Are you saying I’m stupid?

Are you saying I’m stupid?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did I fucking stutter, retard?

Such an underrated villain, i remember being intimidated by him when i was a kid.

> liked a bug's life
> hate how it's always overlooked
> even fucking cars 2 and 3 get more acknowledgement
> kevin spacey shit happened, now disney will REALLY ignore bug's life
it's not fair bros. it's not fucking fair

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Damn, man! Look at that, look!

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You want her?
Go ahead, take her.


>thinks coming out as gay in any way deflects an accusation of molesting a child
Yeah, pretty stupid from where I'm standing

>kevin spacey shit happened

Have you been living under a fucking rock
>allegations of him being sexually gross to people
>he tries to counter it with "boo hoo i'm gay it's so hard pls forgive"
>now he has even MORE reason to hate him

He had sex with little boys.
At one point he threatened Hollywood to stop blacklisting him or he'll spill more industry dirt but nothing came of it.

This is the first time I've ever seen this scene outside of a grainy VHS tape. Damn.

>when the ants realize they outnumber the grasshoppers

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It's pretty chilling how he just straight up kills three of his men in cold blood on-screen, just to prove a point.
A fairly PG death, but still.

Do you really want Bug Life to end like Toy Story? I don't think it needed sequel.


I like how he actually got to murder other characters in scene. Thats uncommon in a family cartoon

Am I the only one that's thankful Square Enix made prototype models of Monsters Inc. characters during KH2's development instead of characters from A Bug's Life?

Shoudnt the guy ant in a bugs life have wings?

Man, Hopper was a neat villain. I get that A Bug’s Life is supposed to be insect version of Seven Samurai but Hopper felt like a gangster type character with how he acted, talked and did shit. He straight up murders people in this film.

Most of the insects in A Bug’s Life aren’t scaled to their real life sizes. Flick is almost as tall as the Spider lady or the Butterfly and Mantis guy. Antz had bugs being somewhat scaled to each other.

shouldnt the antz guy had wings too

>crushed three of his own minions under an avalanche of grains just to make a point

Everyone knows Square Enix is shit.

But who will make good Bug Life figures, if ever?

This scene got ruined for me because they made that "blooper reel." They did that shit for Toy Story 2 too. Do people like fake bloopers? Doesn't the fact that they're fabricated take away the appeal?

Are the bloopers staged or could it be that the voice actors had their own bloopers and the animators decided to roll with it?


Remember when Spacey did this to that little boy irl?

>Do people like fake bloopers?
I liked them and I miss them.

I never understood if she had a childhood crush in Flick or something.

Based on his job and role the Antz protagonist was a female drone.

fpbp. Dumbass cricket.

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>i remember being intimidated by him when i was a kid.
>I remember being aroused by him now I'm an adult

>put that thing in my car
I’m laughing irl.
If only Disney/Pixar would stop it with their shitty twist villain obsession

>he was female

Does she look like a bitch?

>buries two of his henchmen alive
>beats Flik half to death in front of an audience
>plans to kill the ant queen just because
>tries to strangle Flik to death

That look at 2:17 was golden

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>he was a female

pushing the LGBTQ agenda back then I see

Despite being 13% of the insects, grasshoppers commit 50% of the ant colony takeovers.

>never kills his brother only because he promised their mother on her deathbed that he wouldn't

Same, I've always hated grasshoppers and that motherfucker didn't help.

Wetas are the reason I'll never set foot in New Zealand.

Workers of the world rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

It's funny how an evil megacorporation could make both this movie and Toontown.

Are you referring to Hopper or Kevin Spacey?

He had sex with underage boys. Tried to deflect by coming out as gay. Didn't work because, c'mon, we knew.


It didn't work because responding to "holy shit you tried to rape that kid" with "yeah but I'm gay, so" offended literally everyone

Bug's life wasn't the best movie, but I miss when Pixar had a little bit of grit to it. Maybe its just a side effect of earlier technology, but all their characters and environments looked a lot more textured, they went for scenes with some shock value, not all of their characters looked cuddly and their movies felt more like different self contained worlds instead of something monotonous.

They don't beat real outtakes, but I still had a soft spot for Pixar putting in that extra little bit of effort back in the day. They had a charm to them.

I still remember being genuinely horrified by his death scene as a kid.

Looking back now it's clearly supposed to be humorously off-set by the fact that he's eaten by the cutest fluffiest baby chicks ever, but the fact that he's frantically flailing and screaming bloody murder the whole time just made me super uncomfortable.

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stop reminding me pixar is dead

>the look of apathy on his face as he watches them die

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I kind of liked that his people didn't even really need or want the extra food. It was all just one big power-play that only Hopper really seemed to care about for the sake of being the one on top.

It was just as frightful.

How would Charlotte have done against Hopper?

That bird was scary as fuck in the video game.

Not to go off topic, but do all the people calling Spacey a kiddy fiddler realize half of Yea Forums at all times of the day are threads made by legit pedos? Not that all of you are those people, but how would I know? Feels hypocritical.

