Did this age well?

Did this age well?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hussie expressed regret in his commentary.

if nu-Hussie regrets it, you know it was good shit.

See you in three days.

I wonder if Hussie will ever be able to write anything like the Problem Sleuth/early Homestuck ever again.

The caucasian joke was good.
Reminder that Problem Sleuth 2 would've made for a better point-and-click game than that failed project Hiveswap, but Hussie wouldn't have made enough money from the autistic side of the fandom if he hadn't done Homestuck 2.

It aged funnier considering Vriska causes John to pass out and get stabbed, which he didn't know was going to happen, on top of his Cosby Laptop.

Attached: JohnFarFuture.gif (650x450, 78K)

Is Homestuck suddenly banned on this board?

No, Homestuck aged horribly. As soon as the Trolls were introduced it went to shit.

For like half a decade. Except when it's not.

Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

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does anyone really, TRULY, not joking, remember homestuck outside of its rabid as fuck fanbase?

its like Zim fans in 2019. no one fucking cares.
just stop, you too undertail guy, your next in being forgotten. faggot.


why would hussie talk down about his one and only perfect creation; homestuck

>tfw guy has old Hussie's writing style down pat and could probably make a good Homestuck rewrite if he put his mind to it

Well at least all hope is not lost

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Who are you talking about?

Which guy?

Sure, I do.

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Like chocolate pudding.

at least undertale was good all the way through and didn't make me waist 8 years of my life for a shit ending that was not worth it

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Fuck no. Fuck off guy, you're a schizophrenic and you write like a machine learning experiment gone wrong.

I'm not even guy I just find him funny

Fuck off guy.

I miss him so much. It was always a fun thread when he was around.

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The hell it was.

Thought I was walking into a House of Cosbys thread. What the hell is this bullshit?

Should we tell him?

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go get new material pls

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>jump on the bandwagon at the start of problem sleuth
>enjoy the multimedia experience greatly
>Homestuck begins
>starts out pretty cool
>goes nowhere
>makes a beeline towards the absolute middle of nowhere, with an uncanny sense of purpose.
>it's going to get good, right?
>any day now, right?
>any year now, right?
>hussie is just going to give us the ol' switcheroo any day now, and turn it around, right?
>endless hiatus
>shit ending
>MS paint adventures is fucking over forever
>years pass
>some game comes out I never bother playing.

How did it all go so wrong?

Attached: 86da4250a2e80c49413c9bb569354f9f[1].jpg (500x634, 38K)

Just browse tumblr. Sure you'll have to deal with the vast amounts of heterophobic tweens but still.

... I'm not this desperate for images.

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best ship coming through

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Well, it's not the most powerful computer in the world, it's still good for shitposting in bed

As some who dropped the comic during one of the many hiatus hells. What was so terrible about the ending?

Yes we know

Attached: colored coded so you can tell the long haired black girl is jade and the guy with short blonde hair (500x355, 186K)

Why do they all slap freckles on everything? I don't get it...

Sometimes freckles are cute

As someone with freckles, attracted to freckles, not everything needs freckles.

How about this

Attached: freckle jade.jpg (960x1280, 307K)

Okay I must have doubled the size of my collection before Tumblr's search page stopped spitting out image results.

Attached: tumblr_nea9nb7Y451tdktwuo1_400.jpg (271x186, 13K)

see that wasn't so hard

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Yeah, like that
Holy fuck, user

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God dammit that Jade is way too cute

not enough blue itt

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i don't know exactly how to describe it underwhelming maybe i think it was more the fact that a lot of people probably didn't think it was that great but expected it to get good it had a lot of potential but it ultimately didn't the end was just the last straw we didn't even get to see the fight against caliborm and it was left in a sort of cliffhanger that didn't get resolved until the credits and the snapchats which were still shit

Homestuck was ten times more innovative and well-written until act 6 than Undertale. It was unironically a multimillion dollar franchise.


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His hand isn't even moving

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That's badass
Also why did he flip out and try to kill everyone again?

because fef is a BITCH

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He lost all hope

It aged better than anyone could have predicted.

What is that background supposed to be? It looks like the inside of a giant human's body cavity?

Karkat's anus

Shitty curtains

Undertale was utter shit though. It had nothing of what made early HS great and had nothing that made it great on it's own. The best part of the game is the music, the rest goes from decent to god awful.

I kind of admire you for staying so attached to your otp

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that's actually really funny.

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Where can I meet people for real before it's all over? Is there any anniversary meetup in texas?

>Nepeta will never fart on my dick

I liked the concept, and I think it built on it's themes well. It may have been heavy-handed and overly sentimental, but not everything needs to be nuanced and complex. The script writing, however, was fucking terrible. There were maybe two characters who's dialog I wasn't cringing through. And it got away with shitty graphics, but I would never praise it for them.

Did you draw that? If you did please consider never drawing again. Or maybe just try looking at a curtain once in your life.

That's a scene from the comic you dumb nig

it was over seven years ago, user

You don't want to meet people who liked homestuck in real life. Take it from someone who has.

I've seen too many of these threads roll by without discussing music.
Who is your favorite musician?

Malcolm Brown is my favorite musician, but Heir of Grief is definitely in my top five favorite tracks.

Toby. I was a big fan of his stuff when Homestuck was still in act 5. And as of now I really appreciate Tensei. Time On My Side kicks so much ass.

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>They missed the scene where Jade takes Dave back to her house, gets him drunk, and starts taking off his clothes while licking him all over his body

every single real life homestuck I've met shipped rosemary and still praised hussie as a mastermind writer
why must fans have such low standards?

the only homestuck fan i knew IRL was a big black guy who loved Vriska (and named his cat after her) and shipped DaveJade to the point where he modified his beats to have their symbols on either ear.

Why is Toby so mean?

Come up with better sprite^2 combos than what we got.

Attached: Jack kills Davepeta.gif (650x450, 282K)

I sip a cup of Joe. I remember the dark days, of stalking Hussie, that one old fellow, through a forgotten place. It hardly seems real to me now, just a strange idea of reality.

That one Andrew Hussie, who spread ruination to so many lives. How could I have forestalled vengeance upon him? I sip. It was simple, really. In the darkness, I think, I just wanted things to fade away. Why even remember what had been, and what could be, in that fateful moment when Andrew let his webcomic enterprise tumble?

I sip. I remember occasional episodes of hypothetical violence, and I wonder if they will become real to me. Because in the growing light of eventual dawn, I will push away from this diner's seat and no longer be satisfied with things fading away. Andrew Hussie should be punished for his crimes of failing children, and generally being disagreeable in many aspects.

Because he's now on YouTube

>bowman has a fucking stripper pole in his bedroom
nigga what

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Post under-rated homestuck tracks.


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No idea why they made the titles for different characters in this album when they weren't written for them but Olive Rogue kicks ass

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Yes I do. people came to /hsg/ talking about having made friends or even finding a girlfriend. How could I not be jealous?

>Indigo Heir and Gold Mage are both for Dirk

Attached: hmmm.jpg (770x571, 258K)

I'm asking "why" but i'm saving this anyway.

I dont know that they're massively under-rated but...

Crystamanthequins is great. Also the name is fucking impossible to remember and it has like 4 different versions so its always a bitch to find the one you're talking about.

A taste for Adventure is absolutely fucking incredible and that's really all there is to say on the matter.

