What's your opinion on this show Yea Forums? Personally, this is some of the best animation and art styles I ever seen.
What's your opinion on this show Yea Forums? Personally, this is some of the best animation and art styles I ever seen
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Got that tales from the crypt/tales of buster scruggs vibe and visuals make sense for each theme.
I would love a second season. The Witness was my favorite one.
I hate the photorealistic CGI shorts. Most of them could be done with real actors and it would've have made any difference.
Heavy metal for zoomers
That just shows how mindblowing CGI has come. I swear to God I couldn't tell if this was a real woman or CGI it's that damn good. I wonder how much it cost to make this episode because the CGI was unreal
I feel silly for asking but:
The Ice Age short really WAS live action mixed with some CG effects, right? I watched it on a crappy phone so I couldn’t see it very clearly, but I’m fairly positive the two main actors were genuinely live action.
how much money did the US military give this project?
Nah, it’s too SJW
Heavy Metal - Boomers
Robot Carnival - Doomers
Love Death and Robots - Zoomers
I think that one was the only live action one. Everything else was animated or CGI
Bloomers - Animatrix
Zima Blue had the best plot twist in decades
It brought back memories of me watching this show:
most of them felt like a complete waste of time
the only must see ones are
Zima Blue - the only one that seemed to remember its supposed to be an animated short and not a tech demo, video game cinematic, or pilot.
Good Hunting - this one is really good but man i'm a pussy for decapitation and i never realized what a horrifying concept forced mechanization really is
The Witness was pretty clearly mostly live action
That doesn’t seem right. The Witness is the one in . It’s nice CG, but it doesn’t look live action. Do you mean it looked rotoscoped, or that some of the backgrounds seemed live action?
The Witness was all CGI user
I loved it. Also Pan's episode rankings were mostly utter garbage, he has outed himself as the pleb he is.
Anybody have some high quality Screen caps of the zima blue episode
some of those stills are amazing and i would love to get prints of them or atleast use them for desktop wallpaper
Pan has garbage taste in general
Is there anything else like sonnies edge ?
The concept seemed interesting
You can tell it was originally a Heavy Metal reboot. You get all the gratuitous nudity, gore and swearing you'd expect.
Overall I liked Three Robots the most, though Beyond the Aquila Rift was also pretty good, though terrifying.
It's shit. Only a few of them have even a half decent premise and The Witness and Sucker of Souls have the only noteworthy animation.
Zima Blue pissed me off with how poorly it constructed its themes, Sonnie's edge was obvious, beyond the aquila rift was stupid and excessive, and Good Hunting may be one of the worst and most baffling shorts I've seen in a while
>watch beyond the aquila rift with a friend
>immediately obvious that girlfriend is not real
>friend jokes that they could go the super lame and obvious route of making her a giant space spider
>ofw they actually fucking do it
your friend saw it before hand you fool.
It was alright, would be nice to see more of it.
Actually I take that back, Good Hunting has noteworthy animation too; noteworthy in that it shows underage vagina for no reason and has some of the worst keyframes you've ever seen in something with a budget (the faces, my god)
Zima Blue
Lucky 13
Secret War
Are the best ones
Sonnies Edge
The Witness
Aquila Rift
3 Robots
Are good
The rest aren't worth mentioning
There's like no music so you really can't
Definitely the best-looking one imo.
I liked Suits. Mechas with lasers, missiles and high caliber guns shooting at things are always fun.
Loved Aquila Rift and The Witness. Former because of how amazing CG work can become and the latter because of the nice colours and sound
Sonnies Edge and Shapeshifters could become a cool B rated movie or series.
most of them were an enjoyable watch, but Aquila Rift ended up leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Not because the girl wasn't real or anything, just that it was so obvious from the very first scene she was in. The song choice during the sex scene just drove it home and was a bit too on the nose in my opinion.
3 cyclical endings
All style no substance
Posting my favorite short
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Sadly felt like wasted time.
Which ones?
>Also Pan's episode rankings were mostly utter garbage, he has outed himself as the pleb he is.
You’re only know realizing this, about the man who said he loved dyke she ra?
This, but call me a pleb because I really liked Zima Blue. Also 3 robots deserves its own mini series/webseries
Three robits is the best of them. Most of them didnt show anything charachterwise.
Zima blue is, in mt opinion, too deep in it's own ass. Too pretentious
And? Too many shows of late have been trying lore only to fuck it up alonge with it's characters. Of the episodes 3 robots, good hunting, fish night, zima blue and ice age were the best with the rest being not as visually interesting or too generic compared to the other generic ones but the shortness of them is what saves it. The only true bad few in my opinion are lucky 13, alternative history, and beyond the aquila rift for being in order nightmarishly by the numbers, not funny enough, and wasting time on characters with visuals only at the end.
huh... I didnt find it pretentious at all. Dont see why anyone would? just a story of a robot coming from very humble beginnings only to return to it.
Zima Blue was the best short.
I could watch a series based on 3 Robots. The rest I didn't care about and I wish most of them weren't realistic CGI.
I almost faped to this.
Fish night was cool but it just kinda ends. The Russian one was neat too, I liked how it showed the demons playing and there's even a part where you can see them helping other demons out of the landslide.
I really loved Fish Night because as a paleontologist I've honestly never thought of that concept of ghosts but I was also slightly annoyed with the mishmash of time periods and the usage of a general shark when there were so many other worldly terrifying real creatures they could have used
Wasn't he eaten by a dunkleosteus?
I'll have to re-watch to make sure but I remember being specifically disappointed that it wasn't a Dunky that polished of Ben Tennyson
he did had a point that too many of the shorts went for the realistic style when it didn't really add anything to the plot or style
so was Heavy Metal to be honest
>dude, we have +18, lets show dongs for no other reason than we can
Got a Mignola vibe from secret war.
>gay werewolf soldiers in irak
Easily the worst of the bunch
I didn’t like Sonnie’s edge because of the tonal shift between monster fights and Yuri. Specifically the type of yuri where one girl is really gruff and tomboyish and the other is really prim, proper, and probably rich. Like, butch on lipstick. That’s my fetish, and I used to be way into it, so I just kind of got aroused and ashamed at the same time. Like, i guess it was funny, because i shipped the two as a joke in the beginning, then it actually started happening and I thought, “Those bastards. They did NOT turn this into a fucking slash fic”. Then the girly claw lady bared her tits, and there was a reaction shot of Sonnie’s eyes bugging out, and that made me lose my shit.
What’s wrong, big boy? Can’t handle a some cock in your face?
Suits was a starcraft lawsuit waiting to happen
The idea of ghost fish made wonder if anyone has done a fantasy style game or show with a necromancer that uses the bodies and souls of animals instead of humans.
The Witness has the hands down best animated human movement I’ve ever seen.
To me, personally, it was like ads. Showing a little to put the name on things, and moving on. Most of the shorts never managed to interest me, beside style. Nothing storywise. And the animated cinematics would be bettel made live action. Right now, it's in that place where it is almost looks like real person, but there is something off putting. 4/10 as a series. 7/10 as the tech demo of new videografics.
>nudity can only be female nudity because I’m an insecure fuckface
Honestly a Paleo-necromancer would be fucking sick, they could have zombie mammoths and dinosaurs to do their bidding, way better than puny human skeletons
Top tier animation but predictable story.