtards like them unlike incels and libtards control the majority of the media.

Fuck poltard, Judaism isn't a race.

>never talks about Palestine
Nice to know not all lefite Jews in burgerland are full on cucks

Oh no? I remembered when everyone was for "Draw Muhammad Day" at first, until the riots happened that caused chaos and turmoil, which forced people to stop it before they get targeted for death. Although there was that one incident in Texas where one terrorist TRIED to attack an art convention for "Draw Muhammad Day". He got gunned down before he could even try.

>tfw if BoJack had worked things out with Wanda, he never would have gone to Charlotte's house

>you dumb worthless cunt
And using insults like that is proof enough that You're an incel. You debunked nothing. I said that only a desperate man, hostile to others because of his social inadequacies and lack of human contact would lash out the way some posters do about female characters. You still seem to fit into that category perfectly. You didn't debunk my argument, you've supported it.

I meant brainlet if it wasn't clear


>And using insults like that is proof enough that You're an incel. You debunked nothing.
You fucking absolute retard, my original was to show the whole incel thing is dumb and you reply to it by using the exact points it mocks like the fucking retard you're.

Attached: God you're dumb.png (1183x681, 510K)

Yeah, I saw that fellow cunt, and I replied

diane a shit

Nope. You still don't get it. Its never about denying the use of holes. Whoever made the image didn't understand what 1. even was, when they were being called a virgin. They think it's a proxy threat. That's laughably false. When you say something on Yea Forums that makes people think you're an angry vigin, it's because you said something only an angry virgin would say. That only someone who is resentful of women because they have been denied by them would believe. It's a argument based on a recognition that you've got an emotional bias, and it's clouding your judgement.

Isn't that just saying getting laid leads to white knighthood?

Rape you lol

God no. White knights are the other side of the virgin coin.

>Its never about denying the use of holes. Whoever made the image didn't understand what
>1. even was, when they were being called a virgin
Like pottery

You can't debunk my argument, because you can't even entertain it in your brain long enough to refute it. It would mean admitting that being a virgin has warped your view of the world.


Facts make trannies kill themselves in record numbers.


>Its never about denying the use of holes
>It would mean admitting that being a virgin
The lack of self awareness is amazing.

>Most realistic depiction of a woman in the history of fiction by the end of season 5
>"Makes incels angry"

Attached: Damn+first+dogs+and+horses+and+now+diane.jpg (979x842, 145K)

You're just posting things to have something to reply with at this point.

>You're just posting things to have something to reply with at this point.

That take kinda initializes Sarah Lynn a lot. Like rewatching season one when Bojack decided to try to make her get clean she up and left yet Diane still thinks he was taking advantage? He had no authority to make her go to rehab. And even when she got clean we see her talking on the phone and painting her nails while driving - even without the drugs she lived recklessly. Trying to claim Sarah Lynn was a victim of Bojack is ignoring a lot of the other shit in her life.

It does't pay to be reductive in this sense. As sex could mean both homosexual and heterosexual you don't entirely know if they haven't had the earlier nor latter. Also the main issue that comes with this reasoning is denoting a person like Diane as a spokesperson for all feminine individuals. Diane flawed as she may be is a microcosm of self-indulgence, hypocrisy, and the inability to have lasting fulfillment lest it comes at another's detriment. This behavior is less an endemic blight on the feminine psyche but the commercialism of Hollywood and the spread of activism for accolades rather than actual merit to the belief. Perhaps in your rush to judge you too fell into the degradation and depredations towards non-promiscuity that Diane once battled with herself, casing your own self worth to come into question and in that cognitive dissonance you lashed out to vent that pressure before you cracked under your own weight.

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this show is epitomy of bourgeoisie apologetics, that probably why.

oh my god im such a degenerate have pity on me.

Not entirely. Dobson, Anthony Burch, Onision, Shane Dawson, Buckley, and many others are a good example of people who have been "laud" but white night in the hopes that it will increase their chances of repeating that action, sometimes to the idea of replicating a hentai harem IRL. It is to this point that getting laid would reduce your issues with women is in fact a fallacy as we can see several people who have issues with women who have in fact had sex. The onus on gaining sex to remove their "incel" label would in fact increase their chances if whiteknighting as the use of the term incel is that becoming an advocate similar to Dobson will allow you merit towards a woman's reproductive organs. If you want more Dobsons in the world then so be it but I would advise not to conflate the issue lest you want an inflation of the other behaviors that would entail.

>lest you want an inflation of the other behaviors that would entail.

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based xavier renegader

When will incels learn to stop putting sex on a pedistool. There's more to life than getting your dick wet.

