Because it was magic that caused the revolution, not Marxism!
Because it was magic that caused the revolution, not Marxism!
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a movie for kids. Kids can understand magic as a reason for things happening, but they're going to struggle to believe in people getting fooled by Marxism.
Someone post the screencap of that one guy on /his/ who edited her tits and then tried to deflect the question when asked about it
They're literally hiding from communists the entire trip. Marxism wasn't a good thing and was never illustrated as a good thing.
Hell, if anything it's showing Marxism as being supported by a demon worshiping lich. This is terrible bait.
in fairness I bet a lot less people died in that movie's timeline, being ruled by an undead sorcerer can't be great but it beats living under Soviet communism
It's no Marxism but the fact that absolute majority of Russians had living conditions below bottom level without access to food, manufactured goods, culture, healthcare or fucking anything.
Absolutely how did you think OP was claiming the movie endorsed Marxism?
It's a kid's movie. Also the revolution was murderous shit and bloodshed but it's not like things were hunky dory under the Tzar before magical Christopher Lloyd cast a faerie spell. When shit that fucked up happens it's because shit's already fucked, there are reasons that shit happens.
Russia has never had a good time, every incompetent bumbling leader or psychotic or ammoral strong man is horrible in their own way, that's why Russians expect nothing from their government and are just fine with constant assassinations and Putin sucking up all the money and resources from industries and citizens he can.
Russia has never had it good, it's always been fucked.
They could've at least kept in the part where they put Rasputin's penis in a jar
It's a pretty easy implication to spot.
"Marxism was innocent! It was MAGIC that sparked the revolution!"
>implying Marxism isn't the same thing as magic
I'm more annoyed that Rasputin of all people was the one behind the revolution. You'd think he would have the most to gain by the Tsar still being in power.
>implying Marxism isn't the same thing as Satanism
Fixed that for you, buddy
It might as well been the work of fucking magic.
If you actually read on how the reds rose to power you'll notice that they were an idealistic bunch that didn't know what they were doing AT ALL,and were carried on the shoulders of some unholy luck of sorts, they rolled a natural 20 everytime there was any trouble or opposition.
Even their hardest missteps ended up benefiting them in the end.
People usually think of the commies as their cold war, stalinistic, cold, brutal selves, and forget these people at the beginning were far from anything like that, even stalin himself was a wide eyed dumbass at that point.
>implying magic isn't the same thing as Satanism
>and were carried on the shoulders of some unholy luck of sorts
Is this what almonds feel like when they activate?
How much of a brainlet do you have to be to not understand when somebody is being facetious?
in the thumbnail her arms look like huge tits and I like it better that way
One would need a brain that's still big enough to read and comprehend "This is terrible bait."
i watched this in 7th grade and made a joke to him about them making a similar film (mixing dark history with magic) but it's about the Holocaust. Anne Frank is turned into a ghost princess and at the end she turns into ashes and carried away in the wind
I prefer the confederate version, but don't let your dreams be memes.
but literal Satanism (the modern kind) was based on Randian Objectivism which is the polar opposite of Marxism
so which side *really* has Satan's favor? the commies or the libertarians?
Friendly reminder that Don Bluth's most famous movie prior to Anastasia is degenerate Judeo-Bolshevik propaganda that literally promotes defiling America with the Foreign Hordes. Irish harps who do a job for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for. What have they done? Name one thing they've contributed.
Votes? Votes, you say? They vote how the archbishop tells them, and who tells the archbishop? Their king in the pointy hat what sits on his throne in Rome.
Violently schizophrenic /pol/tards on our brother board, /his/, actually believe this
I now dedicate this thread to the Confederacy, pregnancy, and Anne Frank.
As an Italian American I can say that we've got the best racket imaginable going
The best thing is that this is 90% verbatim lines from Gangs of New York so it's impossible to tell if this is just an edgy reference to the movie or whether or not the person who wrote this is legitimately insane.
A remake of An American Tail that doesn't hold back any punches and actually reflects the violently rampant racism and xenophobia of the time would actually be pretty kino though.
It's a movie made for children OP, god knows any kids who watch it nowadays will also come across the five million snarky video essays about how inaccurate the movie is to real life events and figure out the movie wasn't meant to be realistic. That is if they haven't already learned it in school anyway just like the rest of us did.
>When its clearly demonic forces if not satan himself.
Nice try Pinko, your bug manual is an unholy book!
>“With the Russian Empire teetering on the brink of collapse, the tsarist regime responded to the crises with its usual incompetence and obstinacy. The basic problem was that Nicholas himself remained totally oblivious to the extremity of the situation. While the country sank deeper into chaos he continued to fill his diary with terse and trivial notes on the weather, the company at tea and the number of birds he had shot that day. When Bulygin suggested that political concessions might be needed to calm the country, Nicholas was taken aback and told the Minister: 'One would think you are afraid a revolution will break out.' 'Your majesty,' came the reply, 'the revolution has already begun.”
>“For all too many of these high-born revolutionaries, the main attraction of 'the cause' lay not so much in the satisfaction which they might derive from seeing the people's daily lives improved, as in their own romantic search for sense of 'wholeness' which might give higher meaning to their lives and to end alienation from the world.”
>“Convinced that their own ideas were the key to the future of the world, that the fate of humanity rested on the outcome of their own doctrinal struggles, the Russian intelligentsia divided up the world into the forces of 'progress' and 'reaction', friends and enemies of the people's cause, leaving no room for doubters in between. Here were the origins of the totalitarian world-view. Although neither would have liked to admit it, there was much in common between Lenin and Tolstoy.”
This is more Yea Forums but if Yea Forums were to ever read just one book about the Russian Civil War, the best choice would be by far A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891–1924 by Orlando Guy Figes. It is one of best and most seething indictments of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, and the cruelty they so mercilessly wrought on the common people of Russia.
You know what would be really cool? If someone drew a confederate, pregnant Anne Frank chopping down a rainforest and building a white bread sandwich factory in its place, saying that this is how they'll fight the nazis and the union. Wouldn't that be pretty sweet?
>they were an idealistic bunch that didn't know what they were doing AT ALL,and were carried on the shoulders of some unholy luck of sorts
Hmmm... Where have I have heard this one before?
He wasn't a modern satanist. He was a fuck a goat while you murder it Satanist.
hey, it worked great the first time
Actually, the Founding Fathers weren't all that idealistic. They had a deeply cynical view of politics and believed in the preservation of order and the status quo over introducing radical change. This is why it's so hard to change anything about the American system of government, at least officially.
24's ghost told me that part was just an urban legend.
I already poured $50 into a Confederate pregnant Anne Frank commission but it definitely wasn't as creative as that.
Is there a pregnant Anne Frank for every losing team? I'd like to see a pregnant Native American Anne Frank being the brightest sign of happiness on the Trail of Tears.
