Dumbing of Age

He just had to remind us of the toedad saga, didn't he?
Also willis is now 40

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God I hate Ethan

good old goldfish lips

He stopped drawing Jacob looking like he wears football shoulders under his clothes. That's something. Unfortunately Joyce now has tiny, baby arms.

I'd probably read an extended arc of just Ethan having stupid relationship non-problems and Jacob reacting to it. It's decent banter.

The jacket's too big for her

>Willis will still be making college comics in his 50s

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Look at her left arm in the first panel.

>Look, all I'm saying is that maybe you should hide your powerlevel when you're on a date. Just slowly ease the guy into your Transformers obsession and don't get riled up if he doesn't know as much as you.
>I am who I am, and I'm going to be upfront about it. Otherwise, at some point I'm just going to end up apologizing to a naked, crying woman again. Metaphorically speaking.

It's the jacket

Oh jeez. She's like a T-rex.

Nobody tell dina

A tittysaurus Becks, I say!

It's another "Dina casually recounts the weird erotic dream she had about her girlfriend's bestie to the awkward discomfort of everyone around her" update.

When was the last update?


What was it?

The one with the cowboy dream.

Well, it WAS the last time this webcomic was interesting. Also, Joyce's hangups with food aren't endearing - they're more like what somebody with low-functioning autism might have.

>Joyce's hangups with food aren't endearing - they're more like what somebody with low-functioning autism might have.
It's cute. Ethan made it weird, because that's what he does. I'm not sure if he knows Joyce has a crush but he's throwing salt on her game like a mother fucker.

Well Willis bases Joyce off himself at that age

Everyone in this webcomic has some form of autism

No, it STARTED cute. Then Willis kept beating a horse that was clearly suffering from rigor mortis and now she's several episodes worth of Freaky Eaters all wrapped into one person

>she's several episodes worth of Freaky Eaters all wrapped into one person
So she can only eat liquidated burnt sausages?

Yeah he's clearly a Gary Stu black token

That's Jacob.

Wrong character.
Jacob's the black guy, Ethan's the jewish self-insert.

It's not autism, it's someone who was raised by parents who catered to their child's pickiness rather than press them to eat different foods. It's not even that bad a case, since Joyce is aware of her issue and is attempting to change things by herself.

>Gary Stu
you're not gonna make that a thing

That would make more sense than what we've got
The correct term is "magical negro", and that's Sal's job these days
That's how it was played at first, but now it's just this weirdly specific crap that would make her a living nightmare to eat out with.

There's like 3 magical negros in DOA

>It's another "Dina casually recounts the weird erotic dream she had about her girlfriend's bestie to the awkward discomfort of everyone around her" update.
Everybody but Becky, who must excuse herself and go to the bathroom. As loud, erotic wailing is heard from within, Dina comments upon the sudden smell of tuna.

"Magical Negro" has a specific meaning and would more closely fit Sarah than anyone else in the cast. As for Joyce, such food hangups can manifest in very specific ways if enabled, or even unknowingly encouraged, by her parents behavior. Her parents probably weren't very adventurous with cooking, and we know they sheltered Joyce hardcore, so she's left with an underdeveloped palate and massive amount of childish eating habits.

does it actually smell of tuna?

>mom and dad didn't make chicken tikka masala with a side of curry fries and that's why Joyce has autism

Willis plz

not everyone in the comic has autism, user
just most of them

More like:
>young Joyce says she need the sausage taken off her pizza so she can eat it on the side
>parents think it's cute and oblige her, positively reinforcing said behavior
>parents present young Joyce with a new kind of food
>young Joyce turns her nose up at it, as kids are want to do
>instead of pushing for her to eat at least a few bites of the food, they make her chicken fingers or something
Also chicken tikka masala and curry fries are simply chicken baked in a sauce and seasoned potatoes at the core. Food issues like Joyce's are far more likely to be due to how her parents raised her than anything intrinsic to her.

My wife has food issues and it's almost entirely on her parents. What isn't her parents fault was exacerbated by them.

>You took down your friend's dad
what the heck

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Your wife has autism and so does joyce. And you too, probably.

Like that example given in the Daily Show episode bout snowplow parenting with a kid who quit college because her parents coddled her from damp food and couldn't deal with food with sauce on it.

>snowplow parenting
how does that differ from helicopter parenting?

From what I understand helicopter parents circle their children all the time, while snowplows parents try to remove all the obstacles in the lives of their children.

It's called the Toedad Saga and BOY is it a mess.

