How is MCU going to to introduce them?

How is MCU going to to introduce them?

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I don't know. I'm just going to wait until the movie comes out.

They are way too white

Iron Man: "Well I'm back on Earth and I have all this alien space tech I've been scanning, but I really want to retire. I'll just give it all to my good friend Reed who I haven't spoken to in decades."

Like in the Ultimate Universe, I guess: like they appeared later instead of earlier.

Why do they look like villains?

mr fantastic played by idris alternatively, they make him a black female.

invisible woman- trans

human torch- some gay

the thing- also gay

Yeah the MCU only accepts non-white protagonists.
Like Black Panther and...


They are villains. Especially Reed.

You know... protesting kind of doesn't work if your complaints are ridiculous. It's almost like you're deliberately parodying complaints.