>“Convinced that their own ideas were the key to the future of the world, that the fate of humanity rested on the outcome of their own doctrinal struggles, the Russian intelligentsia divided up the world into the forces of 'progress' and 'reaction',
Sounds painfully familiar, doesn't it?
>hurr durr modern center-left liberals are commies
>I'd like to see a pregnant Native American Anne Frank being the brightest sign of happiness on the Trail of Tears.
I'm autistically brainstorming/typing up a novel where a nine month pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels are smuggled into the Dutch countryside and are caught in the midst of Confederate troops invading the Netherlands to secure a bridgehead over the Rhine and stomp the living shit out of Nazi Germany.
One of the sideplots is Anne and Peter having an encounter with Cherokee and Choctaw codetalkers and offending the shit out of them with her profound ignorance.
It helps that they tried the articles of confederation , which were a bit idealistic, first and those simply didn't work. And a few of the founding fathers made their money running contraband so there's no way those dudes wouldn't be cynical.
>Sounds painfully familiar, doesn't it?
Yeah, I guess it does.
>Steven Bannon literally publicly declared he was an admirer of Lenin
I thought the south lost the civil war.
Well seeing as Anne Frank is lying in a mass grave somewhere in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and not cradling her huge round belly, feeling the baby try to kick its way out, that's pretty obvious.
Is this what they call the existence of a hot girl nowadays?
weird looking rasputin if you ask me.
>Is there a pregnant Anne Frank for every losing team?
>tfw no nine month pregnant Anastasia being saved by the Czech Legion
How does Russia feel about this movie
>“With the Russian Empire teetering on the brink of collapse, the tsarist regime responded to the crises with its usual incompetence and obstinacy. The basic problem was that Nicholas himself remained totally oblivious to the extremity of the situation. While the country sank deeper into chaos he continued to fill his diary with terse and trivial notes on the weather, the company at tea and the number of birds he had shot that day. When Bulygin suggested that political concessions might be needed to calm the country, Nicholas was taken aback and told the Minister: 'One would think you are afraid a revolution will break out.' 'Your majesty,' came the reply, 'the revolution has already begun.”
>“For all too many of these high-born revolutionaries, the main attraction of 'the cause' lay not so much in the satisfaction which they might derive from seeing the people's daily lives improved, as in their own romantic search for sense of 'wholeness' which might give higher meaning to their lives and to end alienation from the world.”
>“Convinced that their own ideas were the key to the future of the world, that the fate of humanity rested on the outcome of their own doctrinal struggles, the Russian intelligentsia divided up the world into the forces of 'progress' and 'reaction', friends and enemies of the people's cause, leaving no room for doubters in between. Here were the origins of the totalitarian world-view. Although neither would have liked to admit it, there was much in common between Lenin and Tolstoy.”
This is more Yea Forums but if Yea Forums were to ever read just one book about the Russian Civil War, the best choice would be by far A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891–1924 by Orlando Guy Figes. It is one of best and most seething indictments of both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, and the cruelty they so mercilessly wrought on the common people of Russia.
They'd probably riot over it.
they said it was bullshit:
but understood it was a kid's movie after all.
Rasputin wasn't Marxist though.
>“Convinced that their own ideas were the key to the future of the world, that the fate of humanity rested on the outcome of their own doctrinal struggles, the Russian intelligentsia divided up the world into the forces of 'progress' and 'reaction', friends and enemies of the people's cause, leaving no room for doubters in between.
Sounds painfully familiar, doesn't i-wait a goddamn second!
I just realized that I double-quoted it by mistake. Had to correct it.
If the Romanovs had actually bothered to heed any of Rasputin's policy advice, the Bolsheviks would never have been able to usurp them and they would've kept their heads.
And this movie has the gall to paint him as the fucking villain.
Just like the rest of the world. Little Russian kid watches the cartoon for the first time and thinks "Shut up! Disney have made a film about Russia!" Then a bit latter kid realizes that it's not Disney and forgets about this cartoon completely. Till someone mentions it.
>Avel Yenukidze - Georgian
>Mikhail Kalinin - Russian
>Nikolai Bukharin - Russian
>Mikhail Tomsky - Russian
>Mikhail Lashevich - Jewish
>Yevgeni Preobrazhensky - Russian
>Leonid Serebryakov - Russian
>Lenin - Russian equivalent of a Goblino
>Alexei Rykov - Russian
>Joseph Stalin - Russified Georgian
>Leon Trotsky - Jewish
>Lev Kamenev - Jewish
>Semyon Budyonny - Cossack Russian
>Mikhail Frunze - mixed Romanian and Russian
>Felix Dzerzhinsky (architect of the Red Terror and the genocidal slaughter of Cossacks) - Polish
>Lazar Kaganovich - Jewish
>Vyacheslav Molotov - Russian
>Pavel Postyshev (architect of the Holodomor) - Russian
>Stanislav Kosior - Polish
>Vlas Chubar Ukrainian
>Lavrentiy Beria (architect of the latter stages of the Great Purge, NKVD "mass operations" ethnic Poles, and Germans leading up to WWII and later the mass expulsion of ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe) - Georgian
>Nikita Khrushchev - Ukrainian
I mean, you're only 60% wrong, but that's still mostly wrong.
Thumbnail made me think she had monster tits
Lenin was literally a Zionist Jew.
Solzhenitsyn was CIA agent. His books were published and promoted on american taxpayers' money. Everything he ever wrote or said was straight up bullshit.
This should be in /pol/
>Lenin was literally a Zionist Jew.
Lenin was a mix of every Slavic and Asiatic ethnicity under the sun, as well as some Northern and Central European ones such as German and Swedish. He was baptized in the Orthodox Church and was raised in the faith until the age of 15.
He couldn't be more remote from a Jewish Zionist if you had tried.
The first revolution was not carried out by Bolsheviks anyway. Theirs was the second one that cost us the first world war and caused a crippling civil war.
The thumbnail made it look like she had giant tits edited in.
Fund it.
I miss the days when one could mention their anne frank fetish without any pregnancy shit
He was quoted as stating that jews are the most brilliant people and outright hated ethnic christian russians.
This is on fucking record.
Yeah, how DO you spell Boo zzshwah Zee?
I don’t :)
>To call a fight for the Zionist idea of a Jewish nation, for the federal principle of Party organisation, a “fight for the equality of the Jews in the world family of the proletariat” is to degrade the struggle from the plane of ideas and principles to that of suspicion, incitement and fanning of historically-evolved prejudices. It glaringly reveals a lack of real ideas and principles as weapons of struggle.
>Treat the Jews (express it politely: Jewish petty bourgeoisie) and urban inhabitants in the Ukraine with an iron rod, transferring them to the front, not letting them into the government agencies (except in an insignificant percentage, in particularly exceptional circumstances, under class control).
Sounds like he was a bit more of mixed bag.
There's no mix in that bag.
Dude was a zionist jewish biggot and everyone at the time knew it.
Old fountain head
The thumbnail made it look like she had massive tits.
