Only anime can make cute gi-

only anime can make cute gi-

Attached: Young_anna.png (512x492, 471K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She's super cute. Bet there's almost no porn though.

That's not the Anne I think of when cute comes to mind...

Fuck off Famicom.

If he has good taste in loli, he can stick around for a bit longer.

Pedophile thread?

Attached: 318864_1258751408971_375_300.jpg (546x624, 41K)

who is this "famicom" you speak of ?

Attached: Crack07.jpg (474x347, 15K)

Cute girl thread. For as long as it lasts.

It had pretty good animation for a shitty Saturday morning special.

We could too, once. But not anymore.

Let's enjoy it while we can.

Attached: 1549253781611.jpg (720x480, 82K)

Why are you posting some obscure character from the Care Bears? Yeah, I know where she was from! You cannot fool me!

why thank you

Attached: anna-care-bears-nutcracker-suite-5.09.jpg (210x240, 10K)

HSK has some good ones. Hilda is cute. Twelve Forever, whenever that comes out.

Why is there no Anna/Dark Heart pics?

Fair enough, but still.

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>not Christy

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She has to be the thirstiest little girl from a kid's cartoon that isn't slapstick comedy. Cecilia, I think her name was?

Doesn't Erik Mokracek have a boner for this chick? It would explain why this fucking post keeps happening on the daily.

You faggots and your e-celebs.

Attached: 1547772895200.png (143x140, 11K)

No, this is PC-Famicom64. Erik is too stupid to know what Yea Forums is.

These girls are the same age as your ''waifus' just because they are American doesn't make them different you faggot

Doubt that's what he meant. They'd complain either way.

Attached: 1523787743566.png (112x112, 20K)

Animated by asians, soooo...

>those bedroom eyes

I know this girl but can't place where she's from. .. We're back?

And voiced by Lisa Simpson.

My favorite thing about late '80s/early '90s designs like this is how they'd stay grounded most of the time, then only occasionally go really toony for emphasis.

I honestly wish more people would use that approach, where the style is more restrained until it gets to a really expressive part. There's a common attitude that if you like going cartoony, you have to do it 100% of the time.

Attached: 2.gif (367x285, 2.18M)


Years later, Star is still cute to me.

Shes cute and funny.

Attached: Star_Butterfly.png (416x750, 223K)

Bedroom everything. That girl had a mighty thirst for scruffy shota

Attached: Ceci1.gif (200x128, 923K)

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Attached: ceci3.gif (200x129, 832K)

What is this from? I cant for the life of me remember. I know I wore this VHSout as a kod though.

We're black a dinosaur story

Honest question, why the fuck weebs Imply their animation industry is the best only because they made little girls with lack of facial features and annormalous big eyes?

Thank you!! I kept thinking it was Rockadoodle or all dog go to heaven!

>Hilda is cute
Yes, she's cute.

>Twelve Forever, whenever that comes out.
It's coming out late this year. I genuinely hope so because you know how shitty are the airing dates.

>We're black a dinosaur story
>We're black

Attached: reaction image 16.gif (480x360, 1.05M)

Anna makes me think of Charity.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-16-19h03m24s666.png (512x384, 223K)

I'll agree that Hilda needs the dick but as a whole Japan has won to such an extent none of our bickering even matters.

I dunno dude these girls look like they're 8. Waifu faggotry usually is reserved for characters in the teens unless you're talking to a super degenerate.
The scene with the human characters starts at about 15:45

More like sexiest am i right

I can't stand overdetailed eyes, lack of facial features, high pitch voices and really retarded humor.

>unless you're talking to a super degenerate.
So, typical anime fan then.

Attached: pillowcover.jpg (800x1000, 173K)

Reminder that Aka Pella was the better girl.

Attached: Histeria! - S02e06 - North America-52.mp4_snapshot_16.17_[2019.03.28_21.34.11].png (716x480, 366K)

I've been around for a long, long while. I was into this while you were still churning in your daddies balls. The basic thing is it all comes down to preference and personal taste. Don't hate anime, don't hate cartoons. Watch what you like and be happy. It's all good and proper as far as I'm concerned. Think of it that way. It's all just interpretations of the same thing. Both are legitimate. I just wish for western animation to stop with the ugliness and start making cute, sexy stuff. We've done it before and we can do it again.

Yeah because cartoon fans aren't degenerate at all and are perfectly sane individuals. We're all in this together.

I think that was OP's point as well. And I can't speak for every weeaboo but, I don't?

>Waifu faggotry usually is reserved for characters in the teens
It's funny to me that you think that.
>unless you're talking to a super degenerate.
Where do you think we are.tiff

Attached: 122.jpg (370x420, 43K)

Another girl tragically low on promotional material. This is the only image I could find of her loving the dick.

Attached: TRICKY.jpg (474x337, 21K)

what is she doing to that dick ?

Bitch, that's my point, the japanese animation market is filled with things that I can't stand or straight I don't like, that's why I prefer burger and frog cartoons. I do like little girls in cartoons, by the way.

