What do you think the father did after this?

What do you think the father did after this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


"Crummy" and "Pokemon creatures" really drive home that this author hasn't actually spoken to a child in maybe 30 years.

someone go ahead and post the edit


I like this comic because it seems to be implying that fetching a pale of water is somehow a better thing to do in an era of modern plumbing

Cave Explorer.

I will always find funny how PGO managed to anger every single comic artist

>using Pokémon three times just in case Tim Allen was too stupid to get the joke


Attached: pokemon go under the bed.jpg (600x407, 66K)

Said "but I *like* OLD THING" with a single tear running down his cheek.

Attached: pokemon landmarks.jpg (1875x1305, 1.9M)

The father's empty stare adds a layer of horror to this.

Attached: pokemon go attractive digital scavenger hunt.jpg (900x779, 213K)

Attached: pokemon go pied piper.jpg (500x625, 62K)


Attached: 21424488-water-drop-cartoon-mascot-character-showing-muscle-arms.jpg (1288x1300, 141K)

Well. This one kind of has a point desu

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Why do these comics tend to give the kids such weird dialogue? "Pokemon creatures", "Pokemon Go characters", a kid would just fucking call them Pokemon.

Attached: water under the bed.jpg (600x407, 109K)

Attached: crummy pokemon creatures water.png (540x400, 221K)

Jeeeeeeeeeesus Christ this is horrible.

I think even my right wing step dad would cringe at this

Der boomer

Attached: water pied piper.png (500x625, 324K)

Saying it has a point is giving it a little too much credit. No one under 60 is going to find it insightful

#wow #woke #makesyouthink #momboitaliana #deanmartin #ilikeike #ikeeisenhower52

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Incidentally, the character he chooses to represent a generic well-meaning father looks like Ronald Reagan, who was president also 30 years ago. You may be on to something there.

>Expecting boomers to know anything about pokemon

Attached: 1553297013263.jpg (503x376, 107K)

I love you guys.

I'm pretty sure we still had light guns in 1998.

Damn this comic so old it can buy a drink in the United States to make up for how the military blew its legs off when he was 18

I said kind of
Like I could see what it was getting at but barely

Attached: 1553108751800.jpg (1055x1270, 861K)

>portal 2
>a puzzle game with little to no violence
more like portal to hell 2

to those of you with little siblings, cousins or children in general, do you mess with them by mispronouncing their interests on purpose? like how adults would used to call pokemon "POKEYMANZ". i now understood why they did it.

>A stack of violent fighting and shooting games
>Portal 2 is in there

Attached: 1553792454391.jpg (850x850, 94K)

>Portal 2

>Portal 2

Who the fuck had a light gun in fucking '98?

>#momboitaliana #deanmartin #ilikeike #ikeeisenhower52

Attached: 1474770391800.jpg (250x233, 4K)

>Portal 2

Attached: Capture.png (155x187, 78K)

Attached: video games creating little monsters.jpg (604x463, 56K)

Well you CAN get shot up in Portal 2

Attached: greatest generation vs gamer generation.gif (1200x923, 381K)

By the date I'd have to assume Colombine really fucked this guy up. School shootings was a novelty back in the day.

Why are political cartoons always so overlabeled

Like honestly are people too dumb to get them?

They HAVE to spell out the message entirely

Attached: this is called the outdoors.jpg (425x303, 41K)

>sure now let's start another war just so everyone can experience the same things you did, after all you lived the same way your grandparents did right?

>the water industry is creating little monsters


Damn, if only these kids could put down their video games and participate in the massive globe-spanning war in which we are currently engaged. So much manpower that could be put to use, lost...

Attached: Jasmine really.gif (500x332, 415K)

Why the fuck kids don't want to get killed in a desert? Fucking video games

Good point. but the authors of some older comics don't really have the same excuse

Attached: pac-man fever.jpg (700x616, 97K)

Yeah sure, I want to get killed in WW2 instead of fighting mystery niggas on TV.


>implying most grunts in the sandbox weren't playing Xbox in the base whenever they weren't patrolling and jerking off in a tower somewhere

Attached: marry pac-man.jpg (700x495, 85K)

Christ, the boomers really do worship their parents and hate their kids, don't they?

>Wow on console
Is that an edit or thats the joke?

Attached: pac-man machine.jpg (700x533, 97K)

>implying a lot of younger people aren't joining
>implying you do jack shit and do anything but stay in your barracks and play games with free rent

This artist never served. Every generation who enlists are little immature shits when they join and sleeping with thai hookers is not some sort of higher calling.

t. E5

>Dead Alive
So either he's talking about a 20 year old kiwi zombie movie, a-1 year old Misfits album or he mistitled Dead or Alive which I'm pretty sure has never even rendered a gun
So is Pac Man fever fighting the ills of wayward youth?


I feel like we're going to be pulling the exact same shit in 30-40 years honestly

>Pac-Man fever fighting frivolity, truancy, violence and drugs
Wow, we need more addictive video games.

i want to cuck pacman

When you were his age the planet wasn't permanently under the threat of being instantly fried by nukes and having sex didn't risk incurable, deadly infection.

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My grandfather lived through bombings, freezing cold and famine so severe that people were resorting to cannibalism. I'm pretty fucking sure he'd rather continue playing his vidya rather than repeat that.

Attached: why_naitou.png (183x225, 33K)

They do use rock and roll and video games and media to corrupt and brainwash the youth.

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is this motherfucker genuinely nostalgic over a fucking sears catalogue

Remember how exciting a Toys R Us catalog was

what's with the disturbed look on the recruiter guy?

It's the boomers, not the war vets themselves who have this attitude. They respect their parents' generation for fighting the war and think their kids' generation don't do anything worthy of respect. They conveniently ignore their own generation.

toys r us has a website
does sears not have a website?
is that an unreasonable question to ask in 2019?