That's probably what they were going for.
Artists had to be masters of subtle illusions that trick the mind into seeing something that really wasn't there to draw their eyes and attentions.
All of the sexual imagery in those disney posters and stills for instance.
Too bad they didn't go for it making her look pregnant.
>post quotes demonstrating that Lenin disdained Zionism and bourgeoisie Jews
Despite the quote's use by far right anti-semites, Solzhenitsyn wasn't saying that the Bolsheviks were all literally not Russian, but rather that they were alienated ideologues who saw themselves as fundamentally separate from and greater than the mass of the Russian people, who they saw as backward, superstitious peasants.
Solzhenitsyn's works were all written within the Soviet Union under intense conditions, that they were distributed by the CIA does not in any way affect their authenticity. Go back to Twitter, tankie.
Yes, this is what gets me about it the most.
I know that, indeed that's the point of Two Hundred Years Together that Russians and Jews (in addition to other ethnicities) both bear the collective blame for the disaster that befell their country in the early 20th Century. But it's used in the context as you mentioned that Bolshevism was somehow entirely run by Jews, which was simply not true and is only peddled by those whose understanding of these events is simplistic.
I would say that OTMA would be the pregnant Anne Frank of the White Army in the Russian Civil War... Except half of the Whites were Left SRs and ex-Socialists who wanted to string up the Romanov family themselves.
>Because it was magic that caused the revolution, not Marxism!
You're right. The revolution was the work of Marxism–Leninism, which can magically make your food supply DISAPPEAR!
>This is why it's so hard to change anything about the American system of government, at least officially.
Yeah, they didn't want a new president or congress that got elected to be able to make sweeping changes to the whole system, since it would just happen every new presidential/congressional election, resulting in the people never really getting a stable system. I can appreciate the intent.
pregnancy is impure, deflowered, spoiled
>"Treat the Jews in the Ukraine with an iron rod, transferring them to the front, not letting them into the government agencies"
>h-he was totally a Jewish supremacist! those tricky Jews are just playing 5D chess!
Dark magic.
Can I get a better pic of those?
Satantism used as a vague evil is just christcuck lingo for enemy because they can't comprehend anything but an extreme black and white view on things.
>Satanism was based on Randian Objectivism
lol, imagine being this retarded
The only thing they have in common is that they both advocate being "selfish", but to Rand that has a very specific meaning involving what she believes to be objective psychological requirements for well-being and long-term rational calculus, whereas in Satanism it just means "do whatever the fuck you feel like lol". Rand specifically condemns that type of selfishness as "whim-worship"
Georgians are better than Russians at ruling Russia
At what point was this thread ever about the Don Bluth film?
> about the Don Bluth film
There is nothing to discuss about it. Marxism, Jews and Anne Frank on the other hand...
There was a moment in Treasure of Manhattan Island where a mouse stands up against his bosses and gets beaten within an inch of his life by a corrupt cop. Does that count?
OP is a faggot
The people were already revolting and wanting Marxism, Rasputin’s magic just made it easier for them to break into the palace
Is this what really they teach you guys at history classes?
So......when is Anya gonna join the Disney Princess brand?
>Does that count?
Not really on account of all the cops being depicted as Irish.
IIRC An American Tail is set in the late-1870s and while the opening scene is an obvious depiction of the anti-Jewish pogroms that were common in the final decades of the Russian Empire, it makes virtually no reference to the rampant racism and xenophobia that was pervasive at virtually every level of American society at the time.
You'd be surprised. Thanks to current Russian regime propaganda, most Russians are now genuinely nostalgic for the Soviet era and think Stalin was the greatest person that ever lived.
There was nothing idealistic about the Nazis. The very point of their ideology was that everything is terrible and the world has to return to some fantastic imaginary past (now with extra improvements) to make shit great again. It's your standard authoritarianism down to the last letter.
What a shit compilation, the bait wasn't even good in the first place. This place has really gone downhill.
That's right, kids are stupid and don't know anything about how the world really works, so we shouldn't ever tell them everything. Finding out that magic isn't real and bad people aren't just puppets of some cartoonish, nebulous otherworldly evil will certainly break their poor stupid little minds.
>The very point of their ideology was that everything is terrible and the world has to return to some fantastic imaginary past (now with extra improvements) to make shit great again.
So the Nazis idealized rural life rather than urban life?
>pregnancy is impure, deflowered, spoiled
>Anne Frank
You forgot the most important part about Anne Frank
What are you.....
>Georgians are better than Russians at ruling Russia
>oversees three separate genocides and a devastating war that results in the death of 1/6th of the entire Soviet population
>What are you.....
The reclusive lead singer of a critically acclaimed rock band from Lincoln Parish, Louisiana.
>Czech Legion
>let’s flee russia the other way we came from
Correct. Urban life was degenerate according to them, while rural regions were full of proud, pure Aryan Germans who practice family values and are the true Germanic stock and the future of the country. Of course, the question of why, then, almost everything of value was always produced in cities never came up. Or how they were planning to run their glorious Aryan military without the factories and education that cities provide.
>durr hurr nobody can invade Russia in winter
>Czech legions: Not with that attitude!
Seriously, Holywood movie when? That whole story is so unbelievable that blockbusters are practically writing themselves.
The Broadway musical fixes this. No magic, just soviets
Well I mean Nazism was often seemingly going in ten different directions at once. On one hand, you have Darré and Rosenberg decrying "asphalt culture" and idealizing the German peasant and the traditional values they supposedly represented. On the other, you have Hitler and Speer planning to rebuild Berlin as Welthauptstadt, the BDM and Hitler Youth being encouraged to have illegitimate children, and Himmler decrying "traditional marriage" and saying it was every SS man's duty to have extramarital affairs to produce more soldiers for the Third Reich.
National Socialism was truly the Schizophrenia of ideologies.
Agreed. Soviet Communism soon went down the same road, switching its precepts almost every decade.
>Abolish marriage! It's outdated and bourgeois!
>Actually, forget that. More marriage and children and traditional values!
>Uhhh, most of our men died in the war. Have extramarital affairs for the Motherland!
>But sex is evil and only the degenerate, rotting West enjoys it!
>blah blah blah Americans are racist and lynch blacks
>Btw. Do not count days, do not count miles, count only the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the German - this is your mother's prayer. Kill the German - this is the cry of your Russian earth. Do not waver! Do not let up! Kill! (this is an actual excerpt from an article by Ilya Ehrenburg that was republished in countless Soviet newspapers and magazines)
Russia has gone through every fucking political system there has ever been so nothing even surprises me anymore
The straight-to-video “Secret of Anastasia” had actual commies as the villains.
Isn't that made by a two-person studio infamous for their notoriously bad knockoffs?
>Muh Royalty dindu nuttin
Literally Propaganda from Westerners who would rather Non westerners Stagnant while being ruled by Morons who enable western interests rather than ruled by people who can threaten Western Hegemony
The Soviet Union's claim that it was "fighting imperialism and racism" while it was busy commiting all types of ethic cleansing all over USSR was a really good joke.