The "ugliness" is pretty subjective, take for instance Julia Pott's style, it's ugly, but It's also new, interesting, something that I haven't seen before. I far prefer this kind of works made for the sake of experimentation.

>I don't
You are an angel in a world filled with devils, user.

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>replying to the 40 year old pedophile

>We're black

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Excuse me sir, but could you give me the sauce of that pic?

I'm pretty newfag, which tripfags I have to ignore?

>he posts the same little girl in a car to deviantart like over 100 times

For his next trick, she's about to turn him into another kind of crook.


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Think for yourself. tl;dr I've been on Yea Forums and Yea Forums since 2006 and there's a few Anons who waste their time trying to troll me, despite the fact I was shitposting before they were born and know every trick, scheme and tactic in the book because I was there when it mattered. I'm 32 and a Croat. Likewise, back in the days of AT I helped bring down a female pedophile who was selling her daughter, but nobody ever mentions this because as always user is in search of lolzcows. I see all antagonistic Anons as a kind of fanclub an I have gentle feelings towards them. I rarely post due to the general decline of Yea Forums media. My negative reputation comes from me enjoying loli stuff back in those pre-2010 days when this was still unusual, but now my tastes can be regarded as vanilla both due to me not taking anything seriously and just being a normal individual. I'm an oldfag who has nothing to prove in the end. I've seen it all.


Sans Wakfu I haven't really been paying attention though I should pick up Ladybug, I suppose.

Oh boy friendo you need to go and watch Quest for Camelot. 10/10 pure kino

Attached: 1550521607916.jpg (1515x2039, 276K)

All of them except Boco, who you can tell to shut the fuck up whenever he posts.

Attached: 1484529303438.jpg (1024x576, 47K)

Not who you replied to but I grew up with Quest for Camelot, realized how bad it was but because of this board I watch this video once a week and have started enjoying it unironically.

Excellent taste

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I was thinking on Jolies Tenebres.

Attached: auroradescendingintomaturity.png (935x970, 2.75M)

Refined taste. I respect that.

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Hilda is my daughterfu

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I'd fu your daughter. As in f-u-n, of course.

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She was animated by the japanese proving still only japan can animate right

Attached: vines.webm (704x480, 520K)

Attached: Me in a loli thread.webm (720x480, 416K)

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Why is the brown one so sexual?

If it was drawn by the japanese, is it still western? Because cartoons made outside of japan never have looked as good.


Attached: gaz new design by bigdad.png (1280x1087, 591K)

As western as Ducktales.

Attached: DuckTales_(Main_title).jpg (400x250, 36K)

That was also animated by an eastern company

Is there any non pedophile oriented cute girls in western cartoons??

Attached: 4pqSDXj.png (1074x1482, 314K)

SHe looks creepy as fuck not cute at all. Looks like a annabelle doll shit that would kill you in your sleep.

Gigachad IQ.

Uuughh those Chilaquiles really didn’t go down well.
*squish squish*
Oh no, please don’t tell me that just happened

Attached: 0DF5CBA4-CEDB-4842-8B8C-15B39FCD2A44.jpg (210x240, 20K)

You're right. That grounded look on cartoons makes them more human in their expressions.

Where is this from?

Attached: connie maheswaran in 90s.png (918x1429, 118K)

I know where this is going

That one works fine for me.
>cute girls
That makes it difficult. I could post younger girls designed to be ugly or at least far from traditionally cute, but that negates the requirement. I could post cute adult girls, but that's not in the spirit of what you asked. I could post ugly girls that act cute, but again, probably not what you meant.

Maybe an inanimate object, like the Toaster. Though to be honest I always thought of toaster as a boy. But something similar perhaps.

Attached: Toaster.jpg (1440x1080, 483K)

>she looks creepy
You must be mad as a hatter to think that about Alice.

Attached: 126.jpg (440x305, 43K)

Retard playing semantics.

All the main appliances were male

What is an example of going 100%?

Yo who's the chick?

bump desu


I mentioned it here but the post I was replying to got axed for some reason.
One of those toy-based cartoons that has a little more charm for being an odd one-off instead of a generic series.

OK KO is a good example. The characters are drawn really loosely all the time, and they'll do wacky poses at completely mundane moments.

I figured as much.
Just trying to break down what user specifically meant by cute girl, no need to act like a faggot because you have no attention span.

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Also Superjail, Ed Edd n Eddy, and anything that's overtly John K inspired (like Cow & Chicken)

They're a lot of fun to watch, but it's like the creators are afraid that if they don't keep exaggerated and toony, they'll fall right into being boring. They're often great for what they are, but personally I like a middle ground.

>Ed Edd n Eddy
What a horrible example. The eds were meant to be very cartoony and even then they were very appropriate with when they made exaggerated faces


I think pretty much every cartoon little girl is not pedophile oriented. The fact there are internet people who jerk off with these characters is other thing.

i cant find my picture of corn chip girl

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What does it mean?