When you're fifty your more fearful and angry friends will be cranky about teens/20-somethings who stay in their rooms plugged into VR that lets them work, shop, study and socialise without ever leaving the room. Robotic logistics bring food and purchases to your 'body house' while all your human activity is online.
"Back in my day people got their vitamin D from sunlight..."

>portal 2

Attached: 1451763617137.jpg (299x259, 41K)

>having sex didn't risk incurable, deadly infection
You know that before penicillin, syphilis had like 50% mortality rate, right?

God I HATE the trope of trying to click a book thing that these assholes do

Why do almost all political comics still use this chicken scratch artstyle

How young are you

I've seen millennials assert their superior cultural upbringing based on VCRs and CRT TVs.

In WWII there were a lot of people that attempted to sign on that were underage. A lot of them would lie about it to get in, often in the range of 14-17. The recruiter's looking at the kid and wondering if he's really old enough to serve.

>toys r us has a website
Not any more.

Well I'm pretty fucking nostalgic for the Index catalogue, but that's just because I somehow got ahold of one as a kid in a communist country and it blew my mind with all the cool stuff we didn't have.

This. Any time there's even a chance of some poor country getting a smack in the mouth recruitment jumps. The US armed forces is a gigantic, socialized daycare center for the unemployed. Not knocking it either, but that's what it is.

This comic implies that the US declared war because of games like "Portal 2"

I have a boomer co-worker that thinks everything is a touch screen

>Portal 2

Attached: 1480903955704.jpg (375x330, 17K)

people born the year pokemon was released are able to vote, drive and drink by now desu

I know he meant to put Postal 2 there but it's still fucking hilarious

The people who blame vidya, porn, or any such symptom as the cause of the general decline of humanity are wrong. This is natural law at work. The species has run its course and is headed towards extinction or at best, devolving into primitive brown apedom. None of this can be stopped, controlled or averted. And that's perfectly fine. It is evident to all that we have failed. We had a chance, but it was squandered on babysitting browns and liberals. If Hitler had won we would've colonized space and assured the continuation of the only portion of the species that mattered and we'd conquered the stars.

Misguided mercy and "goodness" chose to save nigs and ooga booga savages of all sorts. We chose trannies instead of eternity, islam instead of zero-point energy. Thus it is good that life should go extinct on Earth.

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My grandfather lied about his age to get in then in his sixties lied about his age to stay in the band.

I think it's intentional.

Navy here

Been in for 14 years

U right

I don’t believe thIs for a minute. If it’s true I’ve encountered children that aren’t that stupid.

>Why don't you start another global war and kill more people, grandson?

i'm old enough to know companies had websites in the fucking late 90s

Do the people who draw these even have kids?


Thank god for Pac-Man saving us from truancy, violence, and frivolity

>portal 2

Attached: 1554044815261.jpg (640x960, 480K)

>Dead Alive
>Portal 2
Imagine being this out of touch with reality.

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>I don’t believe thIs for a minute. If it’s true I’ve encountered children that aren’t that stupid.

To be fair, they are screens on things like digital cameras and phones.

What the hell is lardo over here getting sad about? It's the exact same but with a touch screen?

>So is Pac Man fever fighting the ills of wayward youth?
All he can do is try.

The bigger question is why Drive's there.

Serious question, did anyone actually play Pokemon Go? It was only a thing for about three months, and I never heard of more than a couple of hundred people playing it.

Can I get a water edit?

Senpai where the fuck have you been
People still play it
There’s events now

Synthwave is corrupting our youth, turning them into real human beans.

Post the edit

Yeah, but they kinda crippled themselves by releasing a not even half finished version and no significant updates for half a year.

Attached: Untitled-2.png (400x459, 231K)

No they are political cartoon artists they don't understand what normal is and make wild assumptions on how the world should be instead of accepting how it is and working within that reality to make life a little less sad but they don't.

You stay away from Ms. Pacman, you filthy Pokemon creature!

Man, it's almost like the men who fought in these wars wanted to prevent future generations from the same suffering. Damn kids, not fighting and dying in glodal conflicts.

>does sears not have a website?
No they gambled and lost as it should be sears isn't that old and they could have made it but they thought the market would go one way and it didn't now amazon and shitters like them have the power for now.

Could be a copywrite concern

>Pokemon creature!
Ha, you wish.
Pic related. It's me.

Attached: Ms Pac-Man's Bull.jpg (1300x865, 271K)

How. They literally say Pokémon.

Boomers are OBSESSED with materialism and advertising from their youth. It's almost scary how blind they are to things that were blatant marketing tricks. Partly the reason why they bought the Reagan lie.

>Implying Reagan did anything wrong

Bet you believe the Contra lie too, libtard

Gotten into an argument over who the best sidekick was. He was about the kid's age when Pokemon first came out.

at least this one is well drawn

>dead alive
>portal 2

There's a difference between conservatism and corporatism.

>>Implying Reagan did anything wrong
>Bet you believe the Contra lie too, libtard

Calm down there Oliver North all your charges were vacated and dismissed in the nineties. So you don't have act like all those crimes are still justified.

Sounds like someone is still mad that Tyrone took Stacy to the prom.

Weird, Bizarro isn't usually this cringe

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Attached: rage.gif (673x505, 35K)

Why is there a pie just laying on the floor like that?

>Boomers are OBSESSED with materialism and advertising from their youth.
I think the reason Millennials and Boomers hate each so much is that they're exactly the goddamn same.

Go mention fortnite on Yea Forums and see what happens

I still have dell catalogs from 2004 and years of old maximum PC mags from when I was a kid.

I'm trying not to act like that because I want kids to enjoy what they got, but every once in a while I slip up. I feel like a piece of shit for it.


I see you're unacquainted with Americans

Attached: atf.jpg (480x360, 7K)

There are certain objects "hidden" in every Bizarro comic, like a pie slice, a stick of dynamite, a bird, and a few others.

It was common, light guns were a thing up til gen 6. The wiimote was the last nail.