>It has been estimated that, in their entirety, internal forced migrations affected at least 6 million people.
>Some 1 to 1.5 million perished as a result of the deportations.
Germans aren't people so it doesn't count
They all look so bummed-out.
Because it’s subjective. People will always think they are in the right and fight for their idiotic beliefs without questioning them in the slightest
This revolution is the main reason the western working class can enjoy such relative prosperity and influence as we do. It scared the shit out of the bourgeoisie internationally, rich fucks everywhere pictured themselves hanging from a noose. It is no coincidence western working class got showered with new rights and benefits first half of the 20th century.
But now as the echoes of 1917 grows fainter, especially with the death of USSR, so does our rights.
>transforms your semi-feudal shithole in a nuclear superpower
psh... nothing personnel kid
>nuclear """superpower"""
As North Korea has proven, it's very easy to get nukes if you're willing to throw your entire economy at it.
>it's not racism if we do it for equality
some things never change
As another Italian-American I can tell you we established that by tearing down the established Irish American racket that oppressed us and putting up one of our own.
I like how this movie puts all the focus on anti-Irish racism while only vaguely referencing how viciously racist the Irish were against Blacks (to the point where the New York Draft Riots were really a race riot more than anything).
The White army should’ve won
Because all that shit should be left to parents and education, not a goddamn (technically) disney cartoon.
>muh racism and xenophobia
i think that's just New York being a shithole.
> pregnant confederate anne frank
what the fuck is going on here
>i think that's just New York being a shithole.
Except some of the worst acts of anti-immigrant violence happened in places like New Orleans, Philadelphia, Los Angeles (against the Chinese ironically enough), and Washington DC.
All miserable urban shitholes, it's almost like packing minorities in abject poverty will make them eat eachother like hamsters
Hush my child, just accept it.
Are there homogenous cities of comparable size that had no such problems?
I'm sure it's possible to appreciate the qualities of rural lifestyle while still relying on urban ones to get by.
They were idealistic in how fervently they believed in liberty and democracy (something European writers mocked them for) but the system they were fighting for was pretty much the system they already had, just independent from Britain.
The man was 1/8 Jewish. Not even the fucking Nazis would’ve considered him Jewish enough to care about.
/pol/tards have to connect everything and everyone they hate with Jews and Zionism, even if it makes no sense. These are the same people who are completely convinced Marxism is a Jewish plot even though its founder was literally quoting as saying “The question is not the liberation of the Jews. The question is the liberation of mankind of Judaism”.
>They all look so bummed-out.
Not as bummed out as they do here.
idk what they call the Orthodox art style, but I like it.
>IIRC An American Tail is set in the late-1870s
1885 actually. But you’re right that the movie focuses on exploitation of immigrants rather than any violent reactions to their presence.
That’s completely idealistic. Thinking all your crazy ideas and program will work out just because you believe they will.
Something like this part:
>“Convinced that their own ideas were the key to the future of the world, that the fate of humanity rested on the outcome of their own doctrinal struggles, the...intelligentsia divided up the world into...friends and enemies of the (cause), leaving no room for doubters in between."
Sums up basically every "movement," or at least some people in that movement. It's always shitty and leads to people being jackasses to opponents but also vicious infighting. Where is tips over the line is where they start on murder, torture, and extermination of their enemies and eventually their "friends" too and it becomes basically just a naked struggle for power.
No matter the supposed ideas behind it or how good (or bad) the intentions at the start, stopping a movement from turning into this is hard as fuck. While not all movements are the same getting hung up on some ideological label and becoming a fanatical fan of it, thinking its followers can do no wrong, is stupid. The real world is too complicated for a one size fits all solution and just killing everybody who doesn't agree with every damn thing you believe only works for a little while.
This I can actually understand, as both the Nazis and the Soviets really saw the Eastern Front as a war of annihilation and fought it as such. It’s ironic, since if Hitler actually exploited ethic tensions and made allies of the Balts and Ukrainians (and the many, many other people who hated Stalin) instead of trying to genocide them he almost certainly would’ve won. But shit like is obviously ridiculous. It makes all those leftists who praise the USSR for anti-imperialism seem ignorant or duplicitous, since both Russia and the US were imperialist as hell, the only difference being the particular countries they chose to imperialize.
they could have used the communists, but of course a zombie monk satanist is much more family friendly
Shut the fuck up, you Zionist jew!
Although they could have a point because even jewish people have their internal struggles. Personally I dislike the ideology of Marxism and it's real life impact.
>Thanks to current Russian regime propaganda, most Russians are now genuinely nostalgic for the Soviet era and think Stalin was the greatest person that ever lived.
Our gov is very anti-stalinist. Archipelago Gulago is in the school program. It's just that russian people are waking up and want to see elites and other undesirables shot again. And Stalin is associated with that.
Why is that?
Why is what? Wanting executions? Our elites are going full retard fast, just today president's press adviser was wondering publicly about statistic report by Rosstat that said 1/3 of russians can't afford new boots. His daughter lives in the mansion in France btw. Absolute disconnect from the people and much incompetence. What's next, let them eat cakes?
Goddamn, fpbp
>ok peasants you are 99% of population so your land you got from the reds goes back to aristocracy mm k we are so gonna win this civil war
Brilliant minds they were
You don't even know what marxism is besides being a buzzword, retard. Back to /pol/
>husband got such a boner for Gangs of New York he wants to fly a Know Nothing flag on our flagpole
Do any vendors even sell Know Nothing flags?
pregnancy is gross and a deflowered virgin is by definition unpure, you retarded mongoloid
Stalin is associated with elites getting shot because he's associated with everyone getting shot.
Marx-Leninism=/=true Marxism you retarded American
>That's not REAL communism!
Ah yes the reds who actually own your land not you
>pregnancy is gross
The ABSOLUTE level of homosexuality of this post
>a deflowered virgin is by definition unpure
There is absolutely nothing impure about a girl bearing the child of the man she loves. It’s literally what women are made for.
you're talking about her being fucked by another man, you cuck. and besides babies always wreck the pussies and make them loose
Technically Marxism didn't caust the Revolution either; the Bolsheviks rose up against the post-Tsar provisional government.
>you're talking about her being fucked by another man, you cuck
>implying I don’t fantasize about Anne Frank being pregnant with MY child
>and besides babies always wreck the pussies and make them loose
>I know nothing about human biology: the post
>implying birth isn’t also hot as fuck and that I don’t already cream my pants at the thought of Anne Frank birthing my big ole’ baby with her tiny body
What I would pay for someone just to draw that...
you're gross
even for a pedo
Other women fundamentally have to bear the children of other men for your own progeny to eventually mate and pass on your genes, mate. You can't fuck every girl and not let any other man fuck a girl without failing your own biological purpose.
Here's a fun fact!