Attached: 466cbaefa979a5218079994b4fa24d27.png (31x162, 2K)

Thanks a lot senpai.

/acme/ gonna be turned into a hentai board.

>Inb4 what's /acme/
The spanish speaker Yea Forums


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Hua seems to be one of the fewer western artist that draws nice loli bellies.


Attached: ttt.png (532x484, 291K)

Restless leg syndrome?

You never see intentionally ugly anime, ugliness in anime is the result of errors. Meanwhile, intentionally ugliness is the norm in western animation. You said "We've done it before" but any example you can tell me looks like shit compared to any rando Anime girl.

You cheeky bastard.

Attached: 1340032802279.gif (180x104, 229K)

>You never see intentionally ugly anime, ugliness in anime is the result of errors.
Literally fucking retarded.

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Mina always gets me. God dammit

Attached: Bunnicula.S01E26.Scaraoke.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.H.264-RCVR.mkv_snapshot_02.53_[2019.03.24_09.33.2 (1920x1080, 1.76M)

It's damn shame the show itself was so lame

I don't normally devote a whole folder to one character, but for Mina? Oh yes.

Attached: Mina 23.jpg (1024x660, 138K)

She simultaneously floods my heart with lewd, but I also just really want to watch horror and sci-fi flicks with her at the same time.

Attached: Mina 1.jpg (710x850, 528K)

I wouldn't call it lame, it's just another series that loops folk in with promise of a waifu, but focuses on cartoon shenanigans instead.

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Attached: Bunnicula.S02E26.Beach.Planet.Bunn.1080p.BOOM.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264-JEW.mkv_snapshot_10.24_[2019.04.02_ (1920x1080, 775K)

for me, its Coraline

Attached: Coraline_04.jpg (1280x694, 115K)

>posts a bunch of pedo shit from decades ago
no one cares anymore, we're talking about the present, gramps

KYS redditor

No seriously you stupid faggot, if your argument is that the west can maike cute girls, why not pick examples from this decade instead of leaning back on ones which aren't even relevant to the argument anymore. Yes, the West ONCE made cute girls, but they don't now, so who gives a shit? Doing something well once doesn't somehow make you impervious to decline or failure at a later date. You of all people should know that, you fucking dementoid.

>we wuz theropods and shieeett

Attached: nigger.png (610x641, 520K)

also a good choice

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They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

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she's a nazi mouthpiece

Attached: sara hitler.webm (982x554, 2.82M)

does anyone remember that new years eve thread about her in 2017/2018?

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Attached: ruber DD.png (1920x1200, 1.08M)

Look up the anime version of Flowers of Evil.
Holy shit did they fuck that one up.

Attached: 12412.jpg (325x281, 51K)

Attached: 01h32m32s758.png (896x386, 345K)

A token girl, a mouse, bare feet, AND a brown-haired redhead. What more could co ask for?

Attached: vlcsnap-2015-09-27-16h11m10s1.png (1280x720, 493K)

I remember that episode where she wore the Roman costume.

The most beautiful rape I've ever seen.

>I like it =/= It's not ugly

I don't like to sound like a fucking weeb but you should watch more japanese animation. As I said before, uglyness is pretty subjetctive, I prefer "ugly" cartoons because they are trying to do new stuff. By the way the whole jap animation industry is not filled with "le-female-character-in-hers-teens".

Attached: 155377786564.jpg (180x280, 14K)

It suited the tone of the manga.

Attached: 1378004579194.gif (420x236, 2.92M)

I remember her making a very brief resurgence, I don't remember any particular thread

cute feets

Not the outfit that I remember.
There was a Rome episode, but Lucy doesn't seem to change into a costume. There was a Egypt episode and the Littles are all in slave outfits.

Attached: tinker little.png (657x497, 411K)

If it wasn't for the terrible rotoscoping and potato faces, it would had been fine.
I personally think the original artwork for the manga was great on its own without having to drivel into pure ugliness.

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Attached: calla like a boss.png (657x491, 426K)

At least they look like actual people.

Stop derailing the fucking thread, faggot.

I like Anne.

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Why does Yea Forums hate beauty?

Attached: Hilda and twig.png (2472x1504, 3.15M)

Define beauty.

That's probably the one I'm thinking of.

I doubt anyone else cares about this besides the people who have replied to me. Relax your dick, it ain't like the LoL threads where it suddenly goes into /pol/ shitposting.

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I've rewind that part so many times as a kid

Just because the focus is so much better in this one.

Attached: tinker little2.png (653x493, 369K)

Very obscure 90's one episode girl.

Attached: image.jpg (540x571, 42K)

Attached: michelle.png (186x249, 66K)

I want to pat her head and take her to McDonald's

>those hips
>that midriff
>no panties

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Are furries allowed? Because for me its Mrs Brisby.

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Why are more western animators furries than Japanese ones? Tezuka was a furry, but he didn't seem to pass it on.