Because how fucking dare his son not be interested in a catalog book for a department store that SOME. FUCKING. HOW has survived into the start of the 2020s.

He had big plans for it.

A water type Pokemon creature? HA! Time to call in reinforcements from an old friend!

Attached: 4d6z0rb.jpg (279x360, 17K)

You don't eat water you stupid millennial

>You don't eat water you stupid millennial
You underestimate how hard this man has trained his body!

>what is ice

I C E not W A T E R

Is putting a piece of pie somewhere in the strip a thing he does? I see dynamite and the bird does he make a game out of it?

I remember political cartoons from when Pokemon first came out that weren't this clueless. For a cartoonist to write "pokemon creatures" today, he must've been in a coma or something during the initial pokemon craze.

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>Portal 2

PGO is a shit game, and was a shit fad. don't need to be a comic artist to see that.


That mom has a nice ass.

don't bring our man dean martin into this

Attached: dean.gif (500x314, 1.96M)

Portal 2 caused 9/11. Portal 2 made a portal in time and went back in time and caused 9/11. I wish it would have just opened a portal 2 water

This is the most Yea Forums exchange in the history of Yea Forums

Sears does have a website in Mexico works as a discount webstore, I guess that's how the company is still afloat here.

The I LOVE WATER shirt has me losing my shit, goddamn.

Spoilers, that's not ms pacman.

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fuck i started laughing just by reading that

I think you're giving him too much credit

>Most liberal in their youth
>The generation that pushed for protesting inequality
>Liberal lifestyle leaves you hollow and empty
>Run toward religion to fill that empty hole that hedonism made
>Become everything you hated to make your old self feel better
>"Fuck the system"
>Birthed 90s edge
>Life is boring because life is literally too good
>Soviet Union fell, America feels invincible
>9/11 happens
>America is terrified
>90s rebels who hated the system went to their local recruiting center to be part of the military complex
>Racism from the past is pushed on the youth as an effort to avoid the past
>Push for creativity, individuality and "be nice to each other"
>Internet provides human connectivity and knowledge in seconds
>It all backfires because it turns out humans are shit
>Social Media created sheep who thirst for internet blood
>Tribalism intensifies
>Estranged youth move toward extremist groups such as literal commies and unironic fascists
>Muh racism is an excuse for everything
All this while millennials want to push for protesting and liberal ideals, unknowingly falling into the same trap as their hated boomers.


Zoomers will be humanity's saviors.

You know what a lock is, right?

we sure will

Also, those two kids fucking die in that rhyme. Crown is another word for the top of your head. If he was wearing a literal crown, he wouldn't be fetching his own water.


it's a trademark issue
if you say 'legos' you're damaging their trademark and trying to genericize it
if you say 'lego brand assembly block toys' you're at least giving them their due.

Went across the hall to Clarissa's room.


>growing up in a world run by corporations
HA, Take that! Fuck I hate this world where we have access to medicine and job opportunities other than subsistence labor..

>being a corpcuck(tm)

>Both Millennials and Boomers have high hopes for your generation
>Your generation made Tik Tok a thing
Hit or miss, depending on your views towards their interests

Attached: Libtards_get_dabbed-on.jpg (1199x844, 320K)

>that shitty shirt by the chair

Gets me every time.

Why did finding out he's an ugly girl disappoint me so much?

The funny thing is, in reality, zoomers know how to read and use books, but the people making these political cartoons are completely tech illiterate.

Does anyone have the one where the kid yells that he wants NEW THINGS?

guns are always dangerous, no matter how you carry them
if the gun is uncocked and safety on, nothing will happen

you sound like you never held a firearm

>die for israel
No thank you

>we have access to medicine and job opportunities
We do?

The people that matter do, Jamal.

Your standards for males and females are different? You idealize traps while looking down on women for the same behavior?

Tranny chasers are mentally ill, what else is new?

I guess they never miss, huh?

Attached: Guess_They_Never_Miss_Huh.jpg (1200x1917, 1.01M)

My parents, boomers, would often try to use my laptop screen as if it were a touchscreen, despite me telling them it wasn't, multiple times.

Accurate. I read more books than most of my family, and my dad hasn't read for fun... ever, probably.

Getting comfortable with firearms is the first step to being stupid and careless with them. There's a reason you never assume a gun isn't loaded, why you always keep the safety on, and why you never point it at something you don't want killed or destroyed. The only way to really be safe with a gun, is to treat it like it's a fucking monster that you lock up except for the moment you need it.


This is funnier than it has any right to be.

Probably just chuckled and went on with the rhyme. He might have said something like "Yeah, maybe they should have," to placate the child.

We could still have all those things and not let corporations grossly overstep their influence and power on every aspect of life

>job opportunities other than subsistence labor
Yeah, thanks corporations for that!

Most of the people who make these comics haven't talked to a child for decades. The few exceptions know that their target audience falls into the first group.

>Portal 2

This has to be an edit.

Attached: i lik shocklet.jpg (904x1000, 261K)

there's no saving humanity. We failed the great filter; if there is interstellar life out there we will never meet it, and if there isn't we won't be the first.

The recruiter's look of sheer horror always makes me think there's a deeper meaning to this comic that I'm missing.


Fucking thing is, I'm not even sure what side this comic is on. I'm sure in at least some places, Pac-Man Fever occupied kids with too much time that would otherwise have hung out with gangs or experimented with drugs. Truancy and frivolity, though, I don't know.

We already are

Attached: Nintendo-Entertainment-System-NES-Zapper-Gray-L.jpg (4800x2310, 1.46M)

Imagine being arrogant and judgmental based on the ads you used to consume, or worse yet, the medium of those ads.

>my dad hasn't read for fun... ever, probably.
Mine still does occasionally, but he compares my rate to when he was a young man fresh out of the army, doing speed and reading bags full of books in a sitting.

Why is the guy on the couch clearly Matt McMuscles?


Yeah, for the NES, ten years earlier.

