>Chapter 70: Page 38
>She's still got some growing to do.
Gunnerkrigg Court
I wanna fuck it.
Another disappointment, Tom.
Beat me. Congrats. Today's thread was going to be "Gunnerpoopy Fart".
I can't believe Smitty got cucked.
I can see them flex together
I'm glad to see another Rogat again, but i don't like this one
The way it talks could've easily been done as a "cute accent" thing, but she doesn't.
Her appearance could've been something more for some adolecent rogat, but instead it's just the same as when it would be an adult
And worst of all, i don't see the point in introducing such a character now, and it'll actually have any proper role in here
Should've introduced her when Parley came back with Egles from their trip
That's the gayest thing I've ever seen.
the comic is called gunnerkrigg court
She's a pokemon trainer now?
I thought that guy was making shit up when he said there was a character called Civet.
Where did they get the name from though? Was there a reference earlier somewhere? Did Tom say something?
I wanna edit the appropriate panels to show he has a flaccid thick white dragon penis that's as long as his legs but the head of it is purple like his horns and nails
For now. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I want to fuck Cvet!
i miss the user who every thread would post
Gunnershit Fail is Shit
First I'm hearing about it, but my guess would be the guy talked to Tom at a con.
>Introduce some Otherkin dragon musclegirl fapbait
there's going to be SO much fucking porn of this thing
what the absolute fuck
Also all the characters looking like they're in the middle of a well lit white room (despite being outside at night with no apparent source of lighting besides maybe the moon) is particularly egregious in this scene
>Massive dragon dick
This is what Parley trained for.
I want the cvet to break the Annies
Are you telling me that Tom couldn't come up with ANY other character instead of making up a new character so late in the story?
Squatting, like a real slav dragon would. Shame he didn't call it Cyka.
I hope NYC is treating Tom like shit everyday.
That motherfucker deserves.
I think it's been posted before
>"work" partner
Nah, he just fucks Cvet too
>complaining about a character being introduced late in the story
Why is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Are Faramir or Eowyn bad characters?
Is Yoda a bad character?
This is just complete nonsense that you pulled out of your ass isn't it?
>instant kurosawa edit
Sasuga Yea Forums
Well, Rogat Orjak are polish, and the other ones we know of are named Sivo and Nevihta.
I can't seem to find any info on any of these names, except that Cvet is Serbian name, meaning "Flower"
It says so right in the alt-text
"Sivo" just means bright, white like in terms of color. No idea about nevihta since Tom is pretty liberal in terms of spelling.
Let's hope he was talking about Parley.
Well, She's the new guardian, and they always get a Rogat, so her getting one was expected, and i think it's fine.
But yes, Cvet should've been introduced earlier as basically a baby, and then Parley could go like "This is Cvet. See how much she's grown the past year? She can even talk now"
That would've been a lot better
Just checked the google translation for "invisible" which comes out as niewidoczny and seems sort of close.
No it wouldn't. That sounds absolutely retarded.
What is your argument for "late introduction = bad"?
I'm not opposed to late introduction in itself, but when a new character is introduced the reader/viewer should expect there to be a part that focuses more on them, to show who this character really is. GKC doesn't always do that, like with Lindsey, but Cvet is a character really close to one of the main cast, so you'd expect her to show up a lot from now, and so she deserves at least one chapter to show who she is.
BUT, this late, it seems to me there's not much she could contribute to the plot as an important part.
How late is THIS late?
We aren't sure we've hit the climax yet.
We aren't sure we're through the second act.
We aren't even sure if we've crossed the midpoint.
That's true, we don't know, but how major plots like Jeanne has finally been solved, that two of the biggest characters, Coyote and Ysengrin, have been killed and replaced by a deranged psychopath, who is still considering invading the court, that the entire day-to-day life in the court is turned upside down, that Annie's character arc has reached a point where she literally has to come to terms with herself and deal with dualistic sides of her personality we've seen for years...
Well, i'm just saying this isn't the sort of stuff you usually see in the beginning, or even mid-point of stories.
Besides, since F-Annie just missed six months of her life, it wouldn't surprise me if this is the final book of the story.
I might be wrong, of course, but to me it just really seems like a fair bit of things are getting tied up and finished
>seems like a fair bit of things are getting tied up and finished
Yeah, because we are somewhere around the end of the second act.
Yup, and the third act is usually considerably shorter than the second.
I don't get why you're getting so annoyed with me over this. I might be wrong, maybe there's enough room for another character now, or maybe Tom found some clever way out, or maybe Cvet won't be as much involved as i think.
All i'm saying is that you usually don't introduce a new big character at the end of the second act, and there's a reason for that.
Eowyn and Faramir from my earlier example were introduced late in or at the end of act 2.
Moody (at least the real one) was introduced late in act 2 of HP, if you wanna compare something more gunnerkrigg-like. So was Fleur, who was important several times towards the end.
I'd say LOTR act two starts when the fellowship is formed in first movie, and ends with the battle for Minas Tirith. But in either case, both those characters get enough focus to be a part of the plot in a way that makes sense. Maybe Cvet will, i dunno
Haven't seen the HP movies, so i don't know who Moody and Fleur is, but sure, i guess.