Long story short: It's Becky™ runs away from home and moves in with Joyce at college. While Becky becomes a nuisance and begins pretending she's in love with Dina, Toedad learns where she is and goes to collect her. In a confrontation he pulls out a rifle and begins after the two; they split up and while Dina is able to distract Toedad before mysteriously disappearing, Becky reaches Joyce at a fountain. Toedad finds them and collects Becky since apparently there is no campus security to immediately suppress the threat. Joyce gets mad and, with the help of Sal, goes after the two; Amazigirl is also there for whatever reason. Anyways, Toedad's car flips, he's thrown out of the car while Becky (still inside) escapes with no physical injuries. Then Joyce punches Toedad so hard that she breaks her wrist.

Or something like that. The gist is the same, but the details are a bit fuzzy since this happened years ago.

> Spend decades drawing the same comic with a go-nowhere plot and never improving your sloppy art
I cannot imagine a worse hell. I feel completely unironic pity for the man.

jesus christ

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It actually makes me feel better about myself.

would you rather be Andrew Dobson or David Willis?

Like I said, it's a mess. And it's what got Yea Forums focused on the comic after however many years of its existence. It honestly hasn't reached those levels of craziness in months if not years.

We did have rapin ryan getting stabbed by Amber.

>Amazigirl is also there for whatever reason.
Story wise she comes out of nowhere and makes the situation worse. Real world time Willis was trying to make her into an OC Batman.

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>People actually pay $15 for this poster

Ah, right, this reminds me of how the Toedad Saga truly went off the rails. The fact that Willis ignored all laws of physics and spatial dimensions in his attempt to make a thrilling car chase action sequence.

>mom and dad didn't make chicken tikka masala with a side of curry fries
Hey, what foods are little autistic Indian, Chinese, or Japanese kids weird about?
Do they shriek and flap their hands at bread?

I wouldn't ever want to be Dobson.

At least if I was Willis I could change the things I always complain about here. I truly believe Willis has the potential to do a good story, but he'd probably lose all his fans if he did.

Japanese people actually like curry, but oddly enough they think it's a British food since it was introduced by British people. The British also claim it's a British food, because the Eternal Anglo's piratical lust knows no bounds. Japanese also seem to like American food like hamburger, so I don't really know what would cause them to be autistic. For a society that prefers isolation, they're pretty worldly.

Chinese kids? Probably tacos. Not founding that on anything but I'm just assuming that Mexican/Spanish food is foreign enough to them that they'd be bamboozled.

Indians? Anything with meat and no spice since all their food is veggies and spices.

>Dina is able to distract Toedad before mysteriously disappearing
Dina gets a physics defying uppercut that knocks her on her head, and doesn't even so much as get seen by a doctor.

Due to the disconnect between the update pace and in-universe chronology, from when Toedad finds Becky to when Joyce punches him is only a few minutes, but takes up over 30 strips.

That and the way Dad went directly from concerned parent to shotgun brandishing maniac with no build up at all.
Some of the edits were glorious though

>willis makes decent money doing what he loves and has a wife who can apparently stand his autism and two kids

It reminds me of ken penders. How do some fucking weirdos manage to be just normal enough to find a niche of happiness, while others (DOBBO) is 40 years old and acts like an autistic 14 year old girl?

Honestly, the whole Becky/Dina thing is so mishandled it's amazing Willis hasn't been called out on it to some degree.

I remember saying that it was ripe for potential in Dina's acknowledgement that she was being treated like a rebound after Becky was rejected by Joyce. Then that potential was wiped away with, like, three lines of unimpactful throwaway dialogue and that was it.

Curry has a bunch of variations depending on where its from. Japanese curry is based on English curry, which was modified from Indian curry, which is different from Thai or Vietnamese curry. It's kinda like chicken tikka masala, in that it's based on Indian curry, but was created in Scotland, then backported to India, which developed its own variation.

Her hat is actually covering a big gaping head wound

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big old exposed skull

Warboss Hamfist best Warboss. 10/10 would WAAAAAGGGGHHHH!

Beyond that, both of them are really only in the relationship because it validates them. It validates Becky as a lesbian and Dina as a sexual being in general. It's not that you couldn't make it work, it's that Willis is unwilling or unable to put the effort and nuance required to make something out of it. Their relationship feels more like chaste yuribait than anything. The sidestory with Dina and Sarah when Joyce and Becky went home for the weekend showed that Willis is aware of the issue but refuses to actually explore the negative aspects of their relationship, which is kinda weird since he's done so with Billie/Ruth and Walky/Dorothy (even if tonally he fucked up with them).

That side story also made me realize how badly Sarah and Dina are wasted as characters and how hard I ship Dina/Sarah.

This reminds me: Did Willis finally give in and let Danny colonize Sal? Did Danny finally get the jungle fever and spill gorilla milk all over Sal's ass?

>shotgun brandishing maniac
technically it was a rifle

No. But it hasn't been shot down. Amber basically gave Sal the green light. In the story they haven't been together since. Danny was last scene being ignored by Joyce and Sal was giving her "little sister" her current leather jacket.