That's pretty good.

Attached: 1430452786109.png (379x416, 181K)

>Mine still does occasionally, but he compares my rate to when he was a young man fresh out of the army, doing speed and reading bags full of books in a sitting.
Did he even absorb anything?

Should of used Fortnite to get anons seething

>Should of

Why do I find this form of comedy so funny? This shit wasn't even around when I was in school.

I always remember some user saying that ironically, Sears fell because of its refusal to adapt to the modern times, and missed the boat on online shopping. Just like the boomer, both remained stuck in the past, and couldn't survive when the times changed ahead.

At least, that's what I remember

Maybe it's just a case of his editor saying "the Pac-Man thing is hot, do a comic about that" then the guy not really giving a dick about pac-man just drew something he thought was kinda cool then had to make it political.
>90% of Political Cartoons actually have no real opinion on anything, they just draw popular things and labels

Whoever said that was wrong. Specifically, they are too young to remember how fucking slow the internet was back then. Sears could have created a great website to rival its catalog, but nobody would have used it because all the images would have taken forever to load.

Amazon's strength wasn't its website, but its logistics network which shipped items to you in a couple of days instead of a couple of weeks like the competition.

this one actually funny tho

There's a word for this surrealist type of comedy. It was common in ww2.

>There's a word for this surrealist type of comedy.

>thinking that boomers understand the value of not giving out information when these retards always use their real names for everything online

Dale from KOTH is "rusty shakelford" because 20 years ago it was so wacky and weird that someone would use a fake name to avoid having their words bite them in the ass.

To be fair, sagging really is the most retarded thing ever

"And it's a shame you did. The world would've been a better place if the Nazis won."

I always feel that in some way, Boomers are jealous of the new generation, more so than they are angry.

I mean, if I went back in time to 1960 or 1970 with just an ipod or an xbox, I think people would be beating each other up to get one. The boomer generation felt that they were the ones to get the cool future tech, that it would be the Jetsons and they would have everything they need and want. Of course, by the time they had kids, their kids were the first to get the new technology of the future they so wanted. And now, deprived of their chance to have the future they feel like they deserved, Boomers take it out on Pokemon, phones, video games, anything they can't understand and thus demonize.

They were promised the future, but no one ever told them they weren't getting the manual for it.

It was neo-dadaism. But thanks for making me chuckle.

The artists are clearly like 60 years old & think all modern media is degenerate, of course they're not going to know that

I actually really like Horsey's art style
His girls are cute
Too bad he's retarded

>lady behind the counter has a shirt

>Neo-Dada was exemplified by its use of modern materials, popular imagery, and absurdist contrast. It was a reaction to the personal emotionalism of Abstract Expressionism and, taking a lead from the practice of Marcel Duchamp and Kurt Schwitters, denied traditional concepts of aesthetics.
This level of meme analysis is too much for my small brain.

Attached: R14kkDj.png (657x527, 13K)

He wasn't driving the point home hard enough so he had to add that one last point of unsubtlety

Rusty Shackleford was full on identity theft, it's less the idea of giving your name out so freely and more the lengths Dale went through to never be on the level about anything.
If the Beast is anything to go by, Judge seems pretty wary of the bullshit you can get roped into with letting your information out.


Horsey draws fat ass chicks but he's probably the best example of "boomer whose brain is fucked by the passage of time". Also he's a faggot.

Somebody should edit that Postal 2 into Portal 2

But then anons would post it unironically to shit on zoomers

>implying sincerity exists on modern Yea Forums

It wasn't theft because he thought Rusty was dead until he turned out to be alive, it's a mistake anyone could make.

Everything boomers do reeks of SEETHING that they're not young anymore and doing anything they can to prevent the young from being successful.

Not uncoincidendally, most millennials plan on leaving their parents to die alone.

What's the joke here? because it reminds me of that Kelly strip of the convenience store that ran out of ritz crackers.

There were good light gun games for PS1/DC

I was going to disagree but then I remembered recent events and how the person in question did it ironically

It's still illegal to assume a dead person's identity, fuckhead.

>Portal to Hell 2
>Not Portal 2 Hell
Come on dude, it was right in front of you.

Kelly does it again

It's quite disturbing how some people actually buy the propaganda and sincerely think that war is anything but boredom sprinkled with extreme terror and trauma. /pol/ is full of these idiots.

Attached: 1552359436330.jpg (1480x1500, 1.83M)

In Real Life: A customer with no shirt and no shoes will be denied service.

In Bizarro Land: An employee with no shirt and no shoes will deny you service.

Since the player is destroying those bad things, doesn't that imply that playing video games has helped him to avoid those things?

>It's the consumers' fault sears went under
No. Actually it was actually Sear's underestimation of the internet's future dominance and refusal to adapt that killed them.

The joke is that the "No shirt, no shoes, no service" policy isn't referring to the customers but instead to the employees.

harumph i say to these youths and thair new fangled news papers and radioo machines, an invention of those sicilian niggers!

such ungodly frivolities corrupting the youths into being uncouth ruffians, surely the source of all this violence! why back in my youth we attended plays and enjoyed a good old fashion lynching! surely the degeneracy of our current generation is all but a fad!

Attached: 91ef1aee64cb3987411d35ab1969bde2.jpg (262x320, 20K)

The GunCon was released in 1995 you absolute casual.

Attached: 1548316221712.jpg (1080x1920, 790K)

>sicilian niggers

Attached: laughing_whore.jpg (500x333, 26K)

i had one for the PlayStation to play time crisis game, point blank and some jap game where you defend a rabbit

Suprised no one has posted pic related yet

Attached: DemqpFVV4AEW-Wd.jpg (1009x749, 159K)


what did he mean by this?

To be fair drinking until the book spiders went away was a small price to pay for the invasion of dice and card games, right /tg/? This is Yea Forums? Well I'm sure there are trap cards and Yea Forums does enjoy a good trap.