Not enough people talk about pipeorgankind. It deserves every drop of love it gets.

I renamed all of the tracks on those albums to their original titles. It upsets me when songs written for a specific character are appropriated for another. That song was originally called "Air for Electric Bass", prominently features a bass guitar, and clearly written for the one character in the comic who knows how to play that instrument.

It rustled my jimmies when Time On My Side was was used in a Dirk flash too. That song clearly has time fuckery in it. You can't just give it to Dirk because it has record scratches and sounds badass. Give him his own damn song!

My favorite from that album was Olive Scribe. It makes me sad that took what I think was the only songs written for PM from her. Cobalt Thief was another egregious one, as it had Morse code in it.


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I fucking love crystamanthequins. The song goes well with "Make her pay."

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Every time I'm eating M&Ms and I see a green and an orange one side by side I'm reminded of Davepetasprite.

What an ugly color combination.


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It can look good sometimes

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They got rid of /hsg/ but threads are allowed. Though they crop up occasionally on Yea Forums as well as here. they're better on Yea Forums too

Mods will still frequently delete threads or put them on auto-sage. This one will probably be the same once it's discovered.


no wonder dirkjake was garbage

I did a reread because the 10th anniversary is coming up.
The moment I saw the Cosbytop there was one of those
aw noooooooo...
kinda moments like "Anyone new reading this is going to see Bill Cosby is anywhere in this comic not being shamed and flip their lid not realizing this was written in 2009"

Technically, Davepetasprite was the color of DirkJade

Attached: bro_and_jade_by_kirahatesyou-d3a3oio.png (600x800, 1001K)

Reminder that all the Skaianet shit was talking about 4/04

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Jade thankfully has better tastes in Striders than that.

Skaianet, while well done, is probably just a fan.

God that fucking song is way too good for the shit the ending was

The music never went to shit
>no davekat song
>musicians agreed with that one image of shitty black dave being shitty

I don't know if I like more pipeorgankind or showtime piano refrain god they're just too beautiful

With Blues, You Lose.


Still the best.

All that hope
How did it go wrong

This sound familiar? Y/N?

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What was your honest opinion on the trolls? I felt like they were wasted potential.

So? The epilogue is still missing since Lord English took it.
Which is a really convenient excuse if it is fan-done, which I'm finding more and more likely.

They always felt line intruders on the story and everything they did was self-contained and ultimately added nothing. You could remove them from Homestuck and gain nothing but a net positive.

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I dropped it for like a week after 10 pages of Karkat

Doing a full-on Alternia arc was the seed of the comic's downfall, in retrospect. Who was going to do all the banter and exposition without a couple trolls though? Nannasprite?

>Hussie changed Caucasian to Peachy out of spur of the moment political correctness
>little did he know he left this ticking timebomb and now it's too late

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As actual characters my opinion on them varies, but their atemporal trollian shenanigans were the most genius thing in the comic. Particularly John and Karkat's backwards relationship and Karkat arguing with his past and future selves.

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It was already apparent the man was far gone

To this day I haven't got a fucking clue what homestuck is about, trying to get Yea Forums to explain it only leaves me more confused

Give me the entire rundown on why Andrew Hussie was amazing and why he's bad now. Was he just a content creator leading a DeviantART and tumblr type community? What made his writing so unique and special?

He only made it Caucasian in the first place to trigger the exact kind of retards he did that whole segment to upset, and man did it work. Hamsteak was partially a mistake.

This whole album really was great


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He was writing a parody on bad OCs and he accidentally created a perfect template for kids to follow instead. Everything followed from that.

Mfw it would be impossible for me to play Sburb because I don't have any friends to play with

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Just play by yourself.

They skipped the final boss while talking about how stupid he was after 6,000 pages of build up.

They then skipped making a new universe because that's for losers.

All the attention was poured on the brave, diverse ships that Hussie implied for maximum fangirl arousal.

Vriska solves everyone's problems because that's a bold choice that encourages discussion about moral ambiguity.

Caliborn's session seemed like hell to me

git gud faggot

Has anyone ever made a sburb tabletop rpg?

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I got this.

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It was SUPPOSED to be story about a bunch of teenagers overcoming their family issues while they play what basically is Cosmic Chess: The Video Game a la Jumanji.

It quickly turned into a narrative clusterfuck which prime objtive was to pander to the casual fandom as much as possible, leaving no room to explore what the actual idea was first built on.

In the end, it came to be what we would know today as "the Anti-Earthbound".

Attached: It's pretty straightforward.png (576x432, 374K)

Is [S] John: Reunite with loving wife and daughter the best flash?

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Awesome user! Thank you!


that and Act 6 Act 6, obviously

Attached: God_tier_Caliborn_homosuck.png (316x215, 3K)

>It rustled my jimmies when Time On My Side was was used in a Dirk flash too.
agreed. i love time on my side but it was never meant for dirk and didn't even fit the flash either. i found it really distracting because of how obviously dave-like it sounded and knew the song was for him anyway.

katpeta shippers are virgins

i loved the trolls' interactions with the kids in the earlier acts and i like a lot of the weird alternian/troll lore, but act 5 act 1 was such a fucking slog and overall the cast was completely wasted and there was way too much focus on certain characters. the trolls could've been utilised much better than they were and it's a shame they weren't.

That's a new one.

No argument.

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Too many of them, wrong ones survived

I'm running one right now for several scrubs
We're already on 6 dead kids

Both Terezi and Karkat were really good. Eridan and Equius are also a special mention in my book albeit I can't really say much about the rest.

Attached: darth deuce.gif (680x400, 122K)

Are you the guy from the discord?

>Let me tell you about Homestuck

Probably. The game's going to wrap up in a couple of weeks and I'm never doing this shit again

Attached: king.gif (1277x635, 178K)

that's what happens when you play games with discord trannies :(

I want VRISKA to femdom me

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No trannies luckily. We've got an insufferable autist though.

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t. Hussie

Hussie has good taste
still don't know why people hate Vriska desu

Attached: Vriska!!!!!!!!.gif (400x499, 174K)

Quick acid test: who here thinks Woody Allen is a pedophile?

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The autistic side of the fandom would've lapped it up all the same. You don't have to work hard to appease the autistics, just work specifically.
It's a different section of the fandom entirely that Hiveswap et al is bent on baiting.

They'll delete threads sometimes at the drop of a hat.

It's O K, but not necessarily similar to nor as good as AH.*

*when AH isn't bending himself prostrate to be fucked by the god of basic bitch-tier liberal delusion

Which point in the story did it begin to go nowhere? (for you)

Actually perfect, like only an impossible green-eyed asian girl would be as good as this cutey for Jade

Why does dave have one hand in his pocket? It looks awkward, and clashes with the fact that Jade has just one arm

I wonder if Rose ever accidentally cries out John when she is having sex with Kanaya?

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Doby Fogz :DDDDDD

Seriously, Toby is great. Mike Bowman is also some kind of legend, though I have yet to ascertain what kind exactly. He has a sense of humour that shines through his works despite very few overt jokes. Joren de Bruin just kicks ass. I tend to think in individual tracks beyond that point.

If I remember Homestuck correctly, every character either wants to bone John or wants John to bone them. Generally the latter.

Why did Karkat have such a strong hateboner for John?

There's only one kind of person who remembers Homestuck, and it's cosplayers.