After giving birth, the woman's body has a natural way of tightening up: breastfeeding! That's right, when they feed their baby, it is said that the woman feels "contractions" down there - the natural act of suckling sends signals to the vagina to tighten it back up. Some women say this is pleasurable, and some even liken it to orgasmic contractions. Some women straight-out orgasm with breastfeeding for this very reason!
sounds like bullshit
Orgasmic birth is unironically my fetish Nirvana and makes me hard as a rock just thinking about it.
What I would give to be one who gives Anne Frank that experience.
you're a treat, pregnant-anne-frankposter. did you know that japan associates periods with anne frank because she mentioned them in her diary? pic related is a box of anne frank-branded japanese tampons from the late '60s. check out more about it here:
>you're a treat, pregnant-anne-frankposter.
Awww... Thanks.
>did you know that japan associates periods with anne frank because she mentioned them in her diary? pic related is a box of anne frank-branded japanese tampons from the late '60s.
Wasn't Rasputin already semi-undead for almost the entire decade between the Russian Revolution and Anya going on her adventure?
Yeah, even in the movie timeline, Russia still had to suffer under the Soviets.
You can't claim that the hysterical WW2 worship and the "muh greatness" party line doesn't help fuel Stalin's popularity. As for your elites going full retard and being completely out of touch, this shit has been going since 2011/2012 at least.
>hysterical WW2 worship
Is it as cancerous as it in America or worse?
Much worse. Due to the rather unpleasant reality of the 20th century Russian history, many Russians have fixated on WW2 to an unhealthy degree and use it as a way to excuse everything that came before it or after it. Stalin and the communists murdered millions of people and ravaged the army? Doesn't matter, we won WW2! USSR stayed shitty for decades? Doesn't matter, we won WW2! Get asked to behave like a proper, civilized country? But we won WW2, you owe us! Literal "Sudetenland belongs to Germany" type of rhetoric coming from the government? But we beat Nazis in WW2, how dare you!
It's vexing, to put it mildly.
I'm sorry, it's just hard to believe that anyone could have an unhealthy fixation with WWII as American Boomers, Antifags, Stormfags, and Jews who pretend to be still assblasted about the SIX MILLION KILLED BY ARYAN MONSTERS but are really just shilling to promote their Hate Speech Watch doxxing business and people who are still angry at Japan for Pearl Harbor.
Russians, I can be somewhat more forgiving of because 1/6th of their entire population was exterminated and the country was so throughly devastated that the Catherine Palace, one of the greatest sites of Russia's cultural heritage, is still undergoing restoration nearly 80 years after German troops plundered and burned it.
Americans on the other hand have never endured such horrors on a scale so vast that the human imagination cannot begin to comprehend it. Even the darkest days of the Civil War were comparatively tame to the barbarism that was a daily occurrence on the Eastern Front. Sometimes I can't help but wonder how different things would be in this country if we had been invaded by the Nazis and subjected those same horrors.
What I don’t understand is why are Nazis considered right on the political spectrum when they have leftist policies
My dude, the Nazis outright coined the term privatization.
>The first mass privatization of state property occurred in Nazi Germany between 1933-37: "It is a fact that the government of the National Socialist Party sold off public ownership in several state-owned firms in the middle of the 1930s. The firms belonged to a wide range of sectors: steel, mining, banking, local public utilities, shipyard, ship-lines, railways, etc. In addition to this, delivery of some public services produced by public administrations prior to the 1930s, especially social services and services related to work, was transferred to the private sector, mainly to several organizations within the Nazi Party."
You can argue that all authoritarian regimes end up looking the same in the end, regardless of their purported origins, but the Nazi party ideology, confused as it was, was explicitly built in conservatism - a desire to return to an imaginary past and deny new developments.
Russia's (actually the Soviet Union's, which isn't the same thing) loses were partially caused by a) Stalin's complete devastation of the army ranks, depriving the army of experienced, and officers, and b) the fact that the USSR got caught with its pants down because they had decided to team up with Hitler instead to divide up Europe, and got unsurprisingly invaded at the first opportunity.
So if we're talking about the WWII devastation, keep in mind that the Soviet leadership bears about 40% of the responsibility. The Nazis and the USSR began the war as allies.
They were militantly anti-Communist, anti-democratic, and some Nazi thinkers railed against "degeneracy" and promoted a return to the traditional "rural values" of the German peasantry of ancient times. But at the same time, they also engaged in some of the most degenerate shit imaginable on top of carrying out a war of extermination against conservative Catholic Poles and Orthodox Slavs.
Ultimately, I think Nazism should not be placed on the left-right spectrum at all because it was an ideology going in ten different directions at once. The only thing they seemed to collectively agree upon was "Germany should rule the world" and "Jews should be wiped out".
Reminder that Rasputin's daughter knew what her father's penis looked like.
I was more referring to the devastation wrought on the common folk of the Soviet Union, not its near-military disaster. The countless cities bombed, towns burned, villages wiped off the map. Men, women, and children raped, enslaved, deprived of their homes and livelihood, or outright murdered. They bore the worst of it.
Oy vey, when jews celebrate localhost it is cool and understandable, when russians do it to mark their victory over nazis it's unacceptable goyim! Forget and move on already, but never forget holocost!
Those two things go hand in hand. The ravaged, demoralized army and society was easy pickings for the Nazis, not to mention the Soviet atrocities primed some of the absorbed countries (like parts of Ukraine or Latvia) to side with Germans due to the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" logic.
>they had decided to team up with Hitler instead
Instead of what? fighting nazis 1 on 1? All soviet offers of anti-nazi alliance with Britain and France were refused. Last talks took place in August 1939 when Stalin was told to fuck off again.
So tell me what atrocities the Jews committed during WWII, genius?
I blame the name for the confusion
>National Socialist
All of them
Not him but the Bielski Partisans were implicated as possible participants in the Naliboki massacre alongside their Soviet counterparts.
There were also individual cases of enraged Jewish soldiers in the Allied armies killing German prisoners although this behavior was hardly unique.
They way I see it is that Jews are just tired of being pushed around and persecuted. Hell many communists were Jews because they related to being abused by other classes. Ironic that the Soviets also hated them too. They and Polish were always looked down upon and beaten. But then they had an opportunity to actually have their own homeland and began defending it viscously. Though I don’t know why so many in America and Europe are pro left when they are extremely conservative elsewhere
Fuck conservatives. If they could shut up abd think for fucking five minutes neither revolution of 1905 nor both revolutions of 1917 would had happen. All they do is shoot themself in the foot for the sake of LARP.
>Though I don’t know why so many in America and Europe are pro left
Jews in America are overwhelmingly Ashekenazis, who were the Jews of Eastern and Central Europe that lived under the boot of the Tsardom and other monarchies for centuries and a result tended to be supporters of movements that preached equality such as the Bolsheviks.