It's okay because Dale was a child when he started doing it, it carries over


Attached: Superman heat vision.gif (300x175, 621K)

Millennials hate boomers because boomers racked up a 20 trillion debt and believe they're entitled to even more

It's hard to work with some an artifact-ridden, low-resolution image, but there was an attempt.

Attached: 1554245327143.jpg (604x463, 122K)


Turned directly towards the reader
>The times they are a changin'

This comic strip brought to you by the NRA

Horsey is actually liberal/left and has a bunch of anti-NRA strawman comics too.

>Tourist Traps

Boomer logic.

Attached: 1355028062914.jpg (497x500, 50K)

I guess an editorial cartoonist would be missing out if he couldn't poke fun at the NRA as well.

doing gods work user

You’re giving too much effort to a bad writer

>My parents don't understand why I can't get a job
>My grandfather, however, understands it completely

We live in a really weird time.


There's no way this is real. How can a dude be this oblivious?

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When did John Waters start making video games and where can I buy them?

Attached: John Waters.jpg (500x385, 27K)

Attached: bXVkT-gLR5SEF0ANgfSmkA.png (352x381, 13K)

HOLY shit, underrated

Attached: 1552188701988.jpg (371x330, 17K)

Half of what you listed for mils is gen-i

Attached: boomer dad.jpg (1596x2327, 930K)

you guys know violent video games are actually bad for you, right?

That father is full of life. He's about to turn to face the reader, shrug his shoulders, waggle his eyebrows and say "Kids today, amirite?"

>portal 2

This has to be an edit.

Wow...we really do live in a society.

Attached: Costanza joker.png (439x442, 129K)

I still play Pokemon Go. I like collecting things, and I already liked Pokemon. Plus my dad started playing about a year after the release so it's something we can talk about together.

All videogames are bad for you except for strategy games and puzzle games.

If you're not exercising your brain then you're letting it go to waste.

Attached: >tfw Talosian.jpg (250x219, 7K)

This one actually got it mostly right. The only inaccuracy is the constant Pikachus, but that's just to keep shit simple and accessible.

I was looking for this one

Holy shit this art is bad

>implications of knights of yore not indulging
Mine own sides suffer from guffaws.

While the video game industry is evil, that's not what's wrong.

It's like sending the Joker to jail on tax fraud and nothing else.

Comics such as these rarely go for good art. In a way I'm thankful for overlabeling so I don't have to waste time guessing what the small blob cursing at a four-legged creature is meant to represent.

>still complaining about Mortal Kombat like it's 1993

Goofy themed cosplay

>"Yeah, it is protected under the first amendment but I don't like it so it should be stopped."

What a loser.

This image needs more watermarks

btw it's an edit.


btw it's an edit.


>complaining about Mortal Kombat in 2012
That game's violence is pretty goofy in retrospect.

Attached: CloseDesertedCrustacean-small.gif (435x250, 841K)

>Playing WoW on a console
>the controller's joystick is on the right
>the console looks like an N64 on its side
I dont know which part of this to correct first.

Challenge his son to a Gym Battle.

You already corrected WoW on a console first.

People already are. Post on Yea Forums about Fortnite and watch them sperg out.

That book is bound backwards.

True but that was always the case.
Yea Forums is less about "back in my day we had good wholesome enriching entertainment" and more "these little shits have shit taste and look like faggots, also too many niggers"

Daily reminder that 1 nigger is one nigger to many regardless of context.

are the non-euclidean bed and chair intentional too

That comic came out one year after MK9 released, which was both a resurgence for the franchise and brought back people complaining about the violence, albeit to a much lesser extent. I remember the The Daily Show bringing it up in relation to the Supreme Court talking about violence in video games (they were against banning it). They played a clip of this fatality being done on Sonya and were saying things went to far.

Attached: Mortal_Kombat_violence_2011.png (444x227, 98K)

>to many
Behold the master race.

Of course the violence being done to a woman is too far.

Well he's right.
Many people do consider a singular nigger as a singular nigger.
Some may even call it objective fact.

how can it be hit or miss, if they never miss

I guess the brag is supposed to be "My shits too good to be a miss, so it's all hits" so they don't do midling shit or whatever.

>interested in history
>not a single historically relevant site there

The song's by a couple muslims who don't approve of Mia Khalifa being a porn star. They're saying that she fucks anyone who wants to fuck her.

Portal 2

Attached: 1533015461835.jpg (612x612, 77K)

Yea Forums is "back in my day", if "my day" meant 1 or 2 years ago.

What rate?

It was "More Titles By..." so it's the back if the book.

Needs a "this is water, we're going to fetch pokemon creatures" edit.

Don't let us down user. Seriously.

I audibly chortled.

>he's holding a bottle
he's already hooked.

I play old games on my old CRT TV. I don't see how that is bad.

I would have probably tried it but i don't have smartphone.

His point is people will make any gay shit a point of pride.
bragging about having a tv that is outmoded by almost the cheapest of common tvs nowadays and the old video distribution system in a day and age where analog is practically forgone unless collecting it is a hobby in itself for you is about as retarded as getting nostalgi about Sears catalogs.

Fuck's sake, man.

Attached: untitled.jpg (520x609, 237K)

Virtual cop and elemental gear bolt.

>Portal 2

I can't stop laughing, help.

Shouldn't she be happy to find "Pokémon Go characters" ?

The Boomer fears the Pokémon Go

I assume the idea is a standard parental assurance being absurdly met with disappointment, because gol darned kids these days WANT monsters.

so, since this looks to be a reoccurring curse, what will i-gen be as their arc comes to a close?

they have a big emphasis on internet fame and image, even at chance of harm to self. they're really nihilist. They trend towards whatever unifying factor there is between mobage, minecraft, and fortnite... I know they're still coalescing, but what else do we know of the zoomers?

playing WoW on an n64 with a lefthanded tekken controller.

what a madlad.

