Now that Joker's getting a movie about "rebelling against society", in the vein of Taxi Driver...

Now that Joker's getting a movie about "rebelling against society", in the vein of Taxi Driver, American Psycho and Fight Club, what's gonna be the next capekino incelcore? My vote goes to Doom. Guy's practically a school shooter who weaponized his autism and is shooting up countries instead.

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>we get a Doom movie
>it's MCU

feige has already talked to hawley about his doom plan/script so it could be incorporated into the MCU

hawley's pitch was:
> It begins with Doom putting a dome over Latveria, the fictional European country he rules. He later invites a female journalist to be his voice to the world, meaning its protagonist would be someone without superpowers

they could easily tweak that due to the destruction of sokovia, causing instability in the region, paving the way for doom's rise. doom coming to power and capitalizing in a post-snap world would fit with it as well

>post-snap world
You mean something that wont exist because it'll be undone with time travel?


>Latveria and Sokovia were both part Yugoslavia.
>doom and the F4 were originally active during the same period as Hank Antman.
>the F4 got their powers when trying to recreate the pym particles and ripped open a hole to the quantum realm.
>the f4 try for the quantum realm later as a means of FTL space flight, and vanish.
>hank and the Richards were close friends. Hank blamed shield and himself for their disappearance.
>Ultron leaves sokovia open for Latveria to annex them.
>post snap Doom annexes more of Europe in the name of stability.
>the snap also brings the F4 home. As they had been sent to skrull space. Then just decide to explore the cosmos.

Just do last king of Scotland, but with Doom as Idi Amin

So, why isn't Latveria part of the European Union?
If their country is the bestestestestestestest in the whole world with the highest happiness and productivity thanks to all the doombots doing all the jobs for everyone, why doesn't Doom simply take control over that large economic block by joining it, insert his supersmart doombots as european commission members, reform the whole of Europe in his image which is Victor von Doom, and then simply buy up all of Africa and Russia and China and then the United States?

Doom could probably get rushed out to beat DC to their Black Adam movie. Both involve super “dictators” that are heroes to their homeland. Imagine if Victor origin story was uniting his people, seeing the might of The Avengers, and deciding he could do everything they could and more. I don’t want to equate Doom to “Iron Man with Dr Stange powers” but that’s how he’ll at least start out. Whom do you have as the antagonist though, Mephisto?

Doesn't meet EU membership requirements.

Doom makes Zemo, Baron of Sokovia. To administer it under the new eastern Europe super state Doom built.

He can simply pretend that his country is democratic and have all doombots vote for him. Or perhaps let the doombots vote for a doombot politician that accepts Doom as the figure head of the nation, like the UK, Denmark, Spain and Sweden.
It ain't that difficult, really.

I would love a doom and strange movie where doom attempts to bargain with Mephisto for his mother’s life while strange intervenes.

>I, Victor Von Doom declare you Zemo the new Baron of Sokovia. Now, put on this purple skimask.

>actually thinks a hard in-universe reboot would ever occur in mainstream movie franchise

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Landwhale detected

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user, you have no fucking clue how little actual power monarchs in those countries have, don't you?

Just supersayan that he can pretend to be a typical powerless monarch who only gets money for being a king, while in truth he still rules his country through all his doombot minions.

It won’t be a full reboot, just an undoing of infinity war.

What if this Dr. Doom is a teenage hacker

Shoo Fox.

Why the fuck has nobody on this board read the infinity Gauntlet comic?

Am i the only one who actually bothered to read it?

Do people even need to read comic books, if they could simply wait for a cartoon or even better, a live action movie adaptation to come out and tell the entire story condensed within 2 hours packed with good looking actors and superb cgi and explosions and witty quips and so on?

The fact that there are people who would unironically say this disgusts me.

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You gotta admit that spending like 15 bucks for a movie is a better investment than spending 1500 bucks for a dozen comic books that have wildly varying degrees of quality and still can't tell the whole story in the end.

