Hey Yea Forums...

Hey Yea Forums, remember that time that Gwen cheated on Peter with his best friend's creepy dad at the drop of a hat for some reason and was fine with tricking him into bringing up the kids?

Just a friendly reminder that it'll never actually be retconned because it'd require bringing attention to it ever happening to begin with and Marvel don't want it scaring off casuals who otherwise wouldn't know since Gwen is having some mainstream popularity now for the first time in years

Attached: 2012AmazingSpiderman05PR030612-1.jpg (900x600, 107K)

Problem is, if they don't retcon it, then it's only a matter of time before a shitload of normie clickbait sites bring it up on a regular basis.

Friendly reminder that thanks to BONG Norman no longer remembered Peter's identity and he solely went after Gwen because she had his kids and wouldn't let him see them. Imagine how confused he was when Spider-Man said he was going to kill him after Gwen Stacy died.

You could easily go some way towards legitimizing Sins Past and easing the fans' near-universal hatred of it by presenting it as a sexual assault. Even the Gobbokids can be explained as just having Gwen as pro-life.

Quesada still gets his trashy drama, Gwen doesn't get her grave pissed on by getting retconned as a truly horrible person 20 years after she was killed off and Norman's image is unscathed since it just reaffirms him as a totally evil psycho.

Gwen is beyond repair, I hate it but it's true between Norman and now Miles with the alternate universe shit, just forget about her.

>JMS' last request after Quesada rejected his original scripts for OMD was to use it to retcon Sins Past
>Editorial not only said no, one of the first stories in the BND era confirmed it was still canon

Does Quesasa honest-to-God actually think Sins Past is a clever storyline?

>You could easily go some way towards legitimizing Sins Past and easing the fans' near-universal hatred of it by presenting it as a sexual assault.

People like you just have to ruin everything for Norman, don't you?

nah it's been confirmed that it was consensual, it also happened during Norman's brief period as a genuine good guy (when he had amnesia after his first defeat by Spider-Man and reverted to a more benign version of his pre-Goblin personality), after the classic story where he saved Gwen and her father from being killed by Kingpin

Gwen is a disgusting "woman" and Marvel is a filthy company.

Marvel is grotesque publisher. Probably the worse in the planet right now.

Good. Let them find an excuse over why this is misoginistic. Marvel Comics needs to be humbled a lot more.

This brings Marvel's stupidity to a whole new level. How many years has it been since the GOBBED reveal and they STILL don't want to retcon it. There's absolutely no reason to keep it canon with everyone hating it.

>Just a friendly reminder that it'll never actually be retconned because it'd require bringing attention to it ever happening to begin with and Marvel don't want it scaring off casuals who otherwise wouldn't know since Gwen is having some mainstream popularity now for the first time in years
This is a really common problem in capeshit. You can’t really retcon shit like ‘mutie hating bacteria’ or ‘Matt Murdock’s heat pits’ without making the whole thing even more convoluted. It really is better off ignored.

Unless there’s gonna be an event this year that decides Sublime or whatever it’s called it slowly turning a bunch of randomized blind people into pythons and pit vipers, because that is the kinda shit I would pay to read.

>There's absolutely no reason to keep it canon with everyone hating it.
Well, it keeps you guys talking about it. I wish I could retcon my worst decisions.

Interesting word choice.

>Well, it keeps you guys talking about it.

But that's actually what Marvel doesn't want, in this case.

so here's some backstory on how this disaster happened: originally the kids were supposed to be Peter's, but Quesada thought that would make him "seem too old" (Joe Q was really stuck on that point and neurotic about it, that's why he was so insistent on undoing the marriage) and suggested they be Harry Osborn's kids instead.

but since Harry hadn't taken the goblin juice yet while Gwen was still alive, it didn't work for JMS' whole "the twins are adults because their dad's mutated DNA made them age fast!" premise. so he used Norman Osborn instead, loosely playing off a Paul Jenkins story from a few years earlier which had very subtly implied that Gwen meant something to Norman aside from just being related to Peter.

also, to address the stuff mentioned with and : the original implication in the story was that Norman was in full psychopathic Goblin mode when he fucked her, and that he'd seduced her (arguably using some kind of mind control, going by JMS' wording) at least partially as a way of getting revenge on Peter. however, the Silver Age fans couldn't find a way to fit it in the timeline, since Gwen wasn't around during the time period when Norman was active as the Goblin: he was actually portrayed as a good guy following his first defeat by Spider-Man, since he got amnesia and forgot he was the Goblin. he only resumed being the Goblin twice more before he killed Gwen and 'died' for the first time, and both times were very brief.

eventually a fan going by the handle "MadGoblin" came up with a theory: Norman and Gwen had actually hooked up while he was still a good guy, specifically at a time when Gwen was single and Norman had just saved her and her father's life - which both fit the continuity and made the whole thing a lot less creepy/rapey. (I mean, it was still creepy because he was 20-30 years older than her, but at least now it was portrayed as fully consensual sex between two single adults, a moment of weakness for *both* of them following a close encounter with death.) this also conveniently happened shortly before a period when Gwen was absent from the books for a while, which nicely tied into the whole "went to Europe for a few months to hide her pregnancy" part of the plot.

anyway, this fan theory worked so well that Marvel decided to officially make it the canon explanation in their next series of handbooks, although generally they've done their best to ignore the whole fiasco (with the exception of a single story during the Dark Reign era that brought the Goblin babies back, but that was promptly ignored too).

Anyone has the gag from 2005-2006 where Gwen's is complaining at Marvel editors for this? I'm not sure if it was on "Marvel Adventures" or "Stan Lee meets" series. She's there in line with a lot of other characters that Marvel retcon for some bullshit reason

Actually, never mentioning it again is a valid way to retcon, but you have to make it an editorial mandate behind the scenes. A snide joking reference to it would also work, but that's purely for the mega nerds (Hey, remember that time Mysterio tricked me into thinking Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy had kids... that was nuts!).

lol so it's executive meddling mixed with literal fanon, that explains a lot

Well, it is filthy.

I am sure I saw both of this posts before
You are disgusting redditor, you really wanted the attention so much that you had to make a thread?

Garfield and Stone were very cute together, shame he cheated on her and ruined it all.

That said, if even half the shit in those leaked Sony emails about his behaviour is true, the guy sounds like an utterly insufferable asshole.

made him a good choice for the character though

You know all that complaining people were doing about Russell's Second Coming comic? That's what expected to have happened with OMD, but didn't. What a fucking load of bullshit.

Sins Past is still only the second worst Spidey story behind One More Day.

Fucking Quesada.

>he cheated on her
Fucking what