I think that's a Sega Genesis controller, but with the D-Pad flipped, but it's hooked up to Gen 7 consoles. That's the real generation clash!

These two actually hits the nail

The teenager should show some respect to the guy who singlehandedly defeated the Nazis in Holland.

Cursed boomer image

Had a good chuckle

Attached: 1453003084225.png (706x669, 43K)

>try to relax timmy it'll all be over in a few minute

Attached: 345534.jpg (1200x850, 63K)

I hope not since they fucking hate them.

I think it implies that the recruit is lying about his age which makes no sense considering recruiters wouldn't give a shit about that.

Attached: where.jpg (700x1633, 273K)

haha i thought this was that comic from the thumbnail.

>since I dont know how to use twitter, I'm going to guess that kids dont know how to use books
>no way the kids know how to use new things and old things at the same time if I cant

boomer comics are pure coping

>ywn love an arcade game so much you'd steal it from a library

Can I get something in the style of this?

Attached: 70d.gif (1264x1580, 695K)

Attached: 2F72D2E7-01C0-4ACE-9FDE-EDAE98AEE819.jpg (563x843, 229K)

>My favorite childhood memories are leafing through a catalogue of shit for my parents to buy me.
>What? A kid is using a tablet somewhere? Consequences will never be the same!

God I hate boomers so fucking much.

You can smell the upper class white kid in this post from a mile away.
Get away from your lily white suburb and venture into the real world if you want to see the consequences of corporatism.

Zoomers are going to kill themselves and everyone else once the climate collapses and people start to starve.

Sears lost to Amazon the same way Blockbuster lost to Netflix. They bet on the wrong pony.


Remove Pikachu and this is perfect.

Phone bad

I do it to my kids because its fun to mess with them about pretty much everything. Although i do believe our parents likely just genuinely didn't get it.

Maybe, but the amount of boomer salt it generated is especially confusing

That's exactly where all this boomer comics fall apart.
They like to believe that kids are as ignorant in old fashioned media as they are with new technology.
It's a sad way to justify their unwillingness to adapt to modern times, because in their mind everything was better back then, even if it really wasn't.

Is it just me or does his mouth look like vagina?

>Portal 2
Because everybody knows ALL video games are violent

Attached: image0-66.jpg (750x987, 363K)

Mah, who can forget such vidya classics such as Drive or Dead Alive...wait

>They like to believe that kids are as ignorant in old fashioned media as they are with new technology.
It's a good example of projection. Boomers are so frustrated with new media and new technology that they like to pretend younger generations are the same way with their older irrelevant media. Of course, the reality for them is that younger generations not only understand their older media just as well, because come on, how the fuck do you not understand television, magazines, news papers, or fucking books, but they are probably much smarter than the very boomers who grew up with it.

>boomer gets on pc
>infects it with a dozen viruses and replies with his personal info to spam emails

Attached: 1540143437655.jpg (567x422, 59K)

Holy fuck guys, this is deep

Attached: 0_qL4gxaifqosQBMrS.jpg (485x344, 51K)

Fuck cameras am I right?

Attached: 0_p2KqTbhQ8U-B1QxH.jpg (485x346, 46K)

It's like saying we can't understand how to read a scroll since it's old

>claim to fight in world war 2
>"nvm, that was our parents"
>claim to still be patriotic well respecting americans
>"nvm, we actually hate the first and second amendment and we've helped create a massive uncontrollable government"
Boomer logic, not even once

Attached: 1510422030154.gif (320x320, 91K)

Wanna guess what Al Capone went to prison for?

All fuds must hang. Bump stocks for all.


Attached: 1553568599471m.jpg (1024x1005, 170K)

>meanwhile bong veterans said they regret fighting against Germans

>a communist country
What particular country user, if you don't mind me asking?

Anyone else find that they have more in common with their grandparents than their actual parents. I've often heard the meme that talent skips a generation, but it's a little uncanny.

I did my best

Attached: 3AF25652-D372-4EF6-9134-F647E0CC1EAE.jpg (750x574, 154K)

Blockbuster dying to Netflix is extra funny because early on when Netflix was struggling to make a profit they offered to sell themselves to Blockbuster, but blockbuster didn't want them.

Is this the original soul vs soulless?

>Why are political cartoons always so overlabeled
Because most artists aren't clever enough to stick with abstract metaphors or let the reader interpret the comic themselves, and they need the reader to understand the exact message that they want them to think. It's a similar problem leftwing memes have, in that they'd prefer that everyone reading it understood their political message rather than just having it be funny. Abstractness is beyond boomer comprehension.

Attached: 1493946626811.png (356x480, 6K)

Attached: water.jpg (1875x1305, 1.85M)

I think these are just goofy drawings and not supposed to be making any kind of statement.

Attached: file.png (900x621, 1.04M)

Man fuck our kids, lazy little shits

Attached: 1101130520_600.jpg (437x580, 42K)

It's funny because her baby dies

>why they'll save us all

Eh it's near shit like this

Attached: 84347308.jpg (592x586, 35K)

This sounds like the opening hook to some summer blockbuster or something about the chosen ones.

>They’re lazy. Entitled. Narcissistic, and they still live with their parents.
>And they’re going to save us all.

Just add bottles of water, user, is not that hard.

1000 times better

>Taking pictures with a Nintendo DS

>Bringing up Postal 2 in 2012
No-one gave a shit about it until they put the complete edition on Steam.

Attached: 1463777690170.jpg (719x719, 62K)

And then he opens his phone and catches a ghost type pokemon creature.

How dare we not have a war with almost three times the casualties than the First World War where so many men died they called the lost generation

Attached: B8F8068B-C8B0-4401-862F-7675211C684D.png (476x346, 163K)

If you found the women’s underwear part it was

>fucking fortnite children with their flossing, back in my day we had dedotated wam and we liked it

Ah the make a wish. Have you seen his new one?

You jest, but I do actually remember in elementary school everyone using the camera function as an excuse to bring their DSI's on field trips.