Those sexy cosplayers with their sexy legs.

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I completely hypothesised that the Retjohn was to grant a suffusion of many extra sprites and sprite kernels so that interesting characters could be brought back from the dead in amusing amalgam forms at the time. Ideas that stood out to me:

Grandpa Harley's retrieved corpse + Poppop Crocker's retrieved corpse + dug up John's Dad. One vast ball of vague paternity to the various CrockbertHarlishes.

Both Mom Lalondes + the spare Nannasprite. Could form some kind of ambiguous doubleact with Paternalsprite^2.

Both Bro Striders + the new ARsprite, assuming that the previous incarnation of ARquius made it across from the other timeline. This one could the dubious sprite that goes off the rails

All three incarnations of Jack Noir. This just seemed too perfect to pass up at the time ... still does really. It would be Jake's ultimate enemy, a Ring Four-fold First Guardian Cyborg Sprite^2 Archagent with the power of Ultimate Destruction, two formidable weapons and Jack Noir's treble-concentrate personality. Only Hope could defeat this opponent, and at a terrible cost.


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You know how you can love chocolate and love bratwurst but understand that the two interfere with each other rather than cooperating? That's how I feel about hybridising Bad Girl with Vriska. Vriska IS Travis.

Yea Forums janitors have no qualms about pruning any HS thread that's not like 50% or more about an upcoming game

The concept of the Trolls treads a very fine line between imitating and mocking internet teenager foolishness, and actually just exalting that foolishness and putting it on a pedestal. Unfortunately it tripped and fell on the wrong side.

In hindsight, the decision to have the Trolls go on stupid rampages and kill each other was the right one... but the decision to have it be so out of the blue was not. Troll society may have established that Trolls are significantly more violent and impulsive than humans, but a point like this really needs to get rammed home long, hard and consistently, like a naughty waifu. The circuit of 12 Trolls on the meteor should've been scrapping the entire time they were cooped up together, and Eridan should not have been as outlierish.

Eridan, Vriska, Gamzee and Karkat were the only Trolls written consistently within the message of what makes Trolls different from humans. Karkat is included because Karkat is explicitly a human-like mutant, and his strengths and weaknesses reflect this. The trouble is the rest of the cast could just be humans in makeup from a funny civilisation. We are informed that Equius likes smashing things but don't see him get "smashy" around his fellow Trolls. We are informed that Nepeta likes stalking and hunting, but we never see her prepare an ambush and actually savage anyone. If this sounds fucked up then good, that's the point. Trolls are meant to be aliens and are meant to seem fucked up to humans, by human standards.

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Quite a few, but they tend to be ... good on alchemy, poor on Heroic Titles. Depends on what you're interested in.

I'm interested in making some kind of tabletop HS game, only a strategy game rather than an RP. If anyone's interested I might have a go.

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Is this a joke?



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>Both Bro Striders + the new ARsprite, assuming that the previous incarnation of ARquius made it across from the other timeline.
Ever heard of a BROVERDOSE?

>This one could the dubious sprite that goes off the rails
Oh most definitely.

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kek solicited

The real question is who would BrARsprite face in the ultimate Brodown?
>Regular Dirk?

Attached: 1548378541307.png (334x297, 70K)

I really wanted that battle

The only entity capable of matching the enormous mangrit BrARsprite^2 possesses. Paternalsprite^2.

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Comic needs more Aradia

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The only way. I wonder how that conflict would get set up. Since Grandpa Harley was one of (Dirk) Bro's many mentors ish, and their alt versions are gay lovers... hrmm. Lot of fuel here.

Is Cans big enough to keep up with these bad boys? I'd hope so desu, but then again I adore the Felt.

All I want is more Aradia freaking out John

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Why John though? They talked like once and he fuckin ran away what do you expect to happen if she freaks him out again he just would fuck off again


I don't get it at best you'd get more of Aradia don't know how to human and staying stuff like she's in a Strange Planet comic and then John going kthxbai

With only that I'll be happy tho

Why was Karkat so angry?

Rubyquest was always better than anything Andrew Hussie ever made.

Severe Vitamin N deficiency.

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wouldn't that combine them?

is she gonna give John some sting cheese?

>Shitty for the sake of being shitty
>Referential for the sake of being referential
>Complex for the sake of being complex
It's a fucking mystery.

Something like that

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Just think of it as losing a Davepetasprite^2.

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It's not complex

I always thought it was passed on from the Sufferer and the Vast Expletive

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Remember when the ancestors mattered?

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>Remember when the ancestors mattered?

Attached: 0u0.gif (500x350, 158K)

Literally none of the Ancestors ever mattered except for HIC.

But Meulin tho.

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I think we've read different things user

Why does she have big fat cat tats while nep has itty bitty kitty titties?

theymatter to my peepee

Why? What did you read? How did it work out in that version?

Because genetics in homestuck are not fair same reason why Vriska is flat while Aranea is THICC

Vriska is only flat because that's what Hussie jerks off to.
It's not coincidence that the best characters are flat.

I think you mean to say Vriska is fat


Anyone else attracted to Meenah the trashy gutterslut?

10 more days

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Meulin is a pampered house cat who grew up in a welfare state smoking catnip with her mateclown. Titty game fierce.
Nepeta is a feral huntress with a DEX/AGI build designed for ambush kills, with some STR necessary to drag carcasses back to her home. No room for titty in such an active lifestyle.
Big D is a wild beast who was tamed by her boyfriend. Might have brought him dead birds as a gift now and again but largely left her animal side behind to chronicle his sermons. Along with her advanced age, this lead to her being hard-soft muscle-titty. The best of both worlds.

Attached: tumblr_oofqxctk8B1qe7jq7o1_1280.png (834x982, 309K)

To get nothing

Attached: like this.png (1920x1200, 600K)

Kanaya Is The Best

Attached: Kanaya.png (188x247, 4K)

This time we will get something

Kanaya is a boring shitty character

Attached: tumblr_n0glarA9i31ri9kyzo1_500.gif (500x333, 44K)

Attached: 1362942609412.gif (471x563, 12K)

Let's face the facts!
No one will remember Homestuck in 100 years.
But Hussie will still be known as the guy, who made Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff

rude because clearly she is the best at everything and should be Hussie's waifu


Attached: IMG_20190325_004110_(1).jpg (1435x1404, 223K)


Attached: aw yii22.gif (500x238, 428K)

what are they doing?

Attached: tumblr_n71l9445jA1tq799so1_1280.jpg (956x1280, 332K)

How can you be half dead?

Attached: Half Ghost Sollux.png (146x212, 4K)

>someone made Jade sprites for Collide
>she still does fucking nothing

Attached: Jade gun.gif (500x500, 29K)

Homestuck is a gateway Comic of the worst kind. It's a bad strip, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and "humor". The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the "quirks", peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole classpect faggotry and everything about the Homestuck world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on drama, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this comic and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Homestuck threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.


Attached: 1530874123525.png (297x297, 3K)

It's incredible how she does more being bad than being good

Anyway I still love her

>creates Meenah as a replacement Vriska
>has to create the 11 goons, or otherwise her existence wouldn't make sense
>their personalities are afterthought parodies so you knew beforehand that they are irrelevant to the plot
>is so enamoured with Meenah, he dedicates 3 games to her
>gets bored of her after 50 updates or and retcons Vriska back into existence who fixes everything (magically after being a destructive element)

This makes more sense than I would like to admit

Why people say that Vriska solved everything magically?
iirc before she confronted Terezi she told John something about leaving all the bad stuff behind so it would make sense that when she stays on the meteor she would try to be better and stuff, no?

