Netflix castlevania

>Dude fuck the Eucharistic miracle lmao!

Attached: castlevania.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

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t. desu vult XD prottie American dog pretending he's Catholic

I didn't mind the hateboner that Dracula had for religion, but I wish there was more ridiculous gothic action

A bit more Vampire Hunter D and a bit less sociological(S1) and vampire (S2) political beef

Attached: vampire-hunter-d-banner-1200x627.jpg (1200x627, 159K)

I'm pretty religious, and I didn't mind the whole religion thing. The demons made it clear in the church in season 1 that God didn't approve of that religious guy's behavior. Plus I know that back in dark ages Europe, the church was somewhat corrupt. Mainly corrupted by allowing people to pay their sins away and this would cause Martin Luther to make the Lutheran church.

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>the church is good in the JP version/the games
>Is made evil in the west

How times change

The one true faith in Castlevania is zoroastrianism in design and only good people can truly commune with god.

This is why the Catholic church has secret police designed to kill evil.

God is also super fucking abstract in Castlevania.

And I am pretty sure implied to also be Satan until Lords of Shadow fucked that up.

>dude Dracula is totally going to fuck shit up in S2
>sits in his chair being sad until the last two episodes
>gets less screentime than the fucking meme Skyrim vampire

what did they mean by this

Attached: Godbrand.png (1000x563, 343K)

And here we see the autistic conservaweeb. He, like many others, has somehow managed to convince himself that Japan is literally 1950s America

Religious butthurt aside, it's actually a good show if you stop thinking of it as a castlevania show and more as its own thing.