Attached: 1101651001_400.jpg (400x527, 49K)

Great but can you make the kid holding two bottles of water?

>Malls are more important than libraries
>Libraries gain internet access
Libraries are more popular than malls
>Malls ARE libraries

He and the magazine have a lot in common. They use to come twice a year.

>you will never be fucked in the ass by your little bro

Attached: Big+yote+dude+_084401be7945d05da77eb7aea442d009.jpg (968x1560, 292K)

>It’s because they don’t let kids fight anymore. I was volunteering at the school a couple years ago and saw this kid punch another in the gut unprovoked, and they BOTH got suspended; zero tolerance they say. That is too stressful to be made afraid to stick up for yourself.


>and that’s a good thing!

>Horton Steps on a Lorax

>at least three of those are graphing calculators

Not him, but I remember getting this anime catalog (can't remember the name) and having to special order VHS at 30 dollars for two episodes.

If you do it just because you like old games and you think their graphics look better on a CRT, then more power to you.
If you do it because you can't afford anything newer, then, uh, my condolences, but good on you for making do with what you've got.
If you do it because despite having better options because you refuse to move on, and you take pride in that, then that is bad.

It thought that might be it, but doesn't that defeat the point? Is the artist saying that kids today should be illegally risking their lives when they're not old enough to fully understand the ramifications of that? Is the artist's reasoning actually so binary as "the old generation did it, so it must be good"?

>This summer
>The fate of the world hangs in the balance
>But five young adults with attitudes will band together to save us all
>And when they’re called Lazy.Entitled.Narcissistic. They’ll use it for memes.
>Prepare for the world’s most unlikely heroes

Attached: dangerous-memes-comic.png (1000x500, 59K)

okay, I figure this is loss but I have no idea how, guess I have boomer intellect

Attached: water frankenstein.png (750x574, 501K)

that's a nice edit. you draw those?

>Diary of a Whimpy latte

I mean...
in this case the 2nd one is kinda right?
The guy literally was brainwashed by spiderchan /pol/

its like when nintendo tried to sell their company and the idea of a home console system to Atari, who insisted no one would want that and the future is in arcade cabinets.

you don't end up on 4+Yea Forums /pol/ without already being radicalized.

Drive and Dead Alive are still there

>The guy literally was brainwashed by spiderchan /pol/

No. It easy to believe in that that octochan radicalised him. But read his manifesto. Nothing to do with that.

That's half true. Someone might pop over to H-an for /lolcow/ or Yea Forums controversy or /hebe/ or something, and then start enjoying the ""jokes"" /pol/ has. Then, as intended, they start earnestly believing the jokes are truth just through overexposure to them, and get radicalized for real. Either way, the Meme Man was spouting /pol/ memes & talking points and /pol/ ate that shit up, so I don't see why they shouldn't be blamed for influencing him.

If he was shouting "G Unit ride or die, muhfuggas", I'd be equally convinced he was (partly) driven to do it because he's a 50 Cent fanatic.

I have modern TV but NES games do look like shit in them.

If you pretend they're both being extremely sarcastic it reads like a calvin and hobbes strip.

Attached: Screenshot_20190403-131854.png (1855x2048, 1.33M)

You may have a point there

Nah, yoinked 'em from google images.

There was something wrong with him anyway; he had the mindset of wanting to kill a bunch of people. /pol/ memes encouraged him, sure, and directed his psychopathy, but they didn't create it.

Now I wanna draw her riding that machine like a sybian.

I like it. Really all it takes is just changing the kid's facial expression, or context panels before and after

Exactly, he wanted people dead, /pol/ just gave him the excuse he needed.

The Hare Krishnas have really lost their way.

Read the manifesto.

But what will we blame when stonetosser shoots someone? Shmorky?

deepest lore

American history is a fucking joke.

Boomers are literally brain damaged due to breathing in lead gasoline fumes. They are objectively the dumbest generation.

well they're wearing orange so what do you expect from prisoners

fucking this

>Alexa, what's a pokeyman creature?

>He was white, he was just mentally instable memes dont influence people hé dindu nuffin
>Fucking bloodthirsty sand niggers religion of peace brainwashed by a book
Every time
Yea Forums,=website of peace, memes of peace

>Implying I don't do the exact same fucking thing but with Amazon

this gets me harder than it fucking should

Not to imply that jihadists especially Western born ones are mentally stable but yeah memes are totally different than a literal religion and the accompanying support system.

Can we fucking grow up and take some responsibility for this shit? Yea Forums and the culture here let this fester and even if we didn't cause the incident the constant "READ THE MANIFESTO" and "HE WOULDVE HURT PEOPLE ANYWAYS" is literal defense of the bullshit that goes on here.
The people on pol are fucking lunatics and the sooner they get ostracized openly the better.

>it's just a prank bro

Well yeah, they're just silly pictures.


>all those discussions about how hitler was right were just a funny gag, nobody on /pol/ or 8gag is actually a far-right extremist
ok kid

A lot of people (usually American) glorify the military and so to illegally try and worm your way in is considered noble I guess. Think (movie) Captain America.

>Keep going, I’m about to hit my high score...!

>It's your fault
>Read the killer's confessio-

>All these people pointing out Portal 2
>No one pointing out that one of the video games is called "Video Games"

Not saying that but frog pictures still aren't comparable to literal religion and actual organized terrorism.

Speed reading bus a meme

>t. White retarded teen fake poster

>/pol/ memes encouraged him, sure, and directed his psychopathy, but they didn't create it.
That's some weak deflection. Encouraging and directing someone's psychopathy isn't something you can just downplay like that. Those are completely terrible things to do.

>These people are literally talking about Hitler
>OK but Pepe isn't like a religion alright
>That's not what we were talking about. We were talking about literal Hitler-
>Oh my god shut up about Pepe!
? Did your post come out of a random generator?

So you're saying without Islam there'd be no ISLAMIC terror?