>brown haired redhead
U wot m8?

more like childhood crush's thread.

Not joking it she spat in my mouth it'd give me the motivation and strenght to pick up a car

Attached: 1552790794343.jpg (480x456, 27K)

Holy shit, a western loli thread stayed up for over 12 hours? This is rare.

april causes autism

that voice acting though

We each have our more dominant vices
Western is Furry
Eastern is Loli

Nu Gwen best Gwen

Attached: gwen-tennyson-ben-10-2016-70.1.jpg (210x240, 9K)

Dude on the bottom right looks straight out of Tom Goes to the Mayor

Attached: 341.gif (500x360, 992K)

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Why even bother comparing cartoon girls to anime girls when anime inherently looks superior to western style? There's a reason why more cartoons are embracing animesque.

Good thread

Nah. But she was good too.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-12-04h19m20s291.png (512x384, 190K)

Attached: I love you Nixon(1).webm (854x480, 1.46M)

Sorry about that, I just can't stand people talking about off topic thigs in Yea Forums. I'll keep posting wholesome fanart.

Attached: IMG_3929.jpg (700x956, 396K)

What's the best thing about lolis?

Attached: 706a2429d4895e67640e2b67877b04b8.jpg (1678x1182, 770K)

gosh i wish i was nixon

I can't lewd cartoon little girls, I've tried, but I can't, I'm not a pedophille but the thing I like from these kind of characters is the inocence and spontaneiry of childhood.

Attached: IMG_3928.jpg (700x956, 253K)

Cho Cho likes him too.

Attached: cho cho.png (512x384, 214K)

What about Little Audrey?

Attached: Little Audrey.jpg (721x1063, 634K)

Looks like she has down syndrome.

You're thinking too much.

What do you mean?

Why isn't there people bitching about the HSK reboot?

Attached: fang 1543461146042.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

What is HSK?

Harvey Street Kids

I've just realized she's called fang, like "fauces" in spanish, I've always thought her name was a straight "fan" with no meaning.

The intro made it clear it was fang and not fan.

Attached: 1539737346400.jpg (680x510, 48K)

This was actually charming.

Gihiru's Power Pack girls were totally adorable.

Attached: PPmysuit.jpg (762x224, 38K)

I'm a spanish speaker, there are barely any word that ends with a consonant that isn't s or n so as a kid I couldn't notice the "g" sound at the end of the word.

I miss Gihiru Power Pack. It was their best iteration.

*whistling in the background for no reason*

Attached: 1507770187097.png (203x172, 16K)

Fang isnt "fauces" it's "colmillo"

Are you a woman?

>Vaginigger share her opinion on what's cute
fuck off

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Attached: 1553080645285.jpg (424x480, 55K)

Notice how every cute girl was designed by men? Women intentionally make the girls ugly so they feel better about themselves.

You know what I'm buying.

Attached: 1535072700933.jpg (640x480, 109K)

This is only true for american cartoons infested by feminist of the worst kind

Attached: Lewd 1493811627001.jpg (764x1045, 194K)

Erma! Yeah, that's cute! I like the Japan arc, but I think they should do at least some successfully creepypasta while they're there.

Go check it out if you don't believe it.

Attached: 1537282958375.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

That's a new one.

>tfw can't unhear Lisa's voice

What are the best lolis? JS or JC?


Okay, checkmate, made me chuckle.

There are loli versions of JavaScript and Jesus Christ?

For me it's JS

Japanese abbreviation of Elementary school/Middle school. Penny Gadget, Katie Power, or Hilda here would be an example of a JS toon. JC would be the Marras, or Luan Loud, or some versions of Gwen Tennyson perhaps. Even further up on the scale would be JK, which would describe Raven or Daphne or Leni or Judy Jetson and various other girls nu/co/'s pack of normies would prefer we like.

Attached: Hilda.jpg (1174x641, 76K)


Attached: total_dramarama___courtney_and_gwen_by_angelaaaa777_dckninf-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 88K)

They can't resist the Dick. Even China couldn't.

Look at this madman

Attached: Johnny_Bravo_Season_4_Little_Suzy.png (158x213, 60K)

They had only 10 months or what?

The only one who could unironically called himself Deepthroat

Is this that infamous scene from Evil Dead?

Why do older toons look like they have so much depth but new ones look flat?

Changing art styles and production methods I'd wager. Move to flash animation maybe?

Attached: 819670-1395638867-wide.jpg (599x300, 21K)

Fifa code for Nigeria is NGA
Niger is NIG.
But their team is too weak football wise. The joke is still possible, but for that Germany needs to travel to Niger and play a friendly and I don't know why they should do this. Or why Niger should do this, since they could play in Europe, where the stadiums are better and where most of the football players live and earn money anyways.

The problem with token girl characters is that there is max only one girl in a group and she is always a love interest.
Add more fucking girls damnit!

Is that the lowest denomination?