LOTR is a good example because of how well defined and seperated the acts are.
Act 1 is movie one, act 2 is movie 2, act 3 is movie 3.
Haven't seen the hp movies either and I'm a bit rusty, actually. I think the characters from the Order of the Phoenix were introduced after the triwizard cup, so switch Tonks with Fleur, who is arguably even more important.
I'm just saying, there were a couple posts in this thread who said that introducing new characters this late was a bad thing as if that was a universally accepted truth and I just wanted to call bullshit on that.
I get that, but this is basically how the discussion went, from my point of view
I say Cvet should be introduced earlier, and get the response "That's retarded".
Then i explain why this character would be better if introduced early, and get the response "this isn't late, we might not even be past the midpoint"
Then i explain what makes me think this is late, and the next comment somewhat agrees with me, saying "we're around the end of second act".
Then we start getting into other fictions that, according to you, introduce characters late.
It's like you just change the goalpost from "late introduction is fine" to "you have no clue how late this is" and then to "we're at end of second act".
I'm really not trying to be a jerk here, but it seems to me you're more interested with saying "no, you're wrong" than sticking to one point.
If you weren't, you probably wouldn't have flip-flopped on the "not sure if crossed midpoint" part
very fantastic
it doesn't look out of place at all in this comic. It would be normal for a naked dragon being to have a dick exposed like that.
I bet the Annies are wet
I never said it would be retarded to introduce the character earlier, I said your specific alternative sounded retarded.
And yes, I'm interested in saying "no, you're wrong". I don't have any other point than saying that introducing characters late is always bad is wrong.
And flip flopping is pretty much what defines "not sure"? I am flip flopping on whether you have a point here. ;)
I'm not trying to be a dick either, man, I just wanted to call out a flawed assumption.
It actually took me a while to notice that
this should really be the official page
>Totally muscular body
>Magical creature
>Not human
I bet the Annies are aroused as fuck right now
First post. Yea Forums never disappoints.
>she deserves at least one chapter to show who she is.
We know what she is, we know why she's here and most importantly, we know she's just a supporting character. It's not like Rogats are an entirely new concept dropping now, we saw Sivo early on in the story, and expected Parley to get one sooner or later
Parley is pretty used to her massive dick flopping around, so she isn't aroused, but the Annies are gushing.
Well now that that mystery is solved, I want to go back to Forest Annie getting bullied by Paz, and maybe Court Annie standing up for her.
I want Court Annie to get bullied too when she steps up.
Then the two Annies accept their place at Paz' feet.
The real question is: Has Smitty fucked her?
still waiting for someone to recognize that dick
Aw nuts. I wanted a cute dragon guy.
That's the idea.
Huh? Looks like a generic furry dick
How can a puny little white boy compete?
Is this a cuck fetishist?
Are you ?
come on, surely you can do better than that
tom is taking those pics with long exposure times
>Are you (You) ?
I am not
Nice of you to post the original page Tom.
>introducing a random character out of nowhere
the cast is already too big
She's probably not going to feature often and it makes sense that Parley gets one of those dragon things since she's a Protector. We just didn't see much of Elgamore's because Rey possessed/killed it.
Oh yeah. She probably isn't going to like Rey very much.
Haven't seen this one in years, does this comic make sense yet or does it still read like something written by Michael Kirkbride?
Nope, and yes. Currently there is a clonecest storyline between two Annies.
Why are you surprised? We had Rogat. I was expecting parley to receive her own Sivo.
What if Gunnerkrigg Court was written by Henry Darger?
No difference.
>cvetting intensifies
Am Polish and first time I hear of them outside the comic. Didn't he said they are from Balkans in the autor comment once anyway?
Tis' perfect
>Rogat Orjak are polish
The comic itself states they were found in Slovenia/Italian mountains, pic related
>Eglamore speaks one line in slovenian to him after his demise.
Nevihta - Slovenian for thunderstorm
Cvet - Slovenian name
She (the dragon) still got some growing to do.
Because the last time we saw a dragon at the very start of the comic, it was freaking huge.
people already forgotten the dragon Reynard killed and took control
Do not read Fagtranny Cunt.
>Absolut Vodka
Well, aren’t we posh?
>Also all the characters looking like they're in the middle of a well lit white room (despite being outside at night with no apparent source of lighting besides maybe the moon) is particularly egregious in this scene
You're right, user! Lets fix that.
I wish we had anons like you for QC and DoA.
This is the second time I remember Kat trying to manipulate Annie for her own good. Kind of a jerk move.
fpbp as usual
how does kat benefit from this exactly
from the forum
For Annie's own good, thinking she knows better for Annie than Annie does.
To be fair, she probably does.
Annie is shit at being Annie.
Kat is a cunt.
No doubts about it.
>late in the story
Tom said he still has at least 5 years more story planned
>believing Tom
You poor fool
>native to most european regions
So not entirely slovenian, even if the names work.
And as was stated earlier, Sivo apparently means Bright white, and Cvet means Flower
Do you have a source on that?
Also, 5 years ago was chapter 47, so 23 chapters left?