THAT episode

>THAT episode

Attached: C.O.L.L.E.G.E..jpg (640x480, 30K)

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>we will never EVER have that snowcone flavor


Is this a thread for Kino episodes?

Creator even agrees

Attached: Arnold_Betrays_Iggy.jpg (635x475, 76K)

It pisses me off how they treated Professor XXXL so bad, he was a good guy trying to make the perfect icecone and fighting the Parent & Teachers association.

I'm still convinced that that episodes was a metaphor symbolizing DeeDee's subconscious entering puberty with the sexy anime boy destroying the more childish and pure thought and replacing them with weeb perversion.

Well, he IS a mad scientist.

I don't remember this episode.

i dont know why this ep just made me feel things

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