JY - Joshi Yochien - Kindergarten Girl (age 3-6)

JS - Joshi Shogakusei - Elementary School Girl (age 6-12)

JC - Joshi Chugakusei - Junior-high School Girl (age 12-15)

JK - Joshi Koukousei - High School Girl (age 15-18)

JD - Joshi Daigakusei - College Girl (age 18+)

Attached: 1439134549268.gif (437x320, 14K)

Attached: 1318801020001.jpg (137x234, 11K)


Then I also choose JY.

I wouldn't normally bother, but there are exceptions. Angelica's aged-up JC(?) equivalent is just inferior to this design in terms of cuteness, for example. Lola Loud would be another. But something like Lilo's design isn't my preference.

Attached: 0524936d31f98ca1de0ed84bdc311bc2.jpg (679x960, 68K)

Attached: kisspng-lincoln-loud-lori-loud-lola-loud-luna-loud-luan-lo-the-loud-house-5b28bbf8e834a9.98751764152 (629x804, 107K)

Underrated cute girl

Attached: 421D589B-FCC7-4758-88B8-7EE451CE16C7.jpg (992x750, 438K)

Among other things, I think the fuzzy videotape grain adds a bit of depth. It's like it's some sort of unintentional shading. The footage I've seen in remaster threads sometimes looked "too clear" to me. Like, you see the crisp flat colors and it looks kinda more two-dimensional in some shots.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-03-22h01m36s570.png (1440x1090, 935K)

Here's where forgiveness stops.

Attached: Sleepover-what-about-mimi-33077641-775-573.png (775x573, 556K)

Isn't this bellow JY?

In that case you're still more forgiving than many. More JY examples.

Attached: song-of-the-sea-2014-saoirse-selkie-shell-halloween-costumes-review-600x300.jpg (600x300, 46K)

Nope. Below JY would be Lil or Lily or Pebbles Flintstone.

Attached: Profile_-_Lilo.png (689x713, 278K)

Oh, so she goes to kindergarden?

Would 17 be JY or JS?

Attached: katie 17.jpg (393x393, 31K)

It's called Kindergarten but it encompasses an age range below it thar includes Daycare and Preschool, from what I can tell. Below JY would be two year olds and below, ie barely able to walk, still in diapers. My interpretation.

Attached: Robyn_Starling_(Tom_and_Jerry).jpg (286x240, 43K)

Post more JY examples

Attached: 2NMX.gif (500x382, 1.85M)

I think she's JS, but with the mentality and lack of education of someone much younger. Malachi was surprised she couldn't read, suggesting she's physically old enough that she definitely ought to be able to easily, so at least second or third grade.

If I can think of more I'll post them.

Attached: BigEyedGirls.jpg (820x534, 75K)

Original Audrey might count. Not sure.

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Sounds about right.

Are the Powerpuff Girls homunculi?

Attached: Superior German Engineering.jpg (450x334, 85K)

Would she be borderline?

Attached: Never trust a fairy.gif (500x267, 778K)

She looks 5 to me, but maybe.

This breaks the chart.

80s animation made the cutest little girls.

Body type clause: That's JS territory.
What I wouldn't give for a Power Pack cartoon in that style.

Attached: 4aba48e329c95823bdf68fd69b8f752b._SX1280_QL80_TTD_.jpg (1057x1057, 339K)

that's becuase they usually looked and acted like little girls.


Can't really argue that. So I'll post Anne Marie.

Attached: all_dogs_003.jpg (1024x800, 508K)

Attached: anne and cahrlie love.jpg (717x613, 112K)

Attached: lf.jpg (728x543, 95K)

God, Ruber posting was the best.

Attached: Ruber screencap.png (1666x3444, 1.71M)

Good old Bluth

Attached: MV5BMzMxMjczYzctNTk4NC00ZDc4LWEzNzYtNzZlZTA1MmNhYzAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1MjI5Mjg@._V1_.jpg (1280x694, 137K)

Attached: Ruber screencap 2.png (1792x1144, 244K)

Attached: Ruber screencap 3.png (1298x1145, 644K)


Can I use these to search in sad panda, for instance?

Not really. The abbreviations are too short, and none of those would count as tags as far as I know.

Attached: groove.webm (692x478, 130K)

Attached: snake 2.webm (700x478, 725K)

Attached: ImportantPortlyInexpectatumpleco-small.gif (500x600, 732K)



Attached: seventeen.jpg (304x386, 36K)

We're all young at heart.

Attached: D1LKbbIU4AIG7I-.jpg (914x1200, 84K)

So they dont have any practical use then

Outside of using them as shorthand on Yea Forums not particularly, at least not for me. Maybe if you're really into the Japanese idol girls scene, or some such.

Attached: cookieknight.gif (350x438, 1.94M)

Attached: ad_34493276_53d6dea327035e84_tn.jpg (384x348, 45K)

Attached: ad_34493270_6cb3bfef9cd35293_tn.jpg (558x321, 64K)

That was confirmed a girl, right?

Yes sir.