Friendly reminder that the Intermission is objectively the best part of Homestuck and you can't do nothing about it.

Attached: mc cartoon.png (500x1785, 506K)

Someone redpill me on the shai halud meme

Yea Forums desperately needs a general board. Why don't we have one?


pic related

You forgot your pic

Did she say it before or after killing Tavros?
Not that it matter, since Tavros was Vriska's satellite character. She was his only way to communication and since he outlived his usefulness for her, his purpose to exist in the story ceased, and I doubt the others would've noticed him being missing, if not for the other two murderous fuckwits.
But I forgot what it was that Vriska was doing, that Tavros had to stop her.

I won't.
Hussie went full Tarantino in this one and it was glorious!
We will never see something like this from him ever again.

After i think? I believe it was just before she tried to go after bec

I know! I wanted to delete and repost but got into an argument in another thread.

Attached: 4c56ffdd8ea8b3667e33f22dfba3295d4335ff6a.gif (400x314, 82K)


And Tavros wasn't stopping her from doing anything, he found out she had a hand in the creation of Bec Noir, decided that meant she was a villain, and to be a hero he had to kill her. He didn't know anything about the whole "go fight Noir, which could lead him back to the meteor" thing.

Are horns fully vestigial or do they ever use them for fighting?

by bein fuckin trash thats howw

close but needs work

They don't seem very useful in a fight

>Creates X, so he has to make up a bunch of others so it can be a theme
That's hardly unique to the ancestors.

Who was Jade going to shoot?

You could use them to tear Vriska's intestines out when she is down

Because that worked so well for Yea Forums.

Why does Hussie hates HB so much

Attached: HB Death.gif (650x450, 249K)

Who was in the right here?

Attached: Solluxeridanstrife.png (651x451, 19K)

Attached: tumblr_ngg9jrexwR1rydukmo1_1280.png (652x541, 201K)


Attached: jadearadia.jpg (1097x1920, 578K)

Dat backwards hand tho


Is Dave the coolest of kids?

Attached: bad.png (500x542, 247K)

>only his girlfriend thinks he's actually cool, and she's retarded


I have found the ultimate waifu

Attached: john waifu.png (558x714, 19K)

Eridan, although he had already lost all hope at this point

Attached: 2ufferiing.png (199x214, 5K)

A guy who wanted to join a maniac and betray his friends because cowardice or a guy whi just wanted to chill out with a chick

Yeah seems pretty fair to me




Attached: john.gif (650x450, 69K)

pissblood symphatizers wwill get culled

Reminder that John: Rise Up is the best flash

Attached: John rise up art.jpg (900x506, 70K)

I miss Lexxy's art

Attached: oh dave your penis may only be ten inches but to me its perfect -smileyface-.jpg (700x738, 279K)

>t. highblood
cull yourself

>ten inches
Damm Jade sure is insatiable uh

I mean it's not insatiable to want a few inches above the average male.

The amount of respect I lost for Hussie when he reverted the Caucasian joke is immeasurable. I had complete faith in him up until that point.

Attached: tumblr_mkflq4nLQ31s76t5mo1_1280.png (900x1200, 549K)

breath has nothing to do with freedom

Attached: FREEDOM.png (841x1058, 196K)

Fuck off.

She's got a lot of pent up feelings from her time alone.

Attached: 63.png (706x654, 184K)

You say that like Rose adds literally anything of value.

I guess if you have a fetish for passive aggressiveness and alcoholism, but that feels like it would be a slim market.

Attached: b75ef67d46c738a50eceb1b26fbf1acd.png (600x954, 259K)


Attached: HIDE_SEADWELLER_THREADS.png (800x600, 40K)

So that's why those bedpost globes in her bed were made for uh...

Please, for the love of god, tell me you're not a rustcuck.

wweird how all of the best characters are highbloods (excluding feferi)

Attached: 03464_0.gif (650x450, 12K)


Attached: 1310293938643.jpg (1023x604, 77K)

what if moirails got frisky from time to time

Attached: 325256.jpg (318x288, 28K)

We can bring it back on /trash/

/trash/ mods delete them at the sight

seriously? even /trash/ won't accept it?


Attached: 1550434021566.gif (216x222, 453K)

I can’t believe I ever liked homestuck. I hold an elected position now and live in fear that someone will uncover my past and dig up those awful cosplay photos

i mean not evven shitpostin here

but highbloods are just generally a lot more interestin than dirtbloods

Yep, HSG is the source of all modern evil on Yea Forums so they better keep it sunked for the new generations.

Still not enough. She needs something pulsating and real struggling beneath her as she gyrates her hips.

Attached: jade plans with aradia to do lewd things to boys.png (761x488, 206K)

Are you seriously using a quirk here or are you just retarded?

Attached: wewz.png (640x480, 67K)


stop fucking typing like eridan you fuck

Attached: ww.gif (651x448, 18K)

What the hell happened in there is something I want to know but at the same time don't

I want a red-blooded bf

Attached: dcaagyj-7f4aebf4-b96d-4e2d-bd50-43759aee3731.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIi (991x1132, 348K)

What was Vriska and Gamzee trying to tell Jade here?

Attached: 01390.gif (650x450, 91K)

The same thing Rose wanted to tell John before she went godtier.

If you want /hsg/ back, you have no brain.
But if you don't miss it, you have no heart.

lowwblood peasant

It's not that complex, it went the way of any general given enough to time to deform into something ugly, made worse by being one of the first, before people knew how to handle these things.

At the end like 95% were tripfags blogging about their lives and circle jerking each other, avatar fagging RP posts, fan fic discussion, or lewd green text stories. It was a horrible fucking mess at its worse and deserved to be banned.

When it came back after the finale, it was just kind of a run of the mill shitty general, not much to write home about.

I’ll never forgive HSG for turning me into a depraved fanfiction addict.


Attached: Ariska.png (500x350, 205K)

Attached: 1540168493195.png (762x540, 47K)

it's not a sin to have needs while not having a matesprit

Attached: pilates.jpg (379x834, 97K)

the comic just wasn't good enough.

Attached: amplitude.jpg (495x662, 64K)

Homestuck General was the responsible for:

-Bringing the Tumblr crowd to Yea Forums and later spreading it for the other boards

-Turning Generals into quarantine threads (/mlp/ is more of a evolution of it)

-Plating the seed of "ironic shitposting" changing as a whole Yea Forums's meme culture

-Bringing the idea of chat circlejerk for "members" of the thread which would be the equivalent of discord servers that most threads nowadays have

That's about it for Homestuck General resume of crimes

Ironic shit posting was a thing LONG before HSG.

End your life.

Attached: 1542532066473.gif (216x222, 146K)

HSG perfected it.

Attached: 1314579420524.png (1127x918, 112K)

No. You just spent a lot of time there.
People who get too deep into online cliques mistakenly think they “invented” a wildly popular trend, even if they were late to the party. I’ve seen it over and over. It’s hilarious.

Whatever you say, I still think HSG had a huge influence in it even if people may not see that way.