Despite the memes about Israel being entirely populated by the descendants of Holocaust survivors, the country tends to be both more Sephardic (who are generally right-wing leaning) and the descendants of Ashekenazi settlers who arrived prior to WWII. Indeed Holocaust survivors and their descendants are generally viewed with extreme disdain if not outright contempt and traditionally have existed on the fringes of Israeli society. Poor, mentally ill, drug abusers, and alcoholics.
>Despite the memes about Israel being entirely populated by the descendants of Holocaust survivors, the country tends to be both more Sephardic (who are generally right-wing leaning) and the descendants of Ashekenazi settlers who arrived prior to WWII. Indeed Holocaust survivors and their descendants are generally viewed with extreme disdain if not outright contempt and traditionally have existed on the fringes of Israeli society. Poor, mentally ill, drug abusers, and alcoholics.
Yes to the first part, no to the second part. That may have been true in the earlier years of the state but the Eichmann trial marked a turning point in the treatment of survivors by their fellow citizens. Certainly there is no stigma attached to being the descendant of one.
>blaming marx and not the dumbass tsar
For a moment from the thumbnail I thought she had giant tits. Kind of disappointing this isn't an edit thread.
>That may have been true in the earlier years of the state but the Eichmann trial marked a turning point in the treatment of survivors by their fellow citizens.
Still pretty true now actually.
>literally living in such squalor that even the Palestinians likely pity them
Anastasia needs more drawfaggotry, specifically of her being pregnant so Anne Frank can have a playmate.
Yeah, but that's just part of the poverty problem, which is quite widespread in Israel, as well as being part of a fringe population group (the elderly), which Israel also doesn't have a great track record with (and the two factors obviously go hand in hand). Go up to people and ask them if they personally hate Holocaust survivors and they'll look at you like you've grown a second head.
Further on the subject from a more recent article (January '18):
>About a quarter of Israel's ~200,000 survivors live under the poverty line
>Some haven't claimed benefits they're legally entitled to due to unawareness
>Whoever immigrated after 1953 gets less money even if they were prevented from leaving by Communist authorities
>Nevertheless, their overall situation in general has improved in recent years, through there's obviously a long way more to go
(From article written by the founder of the Aviv for Holocaust Survivors nonprofit)
Fucking marxists men. Why can't people appreciate being a child laborer working 14 hours a day or being drafted for a capitalist world war fought over markets? or working in a land owner field for half the crop? Ungrateful wenches, ruining aristocratic way of life and threatening sacred private property. All these traitorous talk about classes' hostilities when we are all one nation under God, now fuck off low-born scum your betters are walking Ugh.
>January '18
> ~200,000 survivors
pol was right, death camps improve life span.
Either that or Israel authorities are smart enough to realize it's a scam.
You jest, of course, but it's completely logical that those who managed to survive tended to be on the sturdier side. My own survivors grandparents lived into their late 70s (with a chronic lung illness) and early 90s.
They weren't fooled. Russia was under an absolutist monarchy at the time. Its not like democracy was going to magically come to the country at the time, nor would it have solved its many ills.
>Why can't people appreciate being a child laborer working 14 hours a day or being drafted for a capitalist world war fought over markets?
As opposed to being a slave laborer in a Gulag working 14 hours a day or being drafted for a Communist world war fought over whose form of socialism is better?
>but it's completely logical that those who managed to survive tended to be on the sturdier side.
This would explain why Otto Frank survived Auschwitz while his wife and daughters didn't. He had spent 1914-1918 living in a muddy trench full of his own shit. As a WWI vet, he probably had developed partially immunity to the diseases that killed the rest of his family.
>My own survivors grandparents
And yet things got better under commies. Russians fought for their nation in 1941 with much more resilience than in 1914. Hitler's war plan for soviet state to quickly fall apart, something he and his bourgeois bros saw as an obvious result, failed. That's what happens when you start believing your own anti-commie bs.
>Child Labor!
Wasn't stopped by marxists.
>Long Hours!
Wasn't stopped by marxists
Was DEFINITELY not stopped by marxists and in fact it was left wing people with marxist ideals that introduced the policy during the first world war in some countries.
>working in a land onwer field for half the crop.
Half of the yield of a farm is quite a decent pay especially if you're not providing seeds, equipment etc. Also not Marxists that stopped that.
I think you're ignorant at best and deluded at worst.
Things were also getting better under the Tsar due to economic reforms and increased liberalisation. The whole 'SOVIETS MADE RUSSIA INTO ECONOMIC POWER' thing is ridiculously overstated and was being done prior to WW1 anyway.
>Russians fought for their nation in 1941 with much more resilience than in 1914.
Because they were fighting a war for their literal racial survival. Do you think the Russian Army would've caved in in 1917 nearly as easily if Wilhelm II had decreed that they were an inferior race of people and were be annihilated/enslaved?
>increased liberalisation
Except it was a meme. Russia got parliament that had no say in serious matters, also voting system was fucked up too so it was very right-wing. In the end even if revolution failed Russia would have to pay enormous WW1 debt, it would become interwar Germany 2.0 or Italy 2.0
While soviets were not magicians they did accelerate Russian industrialization. Something fascist Italy failed to do for example, Mussolini could not even build a medium tank for his army in WW2.
I'll give you the condensed version.
>born in Poland
>father owned a leather factory
>was a kindergartener when the war broke out
>wound up in the Vilna Ghetto
>father continued working at factory
>family later moved into the Kailis forced labor camp
>eventually she and her mother were smuggled out and hidden in an underground group beneath a pigsty with some other people
>father and sister were later killed
>after liberation made her way to the British Mandate of Palestine via Italy
>went to America to earn her degree at MIT
>defended her thesis nine months pregnant with twins
>born in Poland
>grew up in France
>was young teen when war broke out
>after the invasion, whole family kept moving south, staying one step ahead, mostly on bikes
>most of his extended family back in Poland were murdered in Ponary
>got smuggled over the Pyrenees
>emigrated to America (pic related)
>became a rabbi and chaplain of Mt. Sinai Hospital
My brother of niche hentai taste.
>delivery of some public services produced by public administrations prior to the 1930s, especially social services and services related to work, was transferred to the private sector, mainly to several organizations within the Nazi Party.
That sounds more like consolidating power within The Party than actual privatization. The Nazis were not free-market types.
>Being a literal serf just as long as nignogs were slaves
>Get fucked over when being freed and having to slave away for food
>Getting a world war + revolution combo
>And another one
>At least 4 different armies try to gain the upper hand
>Having any serious posessions taken and hope you don`t have enough to be considered kulak
>Get to work for free on communal land and most of food being taken away
>Barbarossa ensues
The only time when things were somewhat good is 1960-1980 and only because you had a pretty decent chance not to just die.
This has been a good thread for once.
>Dictators are politicians
One of the old medal of honor games had that exact phrase being screamed at you by a commisar at the beggining of the game. He also shot some dudes that got scared and tried to escape.
Those were some Kino games.