I member them

Definitely one of the best animated villains.

It's massively underrated because along with Cars it was the only Pixar movie between 1995 and 2010 that wasn't universally praised. (But Cars still got multiple sequels because it sells a shitload of toys and because the franchise was a Lasseter baby).

Also, I think that money related issues aside, they never bothered with a sequel because insects reenacting the Seven Samurai plot simply isn't as whimsical or as interesting of a setting as the rest of the Pixar universes.

Are you fucking retarded? What a ridiculous post.

>half of Yea Forums at all times of the day are threads made by legit pedos?
[citation needed]

I never realized how cute Dot was. And funny!

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I suspect at least a couple weren't staged.

And these definitely weren't:

So was Thumper a feral grasshopper or just a slobbering, screeching retard?

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>waste god knows how much money to animate this shit people wont even bother to watch
why ?

Did you watch the bloopers? He's a really, really intense method actor.

14 million YouTube views say you're wrong.

Me too, I wanted a sequel with all the circus bugs returning.

>come into thread expecting reference to the blooper involving OP's scene
>no reference anywhere
I miss Pixar Bloopers.


anyone else like gypsy I think shes a cutie

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Her character didn't make any sense. She's supposed to be an old lady, but she's also supposed to be a showgirl?

Hey, /gfg/ isn't even a thing any more!

she's a glam gran

I think she was just meant to be married to an old guy


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The gag was that all the road show bugs fucking sucked for one reason or another. In her case, she was intended to be an over-the-hill showgirl; the kind you see in cheap travelling carnivals with all the cellulite but they still think they can wear bikinis.

She sure looks more dazzling than any of the ants.

If she made a big and strong enough web, it could've done some pretty good damage because Hopper (or most likely his henchmen) would get stuck in it and it'd feed her for weeks.

Are you sure? From what I've seen on Yea Forums Charlotte requires a lot of food.

I mean Rosie wasn't much good against them and she was an actual Black Widow

The grasshoppers maintained their rule over the ants through lies and terrorism.
They were Jews.


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Pedophiles aren't rapists. When you begin to few others as a sex toy rather than a person you cross the line from pedophilia to monsterhood. Kevin Spacey is not a pedophile or a homosexual, he is an addicted monster.

view not few

Name one thing they lied about.

Did you quote the wrong post?

I'm pretty sure they were meant to be mobsters

I miss the gag and blooper reels

so she's a gilf ?

I figured he was just a good big brother figure to her since Atta was busy with preparing for the queenship

Is that what you want to hear?

They're actually based on biker gangs.

Basically, yes.

Yeah but Rosie was a fucking circus pansy.

>implying older women don’t make the best showgirls

in the real world, all worker ants are sterilized females. The only male ants are born to mate with potential queen ants during nuptial flights. After injecting a queen with sperm, they die immediately. That is, if they weren't already eaten by a bird before fulfilling their life's one purpose.

Good thing she's got a lot of grasshoppers.

>”So, just because I’m a ladybug that makes a girl! Is that it, flyboy?”
How did they get away with this?

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>wanting nu pixar close to one of the best cgi films
i have to say it though, cars 3 was al right.

Boy, you have no idea.

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So I don't understand...

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Yeah you could have waited for Flick to be out of the island when his colony outcasted him, then your plan wouldn’t have been fucked by a bunch of literal clowns you piece of bird shit.

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>do I look stupid to you
>decks some other grasshopper
>never gets up

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If you like A Bug's Life GOOD NEWS.

There's over a dozen movies that do the same plot.

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>Do people like fake bloopers?
I do, yeah.
Gives the movie a meta level like how American Dad keeps making jokes that the show is actually being recorded and that all characters are just actors.


Yet for some reason they still couldn't make those models NOT LOOK AWKWARD on that terrain.

>Angry dad voice

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You can tell it's not the first time he's done some of his boys in.

Ladybug (Male).

But that's what he did. Dot just went and brought him back.

Black Widows are dangerous to humans because their venom is potent, but they get hunted by other spiders like Daddy long legs and wolf spiders. If Hopper flew into Charlotte's web he'd be dinner.

I can't help but giggle at Charlotte taking down fucking Hopper.

The real reason Bugs Life get ignored by Disney is because they didn't realize how Communist it is until afterwards
Tinfoils can believe what they like but Disney loves money

I don't recall the part where the ants kill the queen and princesses and install a corrupt regime of an incompetent and corrupt single party dictatorship while still making deals with the grasshoppers in exchange for nothing that makes the ants' lives better

It was in the Snyder Cut.

That shit was fucking funny.

They worked because sometimes they were kind of meta, such as the "Bug's Life 2" bit in Toy Story 2, and then some are just well-done that even though they're entirely staged, it's funny some of the stuff they come up with like the feral grasshopper just being an actor who really takes his roles seriously. Certainly, nothing beats legit flubs, but the actors just fucking about for fun can be downright hilarious.

And who exactly does that contradict each other?
The old wrinkled chain smoking showgirl/femme fatal is not exactly a new concept.