>is using a dating app to find other asexuals
How does that even make sense?

what you dont understand is that what you think are traits that come from not getting pussy arent at all. they have nothing to do w that, what dudes are mad at is when women boil down deeper gripes to "haha he doesnt get laid". theyre mad at the idea that you think their entire existence boils down to a fight for pussy or a fight to keep yall down.

thats the fatal flaw w women, ego so deep they cant see anything unless they think its about them and a certainty that anyone who doesnt like them is just mad they cant fuck them. you sincerely think these dudes whole characters are a way just bc they dont get laid. its hilarious. of course all those things exist, but theyre number 2 to every guy at best. most dont care like you think.

but what supports your worldview is that almost all the guys who are considered "good guys" or the guys that move well in society specifically say whatever you want to hear to stay in your good graces just bc they know thats how women are and you can now imprison people or hurt careers/social standing when you hear what you dont like. its not worth the hassle

the people who are willing to say things you dont want to hear are the ones that give the least of a fuck about pussy and standing. if they cared they'd be shucking and jiving like the rest. that part is laughably easy.

to you, that guy is an angry virgin bc only an angry virgin would be so wrong. what you dont get is that what you consider "right" is just what you like and the guys you consider "right" and normal are just feeding you back what they've deciphered you like.

they cant help it. its like talking to a crazy person that doesnt know theyre crazy and actively tries to convince you theyre not by repeatedly doing crazy shit.

they really want to be better than the pussy but theyre obsessed and consumed by it

>they cant help it. its like talking to a crazy person that doesnt know theyre crazy and actively tries to convince you theyre not by repeatedly doing crazy shit.
>they really want to be better than the pussy but theyre obsessed and consumed by it

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you realize linking those two together makes no sense right? how does anything ive written there match w the shorter one?

Given BJ's fanbase, I'm surprised nobody complains about yellowface.


so is an incel just the new name for neckbeard or is it a different thing?

you boiled down everything to the failure to fuck. which is what he was talking about. what are you trying to do again?

>Judaism isn't a race
>not knowing the difference in using Jew in reference to religion and Jew in reference to the Hebrew race

>doesn't know Judaism allows conversion and Jews have no longer share similar ethnic features (not all Jews are from Europe)

You can still want a close relationship with someone without wanting to have sex.

did't watch, bless me with synopsis pls

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> getting mad when a radfem spends 4 seasons acting like a radfem
Only retards would do this.

>Season 6 begins with Bojack getting booted out of rehab
I can almost see his stuff getting thrown out the front door.

After all Bojack Horseman is a long cuckold chronicle of the main character taking his love quest back from the selfish narcisst who shamelessly ripped off his own show.

Bojack is rarely allowed to actually get better so of course it's gonna happen.

>BoJack directly calls this out in Free Churro by talking about how the orphans on Horsin' Around could never get over their issues because there always had to be a new season
>there's always more show, until you die
Is there any chance this show WON'T end with BoJack committing suicide by drowning in his pool?

Watch the fucking show, ding dong

>Trying to claim Sarah Lynn was a victim of Bojack is ignoring a lot of the other shit in her life.

Yeah I always thought that twist about "it was all your fault" was always very dumb.

Whoa user you are a cartoon character.

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Well...Yeah? It's the failure to fuck. The "arguing with holes" jpg keeps getting posted, and it's a fundamental misunderstanding of what people mean when they call you an incel. They're saying it's a form of coercion that is meant to control the other party by threatening the unavailability of sex. It's not that at all, it's the delegitimizing of the other person's arguments by saying they stem from the person being sexually frustrated and unfulfilled.

>the people who are willing to say things you dont want to hear are the ones that give the least of a fuck about pussy and standing. if they cared they'd be shucking and jiving like the rest. that part is laughably easy.
Sounds like sour grapes, man.
>I-it's not like I wanted to get laid anyway!

But she's a deliberate caricature of vapid hypocritical people who claim to stand for something, then end up representing the opposite when the cards are finally on the table. Happened when she was doing volunteer work, then came home in secret to veg out at Bojack's house when she found out it wasn't for her. Happened when she went from writing what she believed to be important influential work to just writing clickbait for a living. Happened when she stood for gun restrictions but found using a gun exhilarating. Happened when she showed concern for how Pickles was being treated by Mr. Peanutbutter, then turned around and was instrumental in likely hurting her in the worst way possible. She's not the kind of spokesperson you want in a crusade against anyone, let alone incels.

In both situations, sex is put on a pedestal and seen as the goal that will make the opposing person in the argument 'better', so the context hardly matters.

>sex is an achievement that can be failed
Pat yourself on the back for thinking of sexual partners as a score.

>In both situations, sex is put on a pedestal and seen as the goal that will make the opposing person in the argument 'better'
Yes, as beings that sexually reproduce, being sexually successful is a desirable trait, and the lack of that sexual element in your life leads to all kinds of problems
>so the context hardly matters.
It definitely matters.

Judging by the goddamned manifestos people were posting around here, there were a lot of people with chips on their shoulders who felt that Diane "hadn't suffered enough."

Considering she's miserable basically 24/7, is an admitted hypocrite, and is basically just female slightly-self-aware Bojack I find that pretty funny.

It's usually the same people who insist that Mr Peanut Butter has never done anything wrong, is a genuine good guy instead of a borderline sociopath, and that the library was a good gift.

literally autism

If someone calls you an incel it's because you display all the qualities of someone who would be incapable of being laid; usually a complete and total lack of EQ or understanding of social norms.