Attached: 1511841769175.png (703x1797, 1.71M)

Tomboys are magical.

Attached: yes please.png (512x384, 208K)

I like this


Attached: lucy-little.jpg (210x240, 18K)

I thought that her name was "Meg" until a character actually spoke it in-episode. Before then, the opening's pronunciation of her name sounded like "Meg" to me.

Can't have a thread like this without Jenny

Attached: 1549396673207.png (179x275, 105K)

Where she from?

oliver and company

True that

Attached: 1505543423081.gif (500x300, 505K)

Attached: 1553925499979.jpg (338x338, 38K)

I agree with the Monopoly box.

Attached: 71nNy0xjHjL._SL1000_.jpg (1000x1000, 142K)

I didn't even like loli until she came around.

Attached: Skull.png (880x1021, 169K)

Attached: 1547880350731.jpg (632x472, 154K)

Attached: 1548791485016.png (639x623, 228K)

Hilda is top cute

Attached: 2cb54a289bcd838a.png (1414x1158, 903K)

Attached: 1532485162492.png (1746x1079, 1.27M)

A posessed doll, a banshee and a pig disgusting ciclops.
No cute girls in the pic.

They're cute on the inside

Attached: 1522339415578.jpg (768x576, 52K)

I wasn't judging it harshly, chief. As they say here, they clearly thought there was a dichotomy between "toon" and "Disney crap."

Attached: keepitcartoon.jpg (2048x1720, 557K)

Creepy cute is best cute! Also the official theme song of this thread:

Attached: 1531936125263.jpg (300x222, 9K)

This guy gets it

Attached: 1522291375523.gif (640x480, 1.42M)

I like watching it like this though

Attached: chiyo-mihama-341.jpg (185x257, 15K)

I also have qt younger cousins IRL. I don't see them often but they are a lot of fun to chill with.

This is.. familiar.

>We're black
>a dinosaur story

checks out

Attached: 1530817351014.png (474x681, 552K)

Rare cute.

Attached: gretchen-the-scarecrow-45.8.jpg (210x240, 17K)

This threads needs more Charlene.

Attached: 155373938474.png (720x720, 201K)

Guh, muh dick

Sort of. Romans had 12 months but there were two months of "winter". Later on January and February were added to the calendar. There's a lot of fuckery with the Roman calender including a time when years had alternatively 350 and 377 days with an intercalis month to get the seasons back on schedule, or the one time senators were bribed so much to change the calender that Caesar had to add two months to the year, in addition to Intercalis to get the year back on track. (see Undecember and Duodecember)

Attached: doug cuck.gif (400x300, 1.5M)

Now that's an old flavor of the month girl.

I always got mad at this as a kid because I wanted Charlie to be her new dad.

Later seasons of Gadget were just fucking silly.

TMS animation
literally anime

The secret to making cute girls = big black irises with white highlight + eyelashes

Attached: IMG_1016.png (331x328, 156K)

Attached: IMG_1078.jpg (500x375, 36K)

Ah, I see you are a man of culture like myself.

Attached: Profile_sally[1].png (659x466, 151K)

Literally don't care about the OP, just posting cute girls in a cute girl thread.

Attached: AtomicBetty1.jpg (408x440, 25K)

That particular sketch is about Numa Pompilius introducing January and February, so yes.
This user gave a better explanation though:

Cute nutcase.

Attached: Lizzy.png (512x384, 183K)


Amen brother

Attached: IMG_1015.png (571x428, 263K)

Attached: p_and_f___at_the_fireside_by_xaykocys_d2239sc.jpg (2120x1058, 1000K)

Did Mr Enter improve his art ?

At first glance it looks like the raygun kid is holding a powerdrill up to the other boy's neck.

Attached: pidrill.png (536x451, 260K)

I miss the time when there were a lot of cute characters in cartoons. I'd kill the piece of shit who popularized this ugly stylized garbage that's all over the place nowadays.

Why does the nerdy one give me such a bono


We can't post most of it without getting banned, lol.

Attached: besame.png (683x585, 88K)

Attached: shannon.lucky.png (410x675, 229K)

You mean CALARTS ?

Attached: Samurai Jack - S02D03 - Part 1.jpg (720x576, 145K)

Looks like Gretchen and Ginger have joined Katie in going without socks.
Looks supercute!


For me is Chloe

Attached: IMG_4100.jpg (752x408, 26K)

No Sari?

Good choice.

Attached: chloeparksleeping.jpg (1022x903, 77K)

Here you go, user.

Attached: cute_casual_sari_sumdac_by_jojorules911.jpg (960x1280, 189K)

Names please

For that we have pages like Pixiv baraag and Rule34

>this entire post
what in the goddamn

Attached: 1322531485272.jpg (600x766, 40K)

Kid me thought he would get turned into a human so he could adopt anne at some point of the movie but it never happened

>draw fan-art of character
>except it looks and acts nothing like the character

Attached: yikes.jpg (310x422, 37K)

Attached: 1544267435848.png (1000x2000, 375K)

Not sure what made you assume I have a "waifu" let alone an underage one. Projection, maybe? lol


I only recognize Bibi Blocksberg and Gruftine.