By the way, the phrase "Yeah, but you're lynching blacks!" was born as a satirical Soviet summary of the crude Soviet propaganda of the 1950s-1960s, portraying the US as a dystopian hellhole of racist violence (unlike the idyllic "friendship of nations" and literal ethnic cleansing in the USSR). Popular joke:
>Radio Yerevan gets a question from America:
>"Can an engineer in the Soviet Union buy a car?"
>A long, painful pause ensues, until Radio Yerevan finally replies:
"...W-Well, a-and you're lynching blacks!"
Sometimes people just get lucky/unlucky. A rather famous case of this is the first Roman emperor Augustus. In 23 BC he fell gravely ill. Everybody was terrified that he would die, since Augustus was stressed and overworked, had always had poor health, and had suffered multiple serious health scares before that. His young and strong nephew got the same sickness. Augustus fully recovered, but Marcellus died.
You sure it wasn't a Call of Duty game? Only one Medal of Honor title had a Soviet campaign and I just replayed it, couldn't find anyone giving that speech.
>defended her thesis nine months pregnant with twins
best I could find
Reminds me of the Soviet Jew who wanted to emigrate to the USA and was brought in for questioning by the KGB.
>Tell me, Comrade Rabinovitch, for what are you wanting to leave our glorious Mother Russia? Do you not find fine food in our supermarkets?
>I can't complain.
>And are you not satisfied with our brilliantly designed motor vehicles?
>I can't complain.
>And is your salary not perfectly adequate for all your needs?
>I can't complain.
>Then why do you wish to go to America, that hellhole country of capitalist dogs?
>Ah! THERE I can complain!
Damn, did they meet in America?
>Real communism hasn't been tried!!!111!!11
How many times has it not been tried, now?
Speaking of Soviet antisemitism:
>A Soviet synagogue has to choose a new rabbi. There are three unsatisfactory candidates:
>One knows Talmud, but isn't a member of the Communist Party.
>Another doesn't know a thing about Talmud, but is a member of the Communist Party.
>And the third knows Talmud, is a member of the Communist Party, but he's a Jew.
And the family values:
>Stalin era. Two guys are sitting in a prison cell:
>"So, what are you here for?"
>"Well, they brought me to the NKVD and asked: 'On which side of the bed are you when you're sleeping with your wife?' I'm thinking, if I say on the right, they will lock me up for right-wing tendencies, if on the left, then for left-wing tendencies, I if say that she tops me - for subversive activities, and if I say that I top her - for exerting pressure on the masses. So I told them 'We don't have sex, I just masturbate!'
>"They locked me up for squandering the national family capital."
*if I say
>"They locked me up for squandering the national family capital."
Go back to Twitter you retarded millenial
>itt Yea Forumshis/int/
I like it.
The Julio-Claudian dynasty's track record of all the good heirs dying off before they could inherit led to the famous theory that Augustus' wife Livia murdered them all to ensure that her son Tiberius would succeed, as seen in I, Claudius.
>defended her thesis nine months pregnant with twins
That must've been a strange sight.
She always downplayed herself by claiming the only reason the board passed her was because they were afraid if they didn't the stress would make her give birth right then and there.
After her death I looked up her thesis paper online for a lark and actually found it listed for sale on eBay for several hundred dollars for G-d only knows what reason.
p tame to me desu even if both are true
Is Bibi the most powerful fucking guy in the world right now? Trump AND Putin in his pocket and favourable to Israel? EU started becoming hostile to Israel, now it's imploding and he's helping the people who want to destroy it. Makes me wonder about those "Russian hackers". Quite a lot of Russian ex-pats in Israel, I hear...
Not hating on the Jews here by the way, more impressed.
Was playing the ultimate pity card of being a little Jewish girl who survived one of the most notorious genocides in history AND so heavily pregnant that she could’ve popped right then and there part of her plan?
>Can you fucking focus?
>Not hating on the Jews here by the way
Good. You know your place, goy.
I don't understand how anyone can support communism when it almost always resulted in some form of mass murder or bloodshed. Even the very concept seems pretty insane.
Communism is the absolute best economic model there is except for one problem: it doesn't work.
Give me a big titty Ashkenazi gf and I'll even help out in your plans for world domination.
God dammit, Turtledove!
it works as long as you don't have humans be part of it in any way
Exactly. It's great on paper but doesn't account for human nature.
Nigga, this is gonna be the anti-Southern Victory since it's North and South teaming up against the Nazis and put an end to the Final Solution.
Technically it hasn't been, only the kind Lenin liked. I'm not gonna pretend that it wasn't "real" communism (you might as well talk about real capitalism) but communism itself is a pretty big umbrella of ideas. Anarcho-communism, for example, has been attempted a few times (in France, Spain, and Ukraine) but was always crushed.
Also gonna thrown some Vietnam and Iraq War and New Testament references for good measure
This thread is honestly higher quality than most discussion of the Romanovs on /his/
It's more like idle speculation, no? Suetonius liked to gossip and it's highly unlikely that Augustus, who was generally a good judge of character, would have overlooked a poisoner for decades. There's also a theory that she poisoned Augustus, but considering that he lived to a ripe old age of 75, it would be the least effective poisoning imaginable.
her crossed arms, at first glance, looked like mega titties. one of you Yea Forums artists, get on that and make my dream a reality. i promise ill pay for the commission later
This, but make her pregnant too.
Hell, I'm just amazed it hasn't been overrun by boogeymen and that most of the discussion is levelheaded, well-informed and good-natured.
Those who worked 14 hours a day in an ordinary gulag were the lucky ones. The really unlucky were sent to radioactive uranium mines and then for medical experiments (Butugychag).
>At the northern end of the cemetery, the land is entirely covered with bones. Clavicles, ribs, tibia, vertebrae. All over the field, you can see white skulls sliced in half. Smoothly cut over the toothless jaws. Large, small, but equally desolate, tossed on the ground with an unkind hand, they lie under the piercing blue Kolyma sky. Was their owners' destiny really so terrible that even the bones of these people were doomed to desecration? The stench of those bloody years still lies thick here.
>I don't understand how anyone can support communism
Well the idea that the result of work should belong entirely to the worker and not to some guy that pays him scraps and pockets the rest is pretty appealing. Especially when 99% of us are not some guy and never will be.
Indeed. Things would be better for everyone if the mega-rich practiced the principle of noblesse oblige, at least. But most of them don't, so we get cycles of obscene inequality and subsequent dumb revolutions that ultimately end with everybody being worse off.
>killing the enemy soldiers at war is bad
You have aroused my interest...
Tell me more/link me some good sources
Did she?
fuck off mohammad nobody cares about your precious shitskins getting btfo
>While soviets were not magicians they did accelerate Russian industrialization.
No. No, they did not.
It's true that Stalin attempted to force rapid industrialization, sacrificing everything else. The idea was to sacrifice short-term standard of living to reach the long-term goals, which is praised for being a radical and dubious but obviously effective policy. After all, if you sacrifice something, you obviously benefit in some other field, right?