Attached: so youre saying.jpg (811x540, 51K)

No, I'm talking about actual memes and you're diverging elsewhere.
I'm saying there's a massive difference between extremists in actual contact with actual extermists with persisting idealogies be it jihadist or nationalist and shitposters dropping flash in the pan memes which lack any real substance or consistancy, blaming memes just feels akin to blaming whatever frivolous hot button item is out like when they blame music and vidya.
Please we're finally not talking in memes, don't drag it back there.

The Christmas catalogs used to be gigantic with enormous toy sections and since information wasn't readily available back then it was often the first time you'll see things like new toy assortments.

Attached: 1528582884092.jpg (738x994, 682K)

Sure. And maybe without /pol/ memes he could have found his way out of it.

>Optimus Prime sold for only 25 dollars back then
>with inflation and Hasbro's enormous greed the same toy sans trailer and accessories now has a MSRP of 50 dollars at Wal-Mart.

I hate predatory nostalgia cash grabs.

>shooter doesnt name the jews
>he's totally /pol/ guise Yea Forums is to blame
you stupid stupid motherfucker



>Portal 2

Attached: 1544671428269.png (252x234, 118K)

He puts the book down and says "Son. They're just called Pokemon. Not "Pokemon creatures". You sound like a fucking boomer pretending to write for a zoomer when you say "Pokemon creatures".

is that World of Warcraft on cOnSOLE?

where are the books?

Us boomers huh

Manhunt was a fucking amazing game you fucking shitty artist gtfo

why'd he throw "drugs" in there? Just because it's another thing he doesn't like?

Wtf is this pic supposed to mean, there are very few things that can be damaged by cameras, and even then, you can deal with that by turning off the flash strobe.


It's probably saying that the ease of taking photographs has ruined people's appreciation for the natural world and/or art. The guy's dress is too modern for the artist to be butthurt about photography as a whole, so it's probably specifically about digital cameras.

It's this sort of sentiment:

Toys R Us is still going in Canada, as the people that bought there didn't load 5 gorillion dollars of their personal debt onto it like in the US.

Bitch dragged that home from the library... I'm in love. I must kill pac man and have her for myself, but I cannot survive her wrath if she choses to avenge him, bitch strong.

Attached: Water3.png (700x495, 272K)

I think it was because back in the day the arcade was where you went to score drugs for a lot of places.

>saying that the ease of taking photographs has ruined people's appreciation for the natural world and/or art.
Ah, those pretentious assholes, I've seen rants by those faggots on more than one occasion, and they actually kind of piss me off. Oh, yes, wanting to be able to look at or rewatch an event I liked means I'm not interested in it... Are these people fucking retarded, or do they get off on having something to yell and rant about?

how the fuck does that make any sense. my cousin goes to extreme lengths to get a nice photo of nature he’s nearly died a couple of times

It would be perfect, sadly this thread will die before I manage to finish it.

>believe shit like this
>go on vacation
>take no photos
>my family is genuinely disappointed and hurt that I didn't take the fucking 2% of my vacation time to snap a photo or two to show them what I did
>regret it and have been trying to change

Just admit to the fact that he is risking his life to take pictures of water. That shit is really dangerous and has gotten a stranglehold on our your. Did you know that water is responsible for almost every case of drowning?

>They're saying that she fucks anyone who wants to fuck her
I wish

that quote sounds like something straight out of cave johnson's mouth.

Pack it up, boys. We've achieved the pinnacle of art.

Go's good as a walking app.

I'm losing my shit over here, man.



Whoa... Guys, this is deep

No but seriously how do you think the father responded afterwards?

By tone of artist, he probably heavily sighed, said goodnight to his kid, and walked out of the room mumbling about kids these days.

I work in a library, and this take will never not be stupid to me. We have teens in there all the time reading. They even prefer physical books to study with.

Hell, even our digital apps have access to so many educational resources and books.

Now this stuff is just stupid.


"Nobody cares, Moby! Nobody cares..."

>A fucking Pokémon Go reference at 1:37
I remember playing this game with my best friend when it was at its height, we went to the park, had a great time and seen some interesting landmarks when we were finding Pokémon. There were so many different walks of people playing; black, white, boy, girl, young and old. We just hung out and had a great time around where we lived.

Honestly, if you want to be woke about cell phones and social media, how about they talk about the real issues with bots, increased surveillance by the gov, ad companies and by the devices in question and how our privacy gets constantly "lost/compromised"?

goddamned kids and their pokemon creatures

Attached: CncG5veXEAERQA8.jpg (675x1200, 107K)

Attached: nobody cares, moby.jpg (455x700, 40K)

Attached: Edit.png (503x376, 246K)

Attached: serveimage.jpg (863x794, 164K)

Attached: 5A3B91AB-B75A-4184-9E5B-57AFD1314875.jpg (709x961, 192K)

>war on drugs
Pick one and only one

wait, this is clearly long before portable telephones actually existed.

Jesus, no wonder some are fucked up in the head.

>collects data on you

Along with everything else on your smartphone. The thing is recording you all the time.

>things stop existing after 10 years
Moron. Also PS1 and Sega Saturn had a light gun.

Now it's too sexually and the violence is A-OK.
America is weird.

That's why it says
The artist (fairly accurately) predicted moblie phones, though he'd probably read some scientist or engineer theorising about them.

in this universe's original draft were cellphones invented in the early 20th century?

>Confusing Millenials with Gen Z
>Thinking Gen Z is at all salvageable

Has Time ever been this retarded?

This is so dumb, I love it.

Gen Z is based and redpilled.
They see the clown world millenials have created, and mock it relentlessly.

where the FUCK is Mildew

Shame you can't do anything else.

I can't find it but there's also a portable telegram machine that's pretty much a cliched complaint about texting a century before it existed.

Attached: 27-technology-1907.w710.h473.jpg (710x473, 172K)

Can you even print swears in a news paper comic?