Attached: 1538544370523.jpg (1024x1984, 1.46M)

>paper pussy

>dat Roger

Didn't notice that the first 3 times I watched it.

this is not going to end well is it ?

Attached: bukkake pen.jpg (720x272, 26K)

Delete this!

I'd let her cross my border

Attached: 1506655353473-1.png (437x407, 9K)

The new addition

Attached: 1546369516733.png (960x900, 254K)

Attached: saki yoshida.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

Attached: 1547920995966.png (972x1743, 514K)

Attached: shgurr.png (3840x2160, 1.03M)

cuties x3

Attached: snapshot00539.png (720x540, 892K)

Loli belly is best belly

Those threads were great.

Sorry to be dumb, but, who is this?

Anna from Care Bears Nutcracker special.

Attached: Gwenbluedress.jpg (1230x636, 167K)


Attached: 273373_2ca5f1a61d7158d68c2fd735d4e6ca8d.jpg (1024x1506, 242K)

I'd still spread that loli sauce

Attached: 1362448644049.jpg (1025x768, 91K)

Attached: Lulu.jpg (668x506, 60K)

Attached: shitty tumblr gif.gif (540x210, 2.79M)


Television needs more cutie patootie leads

Attached: Kitty-angry-Expression-v2.jpg (4770x2820, 2.11M)

Despite the show being targeted for little girls, Sofia the First, sometimes it just screams anime girls, in cute costumes.

Attached: Princess Vivian.jpg (427x724, 87K)

I would do terrible, terrible things.

But Amber seems like the kind of girl who would want to engage in said terrible, terrible things.

Attached: amber2.jpg (744x744, 302K)

Oh I'm sure of that, but I am dearly more certain that princess Hildegard would do far much worse, then Amber could ever do, just watch what she does to Princess Cleo, In "Sidekick Cleo", you will know what I mean.

Attached: Princess IMPLYING Hildaegard.gif (330x396, 1.31M)

What about Western cartoons drawn by the Japanese? Are those anime?

Attached: Diana D&D.png (1025x768, 573K)

Like a fourth of the pics posted here have been those, so yes.

I will admit america can strike gold at times

Attached: https___images.genius.com_86b3f397a28f35b42b0bc08ff2303205.500x375x1.jpg (294x220, 20K)

Well those uniforms do make them look like Zeons.

I regret learning this information, thanks user

Always bet on JS

Attached: 1539799261076.png (503x591, 112K)

What I wouldn't give to be the Sandman.

Dont lewd the demon loli.

Attached: d91827e34721be15a3ac04742f1e12107a8cd2b4.png (1313x967, 1.97M)

You want to put her to sleep?

Based paperfags.

Attached: ae03ec54f45e52374f8cc37419072e4b273dc68a.jpg (2048x2730, 3.29M)

Attached: Sofiatwirl01.png (1279x718, 876K)

Attached: Sofia_Birthday_dress.gif (444x250, 2.06M)

Attached: Sofia.the.First.S01E18.Tea.for.Too.Many.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-BS.mkv_000275858.jpg (1920x1080, 859K)

Attached: pepper_ann_by_nin_droid-d7d9mtr.jpg (600x756, 66K)

Attached: the sacred frame.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

Attached: The_Weekenders_S02E17-DVD--Tinkahz-_m4v_snapshot_05_27_-2013_08_29_21_38_51-.jpg (720x544, 54K)

Attached: Tiffany_Gia.jpg (300x527, 34K)

>not lurking on Yea Forums to increase your loli knowledge

I didnt know Yea Forums powerlevel is low

>not even a single mention of Elena Potato
For shame Yea Forums
She's not even that obscure you fucks

Yea Forums is pretty weak desu.

Attached: rileyrender_by_13alan13-dc9oja6.jpg (2072x2000, 1.44M)

Attached: file.png (750x1634, 441K)

There is nothing more pure then the love between a man and a paper bear loli girl

>shad now draws yaoi shit and occasional shotas

Maybe just a phase. I like traps but shad is drawing his traps with too much masculine for me to like.

Attached: 1554148546533.gif (666x666, 463K)

Attached: Elena_Potato_2.jpg (553x804, 108K)

Attached: Elena_Potato.jpg (573x1323, 117K)

Attached: 1399524956124.jpg (875x1280, 143K)

Attached: monster-allergy-3-episoden-9-bis-12.jpg (600x600, 85K)

Attached: Monster.Allergy.full.1264562.jpg (971x1280, 152K)

Attached: 484820monsterT15_1600x1200.jpg (1600x1200, 507K)

Attached: Monster_Allergyohoh.png (380x400, 206K)

All of Mina is cute, not just her feets.

Attached: 5cdccf5fad31b89bc8142aed5fa1fdcdc2f3f8d4.jpg (601x850, 121K)

The J-abbreviations are used more than you think, usually in sneaky ways.