Everyone buys it. Why?
Simply because we are taught to recognize temperance as a virtue. If a man is prepared to tolerate some difficulties for the better future, he must be a wise man with a vision, and he knows what he is doing.
Only it did not work. The agricultural production dropped dramatically, sure, but the industrialization growth was nowhere as impressive, and not nearly enough to compensate for that. In fact, it barely returned to pre-Stalin levels by the time WWII started; and agriculture never recovered at all.
He fucked up the economy and caused mass famines to get worse results than if he just kept early Soviet economic policies and touched nothing.
All in all, Soviet regime was outright harmful for the Russian economy.
Modern economic growth models clearly show that the Tsar's economical model would have performed better both in the short term and in the long term, avoiding mass starvation AND building stronger industrial base.
Who is the Native American equivalent of Anne Frank anyway?
thumbnail made it look like she had giant boobs
You have to go back
Pregnant Anne Frank is a /his/ meme, isn't it?
>one day 23 hours ago
>the thread is still alive
Based /pol/ bait poster.
Dafuq is this pic
Killing is bad. But you do it to get things done.
>he doesn’t have wank fantasies of a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and pregnant Grand Duchess Anastasia drinking tea in a peaceful garden together with little tea sets while outside, General Nathan Bedford Forrest decapitates Nazi and Commie scum with a Katana for trying to disturb them.
>anons self inserting into a fantasy as civil war era protectors of real murdered young girls
Wait a minute. What the fuck. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, is Henry Darger influencing Yea Forums from beyond the grave?
The economic model would have been better if Russia had been a democracy and not an absolutist monarchy.
>AU Confederate soldiers on a tank
>that one black guy probably a house nigger as they call em
>I'm only here cuz dad said he'd let me be a full citizen if I survive.
Free blacks could be surprisingly pro-Confederate at times. Albeit they tended to be more wealthy and thus more likely to hold other blacks as slaves.
>Posts Shitty Steampunky version of what is supposed to be a russian soldier pre-1920 because Dice didnt had the time to make proper White army soldier models in which in any way it would have looked shit
>Says the one that has also an army filled with browns
same against same just like aways
That’s because Romanov/Russian Civil War talk on /his/ always devolves into people jerking off over the daughters and shaking their fists at the Jews. Every single time.
Even a slightly more enlightened monarchy would've been an improvement. A century ago Saudi Arabia was a pile of sand, yet its oil riches allowed Saudis to build a pretty wealthy country in just 40 years, despite the ubiquitous corruption and inefficiency. Without the Soviet era and the breathtaking kleptocracy of the Putin regime, Russia could have been very wealthy indeed.
Wouldn't that be more /pol/?
>Non westerners
Did she what?
Also I forgot to mention that she was a chemist and had to get a skin graft after getting hydrochloric acid spilled on her leg.
Fucking A!
If someone gets the clap from a DIRTY SLUT WHORE I’ll know you’re actually Harry Turtledove.
He might be posting
Like the filename name says, Confederate infantry capturing a Sherman ta--
Oh, ha ha. I get it.
So exactly how new are you?
It's a pretty mindboggling oxymoron of a name. National Socialism. Like calling yourself an Up Downist or a Green Pinkist.
No clap for Johnny Reb pal. The sex will mostly be Peter indulging in his newfound pregnancy fetish and Anne's already nympho-maniac brain already being sent into overdrive by the hormones.
However, Anne will have the misfortune of overhearing a LOT of extremely salacious comments by Confederate soldiers (who naturally are under the impression that she doesn't understand any English and proceed to run to their mouths about everything from masturbation, handing out porn to Dutch school children and teaching them to swear, to debating about whether or not they should fuck her) in addition to flagrant racism and anti-Americanism.
But communism doesn't promise that you will get the full value of your output, but that each will contribute according to their abilities and benefit according to their needs, both being determined by the state of course. And why should labour get all the output anyway? Production is the result of labour and capital working together, why are the providers of capital not entitled to anything?
Tzar and serfdom, not Communism and holodomor, OK praise Jesus
This was such a wild ride holy shit I wish I could have been there.
>soldiers holding a flag that resembles a previous enemy force
Americans are weird.
Most of them are descendants of said force.
>But communism doesn't promise that you will get the full value of your output, but that each will contribute according to their abilities and benefit according to their needs, both being determined by the state of course.
There would be no state - you just take free stuff, and work would be you contributing to the society willingly because not working is degenerate and boring. A self-regulated utopia. They wanted humanity to be like one big family of cavemen where you do everything to support the tribe and always get some mammoth meat because you wouldn't be some random individual anymore, it's your family. Heaven on earth. Christianity made true.
You may say it's impossible but a society without slavery and child brothels was seen as impossible just ~150 years ago. Yet here we are. Human nature can change with enough conditioning.
>why are the providers of capital not entitled to anything?
No man can just create so much wealth. Which means he tricked other simpletons into creating it for him. Now we can see through his tricks. Game over.
A force of traitors fighting to preserve slavery, no less. De oppreso liber, motherfuckers.
We have slavery and child brothels, it’s just not the norm. Still tolerated though.
Combining vaguely defined state support for those who "deserve" it with blood and soil rhetoric is a very effective strategy if you want to reel in a lot of disaffected people. Tribalism and the desire for free stuff is one hell of a drug, even if the ideology behind it makes no sense and has no way of working out.
JIDF bot farm in action.
I missed a word and it was triggering my autism. Calm down, user.
No one was tricked, it's called compounding returns, capital grows over time, barring wars or major depressions. You still seem to think that labour creates all the value, you know that theory was debunked over 100 years ago, right?
And as for your self-regulating utopia of caveman family...
> that theory was debunked over 100 years ago, right?
capitalist lies
Daily reminder that comics and cartoon are reactionary bourgeois propaganda and you are actively financing the imperialist policies of the USA by consuming them.
Superheroes are fascist fantasies also.
If you can't accept the concept of marginal product then good luck trying to run an economy, and I'm not even going to go into the socialist calculation problem.
I do not get it. Nobody expects you to befriend 7 billion people. But you can move and be accepted in the new place. And not be an asshole to the bus driver in the process.
>muh traitors
>De oppreso liber motherfuckers
>brutally oppresses the people of Vietnam to the point of wearing the heads of severed babies (I’m not fucking kidding, google “Tiger Force”)
The Confederacy and the Viet Cong were both unironically 100% morally in the right for their noble resistance to American imperialism.
Real fascists would never tolerate something as individualistic as American superheroes. They're too much of a threat to state power.
>Magic is more likely than a functioning Marxist state
The Soviet Union and then North Korea loved its overachieving "heroes of the people". Most of it was just propaganda, but still.
At this point it was Lenin, so we're still dealing with an actual Marxist.
Marxist-Leninism was Stalin .
"Peace, land and bread" in a time of global war, serfdom and famine is a pretty good slogan.