But the Infinity Gauntlet comic is one self contained story that costs like 15 bucks on amazon.

Like seriously, Doom should just take over the European Union.

It's worthy it because unlike Russo shit the comic story is actually good and Thanos plan is not retarded in the original version.

MCU Doom should be a combination of Ultimate Doom (mostly origin) and classic 616 Doom.

Except doom isn’t an incel at all. Dudes good looking and a drive for power, incels are notorious pushovers. Dex from Daredevil season 3 was the closest we’ll get to incelcore

>>MCU Doom should be a combination of Ultimate Doom (mostly origin) and classic 616 Doom.
Oh so you're a massive faggot then?

I think people have tricked themselves into thinking incels are anything but dweebs. It’s not hard to get laid. Just act like a human and don’t be a weirdo/prick, and someone will likely be willing to fuck you. People are horny. You almost have to go out of your way to not get laid by someone.

>I want to kill everyone for m’lady somehow not more retarded than
>man man with Savior complex believes he needs to kill half of everyone, which historically has been proven to work.

>American Psycho
You fucking philistine. I don't know much, but I sure as hell know that American Psycho is the most Chad movie ever.

Yeah most people who classify themselves as unfuckable losers are really just self obsessed. They’re no better than the fat people who whenever they’re told to lose weight say they have a condition. You can be the ugliest fuck around and if you just lower your standards and have some personality you’ll land someone to stick your dick in

>a poor gipsy boy who endured oppression and horrific disfigurement rises up to take over the Eastern European country that persecuted his people and embarks on a quest for omnipotence

Didn’t he pay hookers and get really jealous over someone’s business card? Bateman is classic beta trying to be alpha

Guys play on easy mode. All they need is to have enough cash, then every hot girl will do it with them.
Not being able to get money is a sign of weakness. Capitalism hates weakness, so weak people shouldn't be allowed to have money.

Ive tried telling the incels on /r9k/ this all the time but they never listen

He's more narcisitic and wants to be normal so he simulates it the best he can

Playing the victim is easier.

Ya only gotta pay the hookers if ya don't saw 'em in half with a chainsaw.
He simply doesn't want to deal with relationships when he doesn't want to.

>My vote goes to Doom.
Played by James Franco, and 95% of the time without mask in all the movies

>Guys play on easy mode.
Although getting sex is way easier than most faggots think is a fact that girls can get sex far easier, is almost free sex all they have to do is ask for a date.

The problem is that girls are negatively judged by society if they have sex with too many guys while a man face no such thing, plus girls must deal the risk of getting close of a criminal or maniac, men are statiscally hundreds of times more likely to be a dangerous individual than a girl

I wonder who'll play him? Mads Mikkelsen was apparently on board to do it when it was a Fox spinoff, but now they've been absorbed into Disney that wouldn't work since he was already in Doctor Strange.

Hot girls can get free sex easier than guys. But guys with enough money will always get sex with any girl no matter how shit he looks.

Michael fassbender

Not really since most hot girls are wealthy enough to be at college.

Unless you are fucking starving and/or really ugly girls you will have to be rich, like a literal millionaire to make a girl ignore completelly ignore your looks.

The girl doesn't have to like you. She only has to be willing to let her vagina get penetrated by your penis.

Who’s going to be MCU Reed?

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I want the Maker to happen so someone young

No. Doom needs to be pure 616.

Exactly, a true man in society is meant to be the getter, that’s why breadwinner became a thing. /r9k/ and the like are just lazy but that’s a problem with most guys; they love having nothing to do. Problem is you become so complacent you miss out on a lotta chances with people and ultimately women.

I’d unironically say looks are about the third most looked at that thing women seek in a guy, maybe fourth actually. Personality, income/occupation, and maybe social status will always be determinants. I know lots of people who make decent money who look like mole man who are sleeping with high 7’s. It’s all how you present yourself really, but since incels don’t have a job therefore never had to do interviews they don’t know what I’m talking about

Not watching a DOOM movie if they don't have at least one MF DOOM song on the soundtrack