No. But ok no more lewds for today.
maybe 1 more

Attached: sircuddlebuns5253235223.png (700x4200, 1.01M)

>it’s two weeks before the 2028 presidential election
>I’m 2 points up on exit polls
>photos surface of me as Kanaya sticking a chainsaw up my girlfriend’s dress
Nightmare scenario

Did we ever get MEGAs past chapter 3?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

This generation is going to have some Weird Shit come out, black-and-white yearbook photos are nothing

We’re not saying it was born here, just that it got worse

You a dog catcher too?

Yeah. Everything you need to get the rest of it is in pic related.

Attached: a0d883046327d64a9b86e5a2dff8a9b8.jpg (400x146, 20K)

pirate it me brudda

Nobody here will ever win an election.
Just being on this site corrupts is and makes us give off an aura of autism that is intensely repellent to voters

Attached: sleepy jade.png (698x794, 24K)

Vriskchads >>>>> Karkucks

I played the entire game.
It was ok but really not worth downloading
Just look it up on youtube

Bronies have more political power than this shithole

Jade's thigh gap

What did Hussie meant by this

Attached: 1541118071060.jpg (495x495, 62K)

I feel like we need an edit of this and the black guy is some gelasticat styled Homestuck character

Attached: do i know you people.png (800x800, 26K)

I wanna draw homestuck stuff. requests?

John dabbin on weenies

Draw Eridan doing a cool thing on LOWAA

Attached: Eridance.gif (166x248, 7K)

Roxy and Jade bonding over their shared interests.

Vriska 8eating up weenie losers such as Karkat

nepeta tacklehugging equius

They were entertaining as hell and a few of them were even good characters that added to the story.

gimme 10 minutes

Attached: 1554332672678.png (900x1146, 225K)

>ordered a tablet that's going to arrive by the 8th
>just want to make doodly homestuck fanart
>but it may be over for good 5 days later

How will I find motivation after the book might seriously be closed (for real this time) on all of my favorite characters?

Attached: m0nster-c00kie_rose_john_hurry up bro.png (640x480, 394K)

Attached: tumblr_opwl4xL39k1tidv53o1_1280.png (650x450, 144K)

A lot of people ganging up on Calliope and beating the shit out of her.

It just occurred to me the other night how Jake getting an awesome jumpy shoot-off kinda cucked his daughter, who introduced awesome jumpy shoot-offs to the comic.

All the betas except Dave were kind of cucked in Collide anyway, Rose and John especially. I hope that's because we're going to see the real final fight with them against LE after they get released from the juju

Attached: poinko_jade.gif (1024x768, 796K)


Katnep is gar8age.

Jake's fight is probably the most pointless, too

I drew jane

Attached: Scan.png (1373x752, 1.26M)


Attached: GOD DAMN.jpg (735x460, 111K)

Yeah, but at least he hopped around and shot stuff. GIVE JADE HER GUN BACK #2KEPILOGUE

Attached: Jane.png (650x650, 11K)


you shut your piehole

What happened to AR should be illegal.

Attached: Aimless Renegade.jpg (474x817, 36K)

How is that Jane if she has long hair

hair grows

not jane's

never jane's

skaianet is alright, I guess
why is it A Tumblr, though, it wasn't when it was started

Attached: tumblr_pkohfvWrmK1y457x5o1_r1_1280.jpg (540x1281, 205K)

Jane with long hair is just less hot Jade though

>SBURB becoming real

thank fuck, I was waiting for the end of the world for way too long


Attached: 2cf16228ec85da39227fa21dfeff3a6e44162e4br1-2048-1536v2_hq.jpg (1024x768, 47K)

>makes things SBAHJy

Attached: scarodactyl_the heart of corruption_cover.jpg (1200x1200, 185K)

You can have your stinky clown pits, Mallek and Remele are the hottest friendsim trolls.

Attached: DDNNCCHH_mallek_remele.jpg (1226x932, 117K)

the Hiveswap trolls were so trash I can barely remember any of their names

imagine being this fucking wrong

Attached: 3.png (549x718, 175K)

Attached: 250px-Polypa.png (250x310, 92K)

>Posting the gay fanfic brigade



Thank you.

this but unironically

anyone else here going to suicde on 4/13?

Attached: 06930.gif (650x450, 7K)

Sollux was /ourguy/.
Literally. He is Yea Forums the character. Well Yea Forums from 2011.

that's mituna

Nah I have a porn comic planned instead

What was the Fuffy Ponies of HSG?

Mituna is just the exaggeration of Sollux and therefore Yea Forums. But he too was Yea Forums.

If that's what I think it is, we never got anything quite like that. There were some fucking weird as shit porn comics used to shitpost, and plenty of cringe material, but no OC shitpost material that got run into the ground. Most of the autism from here was text based.


>You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else
Did the author mean to say "You wont even be a footnote in the career of..."? Because the other thing makes no fucking sense.

Undertale sucked all of the cancer out of the homestuck fandom

You forget he's a heir. He has no freedom right up until the moment he inherits it and suddenly has all the freedom.
The retcon powers were supposed to be that, but the quality of writing had already degraded to far by that point.

What the fuck was Hussie thinking with the retcon?

Thankfully nothing. We never wanted to harm Roxykitten

This with Gamzee

Attached: 1552608722161.jpg (553x398, 54K)


Attached: 1438806688604.gif (500x500, 732K)

There is an alternate way

Attached: 59a59a8d79bbfd1d008b601a-960-480.png (960x480, 29K)

Attached: 581531ccf223d2ec4acb1dafbc88e6de683d65f307390210a06a9ba924bb19da.png (300x300, 19K)

Attached: asdfasdfasdf.png (300x300, 29K)

The only irl homestucks I knew (ex ones, I asked the nerds at work after I got into it in 2015) were an ex-emo twink whose favorite was Gamzee, and a video game obsessed neckbeard who loved Jade (he didn’t say he waifued her but he very obviously waifued her)

Cute sockies

Would Gamzee have flipped, if Dave sent him a picture of the TRUE Mirthful Messiahs?
How would he have reacted instead?
And why would Hussie give him a girl name?

Attached: true mirthful messiahs.png (700x505, 324K)

Attached: vintage-foods_gamzee.png (1280x914, 358K)

Gamzee is a girl's name?

It’s the same thing with Roxykitten’s little bow. The idea that someone spent the time dressing them up is too adorable.

Attached: Snack.png (600x600, 15K)


YES! Thank you!


Would gamzee like the joker?

Attached: doodkbdbprnoposzd5og.jpg (800x500, 65K)

Dajoka Baybee is a valid troll name, pass it on

Not anymore, really. I think they know we're pretty much dead and rotting, and will never reach 2014 levels of cringe again. There is one kind of autsitic janny who still hates our guts and deletes threads at random, but I think he's been told off at this point.
Literally no proof for that, by the way. Just kinda my assumption.

He'd live in a society, that's for sure.

I'm bummed the SBURB stuff became less and less relevant while teen drama took over

Attached: LORD SALAMANDER.gif (521x561, 32K)

Run, user. Run and never look back.

Attached: tumblr_mnqmti835r1qg5lqfo1_640.png (619x537, 518K)

more threads have been popping up without getting nuked and staying around for longer recently so i wouldn't be surprised if he gave up or something

probably knows its pointless since there's gonna be the epilogue soon and thus a fuckton of threads

Vriska is FAT and she has NO TITTIES

Attached: The Real Vriska.png (310x576, 10K)

and what are you up to toby? releasing a game that will never be completed on a dead onions console?