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>Put that thing in my car

>"hey guys i know we are having a nice thread and everything but PEDOPHILES PEDOPHILES PEDOPHILES PEDOPHILES PEDOPHILES"

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You're not really helping matters by complaining about a nearly 15 HOUR post.

Gipsy aside the best Bug's Life girl isn't even in the actual movie.

That being Claire, the stinkbug from the Disney World show.

It's a good practice to know what words mean before you use them buddy.

Holy shit, I remember that. It's been too long.

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It's STILL playing

Claire De Room, BRAPing before it was cool.

You're not really helping either by giving the slowpoke attention

>I want to kiss you
>But your lips
>Are venemous

Success breeds complacency.

Whatever, dipshit.

>see thumbnail
>immediately get the urge to replay the PS1 game
Thanks OP

Half Life 3 never ever
ASOIAF never ever finished

>shock value
literally when?
Are you thinking of Antz?

inb4 vore fics


I want to fuck Gypsy so fucking bad
She will NEVER have lewds

Please do not lewd moths.

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Somebody get the moth femdom doujins

Son, dot only went back when hopper came early and his goons revealed his plan to her, should he have waited a couple more days for flick to be with the circus, then he would have been able to squish that blue hag when he had the chance.

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Do not or I am calling the police.

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You're in the wrong neighborhood.

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All at once or in pieces?

Isn't it just called eating if it isn't all at once?

Loving the crotch fwoof

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That's the good shit.


Guoh, I think.

Him and the psycho grasshopper that they had chained up scared the crap out of me as a kid.

Add the fact I saw Antz first thinking it was this movie and I was pretty scarred on bug movies

That game scared the shit out of me.

I thought his voice was pretty hot but yeah he was scary.

If a Bug's Life somehow gets a world in Kingdom Hearts 4, who's going to take over for Kevin Spacey?

He wouldn't have reprised the role to begin with. All the Pixar characters in 3 were soundalikes.

You sure? I thought Hamm and Rex had their movie VAs.

Ants! *Slaps knee*

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When they were out, which did you like more? ABL or Antz?

Hamm and Rex, plus Flynn and the entire cast of Frozen reprised their roles.

except tangled and frozen have nothing to do with pixar you brainlet

A Bug's Life

It had better and more colorful characters

ABL is the better movie. It's not even close. Not that it's even all that great by Pixar's standards at the time, but Antz is just trash.


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All CGI is Pixar

>Do people like fake bloopers

I feel like ABL is a more memorable movie overall, aside from that scene from Antz where the acid spitting bugs kill everyone.

They did. Frozen cast, too, and maybe Tangled.

"I think I swallowed a bug."


Flik > Z
Atta > Bala
Hopper > dick general
Circus bugs > Weaver and Azteca
Saving the ant colony from a dangerous outside threat that has tormented them for years > saving the ant colony from a coup from within

>finding a grasshopper hot
The fuck is wrong with you faggots

We owned both on VHS but I never finished Antz, found it too ugly

it's the voice.
i think.

>yfw critics thought Antz was superior

Huh, all it takes is some cynical adult humor laced within the script here and there.

It came out back when they sucked up anything Woody Allen made

I want to shrink and for Princess Atta to eat me.

The fuck? It's a Woody Allen movie?

I think I liked Z more than Flik if only because his whole "I'm stuck in this routine that I hate for the rest of my life" thing felt relatable and he tended to be a rather sassy protagonist.

That said, Flik telling off Hopper at the end of ABL easily eclipsed anything Z did in his movie.

Was it bug communism?

Well it's Kevin Spacey. Do you still find it hot?

Woody Allen voices Z.

I fucking love fake bloopers and wish they appeared more.

I think you’re mixing it up. Ant drones are male. They’re the only male ants in the colony, actually.

Wrong board. You’re thinking of Yea Forums. Over here we just jerk off to imaginary children.

>we got James Earl Jones into the recording studio to make retarded panting sounds, what did YOU do with your day?

>watch fictional media but be convinced it's real at least in-universe
>it's fake there too
Don't know why many people like that shit, judging from so many replies. Maybe if the characters were themselves, but just making a TV show/movie like most toons in Roger Rabbit were I wouldn't be bothered.
The possibility that even the characters themselves are fake and have different names and personalities like in real life just ruins the show/film for me.

now that you mention it, I remember him being pretty scary, and a lot more serious than animated villains.

not me, I thought he made sense

kids like to be fucked, retard


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Real talk though, Spacey played the best antagonists.

I'd be intimidated if I saw a full grown man palm a child's head then proceed to pick them up with one hand like that. And she wasn't terribly young, maybe equivalent to an 8 to 10 year old.

i think flying is basically analogous to female ant puberty

Even worse really. Now you have an 80 to 110lbs child being held up by their head by a full grown man with a scar over his eye in one hand.

*climbs on top of u*

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he honestly wasn't a bad looking dude

Eh, he's kinda creepy in a Christopher Walkens sorta way.

but thats hot