For Yea Forums crossboarders, Poppi's forms from Xenoblade 2 in Japanese are Poppi JS, JK and JD. And while you can't use the tags on exhentai, a lot of doujins will reference them. For instance the schoolgirl hentai magazine called JuiCy, which was all about the JC age range.

Also to correct the original poster, it's

Joshi Youchien
Joshi Shougakusei
Joshi Chuugakusei

The more you know... the worse you get

>everyone forgot otherpenny

Attached: penny.png (413x456, 386K)

Japanese people use them

Kek, first thing I thought of when i saw this thread.

Attached: erik2.png (612x469, 268K)

>draws two chubby goth /l/'s
>does nothing with them
He lost his touch.

Attached: 2018-10-17-creases.jpg (515x510, 98K)

don't be weird

Attached: 1547267842790.jpg (1600x867, 257K)

it looks like he finally came out of the closet

Attached: shadgay.jpg (640x704, 75K)

Attached: 1545061394981.png (700x511, 274K)

Attached: jenny wakeman.jpg (300x227, 12K)

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____.

Attached: 1446355393434.png (280x246, 102K)

Can't wait for her show.

Attached: 1552923734724.jpg (482x701, 91K)

wasn't it cancelled?

Attached: all_the_nostrilites_by_pedantia-d5hed4b.jpg (900x487, 111K)

Attached: anigif_enhanced-buzz-8313-1424984322-11.gif (500x339, 708K)

Attached: 442719562.png (773x540, 446K)

This is a good thread.

You betcha

Attached: YoramGross_Dot.png (244x464, 124K)

I'm feeling really unconfortable right know.



Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-28-11h35m20s211.png (1280x738, 1.03M)

Would cuddlefuck really really hard with lots of saliva exchange

Oh man I love this movie growing up

Yes, it is.

Attached: 1509175479045.png (720x540, 500K)

Based Choice

Attached: 42519401_341911029710308_3385524867473342464_n.jpg (750x937, 67K)


So how long until you pedos break, and actually blow it? I mean, this is actually unheard of restrain you're pulling here.

Whos that artist?

Attached: 1550023159093.jpg (640x480, 23K)

Attached: DTME_11.png (1079x518, 968K)

I haven't got the foggiest what you're on about, dear user.

Please remember to post full body images so I can safely determine whether I want to draw porn or not. Thank you.

Attached: e0b15a5e.png (525x700, 626K)

Based Choice user

Attached: jb_recon_custer_1_e.jpg (374x561, 61K)

Attached: 1483364680003.jpg (500x610, 38K)

Attached: Monaishardcore.png (720x480, 457K)

Attached: 1392413615563.jpg (768x576, 225K)

Ben Garrison's apprentice

Attached: Sarah3.jpg (2500x2500, 576K)

why is he not wearing just hat, scarf and boots?

You da real MVP

Attached: 1542636758022.jpg (1100x738, 98K)

Attached: 1549178887276.webm (896x504, 2.68M)

AshesG pls

open up for commission and so i can let you take my money

Attached: 1539607731408.jpg (624x347, 127K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-06-00h27m45s743.png (882x540, 430K)

Attached: Amanda3D.png (1305x589, 356K)

¿Acaso onions el único en Yea Forums que le gusta las niñitas para fines no pecaminosos?

I really feel like a nun in a porn convention.

Truly a tragedy

OS Gwen will always be the best Gwen, that little monkey from the reboot is just a cheap copycat.

>not pilot gwen


Attached: protogwen.jpg (485x281, 158K)

cute pussy > shitty mushroom
sexy short hairstyle > generic ponytail
There. Even the pilot Gwen's color palette is awful too, user.

Looks way better with the ponytail.

I don't mind either.

Attached: 51a11cd659d08f27d82a60f1075a588186f538bf.gif (500x600, 70K)

Attached: I dunno.png (512x384, 223K)

Attached: Boomer (Burger King Kids Club).jpg (1241x868, 354K)

Attached: boomer.jpg (550x550, 33K)

>hardly any 34 of her or Snaps
>tfw image limit reached

Make another one


Si eres el unico, cabron.

man of culure

the art style and the color are pretty good. what is this?

we're black a dinosaur story

It survived far longer than usual. How odd.

I like the porn of her. I'm fond of the pic where she squirts like three feet while she's masturbating.

I also met her irl. She signed a book of mine. She's actually pretty nice in person.

After those April Fools threads on Yea Forums nothing surprises me anymore.

Well if you ever go to Japan and have an urge to do you know what, they'll be very useful.

(Picture of rainbow horse bending over)

This is exactly hlw pedls are made user. You obsess over a cartoon as a child, you have a waifu, then yiu grow up but still obsess over the cartoon and the waifu, the next thing you know you're already boning your 5-year old cousin

I expected her to be in a bathing suit in this type of photo.

luz hits all my soft spots.