Or maybe they're just being nice because they know 413 is close and we're just going to keep making them.

Attached: niju20_japanese homestuck_betas_patron trolls.png (500x809, 780K)

>tl;dr homestuck was never good
you're wrong, tho

Every day is a step towards Hussie's inevitable death and shallow grave

Attached: 1554326177770.jpg (1024x908, 59K)

it is impossible to be any more JUST than this

There was some trollgrub stuff. Pretty sure it didn't originate from HSG though. Some tumblr or dA thing that got spammed here a couple times.

What could have been... *sigh*

Attached: 0fe25ff022a44832841c57f3973577c1.png (800x700, 573K)

requesting that pic where karkat punts grub vriska with that dumbass grin on his face

union jack, bec noir, and spades slick all merged together. they become, my god they become
jack noir

Tensei is up there. Dance of Thorns is fucking badass.
Otherwise, Toby is still king. This song was a fucking masterpiece and I will never get over it.

oh fuck the story no longer fits the ending I comminsioned 3 years ago fuck I need to somehow force changes to get this back on track to the preplaned ending

I'm trollsitioning

Attached: 1551904059801.jpg (2050x1024, 65K)

Attached: 1502057971088.png (900x875, 97K)

hiveswap was never said to be a sequel

threadly reminder that spades slick did literally nothing wrong

Attached: bestroboboy.gif (582x512, 463K)

Name one(1) reason this character existed outside of shallow pandering to delusional teenage girls on a now dead blogging site

Attached: bbfb257bd574335b7b520027ce4aa03dd0c136d4_00.gif (320x320, 108K)

>when you have to edit eyes onto a character you brought back to life

Attached: eyes act 7.gif (480x240, 3.11M)

it was originally, but hussie changed that shit halfway through and pretended like it didn't happen. it was widely believed by everyone at the time of the kickstarter that hiveswap was supposed to be a sequel

Getting rid of two characters Hussie didn't want to write by turning them into a shitty version of one character

Attached: Davesprite.gif (500x346, 43K)

quickly wrap of davesprite story arc so that hussie could focus on cool anime fights and be done with homestuck
but also pandering because the retcon might as well have been written by a handful of fanartists

It fulfills both their character arcs when you include Arquius

To make Hussie's favorite ship indirectly canon and endgame.

Attached: yusiyomogi_jasprose_davepeta.png (1050x850, 46K)

>it was widely believed by everyone at the time of the kickstarter that hiveswap was supposed to be a sequel
for no reason as it was never said when it was

It's canon they dated in Davesprite's timeline

I hope so too

Attached: Dave vs Lord English.png (400x400, 17K)

source? There's no way you made that in 6 minutes.

Yes, but that's not endgame zone. Jasprose and Davepeta's last conversation was practically about them planning to go on a date

stretching the videogame logic to its limits
they party wipe and get a game over. with her dying breath, Terezi writes a guide for John to follow. He reloads an earlier save and 'sets things right', but this also causes certain story content to have not happened.
the stuff about 'ultimate selves' also relates to that. like, in a game such as KoToR, what can you say is the 'true' personality of the Revan you play as except that every option you can make is canonically something Revan is capable of choosing.

>start naming my pictures
>people still ask for source

Attached: vintage-foods_jade_dirk_aradia_bot band.png (1280x815, 521K)

Confirm Dave’s platonic ideal wants to fuck Jade

>for no reason
yeah it totally wasn't implied or anything
>pic related is literally the image for the kickstarter
oh wait

Attached: fc1353a77273169d8113294cc7428a37_original.jpg (1552x873, 349K)

he probably traced it

Also, what the fuck do we do with this?

Attached: Gcatavrosprite.png (249x267, 5K)

I didn't make the pic.

Attached: vintage-foods_caliborn_dirk.png (1189x1214, 224K)

Just don't have Tavros as a sprite, he's a fucking weenie
Toss in someone who could use more character interaction

Attached: fef.gif (500x400, 831K)

I mean in-universe. How do you do deal with a man who's allergic to his self?

death is the only answer

Attached: lay-john.gif (640x400, 461K)

Attached: 1542526646884.png (424x416, 7K)

A strict button diet.

Attached: insecureillustrator_jasprose_nyancat.gif (492x459, 1.32M)

Where does hussie live?

Attached: clue to hussies location.png (671x877, 154K)

In misery

Somewhere in Pennsylvania, but noone is sure where.

wow I live there too!
small world lol

Dave is a really cool character

Attached: Duh.jpg (500x500, 67K)

Yeah Jade’s wife sure is pretty

I wonder what grubsause tastes like

Attached: sampling green stuff.gif (650x450, 22K)

Why is john cutting up a bird that landed on Dave's head?

read poorly planned comics

Attached: prove him wrong.png (375x541, 22K)

haha just like homestuck

Attached: ps_so close.png (712x2258, 257K)

i know i shouldnt like this because tranny dave is autistic garbage
but that art is cute and they had the stones to at least make dave look like dave instead of some retard monkey so whatever


Attached: fresh ink.jpg (500x667, 31K)

Attached: tumblr_msmr44cjny1r8secao1_500.png (472x528, 86K)

So is Hope pretty much the most powerful aspect?

Attached: Jake's fucking pissed.jpg (867x922, 76K)


Probably a mix between grass and horseradish sauce

I don't know what compelled me to click on this but I feel like I've been hit

He's shearing it so that the bird's wool doesn't suffocate or overheat it.

Attached: rose babysits dave's crow.png (440x283, 8K)

This is the best homosuck song

also the most worthless

He was a Cosby fan at heart, it's clear.

aradia aged very well if you catch my drift

Why was this clock so cool

Attached: clock.gif (650x450, 992K)

>he was so close to boning all those whores
Who was


Is it wrong that I like small titty sticc Aradia more?

Attached: arad.png (408x450, 61K)

Fate, clocks, snakes, and pulsing rainbow light are time-tested and objectively cool things.


Bill Cosby.

Attached: jade the bully.png (683x1023, 294K)

she has no meat eating teeth so she's probably sticc

>thread didn't get deleted we made the bump limit

I am HIV positive its only 1 mod that insta deletes homestuck threads

Still though a lot of people draw her as a thicc chick but I feel like it isn't in character
They are likely giving us a break due to the month

Who is you favorite fanartist?

Attached: Caliborn art.gif (650x450, 248K)

Only 9 days left.

nah thread was made 2/3 days ago and was deleted right after 100 posts it was up for 3-4 hours


rumminov's art is still nice

Attached: 8997e4e7e09006ea812a9e462c05d8e542e16b9c.png (621x367, 147K)

~n e p i l o g u e~

Attached: tumblr_inline_oer9vuxHS01r022u0_500.png (500x500, 319K)

your art sucks user everyone hates it

I can't wait the suspense is killing me even tho I know this will be a disappointment I still cant wait


discord.gg/Dmn8Eg6 heres a link to one of the (theres at least one other one i think?) hst discords, if thats your kinda thing, your call

Attached: 1541048341711.gif (650x450, 370K)

That he loves niggers, obviously.

I'd have to say Ikimaru

Attached: shit's about to get real.jpg (669x1195, 74K)

It is. I kept telling you guys that.