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>A whole month of car chase

I hope Danny and Sal drive off on her motorcycle together and escape this comic forever.

only if they take Lucy with them

Christ, Joyce has something like 5 sister analogues: Sarah, Dorothy, Becky, Billie, and Sal.

Well she does have 4 actual brothers

Good god what is that abomination

Nigga it's been a thing since 2012

It was gloriously stupid.

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Isn't one of her brothers a tranny? What happened to that guy?

She's around, but only in patreon bonus comics.

Well everything has to filter through the author, so naturally when your brita is replaced by a coffee filter full of dog shit, your water's gonna be a bit brown.

I'm surprised he hasn't released strips of the missionary brother being racist and evil to 3rd worlders. Instead of showing actual issues with missionary work.

He doesn't even draw the missionary position in his porn comics.

He used to draw the Missionay being a shit

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That's right Willis, soak 'em for the cash.

He's gonna do something to reach the $10k of QC

>How dare you touch me

>I will put them in Hell where they belong

Not sure what's more hilarious that this isn't written ironic or the comment section.

>the comment section
that reminds me, does Cerberus still write those paragraphs long comments?

That's what I was getting at. Although unless the tithing was earmarked, there isn't any issue other than a Mustang being a poor choice of vehicle for an employee. Hell, the guy spends most of his time out of country so he's probably not even the primary driver. On top of that, Willis then showed that they don't even attend a megachurch, creating questions of how exactly they can afford someone to basically be a permanent missionary and buy him a car.

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Willis probably assumes all churches are megachurches.

Doesn't matter. He's religious so he's eeeeeevil.

I mean, if DoA was a horror movie and Toedad was running around killing women he thought had corrupted his daughter it would work.

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Who's her ex?
Is it Claire Augustus?

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Her other college roommate who ratted on her.
So it's HER fault that we have to deal with Beckles.

I'm pretty sure another student or staff ratted on them.

I wouldn't call that an ex
Becky came out to two different girls and got rejected twice. Dina may be her rebound girl but she's technically her first girlfriend, so least she gets to pop dat cherry.

>so at least she gets to pop dat cherry.
imagine if willis actually makes a becky/dina slipshine

Well, to think like Willis, it would have to be a white male who dated Becky once and then couldn't handle it when she revealed to him she was actually lesbian, triggering his Bro rage.

>Bro rage
brooklyn rage?

What happened with Ethan having sex with Mike?

They had sex, and that was it

Ethan had a hard time getting around the concept of a single fuck, and was acting like a whiny bitch to Mike.
Basically a pity fuck from Mike perspective.

I have no idea what this comic is even about anymore. Is about a character saying something and another character making a witty comment or cynical observation in every strip?

pretty much

Both. Becky and her old roommate were lezzing out when someone walked in, that person ratted them out, then Becky's roommate pinned the blame entirely on Becky.

Everyone is some form of serial killer/slasher.
>Joyce: religious womanchild who kills others because she believes they're the reason God doesn't talk to her anymore
>Dorothy: hypercompetitive, Type-A personality that won't let anyone get in her way of transferring to Yale and becoming President. At some point will kill everyone in the Yale admissions office for not accepting her immediately.
>Sarah: shut-in misanthrope that expresses her pent up anger by beating random strangers to death
>Sal: hair-trigger temper with a penchant for running down people on her bike and breaking out the knives
>Amber: she's a superhero, a 90s antiheroic superhero, and everyone is a villain
>Dina: she just wants to play dinosaurs. She's the alpha predator. Brain is too messed up to recognize that people die when you kill them.
>Ethan: with a bunch of resin, a little paint, and a couple dozen broken bones, you can turn any ordinary person into a lifesize Transformers figure
>Becky: seduces women and then lets her dad "discover" what happened when she gets bored with them. With him in jail it looks like she's going to have to find her own corpse hole.
>Carla: when you're rich and well-connected there will always be someone there to remove the mutilated corpses from your dorm room for you
>Billie: the only thing better than physically abusing someone to suicide is psychologically abusing someone to suicide
>Ruth: the only thing better than psychologically abusing someone to suicide is physically abusing them to suicide. Beating them to death with your bare hands is fun too, if you have the time.

>Brain is too messed up to recognize that people die when you kill them
good old Fate

Sometimes it ends on a shitty joke.

Often it ends on a shitty joke

I haven't followed this in ages, atleast since the toedad saga, is this girl still with ginger girl.



God this comic looks like shit. I can't even read this for the sake of making fun of it.

>tfw every time my parents pushed me to eat different foods outside my comfort zone i ended up hating them with very very few exceptions
>still have the same taste in foods i had as a kid
Am I an actual manchild

Never too late. Go out eat some shit you wouldn't, then every opportunity to take it