Postme the best comic pages

Hello Yea Forumsmrades

I'm an English teacher in a high school, in the next month I'm running a unit focusing entirely on graphic novels. The students are reading one to two per week in small groups for discussions all cumulating in a final product which they can choose. Meanwhile each day I do mini-lessons focusing on the medium and ideas and history in comics. So far they've loved it.

I'm limited by books I have sets available for, but some of the comics they've had available to read are:
>Red Son
>Marvel 1602
>Moving Pictures
>DC: Trinity
>The Long Halloween
>The Outside Circle
>V for Vendetta

For my humble students, please postme all the most touching, most philosophical, funniest, deepest, most emotional, or even just strangest comics pages you know of. I used quite a few examples saved from Yea Forums already, but in my mini-lessons I'm looking to explore asstons of things that comics can handle and explore.

Gimme just iconic and the best comic pages you got

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd HIGHLY suggest All-Star Superman.

Attached: b6817352b39a67e15aaea6fe2084f3a2.jpg (630x1011, 117K)

I've got a bunch of uplifting Superman pages.

Attached: Superman Vol 3 39.jpg (1024x627, 214K)

Attached: human supes.jpg (1024x1550, 373K)

>English teacher
Physician, heal thyself.

I’m student teaching right now. Idk if it’s for me man. I might go in to academic advising while I get my masters in Admin and go the higher education route. The pressure of lesson planning is fucking killing me.

Attached: Action Comics (1938-2011) 810-011.jpg (1988x3056, 1.25M)

Attached: Action Comics (1938-2011) 810-012.jpg (1988x3056, 1.19M)

Attached: Action Comics (1938-2011) 810-017.jpg (1988x3056, 955K)

Attached: Action Comics (1938-2011) 810-018.jpg (1988x3056, 797K)