Attached: thisone.png (650x3129, 117K)

ikimaru is SHIT

It's funny because Dave was raped.

Attached: tumblr_mk59ieJJv31s76t5mo1_1280.jpg (865x923, 78K)

>thread hit bump limit AGAIN
i love you guys

Attached: 2300365_Feferi_Peixes.png (518x578, 201K)

Homestuck threads always make me cringe from remembering all the stupid shit I did as a teen

wweh nyehh

I can't pick. Some of my favorite individual pictures are done by artists who do godawful shit half the time. Some have a cute or quirky or cool or interesting style that really pleases me, but isn't technically amazing. Some do gorgeous art but don't do anything with the simplicity and soul that's like crack to me.

Still, there are plenty that seem to consistently show up in my faves folder.

Attached: mmmmalo_kanaya_jade_karkat_pumpkinwhat.png (994x1226, 35K)

will we ever be free bros
i hate waking up to the thought of being smothered by vriska's ass

I roleplayed as an angsty, underaged alien for three years and nobody will ever know. I find that liberating

*wwalks into thread*

Don't worry. You're in good company.

I see people unironically say they really like ikimaru in homestuck and steven universe threads

how can you possibly be so literally pleb


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don't do that

Attached: stop.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Attached: fruitegg_dave_aradia.png (540x464, 207K)

Fashionably late as always

Attached: greaserparty_kanaya.jpg (752x1036, 41K)

what's so bad about him?

Attached: sizslurp_john_rose_battlefield aggrieve.png (1171x906, 1M)

I saw some kid at the mall last week with fake horns and a Karkat shirt
I wanted to say something but I had no idea how to out myself as a fellow loser

derse roolz

Attached: plusdoodles_derse_strilondes.png (1280x861, 830K)


Attached: trigger warning.png (500x500, 109K)

this is an exilestuck thread now

Attached: exiles and the midnight crew.jpg (249x202, 11K)

Ask them to tell you about homestuck

I love you too user I love all of you ITT
accept the discord faggots you people are AIDS

Attached: breath players be like.jpg (360x720, 65K)

He liked it

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You did the right thing, user. That kind of cringe is better left in the gutters of 2013 where it belongs.

I used to like Tang but she's completely lost everything, and now just blogs about compulsive heterosexuality and shit now.
Funny how her sense of humor has also gone straight into the toilet.

her art is painfully mediocre and tumblresque and floods merchandise everywhere. the ways she draws hair and eyes is stupid as fuck. she's been at it for years and barely improved from her flat sketchy low effort style. her art is instagram and pinterest repost tier. she is the funko pop of hs and su fanart.

Inaccurate, Jade doesn't wear panties.

Homestuck turned me gay.

Attached: slitherbot_terezi.png (1280x999, 1.83M)

Homestuck gave me fetishes

here we go

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I don't know. I still think she's funny sometimes.

Attached: thicc.jpg (279x826, 74K)

Same, I was exposed to so much degeneracy

so are we gonna make bingo cards for the epilogue/sequel/whatever

There is not a single male I find attractive in Homestuck except for kankri

>kn33 pockets
for w33d

Attached: 7934228_Captains-Cake.jpg (770x770, 66K)

Man, Aradia was the best. Spooky neutrally-aligned agent of chaos and destruction. What more could you ask for?

Attached: tumblr_own98qCgic1qmydsoo1_1280.png (1280x1408, 928K)

here's my bingo! v from homestuck said it was accurate!

Attached: bingo.jpg (2048x928, 302K)

i'm bummed about a lot of stuff

Why is there an official personality test that will tell you your moon and your aspect, but not your class?

Attached: hoofbeastly_dave_equius_violent phallic imagery.png (1280x958, 302K)

yeah, you're right
I haven't had much time to browse fanart, it's just that Ikimaru's art caught my eye I'm a newfag who started reading in October


I’m not a lesbian but seeing all those troll midriffs made me seriously reconsider

now i want to fuck
>girls that have nice smiles
>girls with lipstick
>girls that have nice wavy long hair
>girls that are cuddly
>girls that are sheep

your bingo is shit and you should feel bad

It made me want a girl to sit on my face, and also awoke a pregnancy fetish inside me.

that explains it and I forgive you. just try not to keep eating mcdonalds when there's a world of gourmet food out there

I never want to see the word “tentabulge” again

Don't worry, it's already spread to other fandoms.

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I don't see it enough. I wish human girls had them. I want a colorful tentacle inside my vagina.

what about when it's referring to a tentacle monster's appendage expanding a woman's womb, causing a bulge in her lower abdomen


Andrew doesn't actually give a fuck what classes do or mean since they're ultimately Not Important for the message he's trying to tell with Homestuck. If you thought anything about Sburb, including the classes, were important you've been rused by le subversion man.

Another rap battle would be nice. Considering how integral is hiphop culture to the comic

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>What more could you ask for?
for her to sit on my face

Attached: lived.png (295x468, 193K)

Yeah only losers expecting satisfying conclusions. Human beings don't have arcs, life doesn't have happy endings. Deal with it.

Attached: hussie sits in his pile of tolberone, looking sad.jpg (1552x2048, 853K)


Attached: all smiles.png (565x382, 394K)

>Human beings don't have arcs, life doesn't have happy endings. Deal with it.

That's his excuse for writing a garbage story? What a load o' bullcrap


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Attached: sossossossossos_jade_goddogtier.jpg (1280x1623, 200K)

wait really

What's wrong with Karkat? He's physically identical to Kankri but a lot more amusing and without the obnoxious virtue signalling.

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Attached: vade666eeee.jpg (1200x1700, 233K)

>>life doesn't have happy endings
>in homestuck reality literally bends itself so every character except john gets a happy ending

Attached: jade is a qt.png (1200x1200, 700K)

we're almost free lads
just 10 more days

If he eats all of those snacks he might get a tummy ache.

Attached: 1346307201507.jpg (600x800, 222K)

>so every character except john gets a happy ending
Did any of them really? Karkat's ending is pretty miserable, WV's is. It's hard to think of which characters really had a happy ending beyond something superficial.

Attached: karkatloveshiskiwi.gif (480x516, 13K)

Attached: zonknuckle_nepeta.png (918x1280, 440K)

That's just vibrant green Marina

>WV rises up in the first place because of the war
>story literally ends with segregated kingdoms
what the fuck man

Yes and she's a qt.

Attached: jade is going to fuck you.png (540x589, 235K)

Attached: chofana1.png (737x736, 241K)

You forgot Terezi. She's not allowed to be happy while Vriska isn't around because sudden codependency disorder I guess.

You'll never be free.

Attached: tumblr_o4m80mBWwT1tv37omo1_1280.png (635x762, 303K)

And Karkat is forever a third wheel.
Jake and Dirk are back in a toxic relationship, Tavros is forever allergic to himself and has to watch a sociopath fuck a retard all day.

Attached: Lined_Games_jack_slick.gif (600x720, 75K)

Why does she look so happy?

i want an aradia gf again so bad bros

JohnNep is good and you can't prove me wrong

Attached: prankster.gif (965x463, 77K)

She's just high on life, man.

