Why are most of Spongebob's family members cookies and not sponges?

Why are most of Spongebob's family members cookies and not sponges?

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Even as a kid I knew they were simply different colored and different shaped sponges, fuck off.

>in the old episodes, Spongebob's parents loved him unconditionally
>in the new episodes, they're annoyed by him much like Squidward is

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They are in the newer episodes? I thought they were written out of the show.

>in the old episodes, Spongebob was lovable and squidward was just a grump who hated his enthusiasm for life
>in the new episodes, squidward and everyone else are completely justified in hating him

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>Grandma Bruce Willis is my favorite bedtime hero

His parents are annoyed by the fact he is a millenial who is working a dead end job as a bachelor, still doesn't have his license, might be gay, and has an "eccentric, child like personality"?

If so it does hit pretty close to home.

>Spongebob, your mother's a nice lady, but your grandmother's a whore.

SpongeBob is a kitchen sponge, but his family are real undersea sponges.

It's evolution, baby.

I miss episodes where he'd get genuinely mad when someone takes advantage of him it helped balance his personality

Attached: mad.jpg (878x629, 76K)

I had never thought about it that way.

>And she sucked my dick until I saw her teeth in my butthole.

He's adopted?

Dude the nigga is fifty years old

Nope. Truth or Square showed him as a fetus in Mrs. Squarepant’s belly.

It's a DNA thing, you just gotta look at his grandpa

There's a video all about this

Spongebob is a square peg in a round hole.

I can't tell bait from actual retardation anymore

>How many teeth?