Attached: tumblr_mkte4yri9T1rjzcljo1_1280.jpg (1050x750, 197K)

why do you think

Attached: big fat cock adventure.png (398x1230, 43K)

>Karkat's ending is pretty miserable
>won the davebowl

>wv never builds a democratic utopia and is bereaved of his birthright by tyrant scum lording quite literally over segregated kingdoms
>pm is literally shoved off to the corner and never remembered save a few panels
>neither of them know john can go back and save ar
>both of their personalities are scrubbed from the comic for BADASS STRONG WOMEN ARCHETYPE and UWU CUTIES BABEY ARCHETYPE
the exiles deserved better, goddammit

Cus shit's about to go nuclear

Attached: 36c3a1b7ecc0007cfb117ebc8934bde4.jpg (3000x2600, 3.07M)

Aradia isn't real and she wasn't your gf.

storytime user

actually on second thought being stuck with dave sounds pretty miserable

storytime that next thread, my man, im curious now

>won the davebowl
>third wheel and house slave for Jade is "winning"

All that yaoi has rotted your brain kiddo.

Attached: karcuck2.png (461x286, 13K)

Only one way to find out

Attached: 0_0.gif (500x450, 880K)

What is your favorite example of deepest lore?

Attached: worldbuilding.png (650x450, 5K)

She's always seen Vriska as her "responsibility". She's been obsessed with her since childhood, since the incident, since the john/dave rivalry, since the killing, since she became depressed enough to fuck Gamzee pre-retcon, since she directed the retcon to bring her back, and continues to be now. She's the sun that blinds her. More like a black hole.

WV died when Bec Noir shoved his fist through his gut. When ghost Feferi resurrected him he was no better than a blank golem lacking soul.

he didn't though, Jade did. Karkat's just the babysitter.

keep dreaming hetfag

Attached: tumblr_ourn2qrytO1uwikt3o1_1280.png (667x688, 161K)

Because she just got a box of cup cakes for free

How do I do that?

I don't have to dream, that's what happened in the comic. Even the dumbest of fujos realized that. I mean, they live together. There's not much better you can get than that.

Attached: dave is not gay.png (500x389, 94K)

last for nep!

Attached: nep deal with it.gif (300x442, 103K)

Reminder even ipgd admitted that jade was fucking Dave.

tumblr refugees aren't welcome here you sexually constipated faggot

last for katnep

>Cohen admitted jade was the alpha wolf in the pack
>so did piggy diggy
>final conversation in homestuck is jade telling dave he's a good kisser

You sound like a 13 year old girl mad that Karkat's only got about 20 years left to live.

last for davejade

According to v Jade is the most Chad surviving character in Homestuck and Dave and Karkat are the second and first-most virgin

Dirk doesn't exist on the scale since he has Chad power but virgin mindset

You're both stupid, we've another page to go.

Shut the FUCK up. Don't talk about Poorly Planned Comics.

I like the mobius double reacharound virus.

I want to be Aradia's sex slave for all eternity in paradox space!

She probably fucks sollux on the reg. Lucky fucker.

>Implying they're not poly
Dave may have said he's not into dating multiple people once but troll life has clearly been getting to him. Remember, Jade and Karkat had a thing too.

Yeah dumbass, that means Jade can just take what she wants. Piggy admitted as such.

Karkat has to watch from the closet as Jade rides Dave hard enough to shatter his weenie hips.

page 9 already how sad oh well till the next time (not)HSG

Caliborn is responsible for all of Homestuck existing in the first place

Who do you think you're talking to?

Jade was never interested in Karkat, it was one-sided.
Typical fujoshi, can't read the comic. It's a wonder that you haven't been hit by a car.

Well I know I'm talking to a retard.

Dave and Karkat are moirails at most

Wait why am I retarded?

She would be though. As we're discussing, Jade is a chad who can fuck anyone she wants. She deserves two boys.

Do you seriously believe Karkat living there as a third wheel is the more rational explanation?

>forcing your moirail to clean up the viscera from fucking your insane dog gf

Dave's a pretty shit moirail. Karkat deserves better. Like Kanaya.

Look at it this way:
Moirallegiance is still troll-romance, so Karkat's not completely cucked

its still HSG in our hearts, user

>shipping arguments
>image limit reached
page 11 NOW

Why would anyone want to fuck Karkat? Dave only did it when he had no other option. The only girl in the comic who wants to fuck him is feral and autistic.

we're basically back to pre-ending early 2016 hst

reminder nothing will happen on 4/13

>would be though
She never was in the first place. If you had just pushed Jadekat like a sensible person I'd believe you, but Jade didn't suffer for years to share anything with the biggest weenie in the universe.

multiple sources have already stated that something will

*wwalks out of thread*


still better than gigapause threads
that was actually fucking cancer

last for shai'hulud

>The only girl in the comic who wants to fuck him is feral and autistic.
And Terezi. Vriska flirted with him a bit. So did Meenah and Porrim. Say what you want about Karkat, but he's probably a looker when he keeps his mouth shut.

Karkat exists to be cucked by Vriska. As Jade has established to be enatiomorphically related to Vriska, the rule still holds.

fuck shippers
no one cares you faggots

>all left him for Karkat
I'd post an image but image limit.

You care enough to reply. Trying to be all high and mighty but god knows you're probably a million times worse. You're the kind of faggot that sickens me to my core. I'd tell you to kill yourself but you're going to do it anyway so what's the point?

last for ovipositive


We're still on page 9.


John is cute

tomorrow is the skaianaet meme day

I’m 29 and still use a Squiddles keychain

>bump limit reached
>image limit reached
>over 100 unique posters
i'm thinking we're back

shitpost harder

Karkat is the cutest troll with the biggest heart.

Well she clearly is. I literally have no feelings about any Dave, Jade, or Karkat ships aside from karkan and daverose, I'm being objective here. And the facts are, Hussie forced Davekat towards the end of the comic. He also brought back Davejade when Jade came back. And then the three of them are seen living together at the end.

You really think the canon explanation for this is "lol cuckkat?"

>"lol cuckkat?"
According to piggy and the story, yes.


HoNk :o)

remember livereader-chan back in 2016? that was basically the last good thing to happen in these threads

i wonder where she is today

4/13 hype basically. Hype for disappointment but still.


:33 <
D ->

She was disappointed by the ending and left.

Haha gottem

I love joey

she was reading through homestuck for the first time and posting her reactions in the threads (using a tripcode, at popular request)
i was reminded of her because of since she was a daverose shipper right from the start (and continued to be after the incest reveal)
i mean yeah but we were all disappointed and a lot of us left for at least a little while

Imagine all the candybloods born on Earth C that have Karkat as their patron troll.
Imagine how embarrassing that must be.

>:33 D ->
>Between the two of them, a

BR444444P >:O

It's it's funnier now.

>and continued to be after the incest reveal

deepest lore
>earth c candybloods hide their blood color not because they're afraid of culling or persecution but because they don't want to get made fun of for being descendants of karkat

How does troll society even function on Earth C when there's still the vast difference in powersets and lifespans?


>all the troll girls who wanted to dress up Jade for halloween
>nobody wants to dress up as karkat

yeah she had godlike taste
probably like it did on beforus, so less fucked up than alternia but still incredibly fucked up

What The Hecky

Give Me A Smecky

Logically Trolls would eventually assert their outrageous abilities on everyone else, you could argue this is why they're all segregated in the time jump instead of all together in WV's ideal can town utopia.

>tfw nobody ever did a fic of Dave and Jade molesting that one troll girl who dressed up as her